I Love You, But I Lied - Mark...

By Marktinz

248K 7K 2.2K

Think of me as a lover and I'll pretend that you're one, too. I love you.....but then again....I'm a liar... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54 - End!!!!!!

Part 32

3K 100 4
By Marktinz

Just want to celebrate their very first win in MCD. Precious moments.....



I read her text message over and over again. It's the first time I check the messages from her. I also listen to her voicemail, the one she sent during that day. She says she loves me. Is she kidding me? I've been wanting to hear that from her for a long time....and she just say it now? 

But I do miss her. When I saw her earlier tonight...when she greeted me...when she kissed me....I almost ran after her. I just had to stop myself. I was hurt too much...I still am hurting. 

I notice the gifts Jackson gave me earlier. I reached for them from the floor beside my bed. The one in the bag, I opened first. It's a shirt with a puppy holding a sign that says 'I'm your best friend'. I chuckle deep inside. Even if he thinks I'm angry at him he still makes me smile. I put the shirt beside me and open the box. 

It's a locket, inside it is a picture of Jess and me. A letter is under it. 

'I love you.

I know I haven't said these words to you. That's because it was too late when I realized I do. 

I like you.

You heard me say these many times. I mean them when I said it. Though you might not believe me now, I honestly do. 

I lied. 

I did. But those lies only lasted for a short time. The words that came out of my mouth when I met your parents...those were all true. Not a single lie after that. 

I'm sorry.

These words might not mean anything to you now. But, I really am. I don't know how or when or what I should do to make you believe. 

I miss you.

I'm going crazy without you. 

 I'll wait, I'll wait
I love you like you've never felt the pain,
I'll wait
I promise you don't have to be afraid,
I'll wait
The love is here and here to stay
So lay your head on me

Little do you know
I know you're hurting while I'm sound asleep
Little do you know

All my mistakes are slowly drowning me
Little do you know
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece

Little do you know
I, I love you 'til the sun dies

Mark, I'll wait until you love me again. 


Please, Jess. It's already hard for me as it is. Just leave me alone. 

My tears run down in rivers. I crumple the paper and fling it at the foot of the bed, pull the covers over my head and squeeze my eyes shut. 



It's been two weeks since I last saw him. I still didn't get any reply or call from him. I guess he really doesn't want to be with me anymore. I shouldn't be expecting anything else from him but hatred. I have to be moving on by now...but I just can't. 

Jackson called this morning and said he'd be coming tonight. I cook something up for him and Jin-Ah since he said he's coming, too. 

Jackson arrives first, haggard from his group's tour. They've been very busy with their new album. I immediately jump to his arms. I haven't seen him for the longest time. "I miss you, cuz." It takes us ten minutes before we let go of each other. We head to the kitchen where I serve him something to drink while waiting for the food to be cooked and for Jin-Ah to arrive. 

Not long after, GD comes. 

"Hey...I thought you won't be coming this weekend?" I ask him, as he splays his body on the sofa. 

"Changed my mind," he answers. 

"Sunbae," Jackson bows politely and smiles. GD just waves. "You live with him?" Jackson whispers so GD won't hear. 

"No," I giggle. "They just come almost every weekend." I explain.


"Jin-A...Jin," I almost said Jin-Ah, "and Kwon." 

He pulls me back in the kitchen. "You stay here with guys?"

"Nothing wrong with it Jackson. They're not so bad." I shrug. I know what he's worried about. 


"Jackson," I glare back at him.

"What are you two whispering about?" GD enters the kitchen and sits on the stool at the island counter. "What time's Jin coming anyway? I'm hungry," he complains. 

"Let me call him," I take out my phone and dial Jin-Ah's number. "He's not answering," I tell them after several tries. 

"Let's just eat," GD says, setting the table. 

Jackson watches us from across the table as GD puts food on my plate. I see how he furrows his brows and side glances GD. 

I already anticipated a small talk after dinner. Jackson takes me to the beach for a stroll along the shore after eating. 

"What was that?" He asks. 

"What? Kwon?" I knew it. "It's nothing Jackson. He's just sorry for what he did. Is all."

"What do you mean? What did he do?"

Shoot! He doesn't know, does he? If I tell him now, only God knows what he'd do to him. 

"Jess!" He stops and tugs on my arm to let me face him. "You're hiding something." 

"It's nothing serious, cuz."

"Jessica Zhao," his voice gets louder. "I know when you're lying, you know that."

Ugh. "Cuz!" I get down on the sand and he sits beside me. "Promise me one thing."


"You won't react so badly. Just...listen to what I have to say first. OK?"


"Promise me."

"Ok." He sighs. "I promise. Now tell me."

I take a deep breath. "Lei ..."

"What's Lei have to do with him?"

I glare at him and he zips his mouth. 

"So...." I continue, "Lei contacted him. He made an offer he couldn't resist. Kwon and Lisa are supposed to keep Mark and I apart." I see Jackson's eyes get bigger but he keeps his mouth shut. "While Lei, ruined my business. Kwon was blinded by the money and at first, he did his best to keep me busy so I won't get to see Mark that often. Lisa, on the other hand, flirted with Mark." 

Jackson's brows are already knitted and his knuckles are white.

I still go on. "Lei....he....the fire..." that did it. 

"WHAT????" He shouts. "You mean Lei is behind the fire in the restaurant?" He shakes my shoulders. 


"No....we have to report this to the police. Was that why he went to your place that time?"

"Please, cuz. Let's not make this more complicated as it already is." I close my eyes and lay on the sand. "Yes. That's why he went to my place to say sorry. Maybe he flipped when he saw Mark there."

"Fuck! So, why are you still with GD?"

"I need him."

"What do you mean? Like how you needed Mark before? Haven't you learned your lesson?" 

"Jackson, it's nothing like that. I need his money for the business. I can't go back to China without making sure I could get the company back for my dad." I face him, "You know what I mean right? Besides, he knows I only stayed here because of the resort."

He takes a deep breath, too. "And Jin?"

"Jin....the three of us...just....have the same goal...."

"I hope you know what you're doing."

We stay silent for a while, peacefully looking at the star-studded sky. 

Our silence is broken when my phone rings, just when Jackson says, "Mark and the boys are c..."

I hold up my hand to him. "Hello?" I say over the phone. 

"Ah-Cy," it's Jin-Ah. 

"Hey, where are you? I thought you were coming tonight?" 

"I've been found out."

"What? What do you mean?" 

"Lei's here. He found out about me."

FUCK!!! "Where are you?" 

"Royal Plaza in Hong Kong."

"Shit! What the heck." Just then I hear some banging and shouting in the background. "Jin-Ah..." I yell, but he doesn't answer. 

I quickly get up from the sand and run towards the house. 

"Kwon," I go to his room and wake him up.


"I need your jet...right now."

"Why? What's happening?" He sits up on the bed. 


"Tell me what's going on."

"I don't have time for that. I'll explain it when I get back." 

"I'll call the pilot....but..."

Before he can continue, I run to my room, grab some necessities and head out. 

"What's happening?" Jackson meets me a the door. 

"I'm sorry, cuz. I need to go." I run past him and get in GD's car parked on the driveway. 

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