My Name is Three

By Smith1984

40.3K 1.2K 465


My name is Three (Chapter 2)
My name is Three (chapter 3)
My Name is Three (chapter four)
My Name is Three (chapter 5)
My Name is Three (chapter 6)
My Name is Three (chapter 7)
My Name is Three (chapter 8)
My Name is Three (chapter 9)
My Name is Three (chapter 10)
My Name is Three (chapter 11)
My Name is Three (Chapter 12)
My name is Three (Chapter Thirteen)
My Name is Three (chapter 14)
My Name is Three (chapter 15)
My Name is Three (Chapter Sixteen)
My Name is Three (chapter 17)
My Name is Three (chapter eighteen)
My Name is Three (Chapter nineteen)
My Name is Three (Chapter Twenty)
My Name is Three (Chapter 21)

My name is Three

6.2K 124 64
By Smith1984

--Vocal recording 66392--Cell 84--



[pause 14s]

"OK... how should I start?"

[pause 18.5s, voices]

"OK... OK, yeah, good idea."

[pause 12s]

"My name is Three."

[pause 14s]

"I am 18 years old, I'm a girl, I have pale hair and green eyes."

[pause 4.5s]

"It's been 14 days since I was brought here. That means it's been 16 days since my trial, and 15 days since I last spoke to another person, unless you count the voices over the intercom, which I don't."

[pause 19s]

"In another 12 days, I'll be sentenced to... well, I'm not sure what. I suppose..."

[pause 13.5s]

"I - I think I'd like to stop for a while."




[pause 14s]

"I remember a song I heard once. Before I came here. It was a woman singing about how she goes to heaven when she's kissed. It was a nice song... one of those  ones that's happy and sad at the same time."

[pause 18s, voices]

"Yeah, yeah, alright, I'm getting to the point. Can you not interrupt, please?"

[pause 13s]

"I'm supposed to be saying why I'm in here in the first place. Not that there's many people now who don't know."

[pause 14s]

"I'm here because I'm a criminal. That's the only way I can think of putting it"

[pause 2s]

"The worst kind of criminal, too. A "traitor to the Manuductive", is what they're calling me on the news."

[pause 14s]

""The Manuductive". What a stupid name. It doesn't even make sense."

[pause 18s, voices]

"Yeah? Find an old dictionary and look it up."

[pause 122s]

"So, anyway, yeah, the point.  I need to think of a way to start. Errm..."

[pause 21.5s]

"Until recently, I'd never really... OK, start again."

[pause 4s]

"Until recently, I was content with my life."

[pause 12.5s]

"I lived with my parents, and we just... You know, got on with things. We never disobeyed the Law. I loved them and they loved me. We were happy."

[pause 18s]

"At least, until I killed them both."

[pause 27s, voices]


Please tell me what you think!! I have part 2 coming soon.

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