Eternity (A Ryley Love Story)

By RyleyBridges

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*Cover made by camypoo* Ryder Lynn is dead. He's been dead for over 100 years but still, he is walking around... More

Eternity (A Ryley Love Story)
Everything Has Changed
Come What May
Love Somebody
More Than Words
A Thousand Years
Lay All Your Love On Me
Love Don't Die

No One's Gonna Love You

479 17 5
By RyleyBridges

So it's been a while, hasn't it?

I finally have some ideas for it!



A few weeks passed since Marley's birthday. Graduation was getting closer. It was only a three weeks until the day Marley could be a vampire and live for the rest of her life with Ryder. She could love him for an eternity.

Jake and Ryder had become friends since Jake's transition. Ryder helped Jake with the cravings and how subdue them. Jake had taken a liking some sorts of animal blood and after about a week, his human blood cravings had gone and he was liking the animal blood that the vampires kept in their home.

Marley was now studying for a big History test she had the next day. Her mom was out hanging with some friends for the evening so the young brunette was home alone.

There was a knock at the front door so Marley rushed down the stairs from her room and answered it. On the door step was one of her childhood friends, Sam Evans. His hair was longer but still blonde and he had clearly added some muscle on. It had been years since they had seen each other last.

"Sam!" Marley shouts, wrapping her arms around him.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Marls?" Sam asks.

"Yeah it has," Marley says, "Oh, so much has changed since you were last here."

"There must have," Sam says, "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Marley says.

Sam looks at the door frame then steps in. Marley watches as he does so. Why was reluctant to come in quickly? It just puzzles her.

"So how's your family?" Marley asks as she walks into the living room with Sam following her.

"They're good. I haven't really talked to them for a while though since I did graduate last year." Sam says.

Marley sits down on the couch and Sam sits in the arm chair near her.

"How has a life been without being a high school student?" Marley asks.

"Good. I've been travelling around the country. Met some interesting people along the way," Sam says, "How has boring old Lima?"

"It's not that boring," Marley says, "I have a new boyfriend who I love a lot. His name is Ryder Lynn."

Something about the way Sam's jaw clenches makes Marley feel like there's something going on in that mind of his.

"Are you okay, Sam?" Marley asks.

Sam relaxes quickly, "Yup. I'm fine, why you ask?"

"No reason." Marley says.


After school the next day, Marley went over to Ryder's place.

"Hey." Ryder says as he answers the door for Marley. She gives him a quick kiss then walks past him and inside the house.

"Hey Jake." Marley says as she enters the living room. Jake has been hanging out at Ryder's place for a lot so he can get used to being a vampire with other vampires. Santana, Blaine, Finn and Rachel have been helping out a lot too.

"Why are you in a rush?" Ryder asks, entering the living room after Marley.

"I think my childhood friend is a vampire." Marley says, facing Ryder.

"Who's that?" Jake asks, interested and getting out of his seat.

"Sam Evans. He's back in town and looks the same age as me even though he's a year older." Marley says.

"Well, any other ideas?" Ryder asks, folding his arms.

"How could Sam Evans be a vampire? We played football together all of my Junior year." Jake says.

"He waited to be invited in before he entered my house." Marley says.

Ryder's brow furrows. Maybe there is another vampire in town.

"Looks like we got ourselves another vampire." Jake says.

"What do we do? He's been invited into my house." Marley says.

"We don't know what his true intentions are yet, Marls." Ryder says.

"When I mentioned your name, his jaw clenched. Do you know him?" Marley asks.

"I've never heard of a Sam Evans before. He must be new." Ryder says.

"Maybe he knows Kitty." A voice says, stepping into the room. It's Finn, followed by Rachel.

"Kitty could've changed him." Rachel says.

"Kitty is known to have many male admirers including that Noah guy she's currently got wrapped around her little pinkie." Finn says.

"And Jake." Marley says, causing Jake to frown at her.

"It was a mistake. I get that now." Jake says, doing large gestures with his hands.

"It's okay, Jake." Marley says.

Jake sighs and then goes off to the kitchen to get a drink of whiskey. Vampires drink alcohol to push away their cravings. In a way, it helps but they can still get drunk like humans.

"We need to make sure Sam isn't invited into anyone else's homes." Finn says, folding his arms.

"That means we'll need to talk to Tina, Wade, Brittany and Artie about not to inviting him in." Jake says, returning to the room with his glass of whiskey. He sculls down the drink.

"Then give them vervain so they can't be compelled." Ryder says.

"But that also means we'll have to tell them the truth about who you guys are." Marley says.

"Or we could just ask Sam what he's doing in town without inviting him inside anyone's houses. Well, except for Marley's." Jake says.

"We should keep an eye for Kitty and her pets while we do this though." Finn says.

"Shouldn't we be calling Kitty the pet though? She's basically called a cat." Jake says.

"Stop being so childish, Jake." Marley says.

Jake shrugs it off and the others just begin talking. Santana joins them after a while but Blaine isn't to be found.


Marley leaves Ryder's place when her mom calls her to come home. She arrives home to the smell of food cooking. As she enters the dining room, she can hear chatting from the kitchen. She goes through to the kitchen and sees her mom with Sam.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" Marley asks.

"I'm here for dinner." Sam says.

"Hi honey." Millie Rose says.

"Hi mom." Marley says then exits the kitchen, taking her phone out, texts Ryder about the situation then returns to the kitchen, "Mom, is it okay if I ask Ryder to join us?"

"Sure. It'll be nice to meet up with Ryder who I have only met a few times." Millie says.

Marley smiles then exits the kitchen. Her phone buzzes and she takes it out to see a message from Ryder saying On my way, babe xxx.

"So your boyfriend is joining us?" Sam asks, making Marley jump. He's behind her so she turns around.

"Yeah. Do you have a problem with that?" Marley asks.

"A bit. Maybe because your the reason I came back to Lima." Sam says.

Marley feels her breath hitch in the back of her throat, "I love Ryder though."

"But I've loved you for ages." Sam says, walking closer to her.

Marley doesn't know what to say.

"I've wanted to be with you for years but you ended up dating Jake for a bit then I left after my graduation and now you're with this Ryder dude." Sam says.

Marley gulps, "Sorry but I've never been interested." Honestly, if she told him this last year, she would've dumped Jake immediately and got together with him but Ryder's arrived since then.

There's a knock on the door so Marley rushes to answer it, wanting to leave the weirdness that's going on between her and Sam. Ryder's standing on the door step.

"Hey." Marley says and kisses him.

"Hey." Ryder says after they kiss. He then enters and sees Sam waiting at the entrance to the dining room.

"Hi, I'm Sam Evans, Marley's childhood friend." Sam says with a small wave.

"And I'm Ryder Lynn, her boyfriend." Ryder says.

Sam sighs then returns to inside the dining room.

"Does he seem like a vampire to you?" Marley whispers to Ryder.

"Not really. Not yet at least." Ryder whispers. He then grabs Marley's hand and the two walk into the dining room.


After a sort of awkward dinner, Ryder has to leave due to commitments he's made with his family. He leaves quickly after giving Marley a good night kiss, a small vial of vervain for her to drink in case Sam has anything funny to do with his supposed vampire-ness and then he leaves.

Marley sits on the front porch afterwards, listening to the soft hum of her iPod's speaker next to her on the small table. She sits on the swings porch, reading The Help (A/N: I have not read this book but I have recently reserved it at the local library so I want to read it).

Her speaker was playing No One's Gonna Love You by Band of Horses softly and it just made her feel relaxed.

Sam was still at her house but he was talking with her mom. She didn't want to believe he could be doing anything like compelling her to do anything at his command or sucking her dry for blood.

The front door to her house opens and closes slowly. She looks up from her book to see Sam, closing the door behind him.

"Are you leaving?" Marley asks.

"Yes but I have to talk to you about something." Sam says. He sits down on the swing chair.

"What's up?" Marley asks, closing her book. Her speaker changes to Skinny Love by Bon Iver.

"I heard you and Ryder talking as he arrived." Sam says.

Marley's eyes widen, "You could hear us?"

"Yes. That's because I am a vampire and I have been for the last six months. Kitty Wilde was the one who changed me much to my dismay. She left as soon as she arrived which was quickly. I thought I was in love with her but I wasn't. I've been trying to find her to get my revenge." Sam explains.

"You don't like Kitty too?" Marley asks.

"Yeah." Sam says.

"Did she mention Ryder before or something because the other day when I mentioned him, your jaw clenched?"

"No. It clenched because of my feelings for you. Ryder was never mentioned when I was with her."

"You have to know, Sam that you're just my friend. Ryder's my boyfriend and he promised to change me after graduation so me and him can be together forever."

Sam's face turns from seriousness to sadness in the blink of an eye. He seems disappointed by her announcement. He stands up then looks at her, his eyes on the brink of tears, "I hope you two are happy for an eternity." He then disappears at vampire speed.

Marley watches the blur of him disappear down the street and then sighs. She picks up her book and reads it as Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis plays.


The next day, Ryder decides to go for a hunt. He rushes outside in the early morning light then into the forest. He finds a few little creatures to drink from but it's not enough. He then finds a deer, drinks from it and feels his thirst disappear.

He decides to walk back to his house but it takes a while since he is in the middle of the forest. He hears rustling around him. It's fast rustling. He stops in his tracks, feeling himself go into defence mode quickly. He feels an impact of something in his chest and it's close to his heart. He grunts at the impact then falls to his knees.

He sees his attacker; the blonde bitch herself, Kitty Wilde. She rests the now bloody stake on her shoulder and her pet, Noah stands beside her with an evil grin and his arms folded.

"Tut, tut, tut...Mr Lynn, you should actually protect yourself next time." Kitty says, cocking her head on a slight angle. She smirks at him then nods at Noah to get Ryder but before the pet does, he stabs the dirty haired blonde boy with a shot of vervain, weaken the boy.

"Sorry baby but I told you I'd get my revenge for my brother at some stage." Kitty says, tugging on Ryder's hair so she can say it to his face. She releases it, Ryder's head flopping down. He grunts in pain as Noah puts him over his shoulder then the three leave the forest.


Marley's doing the same thing she did last night; reading The Help while listening to her iPod in the speaker. It's playing No One's Gonna Love You by Band of Horses like it did last night.

As she gets really into her book, she sees a car pull up in front of her house. Jake rushes out of the car and up the front porch steps. He looks panicked.

"Jake, what's wrong?" Marley asks, putting down her book.

"Kitty has Ryder." Jake says.

Marley's eyes widen. She picks up her book and speaker to put away.

"What are you doing?" Jake asks.

"I'm coming with you." Marley says.

"No you're not. I'm not going; I'm staying here to protect you." Jake says.

"From what? Our enemy has my boyfriend!" Marley shouts, panicked.

"Kitty has minions, you should know that already." Jake says.

"I have to help you get my boyfriend back!" Marley shouts.

"We'll go the house and that's it." Jake says, giving in.

Marley nods. The two go to Jake's car and leave the Rose house. Little did Jake know, Marley was able to get them to where Blaine, Finn, Santana and Rachel had gone to save Ryder.

Marley had to save the vampire she loved.


Ryder's vision is blurry as he adjusts to the room around him. He blinks quickly to help but it doesn't. He sees Noah and Kitty smirking evilly at him, both holding sticks that have ends drenched in vervain. They're also wearing gloves to protect themselves from the vervain.

Noah wipes one along Ryder's bare chest and the dirty blonde haired boy screams in pain. He tries to fight the pain but he can't.

"I'm deeply sorry, Ryder honey but I have to get revenge for you killing my brother." Kitty says.

"" Ryder says, in between grunts of pain.

"Still didn't give you a right to kill him!" Kitty shouts. She stabs Ryder in the lower abdomen with a vervain soaked stake. Ryder screams in pain. She leaves it there for a while to pulls it out quickly, receiving another scream from Ryder.

Then everything just goes so quickly in front of Ryder's blurry vision...five quick bodies enter the room, a slow human paced one behind them. The human paced one is a girl and she screams at the sight of Ryder. The five quick ones fight off Kitty and Noah slowly but that might just be Ryder's mind.

Kitty is too quick for them but she's still in the room. Then Ryder hears a neck being snapped and a stake being plunged into the heart of Noah.

Ryder hears a scream and his vision adjusts when he sees Kitty holding onto Marley. The blonde bitch has her fangs ready and is ready to kill...


Oooo, cliffhanger

What's going to happen?

Find out soon!



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