I Love You, But I Lied - Mark...

De Marktinz

248K 7K 2.2K

Think of me as a lover and I'll pretend that you're one, too. I love you.....but then again....I'm a liar... Mais

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54 - End!!!!!!

Part 30

3.3K 104 2
De Marktinz


That day, I was too drunk to even know what I was doing. Why did I kiss Lisa in front of her? Stupid. After seeing that, Jess ran out with tears streaming down her eyes. I wanted to follow her, but in my condition, I just fell on the floor. 

"Get out!" I yelled at Lisa when she tried to help me up. "I said get out!" I shouted again. 

"I love you, Mark," she said before leaving. Those words...I've wanted to hear those for a long time, but not from her. 

An article about me and Lisa came out the day after that. A paparazzi had spotted us getting in the hotel and now everybody thinks we're back together. I don't even have the energy to argue about it anymore so I just let it go. 

Lisa has been calling me non-stop, but I ignore it. 

I heard Jess moved out of the apartment after the incident. I don't even know where she's gone. Maybe she's back with Lei for all I care. 

Fuck! But I still care. My mind is full of her. Drinking has become a daily routine just to let me forget, but it's just temporary. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing on my mind is her. 

My birthday's coming up in a few days and I don't even want to celebrate just like what we used to do. What's there to celebrate anyway? 

Jackson would try to talk to me every time. But each time, I walk out from him. I don't want to hear any more lies. I've had enough. Ok...maybe I do want to hear about her, but I have to keep my pride. I've been let down too many times already. I've reached my limit. Enough is enough.  I'm done with them. All of them. 



His eyes peer at me as he kisses that bitch. I stand there, dumbfounded and frozen for a second. I force my feet to move and run out and up to my room. 

I know he just did that to get back at me. But, I know what he meant. He wants out. He doesn't want to be with me anymore. It's not the girl's fault nor his. It's all mine. There's nobody else to blame but myself. 

I immediately pack my things. I don't have any reason to stay here longer. I've lost my restaurant, even with the insurance, I still can't put it back up. I've lost my motivation of working. I've lost Mark. 

"Besie, don't go," Vic sits on my bed, trying to discourage me from leaving. 

"I'm sorry, Vic." I hug my friend. Even to him, I've been selfish. "I'll pay you back as soon as I can." I say.

"Hey. C'mon. Don't even think about it. I had fun while you were here." 

His phone rings and he answers it. "It's GD," he says, handing me the phone. 

Before I could even push it back, he puts it on my ears. 

"Hello," I say.



 "Let's talk."

"I'm not in the mood for this, Kwon. Let's just cancel the deal with the resort. We haven't signed any contract yet, anyway. So, just leave me alone."

"Wait. Just listen." 


"I'm in front of your apartment."

Then the doorbell rings, which Cuifen immediately opens. 

"Zhao." He takes my hand. "I wanna make it up to you. I've talked to Jin and he's still interested in the resort."

"Kwon. I don't even know if I could trust you anymore."

"Please. One last time. You don't want to be going back to China empty handed, do you?"

No...No, I don't. But with the little money left I have, I can't even afford to get a place to stay. 

As if reading my mind, he says, "I have a place for you in Jeju. You can personally look over the place. Please, Zhao. This is the least I can do for what I did." 

It seems like a good offer. I need this anyway. He needs someone to manage the resort, I need him to fund it. 

I take a deep breath. "Ok!" 

"Ok?" He looks surprised at my answer. I guess he wasn't expecting me to say yes easily. I don't have anything to lose anyway. I'm in my lowest. What's there to be scared about. 

I nod. He stuns me by pulling me in his arms. "Thank you. You don't know what this means to me. Thank you, Zhao," he ruffles my hair and pinches my cheeks. 

"This doesn't mean I'm not angry at you anymore, Kwon." I roll my eyes at him.

"I know! That's fine." He sees the baggage on the floor and looks back up at me. "You leaving?"

"I was, until you came." I say sarcastically. 

"Great. Since you're already packed, I'll take you there myself."

"What?" That's too sudden. "Wait." I look at Cuifen who just smiles and nods at me. "Cuifen, you need to go home to China first. I can't afford to have you just yet. I'll call for you soon. Please don't tell any of this to dad." He would flip.

"I understand," she hugs me. 

"Take Snow with you, will ya?" 

The dog whines and rubs his body on my legs. 

"I know Snow. I'm gonna miss you, too. I'll see you soon," I hug him tight.

GD is on his phone, talking to Jin-Ah. "He's gonna meet us there tonight," he says to me after hanging up. 

"Bye, Vic. You come visit me when you're free, ok?" I tell him. It's not like Jeju is a different country. It just takes a little more than an hour to get there by plane. 

He hugs me with tears in his eyes. "Take care, Besie."

"You, too, Besie. Be good to your dad, ok? And," I smile, "lay off them guys for a while." 

He chuckles and kisses me on the forehead. "If anything happens, you know how to reach me."

I nod, hug all of them again before they help me bring down all my luggage to GD's car. 

"Do you need to bring all these?" GD complains, squeezing the last one at the back. I just roll my eyes at him and get in the passenger seat in front. 

We get to a near airport and am surprised to learn he has a private jet. He sees my amazement and he smirks. The arrogant Mr. Kwon is back. I shake my head. 



I've heard about his story before and I feel really bad for what I've done to her. This is the least I can do to help her get back up. It might not be enough compared to what she's lost because of me, but it could be a start for her. 

I was worried at first that she wouldn't accept it, but she did. Surprisingly enough, it didn't take me much to convince her to do it. I'm happy that she did. I'd do everything I can to help her. I owe her that much. 

Actually, the place where she's gonna live in isn't mine. I rented it just for her. I wouldn't say that of course because I know she wouldn't accept it if I did. 

We take her bags to the house. I chose this place because it's very near the resort we're building. It has two rooms two baths, a wide kitchen - because I know she loves to cook - and a living room with glass walls that overlooks the sea. Perfect. 

"Wow!" It's clear in her face she likes it, too. "This is just....beautiful," she says, looking out at the calm waters.

It's for you. 

"Let's get something to eat first while waiting for Jin," I say, leaving the last of her luggage in one of the rooms. 



I'm just glad Ah-Cy took GD's offer. She's suffered a lot because of my greedy father and brother. It's not just pity I feel for her, I feel responsible somehow. Anyway, she's done nothing wrong to me. I just need to keep her beside me, I would be using her in the future. But, for now, I have to help her get back on her feet. 

Yesterday was such a dramatic day. A lot happening here and there. I called one of the people I trust in China to ask if Lei has landed yet. He did. He's gone back to dad's house and locked himself up in his room again. He's still the loser I've known him to be. He just does everything without thinking. That's why dad wanted him to marry Ah-Cy because she has the brains. Father is currently looking for other girls who is willing to marry him. Ha...what a joke. 

I think Jess still feels sorry for him. She should've put him behind bars. I can just imagine how father would react if his favorite son is in jail. Huh! I wish I could put him in there myself. 

After our mini concert in Busan, I take the ferry to Jeju. It doesn't take long for me to look for the address GD gave me. They're unpacking Ah-Cy's things in her room when I enter. I would say, this place is really nice. Good thing there are two rooms, great place to relax after a tiring concert like today. 

I notice GD likes her. Too bad for him, she doesn't even bat an eyelash at him. Does he think he could get her with this? Crazy. 

Ah-Cy was always the muse. Even when we were kids a lot of boys follow her around because of her cuteness. Me? Nah! I have my eyes on someone else. But, if my plans would work, I would need to marry her. With her abilities, we can own the most successful businesses around the world. I would overthrow my father then. 

"Hey," she says when she sees me enter her room. "I'll just finish this up." 

"Take your time," I nod at them. I head to the kitchen and look into the fridge. Woah, this guy is no joke. Even that is full of supplies. I get a drink and relax at the sofa facing the beautiful view outside. "I got you a new phone and a laptop," I shout so she could hear me 

"Thanks, Jin-Ah. You didn't have to." 

After they finish unpacking, we talk about the resort. We all agreed to start as soon as possible. The budget is ready. Ah-Cy has to redo the plans since the one she made last time was lost in the burning restaurant. It is all business tonight. We empty bottles and bottles of beer while working. 

In the morning, GD has to go back to Seoul for an event. 

Ah-Cy and I go to the site and meet the engineer and architect for the building plan. Since there's already an existing structure in the area, there's not much to build, just changes here and there. 

In the evening, she cooks up something for the both of us.

"I see you're still doubtful," I tell her. 

"Who wouldn't be," she answers, "after all that's happened, you don't expect me to be all trusting, do you?" 

I understand her. She might have lost all her trust in everybody she deals with after what Lei and GD have done. "But you can trust me. I hope you know that."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I have many reasons actually." I need to gain her trust first. 

"What reasons are those?"

"One, I need to succeed on my own and this is a great opportunity. Two, I already told you how I hate my father. This is for saying sorry for what he's done to you."


"And....I need your help."

"For what?"

"With my money and your skills, we can beat the monster. In the process, you can have your dad's company back." 

She thinks for a while, "that'll be nice." She sighs.

"Ah-Cy, trust me. We can do this. We both have the same goals. It's better to do this together than alone. Look what happened to you."

She sighs again. 

She doesn't have any other choice anyway, unless she decides to forget about the company and go back to China empty handed. 



I still honestly feel uneasy about all these. Just days ago, I've cried over the loss of the restaurant and Mark. Now, I'm supervising the construction of a new resort. Everything is surreal, I have to be on my guard if I don't want to be tricked again. 

Mark. I saw pictures of them with Lisa on the internet. Could they really be back together? I don't think so....I hope not. I still cry over him every night. When I'm alone and not doing anything, I drink myself to sleep. Karma. It really hits you fast and hard. 

Tomorrow is his birthday. I want to go to him and greet him personally, but I don't know if he'd want to see me. I might just destroy his birthday if I go there. 

I decide to call Jackson, instead. I haven't talked to him since the incident. Vic was the only one I talked to and he said Jackson kept on asking about me. 

"Hello?", he answers. 


He goes silent for a while. "Jessica? Is this you?" 

"Yes, Jackson."

"Where are you? You're still in Korea?" 

"Yes, cuz."

"Where are you?" 


"What are you doing there? Since when? Who are you with? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cuz...slow down," I giggle. I miss him. "I'm here for the resort. I've been here since I left. I'm alone and....What was your last question?"

"Resort? You have a new business and you didn't tell me?"

"Long story, cuz. Anyway...how are you?"

"You mean how's Mark? I know you are dying to hear from him."

I don't answer. 

"He's....He doesn't talk to me, either. But, he's always either drunk or busy with activities and practice."

"I'm sorry Jackson. If it weren't for me you'd still be his bestfriend." 

"No, cuz. Don't be. He'll come around. Don't worry. So....are you coming for his birthday?"

"I don't think he would want to see me, cuz. It's too early for forgiveness." I tell him, tears slowly flow down. "I miss him, Jackson."

"I know, Jess. Come here and talk to him yourself. It'd be for the best."

"I don't know. Just tell him I said 'Happy Birthday'. I'd be sending a small gift. I hope it reaches him." 

"Jess....he would want it if you give it yourself."

"I don't think so, Jackson. Anyway, I have to go. I love you, cuz. Thanks for putting up with me."

"Be careful, cuz. Send me your address so I can visit you when I'm free."

"Will do."

Before I go to sleep at night, I receive a message from Jackson. 

'We'll be having a small dinner celeb tom night. Hope you can come.' 

At exactly 12 MN, I send Mark a message. 

'Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best.'

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