The Flash Imagines

By xXmissingyouXx

217K 3.7K 593

Requests for imagines are welcome. I do not do dirty imagines. Hope you enjoy. More

Barry x Reader
Cisco x Reader
Barry x Reader
Barry x Reader
Hartley Rathaway x Reader
Barry x Reader
Barry x Reader
Cisco x Reader
Barry x Reader
Barry x Reader
Hartley Rathaway x Reader
Cisco x Reader
Barry x Reader
Barry x Reader
Authers note
Barry x reader part 1
Barry Part 2

Hartley x Reader x Barry

8.3K 107 19
By xXmissingyouXx

Summary: Kinda takes place during 2x17 were Hartley saves the day Has two different endings.

Barry appears on the floor. It truly hadn't been that long at all.

"Dude did you even leave?"asks Cisco.

"The time wraith. Did you figure out how to stop it?" Barry ask still on the floor.

It enters the room. Cisco shoots at it but it doesn't effect the wraith at all. You had worked at star labs and this was the scarest thing you had encountered.

"I thought we did,"says Cisco as it goes directly for Barry. Both you and Caitlem Scream Barry's name as the Rath starts to suck the life out of him and all you could do is watch. There was a green glow and a scream from the Rath and poof it was gone. You turn to see your boyfriend Hartley.

"I suddenly realized low frequency and high intensity." You smile at Hartley. He was absolutely brilliant.

"Right,I know that." You roll your eyes at Cisco.

"Hey Barry,How was your trip?" Hartley asks extending a hand. Barry just fell back.

After Barry changes out of suit. The team change of hangs out for awhile. Barry kept looking at you and smiling that seemed strange to you.

"So,besides the whole wraith thing how was it?" Caitlin asks.

"It was interesting," he said.

"Good or Bad. It could go either way," you say he looks at you again and it makes you a little uneasy. This was very unlike him. You are good friends it never this weird with him.

"So far so good," he said.

"Well if you need me ever again you know how to get a hold of me but it's time Y/N and I get going."

"Where are you going in such a rush?"asks Barry.

"We have a dinner appointments with some people." We start to leave hand in hand.

"Anyone important?" Caitlin asks.

Hartley smiles, "Very, My parents."

As you leave you catch the very disappointed and confused look on Barry's face.

You have a very lovely night with Hartley's Parents. You had been nervous for nothing and it was good for Hartley to reconnect with his family. you get home around 9:30ish to a lot of packed boxes you were slowly preparing to move in with Hartley you just needed to find the right place. If you were honest you felt like things were going quite fast.

The nest morning you woke up to your phone ringing looked at caller ID. It was Barry. You answer.

"Hello?" you ask.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"Yep, but its fine I should probably gotten up sooner."

"Well I wonder if we might want to grab a bite and just hang out."

This was weird I mean he was one of your best friends but you had never done something like this but why not he had been through a lot last night and probably just needed someone to talk too.

"Sure, let me just get ready, Meet you at Jitters in like a half hour?"

"Sounds great," he says.

You hang up and get dressed and put on the basic of make up. When you get to Jitters Barry had already got a table you sat down across from him. Though you didn't stay there long because you got both your orders to go and started walking and ended doing loops around the park enjoying the nice weather. You really just made small talk.

"So," you started, "You had quite the night last night didn't you? Had me a little nervous. I mean your mouth turned grey. You were dying. It was a very close call. I mean we are lucky that Hartley thought of that so last minute. Plus after you just seemed a little off."

"Yeah it was a lot going on, Speaking Hartley did he work on my wraith problem a lot?"

"That's a strange question, we all did even you silly. Why'd you ask?"

"Well the original in my timeline we never worked on the time wraith thing because there wasn't that issue until I traveled back."

"Right, this still gets confusing sometimes."

"So tell me more about Hartley since it seems like I'll be working with him more often?"

"So in your original timeline he never really work with us?"

Barry shock his head. That's weird.  "Seems a lot has changed," he says looking you in the eyes.

"Like what?"

"I don't think I should tell you, You tell me about things going on so I don't seem like a complete idiot when I asked about something."  

"Okay, where to begin, Hartley doesn't really work with us a whole lot but stops by every once in a while. He is now among the good ones and a lot easier to get along with. Anything else seem very different?"

"Not that I know of? We still opened up all the portal to other worlds and are still fighting Zoom that is the same." Barry still seemed off.

"Well then is there anything else you want to talk about? You still seem off?"

Barry look at you and leaned in.

Ending 1

You pull away, "Barry, what was  that?"

"I shouldn't have done that, I'm so sorry?" he goes to walk away. You go after him Barry you deserve some answers.

"Barry that's all you going to say?"

"Leave it lets pretend this never happened?"

"Nope, not till you tell me what is going on?"

"Fine, then we forget this ever happened. Happened before I went back. We had been dating for almost 6 months but then when I come back you are with Hartley. I guess in this reality Hartley and you connected before I made my move. I don't know what I was thinking You really shouldn't know any of this.  I'll just have to get used to the fact that we aren't the ones dating anymore, that we aren't the ones making plans, and moving in with each other. I'm sorry." He couldn't be that sorry because he kissed you again.

"Barry, you have to stop kissing me. You need to forget about our past in your reality because it isn't this one. I love Hartley and I'm moving in with him. I'm sorry Barry. I got to go I'll see you later."

With that you walk away. You start walking when you get a phone call. It was Hartley.

"Hey," you answered.

"Where you at because I just found this great apartment? Want you to come check it out!"

"Sounds Great I'll come meet you text me the address!"

You got the address and luckily is was close. Hartley waits for you outside. "Well what do you think so far he asked as you look up at the beautiful apartment building. 

"Its amazing so far," you say as you kiss him hard on the lips.

"What was that for?" he asks.

"I'm just really excited about all this!" you say. You had a good feeling about this place.

"Well then lets go inside."

You fell in love with this place. "Hartley this amazing, It's close to Jitters and the lab and its beautiful, When can we move in."

"Soon I hope,"

You lean over to kiss him you couldn't wait for your life with Hartley to truly begin.

Ending Two.   

You pull away, "Barry, what was that?"

"I shouldn't have done that, I'm so sorry?" he goes to walk away. You go after him Barry you deserve some answers.

"Barry that's all you going to say?"

"Leave it lets pretend this never happened?"

"Nope, not till you tell me what is going on?"

"Fine, then we forget this ever happened. Happened before I went back. We had been dating for almost 6 months but then when I come back you are with Hartley. I guess in this reality Hartley and you connected before I made my move. I don't know what I was thinking You really shouldn't know any of this. I'll just have to get used to the fact that we aren't the ones dating anymore, that we aren't the ones making plans, and moving in with each other. I'm sorry." He couldn't be that sorry because he kissed you again. But this time you felt yourself kissing back. It was wrong but it didn't feel that way you pull away out of breathe. "I'm sorry, I know that it wasnt right to kiss you again but I just wanted to feel your lips on mine one last time. I'm going to walk away now and try to forget about all of this."

You stood there shocked for a moment. You realized you didn't want to forget the way his lips felt on yours and you didn't want him to leave.

"Barry, stop," he turned, "I don't know about any of this really all I know is I don't want you to walk away and I want to feel your lips on mine and I don't want either one of us to forget."

"But you are with Hartley now," you felt guilty when Barry gave you a reminder of that.

"Yes, I guess I'm going to have to end that, but after today, I realized you are the one I want to be with Barry."

Barry gave you a huge grin.

A/N: something new let me know what you thought or the ending you chose.

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