Remember Me? //Tradley//

By Abigailr5ervampette

29.4K 1.6K 2.4K

"I'm so glad you're okay Tristan!" I ran up and hugged him. "Thank you but who are you?" "I'm brad do... More

Authors Note/Intro
Another Guy
He A Fricken Cheater
Who are you?
Two Guys
It Hurts Inside
Promise Me
Sweet Revenge
Stay Away From Him
All Part Of The Plan
Ice Cream "Date"
Million Words
He Doesn't Love Me Anymore
Causing A lil Trouble
Your Mine and Only Mine
Fun Time
Your Like My Sunshine
Nobody Will Ever Love Me
Wake Up Brad!
I'm An Idiot
This Is All My Fault
I'm Not Okay
Is It Okay To Feel Broken?
Brad's Awake
He Hurt Me
Sounds Like A Plan
Plan In The Works
Paralyzed Without You
Let Me Love You For A Thousand Years (Epilogue)
Character Q&A
A Big Thank you/news/Happy New Years

I Want To Help Him

942 63 56
By Abigailr5ervampette

Brad's P.O.V

(Selfharm Warning⚠)

I can't believe he kissed back! I ran upstairs to the bathroom before anyone could see tears starting to slip down my face.

I locked the door and walked towards the sink. "FUCK my life! Even if he doesn't remember you, he will always love Levi not you!" I yelled to myself as I looked in the mirror.

I just bursted out into tears and I didn't care, I had to do this.

I opened the cabinet to find the razor sitting right there. I didn't think twice I just grabbed it and slid my sleeve up.

I took the razor and slid it across my skin seven times leaving blood drip and slide from my arm.

"Hey Brad are you in there? Are you okay?" came a voice that I know that was Tristan.

"Yea but you know nature called." I said trying to laugh and whiped my tears away.

"Well if you don't mind I need to use the toilet myself." I heard him say.

"Yea I'll be done in a sec." I said while cleaning my arm and putting so bandages on my arm.

I then quickly washed the razor and my face before heading out the door.

"The bathroom is all yours."

"Your funny Brad...hey are you okay?" he asked with concern in his eyes.

"Yea I'm fine, I just washed my face that's all." It wasn't hard to fake a smile cause I've been doing that lately.

"Are you sure?" he then asked me. "Yea I'm sure, don't worry." I tried looking in his face.

"Okay but if you need anything I'm here,okay?" he said while looking into my eyes.

Those beautiful eyes of his.

" I know, thank you." I gave him a little smile.

"Now if you excuse me, nature is calling me." He ran quickly inside the bathroom which made me laugh.

Tristan's P.O.V

After doing my business I then washed my hands. While washing my hands I notice blood stains on the sink.

He didn't do what I think he did. He couldn't have.

I can't believe he would do this to himself...why?

I need to tell James and Connor. I went downstairs and spotted them easily making out on the couch.

I walked over to them and cleared my throat to make then stop. "Ugh, what's up Tris?" Connor said with annoyance obviously in his voice.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your little makeout session but we have bigger problems here!" I said with panic in my voice now.

"What's wrong?" James looked at me with a worried face. "Come with me." I motioned for the boys to follow me.

Once we all got in the bathroom I looked at both of them. "Okay, your probably wondering what your both doing here."

"Yea just a little bit." said the Scottish boy.

"I think Brad may be Selfharming." I said with a hurt look on my face.

"What!? Are you serious!?" Con said. "Are you sure? How do you know?" James then asked.

"I'm not 100% sure but when Brad opened the door for me to use the bathroom, he looked like he been crying and when I watched my hands I saw blood stains. Here look." I motioned them to come near the sink.

Gasps left both of their mouths as they saw the blood stains. "Omygod I can't believe it, what are we gonna do!?" Connor said with a worried tone in his voice. Thankfully James grabbed his hand to calm him down.

"I don't know, you guys talk to Brad and see what's going on. I don't what caused him to do this. I don't remember him but we can't let him keep doing this." I said to the two boys.

The two boys nodded meaning they understood.

I want know why would Brad do this and I want to help him.

Yayy Tris is going to help Brad ...or will he? You will have to find out so continue reading my book xx Stay tuned ...what will happen when Jonnor tells Brad? See you guys in the next chapter ;) AND I HOPE U ALL HAD A LOVELY EASTER! LOVE U ALL xx

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