Sisterly Love

بواسطة jamia618

90.5K 2.8K 921

What happens when 19 year old Alison DiLaurentis meets 16 year old Emily Fields for the first time when comin... المزيد

Hannah Montana
First Impressions
21 Questions
Close Encounters
A Friend in Need
Our Family
Speaking in Code
La Plage
My Angel
Getting Closer
My Girlfriend
Battle of the Ex
Angry Girlfriend
Bleacher Talk
Meet the Fields
4 Letter Word
Have vs. Had
Author's Note
Baby Emison


4.8K 139 79
بواسطة jamia618

"Mmm Alison," I breathlessly moaned in my sleep as I dreamed of the beautiful blonde in my bed. I can't help but smile and bite my bottom lip as I breathe in her scent. I'm completely aroused, my eyes still closed tight and my skin feeling hot as I'm imagining her pressed up against me. She was making me feel all kinds of ways as she kissed and sucked all over my neck. "Mmm..." All the while her amazing hands roamed all over my body and... What the hell? Why am I having a dream like this about some girl? That's supposed to be my step-sister. I shake my head slightly and push the thought aside... I suppose she isn't just some girl... she's Alison.

"Yea that's right baby say my name," the blonde seductively whispered into my neck as she continued to nibble, lick and kiss all over it.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, as my eyes flew open and I sat up immediately. Throwing Alison off of me and onto the floor, hard. Okay, so it wasn't a dream. I try my best to blink the sleep and arousal out of my eyes as I catch my breath.

"Fuck!" She groaned in pain as she reached around to rub her back with one hand and held her forehead with the other.

"I-I-" I look at her confused trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

When my bedroom door is suddenly thrown open. "Is everything alright in here?" Asked a panicked Ken as he and my mom rushed into my room, still in their pajamas. He quickly went over to Alison and helped her up as my mom came to me. I continued to just nervously sit up in my bed with a look of shock.

"Emily, sweetie, are you okay?" My mom inspected my face, to see if she could figure out what was going on.

"Uhmm I...I-" I stuttered, looking around nervously.

"She just had a bad dream, that's all. I tried to calm her down. Out of instinct, she pushed me off of her and instantly woke up," Alison saved me as she noticed that I wasn't able to speak at the moment.

"Emily, is that correct? Did you have a bad dream honey?" My mom asked me, still concerned for me.

"I uhmm... I'm fine, Mom. I'm sorry for waking everyone. Can I just go back to sleep?" I fake yawned, trying to get our parents to leave so that I can speak with Alison in private.

"Okay...c'mon, Ken," my mom called to him after kissing my forehead. They both walked out but not before taking one last look at the both of us, not truly convinced everything was alright.

As soon as I knew that they were for sure gone, I turned to Alison. I'm still confused as fuck. What was she doing?

"So are you just gonna keep staring? Not that I mind or anything, but I'd prefer to go back to what I was doing before you rudely pushed me off of the bed," she smirked as she got back onto her side of the bed, leaning into me flirting.

"And what exactly were you doing?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest, not at all happy.

"Ugh don't be such a Debbie Downer, Emily," she told me as she uncrossed my arms, "you know exactly what I was doing," she said in a seductive tone as she lowered her voice and got closer to me.

"But I don't know why you-"

"Yes you do," she smiled biting her bottom lip as she practically undressed me with her eyes.

"I-I do?" I stuttered as I nervously shifted around.

"Mhmm. And if you were really not as curious as you claim to be, then you'd tell me to stop," she licked her lips as her face grew closer and closer to mine.

"Stop wha-," I immediately shutup once I felt her lips touch the corner of my mouth as she climbed into my lap, her legs to either side of me. Her lips moved from the corner of my mouth back down to my neck. All I could do was sit there holding onto the cover. Wanting so badly to grab her but just gripping them even tighter as she took little bites here and there and licked the same area afterwards, soothing me. Making it all better with her kisses.

"You like that babe?" She whispered into my neck and the warmth of her breath made everything worse. I can't... I shouldn't feel this way about a girl. It's not right and my mom won't accept it. I took a deep breath to build up courage.

"Alison...please get off of me," I reluctantly said as closed my eyes and I held my head back. This has to be the most frustrating situation that I've ever been in. Ali looked at me confused, not understanding why I'm pushing her away.

"A-Are you okay? Do you need some orange juice or is it your leg or-," she began to ramble on as she worried about what could possibly be wrong with me. I helped her climb out of my lap and sit next to me.

"No I'm fine. It's just that...I already told you that I don't like you," I nervously told her as I looked down and play with my thumbs.

"I know," she answered sadly looking like a kicked puppy. Ahh man I definitely messed up and hurt her feelings.

"Well then why do you keep on-"

"I don't know, Emily! I don't have the slightest fucking clue and neither do you!" She snapped at me.

"Neither do I?" I look at her like she was crazy. "What are you talking about, Alison?" I asked, completely confused by her sudden outburst.

"I'm talking about you! You're doing this to me, Emily! I barely met you and I already don't want to let you out of my sight...I've never felt this way before, not even with Hanna. Hanna and I's relationship has always been mostly physical...but with you...I crave more. Of course I yearn to touch your body, but I also want more from you. I want to tap into your mind and talk about stuff with you. I want to do simple things like hold your hand and argue about whether or not a tomato is a fruit or vegetable-"

"It's a vegetable, right?" I interrupted her.

"It's a fruit, but that's besides the point. I like you, Emily. I like you a lot. I know that you don't feel the same way and I'm trying my best to respect that, but I'm's just too hard. I'd be a fool not to pursue you, Emily. And my father didn't raise a fool. Please just...just don't push me away. I don't deal very well with rejection. And having it come from you will just make matters worse. Please give me a chance, Emily. I never beg for anything, but you are my only exception," she softly smiled as she grabbed onto my hand. Just as I was about to respond, her phone rang.

"It's Hanna," she gulped as she picked her phone up with her free hand.

"Answer it," I encouraged her as she continued to stare at the phone.

"And interrupt our time together? No way! I'll just text her that I'm busy and call her back later," she nonchalantly shrugged as she put her phone aside, "Now...let's get back to sex," she said as she tried to climb on top of me, but I stopped her.

"We weren't having sex," I pointed out, sternly.

"Not yet," she countered as she licked her lips playfully.

"You're impossible," I groaned as I reached down to massage my calf. It was starting to throb and bring about slight pain. I tried my best to be low-key about it so that Alison wouldn't notice. But the look on her face said otherwise.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is it?" she changed her whole demeanor and had a softer facial expression.

"Maybe a fiv- ahhh okay so I'm definitely at an eight and a half, slowly approaching nine," I yelped in pain as I just sat there with my eyes shut and clenching my fists. There's normally some pain medication that I can take, but it's super strong and I don't feel like knocking out right now. "Can you help me up?"

"What? Why?" She asked, even though she proceeded to do it anyway. Now we're both standing at my side of the bed. She has her right arm wrapped around my waist and my left is around hers, practically leaning onto her for support.

"I want to go for a walk."

"Emily, are you crazy?! You do realize that walking on that leg will only intensify the pain, right? You know what, forget it! Of course you know! I'm gonna go get Pam-"

"Please don't tell my mom. She already kind of knows that I go out for walks and runs here and there, but she has no idea about the reoccurring pain. She's under the impression that I've been taking my meds regularly and they're helping with the pain. Truth be told, I probably need to have another surgery, but I don't want to," I decided to tell her the truth.

"Alright I won't...but I also won't allow you to keep running either. Do you mind if I drive your car?" She asked.

"Where to this time?" I asked as I picked my keys up off of my nightstand and handed them to her.

"Are you hungry?" She asked as she grabbed onto my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"Kind of, but I have to wait for my mom," I pulled my hand away from hers as she began to try and walk out of my room.

"Why?" she asked not really understanding where I was coming from, "do you not feel safe being alone with me or-"

"God no, Alison. It's just that my mom is still pretty upset about what happened, so she doesn't want me going anywhere without her," I sighed at the thought of my mom treating like a little kid. It's beginning to be a pain in the ass, but that's my mom. How do I tell her to back off without it coming off harsh or rude?

"You'll be with me, Emily. Just grab your diabetic kit and c'mon. I'll make sure to check with the waiter or waitress regarding the amount of sugar in certain foods on the menu and I'll even go to a place with sugar-free options. What do you say hmmm?" She grabbed onto my hand again and looked up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Okay," I smiled at her as I picked up my kit from the side of my bed.


"You better have a damn good reason for waking me up at seven in the fucking-...who's that?" Hanna asked as she peered over my shoulder, looking into the passenger window of the car.

"Oh, that's Emily. I'll introduce you two once we get in," I told her as I grabbed onto her hand and tried to walk us towards the car but she wouldn't budge, "Please don't do this right now, Hanna," I whispered to her.

"Me?! What about you, Alison?! Or do I need to remind you of how we met?" She threatened as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Baby...," I walked over to her and placed my hands on her hips, "It's not like that, I swear. Like you said earlier, it's 7 in the morning. She was up and I figured she's probably hungry too....I'm all yours, Han," I smiled at her and tried to go in for a kiss but she slightly pushed me back.

"Are you sure, Alison?" She stared into my eyes searching for some truth.

"How long did I tell you we would be together baby?"

"Forever," she sighed as she looked down.

"And I meant it. We're forever, okay? I love you, Hanna," I told her as I lifted her chin with my index finger and made her look at me.

"I'm sorry for questioning our relationship, Ali....I love you too," she leaned in and kissed me. After a minute or so of making out, I realized that Emily was still in the car and she probably needs to eat.

I walked Hanna over to my side of the car and had her get in to sit in the middle because I figured that Emily's seat was moved back a little to give her more leg room, meaning Hanna wouldn't have much if she sat right behind her. I got into my seat after making sure Hanna was in and drove off.

"So Emily, this is-," I stopped when I noticed the glare that my girlfriend was giving me through the rearview mirror, "I mean uhmm...Hanna, this is Emily. Emily, this is Hanna-"

"Her girlfriend," Hanna overly-smiled as she interrupted me and shook hands with Emily who turned around to give proper eye contact, "Nice to meet you, Emily."

"Likewise," Emily smiled back at her and then turned back around in her seat. Well, this is going to be one hell of a morning.


"Wait! Babe you go in first and I'll sit next to you. Hanna, you can just sit across from me," I suggested as the waiter brought us to a booth and I guided Emily to go before me by placing my hand on her lower back. I figured she could just rest her foot up on the spot across from her in order to relieve some of the pain in her leg.

"Yea...okay," Hanna sort of stared at me as we both sat down at the same time. I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong this time, "So, Emily, have you ever eaten here before?" Hanna asked her; I guess in attempt to break the awkwardness. But something tells me that she has other motives.

"I've heard of Scarmblz before, but no I have not actually eaten here," she nervously answered. I placed my left hand on her thigh, which she was rapidly bouncing up and down, and gently rubbed it in attempt to calm her nerves. She looked down and smiled and I squeezed her thigh as I took a sip from my water.

" are you attracted to my girlfriend?" Hanna asked and I choked on my water. She just sat there with a smirk on her face while Emily checked on me.

"Uhmm I uhmm...n-no?" Emily more so asked than answered.

"I'm not mad at you if you are. I mean look at her, she's fine and she's all mine. All mine, got it?" Hanna threatened.

"Hanna, what the hell?!" I whisper-yelled at her in complete disbelief.

"You may want to watch your tone with me, Alison. Does Emily here know about your past?" Hanna asked with a look as if she already knew that she won this battle.

"Uhmm A-Alison"

"Not now, Emily," I sort of snapped at her out of frustration. I angrily stood up from the table, "Hanna, we need to talk," I told her as I practically dragged her out of the booth and into the restroom.

"We better be getting ready to have makeup sex because you have no reason bringing me in here otherwise."

"Why are you acting like this, Hanna?! You're making Emily feel uncomfortable."

"Oh, did she tell you that?"

"Not exactly, but-"

"Then how do you know that I'm making her feel uncomfortable?"

"Hanna...," I frustratingly breathed out before continuing, "Just back off, okay? She already has enough issues as is. Plus, she's 16. There's no way that I want some little girl, especially when I have a grown ass woman all to myself," I told her as I went to lock the door and walked back over to her. I started to slowly unbutton and unzip her jeans, droppin to my knees to bring them all the way down to her ankles.

"Alison, what are you doing?"

"Well my girlfriend seems to be feeling a bit insecure, so-"

"I am not insecure! It is you. I am having a problem with trusting you because I know how you are, Alison. So don't try to pin all of this on me!" She angrily told me as she tried to reach down to pull her pants back up, but I stopped her and held her arms to either side of her on the counter as she stood back up straight.

"There's no reason for you to not trust me, Hanna. I love you so damn much babygirl and you know that I'd do anything to make you happy, right? My single purpose in life is to please my baby, okay?" I softened my voice as I began to kiss, lick and suck all over her thighs.

"N-Now's not the time, Alison. I am not in the mood," she tried to get me to stop, knowing that she was now losing this battle.

"The smell of your arousal says otherwise," I pressed my nose right against her panties and took a deep breath through my nose, taking that wonderful smell all in and instantly being turned on. I then pulled her panties down and they fell down to her ankles, "I see that somebody shaved. Did you know that you would be getting some today, Han?" I smirked up at her as I licked my lips.

"Every time. Every damn time! You always do this, Alison. It's not fair and it definitely doesn't fix things."

"You have the prettiest little kitten that I've ever seen, Hanna," I told her as I began to gently stroke her pussy with my thumb, "Mmmm...It tastes even better," I said after licking up some of her arousal.

"You're fucking sick!"

"Aren't you a lesbian, Hanna? You're supposed to enjoy these types of things," I joked.

"I'm not talking about that," she responded.

"Well then what are you talk-"

"You. I am talking about you! You have a problem, Alison."

"No I don't," I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yes you do. You're a fucking addict and right now you're trying to get your fix!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! How dare you?! I am not a fucking sex addict!"

"That's debatable...but that's not what I'm referring to."

"Then what are you referring to, Hanna?! I'm not gonna keep playing this guessing game with you. It's old and played out and I am tired of it."

"You're a fucking control addict! You love manipulating people to get what you want, Alison. Sometimes I don't even think I know the real you because you're always putting on a front to get whatever you want or have things go your way. I've never really said anything about it because I find it sexy sometimes and a huge turn on...but, at this point, it's just- mmmm fuck Ali," she moaned.

While she was talking, I went back down and started to eat her out. I knew sex was the only way to get through to her at this point, so I had to. I was beginning to feel powerless and like I'd loss all control so...oh my God! Is Hanna right about me?! Nah. It's just that I feel so inferior to her right now because I know deep down in my mind that she is right...about everything.

I stopped eating her out because my thoughts were beginning to consume me. "I love you, Hanna. Never forget that," I told her before kissing her pelvic region and pulling her panties and pants back up. I made sure to button and zip her pants back up too.

"Wait...Ali, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say all of those things babe. I-"

"It doesn't make them any less true, Han. Now c'mon, let's go. I think we've left Emily out there by herself long enough. Right now I'm on Pam's good side and I'd hate to ruin that," I lightly chuckled as I held the door open for Hanna. She walked out. Before I could even make it all the way out, she turned around to face me.

"Don't you ever call another girl 'babe' in front of me ever again...or at all for that matter," she sternly said.

"Right," I nervously gulped. Is that what this was all about? "You're my only babe, I promise," I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. I grabbed her hand and walked us back to our booth.

As I waited for Hanna to sit first, I noticed that Emily had a glass of orange juice in front of her and was eating her way through a small bowl of fruit.

"Well someone's very hungry and couldn't wait," I sat down and giggled at how flustered and adorable she looked with her cheeks full of fruit and her eyes wide, like she'd been caught committing a terrible crime.

"I-I'm sorry. It's just that I felt like my blood sug-"

"Hey no need to explain yourself ba- Emily," I told her as I tried my best to give her a look that meant I understand and knew that her blood sugar was probably dropping. "Make sure you eat something else, so that it doesn't just spike because you have some pretty sweet fruits there," I whispered to her as I nodded to towards the bowl filled with strawberries, bananas, grapes and apple slices. Thankfully Hanna was too into the menu to notice.

"What're you getting baby?" Hanna finally took her eyes off of that damn menu and looked up at me. She had a much softer facial expression than earlier. God I hope that means that everything is good between us.

"I'm thinking maybe the eggs benedict with a side of hash browns and grapefruit. You?"

"Mmm that actually sounds really good. And maybe we can have mimosas to go with it," she excitedly suggested.

"Yea maybe you can, but I'm driving so I'll just have some orange juice like Emily," I told her.

"It's just a little champagne, Alison. I'm not asking you to down a bottle of tequilla," she answered with a bit more attitude than before. Here we go with the arguing again.

"Alcohol is alcohol, Hanna. Need I remind you that we're underage as well? This isn't some stupid college party. Plus, I am responsible for Emily's well being at the moment and I am not going to put her life at risk because I decided to be stupid and drink," I pointed out to her, trying my best to keep my voice stern and not have an attitude.

"Isn't she like old enough to drive?" Hanna asked very rudely as she looked Emily up and down.

"Hanna!" I glared at her.

"Ali," Emily tried to whisper, but Hanna heard her.

"Oh hell no! The little bitch has only known you for like a fews days and she's already calling you Ali?! Goodbye, Alison," Hanna said as she gathered her things and stood up, but I stood in front of her.

"Baby c'mon. Are you really going to leave over something that small?" I asked as I held onto her hips, but she stepped away from me, "At least let me take you home," I pleaded.

"No. I'll just call for an was nice meeting you, Emilia," Hanna fake-smiled at Emily as she deliberately butchered her name.

"It's Emily," Emily nicely reminded her.

"Whatever," Hanna shrugged as she left the restaurant. I just stood there not really sure of what to do.

"Aren't you gonna go after her?" Emily asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. I sat down where Hanna was previously seated.

"Nah. She's having one of her moments, so I'll let her be. She just needs some time to cool off," I shrugged as I sort of lied. Yes, Hanna definitely needs some time and space, but it probably wasn't smart of me to not go after her. "So...see anything that you like?" I asked her as I glanced down at the menu.


4,000 words!

What'd you think?

Special thanks to Drea82581 for checking on me and looking over this chapter for me. Also, thanks to @DianaHawarneh for checking  on me as well! I really appreciate the two of you!

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