True Love Kills

By toxicating_love

454 44 8

When You've Been Used More Than Once Things Start Taking A Toll . Alyssea Kyler Is A Teenager With Issues , A... More

Authors Note :))
Highschool , Yay ?
Just My Un-luck
Back to The New?
More Than Meets The Eye
What do we have now?
Why me...
Rivalry for love
New beginnings


39 3 0
By toxicating_love

School was boring as usual. The kids were noisy, the food was bad, and I hated every minute of it. Finally eighth period came, biology. That class isn't too bad considering there's some eye candy to distract myself with when I zone out. His name is Jakob, he's well known as "one of the cool kids". We met through a guy I was flirting with a while back but we don't really talk much. I catch myself staring at him while my teacher Mr. Callahan is lecturing us on the story of evolution. He smirks , does a little wave, and then goes back to sketching in his notebook. I snap my head in a different direction then I shove my face in a book and hope my social life wasn't just ruined. Finally the end of the period came, as the bell rang I raced to get my things together and Jakob just strides right next to me.
"Hey, um I noticed you gazing off into space earlier, was it any fun?"
"Haha yea I'm sorry about that, and yea it was fun I guess why do you ask?" I nervously raise my head to make eye contact with him.
"You were smiling the entire time silly." He laughs it off like its nothing and I can barely think straight.
"Oh I'm so sorry, but I have to go. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?" I sheepishly say.
He nods his head, as I start to walk away I hear footsteps coming towards me.
"Hey I'll walk with you, where are you headed?" He exclaimed .
I walked a little further then I asked the question that's been burning my mind this whole time, "This isn't a dare or anything right?" I immediately regret allowing that to escape my mouth.
"Of course not!" he hissed giving me an inquisitive look.
"Hey look I didn't mean anything by that I just, I've had a bad past with guys I get used to being used".
"Its okay I'll see you tomorrow?"
I flashed him a smile and replied "Of course, yea see you tomorrow". He turned to walk towards the busramp and I headed towards the car line.
Feeling triumphant I kept an eye out for my father as I made my way to the car line. Suddenly my phone beeped buzzed and had a heart attack it seemed, "alyssea, where are you, young lady answer your phone, you don't have a phone to ignore your parents, answer me right this minute".
I can't believe I didn't get any of these, what the hell happened to my phone??
I immediately dial Andy's number and brace myself for impact.
The ringing abruptly stopped and andy's voice broke the silence, " WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET AHOLD OF YOU FOR HOURS???" he spastically screached. My heart felt like it would break out of my chest cavity any second.
"I was in school, my phone was off, whats wrong?" my voice cracked, theres no going back now, i cant deny it, im scared shitless.


As i approach the hospital doors i stop and wonder if i can face the fate that lies before me. My mother, is she dead? Is she alive? Is she in a coma? My legs collapse underneath me, my head hits the ground, im begging someone to see me but nobody does. But how? How can nobody see me, then i zone back into reality and realize i was daydreaming. This is scary, if i can feel that kind of pain just in my head, im not so sure i can face anything that could happen just beyond those doors.
I force myself through the doors and into the ICU unit where i see my father sitting down, head in his hands leaning over. He looks defeated in all categories. I wrack my brain for a second and muster up as much courage as i can and make my way to him. He lifts his head, jumps up, embraces me, and starts crying.
"Jesus Andy, what the hell is happening???"

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