Bite Me

By MADcreations

7.4M 170K 27.3K

Living with a hot boy is fine. Living with five hot boys is hard. Living with five hot brothers is tough. Bei... More

Never Go To A Club With Your Twin Sister At 1:30 AM
The Vampire Brothers Who Kidnap Me
Bart Is Probably The Nicest Vampire I Have Ever Met
Charles Is Either PMSing, Or He's Got A Rock In His Shoe
Burgularizing Your Own House? Now, That Just Doesn't Make Sense
I'm Guessing High Heels Aren't A Very Good Weapon...
These Manly Vampires Can't Handle The Word 'Bra'
Someone's Got A Crush On Nell!
The Man At The Cafe Isn't Who He Appears To Be
Cheering Up Charlie Involves Singing
Stalkers Are Needed To Protect Me-Day And Night
Bones Just Doesn't Give Up
A Shock That Sends Shocks Throughout Me
The Good News Turned Out To Be Bad News
Nell Missed Me Like A Pig Missed Mud
Nora Isn't The Only One With Romance Problems
A Threatening Threat That Threatens Me
Miss Independent Might Have Fallen In Love
Meet The Vampire Parents
They Can Be Real Jokesters
Looks Like I Have A Third Stalker
The Brothers Like To Show Off Their Powers
The Answers I've Been Looking For
Still One More Secret
They Don't Ever Listen, Do They?
Badness Is A' Brewing
Don't Worry, Be Happy
One Problem Down-Another One To Go
The Big Bang Theory
Saved By The Nell
Even Blowing Teddy Bears Up Get Charles Jealous
It Just Goes To Show You, Vampires Work Fast
The Master Plan
Edward Wants To Look Good For Bella
Vampire Turning
More Stronger Than We All Thought
Cotton Eye Joe Comes In Handy When Fighting Vampires
Getting Shot Was On My Bucket List
Just A Regular Hospital Day With Bart
The Parents Pick
This Single Lady Left The Building

And The Two Reunite

150K 3.3K 394
By MADcreations


Twenty Nine-And The Two Reunite

The feeling of two strong arms wrapped around me woke me up. I sigh, taking in his smell of mint. I could get use to this.

“Are you up?” Charles husky voice asks and to my surprise, when I open my eyes and look up, he’s staring intently at me. I didn’t even notice that.

I nod sleepily and yawn. “Yeah. I don’t want to get up.” I bury my face into his chest and sigh. Nell is now my top problem and it’s stressing me out way too much.

He chuckles. “This is the first time you haven’t called me a radio.”

I smile into his chest. “That’s true.”

“I love you Nora.”

“Love you too Charlie.” I groan after we lapse into silence. “We have to get up now.”

“No we don’t.”

I take my face out of his head to see him smirking. “Well, you can stay here, but I have to get up.”

He frowns. “But I-”

“CHARLES THE STALKER, YOUR SHIFT IS OVER. I REPEAT, YOUR SHIFT IS OVER.” Bart bounces in, holding his hand to his mouth as if he were talking into a walkie-talkie.

He scowls at his younger brother. “I was talk-”

“YOUR SHIFT IS OVER. GO GET DOUNUTS.” Bart interrupts him again, amusement in his eyes.

Charles gets even angrier. “Can you stop-”

“GO GET THE DAMN DOUNUTS.” Bart grins into his fake walkie-talkie.

Charles mumbles something to himself and fumbles with the sheets and storms out, but not before he hits his brother on the head. I giggle at their argument. It’s a very amusing sight to watch.

“Come on pretty lady, I get to stalk you today.”

I roll my eyes. “You stalk me everyday.” I point out and then go to the bathroom to change. I throw on some jeans and a camo tank top and style my hair so it’s straight. After, Bart skips me through to the kitchen.

“OH YOUR SUCH A TURD, OH YEAH A GIANT TURD.” He sings and I bust out laughing.

“Isn’t that from Big Time Rush? The TV show on Nickelodeon?” I laugh when he hums the tune.

He nods. “Of course. I watch that channel all the time.” He says it so seriously it makes me laugh. “AND YOU LOOK LIKE A TURD AND YOU SMELL LIKE A TURD!”

I laugh again then join in. “OH YOUR SUCH A TURD, OH YEAH A GIANT TURD!” We enter the kitchen, and Bart slides down onto to his knees for the big finale. “AND YOU LOOK LIKE A TURD AND YOU SMEL-EL-EEEELLL LIKE A TU-UR-RD!”

I bust out laughing again while Henry chuckles, but Charles scowls. “Bart, stop that.”

He sighs and gets of his knees. “Why do you have to ruin my fun? Just why?”

“Because that’s how I get my fun.” He snorts.

I roll my eyes. “So, did you get the donuts stalker Charles?”

Bart grins. “Yeah. Did you?” He prods.

Charles rolls his eyes and throws a box of Dunkin Donuts at us. My eyes widen. “I wasn’t serious! How the hell did you get there and come back so fast?”

Charles smirks. “Vampire here, Nora. You have a terrible memory.” I frown. Oh yeah, they can run fast. I do have a terrible memory.

I sigh and eat my donut. Then something pops into my head and I grin at my smartness. I scan the room to see if Edwards here, but luckily, he isn’t. Great, my plan will work perfectly. “Charles, can you go up to my room for a minute? I need to talk to you. Alone.”

He swallows his donut nervously. “Why?”

I put on a fake reassuring smile. “It’s nothing bad, I promise.” He nods then disappears from view. I start laughing evilly like a maniac causing Henry and Bart to look at me like I have mental problems. “You two, I need your vampire strength. Now, follow me.” They open their mouths to protest but I beat them to it. “No saying anything. Just listen to me. I promise it’s nothing bad.”

“You just said that to Charles but I think otherwise.” Henry mutters but follows me anyways. We go to the living room where Edward is watching TV.

“Edward? Are you talking to Charles? You know, about the ‘situation‘?” I ask suddenly, and empathize ‘situation’.

He sighs. “No. He wouldn’t let me say anything to him before.” Good, he doesn’t know that I cleared things up with him. So that means my plan is still going perfectly…”Edward, follow me please.” I twist on my heels so he doesn’t have time to ask questions. The three vampire brothers appear next to me, confusion written on their faces. We stop in front of my room.

“Edward, you go in first.” I motion for him to open the door. He frowns but does anyway, and walks inside. I quickly snap the door shut and turn to the other two brothers. “Hold this door so they can’t get out.”

The two quickly do as I say, and then I swear, I could see the gears turning in Bart’s head. “Did you just lock them in here to get them to talk to each other?” I nod proudly. “Very smart, Nora.” Then he frowns. “Why did you need me and Henry?”

I roll my eyes. “Those are two vampires were talking about here. They could easily open the door if I held it shut.”

Henry chuckles. “Your evilly smart Nora.”

I hear Edward banging on my door. “Hey, why did you do that? Let me out!”

“Edward, who else is in the room with you?” I ask purposely.

There’s a long pause before he dumbly replies, “Oh.”

I smash my head against the wall. “Why are boys so stupid?”

Bart grins. “Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider!” He chants and I laugh a little. We hear talking from the other side of the wall, but it’s muffled so we cant hear very well.

Scratch that, I cant hear very well.

I frown when I see the two boys listening to the conversation because of their vampire abilities. “I want super hearing.”

Henry chuckles. “Trust me, you don’t. Sometimes it’s fun, but when there’s a dog down the street barking every minute of the day while your trying to watch a football game, it’s horrible.” Bart and I laugh at his tone.

Bart shrugs. “My super hearing abilities came last year. Hasn’t really bothered me.”

My eyebrows furrow. “What do you mean?”

“Oh! Usually when a vampire turns 13, their powers start coming in. They’re not just born with it.”

Henry smirks. “Yeah, you know. How girls grow boobs.”

I gasp and cross my arms. “Pervert!” I accuse.

“Who’s a pervert?” I hear Charles’s voice behind the door.

“Your brother.” I roll my eyes.

“Bart, what did you do?” Edward and Charles ask simultaneously.

He throws his hands up in the air. “Why do you all suspect I did something?” He puts a hand on his heart. “It hurts. It hurts right here.”

I roll my eyes again with a smile. “It was Henry this time. Let them out.” They take their hands off the door and the two other brothers flee.

Charles wraps me in his arms in fake protectiveness. “Stop checking out my girlfriend Henry.”

I nod my head. “Yeah. I know I’m, like, the most beautiful girl you’ve ever met before, but you cant do that.” They all snicker while Henry rolls his eyes. “Oh! Did you sort everything out?”

Edward and Charles nod. “Yeah. Thanks Nora.” They say.

I grin. “Anytime. I also play matchmaker.” They all chuckle and we go back to the living room.

After some minutes Clinton comes in with a panicky look on his face. “Guys, I have extremely bad news.”

We all snap our gazes to him. “What’s wrong Clinton?” I ask hesitantly.

He shakes his head. “Are you sure you want to hear this?”

I roll my eyes. “Positive Clinton.”

“Promise not to freak out or faint or cry, alright?” He swallows nervously.

“I promise Clinton! What is it?” I frown.

He holds his hand out, which shows a piece of paper. “Bones sent another threat. They want you otherwise they’ll kill Nell.”

My mouth pops open, but no words come out. All I can think is: Nell or me.

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