Simon Dominic: Doubling Forwa...

By AbztractIsight

88.4K 2.3K 455

This is strictly a fan fiction. Information from the internet; such as twitter feeds, news adds, gossip colum... More

CHAPTER #1- Chance Meeting
CHAPTER #2- New Possibilities
CHAPTER #3- Bad Manners
CHAPTER #4- Standing By
CHAPTER #5- Stay Cool
CHAPTER #6- Sanctuary
CHAPTER #7- Moving Forward
CHAPTER #8- Mr. Yesterday's Stress
CHAPTER #9- State Of Mind
CHAPTER #11- Perceptions
CHAPTER #12- Food For Thought
CHAPTER #13- Always On My Grind
CHAPTER #14- Hand In Hand
CHAPTER #15- Pixie Dust
CHAPTER #16- Just One Shot
CHAPTER #17- Up In The Air
CHAPTER #18- Angel Wings
CHAPTER #19- Loyalty Can't Be Bought
CHAPTER #20- Vibes
CHAPTER #21- Busted
CHAPTER #22- Turbulence
CHAPTER #23- With A Tablespoon Of Insight
CHAPTER #24- Indulgence
CHAPTER #25- Serendipity
CHAPTER #26- All About The Base
CHAPTER #27 - Laying Claim
CHAPTER #28- Fighting!
CHAPTER #29- Bringing Down The House
CHAPTER #30- Believe Me
CHAPTER #31- Lost and Found
CHAPTER #32- Comfortable
CHAPTER #33- Falling Together
CHAPTER #34- Love/F*ck You Very Much
CHAPTER #35- Forever or Never

CHAPTER #10- Inspire or Enervate

3.1K 77 14
By AbztractIsight

[NOTE: This chapter contains mature content.]

At some point during the night, or early morning, Nari did fall asleep. She had moved and was facing Simon D. His cell phone went off, waking him. He checked the message, replied to the text and then rolled back to face Nari. She still slept. He lay on his side, arms under his pillow and just watched her sleep. A light smile danced on his lips, as he recalled their adventures in bed. His hand itched to brush a strand of hair off her cheek, but instead he let her sleep. He asked himself if he was ready for a serious girlfriend again. Because Nari deserved to be his girl and to be treated well. Simon D searched his soul and the answer came to him, just as her hands rubbed her eyes to come awake. His smile got bigger, when she opened her eyes and found him watching her.

"Good morning," she whispered.

"Good morning... I guess you did get some sleep?"

"Your voice just triggered me again... damn you, it's so easy for you to get me going."

He smirked, "Nari, go explore with your hand."

She did as he asked and her mouth formed a surprised O. "That's really because of me?"

"Yes and if you keep your hand there, I won't be able to get out of bed."

Nari giggled wickedly. "I want the shower first anyway... but I'll fix this so you can walk."

Before he could stop her, she took off his boxers, threw the bed sheets back and popped him into her mouth. Simon D couldn't help but groan with pleasure. Since she was on an angle, he could slip his hand up the leg of the shorts she wore and tickle her button until his hand was wet. In and out went his fingers, in unison with her head movement. He came first and hard. But experience kept him from collapsing to the point of forgetting about his woman. With just his fingers, he brought her to the edge and she came shortly after him. However, like most women, she recovered first.

"I'm going to shower... alone.... Thank you for the wake up call," Nari winked and then went into the shower.

"You're mischievous," he called after her. Then Simon D sent another text to Jay, 'we'll be down in a few minutes. Any coffee still left?'

'Sure. Have a good night?' Jay texted back.

'You know it.' Simon D answered, then got those boxers back on and went to look for the clothing he was wearing last night. He'd shower at home, so he put on his clothing, left Nari's outside the bathroom door and then went downstairs to join Jay in the kitchen.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Nari found her clothing and put it on, minus the underwear, that she put in her pocket. Looking at the bed, made her face grow hot. She stripped the sheets and pillow cases, put the comforter back on and then put the load with the loaned clothing from both her and Simon D, into the washing machine. Finally she joined the guys in the kitchen.

"Good Morning! I hate coffee, but today I need it."

Jay smiled, "try the Irish Cream, it takes away the bitterness of the coffee."

"Oh yum! Nice trick. Thanks Jay." Nari, caught Simon D watching her and blushed uncontrollably.

Jay Park looked from one to the other and grinned. They hadn't realized it yet, but he knew that look they shared, was the start of love. Simon D should know the feeling, since he'd had it years ago. Nari on the other hand probably had never experienced any of the emotions she felt. Love for her, had only been with her mother, as a daughter and friend. But the love that a man and a woman could share, was different and all consuming. This was going to be one interesting adventure for his two friends.

Simon D didn't treat Nari any differently than before, which she was thankful for. Maybe Jay Park didn't know anything sexual happened between her and Simon D... yet. She wanted to get home soon and think about everything. Did she want to get involved or have a casual relationship with Simon D? If she did, being jealous of his interactions with fans, would have to be put aside. Did she have the maturity within herself to share Simon D with the world?

Noticing that Nari was unusually silent, Simon D said, "we'll leave first. Thanks for letting us crash last night." He bumped knuckles with Jay Park and moved to the door.

"I stripped the bed and with the clothes you gave us last night, put the laundry on. Thank you Jay," Nari said and then gave him a hug, before following Simon D and putting her shoes on.

"See you at AOMG, cheers man."

Once they were driving, he thought Nari would talk with him. When she didn't, Simon asked, "are you okay? No regrets about last night?"

Nari didn't look at him, but out the window. "I'm fine." He made it sound like something casual, when it had been a big deal for her. That hurt.

His eyes narrowed. When a woman said 'I'm fine,' that usually meant they were not. Was she angry at him for something? He had always been good at reading a woman's mood, which is why he was so confident. But not Nari. He said nothing and let her be for now. Once they pulled into her driveway, he got out with her and didn't let her go inside.

"Nari, you're not fine." It was a statement and not a question.

"What do you want from me Simon D?" Nari asked.

He knew asking what she meant would make her angry, because he understood what she was questioning. "My intent? I don't know. I care for you and we share great chemistry...."


"But if I do have a girlfriend it can't be public and she won't be number one in my life. Music, AOMG, will always come first." Simon was being partially honest. He wanted her to choose him anyway, because every woman from his past, including Lady Jane, couldn't look beyond themselves.

"Okay, that's fair. Thanks for the warning. I need a little time to decide what I want too. I'll talk to you tonight," Nari said. She kissed his lips with a quick peck and then unlocked her door to go inside.

He didn't want to end things. Simon D turned her back towards him and gave her a kiss, that almost made her knees buckle. She rewarded the effort with a groan of pleasure, before breaking contact and closing the door. Nari leaned against it, breathing hard. When Simon D's car couldn't be heard anymore, she was relieved. If he had pushed the subject, she might have bared her soul to him. If only he wasn't so caring and gentle, then she would be able to do something casual or just cut him out of her life.

"Mom, I wish you were still here. I need advice, I'm so confused!" Nari said out loud, looking heaven ward.

She changed, called in sick to work and set up her paints and canvas. First a sketch began, then everything came out of her and a painting took shape. Nari hadn't done a painting, since moving to South Korea. While she worked with paints to express herself, Simon D had gone to the AOMG office and was writing lyrics. He rapped words to himself, then worked on the keyboard with the computer, creating songs. Nari was giving him plenty of food for thought.

Gray saw Simon D, working continuously. "You wan't anything to eat?"

Simon D shook his head, so Gray went to ask Jay Park next. "Ki-Seok's intense today. He doesn't even want to stop to eat."

"He's got Nari on his mind... Are you going to Cafe Dudart?" Jay asked.

"I wish our muse would help Cha Cha, Ugly Duck and I, get inspired.... Yeah, you want anything from Dudart?"

Jay Park gave Gray his order and then Gray left. Jay Park went to check on Simon D and listened to his friend and co-CEO rapping. It was good and it would be interesting to hear the final song once done. If Simon D was this consumed, then how was the muse who inspired the words?

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

When Nari finished the painting, she stood back to look at the work. She saw that it was a portrait of Simon D. Rolling her eyes, she went to work on the piece she was doing for AOMG. So engrossed in her art, caused Nari to miss lunch. When she got a text from Simon D, about having dinner, that's when she realized she was hungry.

Nari called him, "Hi Simon, just come over for dinner. I've got fresh made kimchi. Pick up something if you want to add to what I've got."

"Alright, what time should I be there for?"

"Give me an hour. I've been painting and drawing all day, I'm probably a mess."

"Can I see your work?" He asked with curiosity.

Nari smiled. "The abstract piece isn't done yet. But the painting you can see, if it's dry."

"Deal... see you soon." Simon D ended the call.

Both Nari and Simon D had decided to tell the other about what their expectations were; what they wanted from each other. Neither knew what the outcome would be, but they both wanted to clear the air. Nari cleaned up, took a shower and then started on making dinner. There was a knock at her door and she checked the time.

"Simon, you're twenty minutes early!" Nari scolded.

He gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "better early than late."

She pushed him against the closed door and kissed him full on the lips, before saying,"it's almost all ready."

"Mmm, maybe I want desert first."

Nari remained in his arms and let his hands travel down to her ass. Her hands remained on his chest. "Nope... everything in due time." She shoved off him and went back to the kitchen.

He took off his shoes, put slippers on and followed. "I was at AOMG all day and just picked up some things from Cafe Dudart on my way here." Simon handed over the bag he carried.

She peaked into the bag, "nice. This will work well with what I've made."

"Want me to set the table?" Simon asked.

"Sure, plates are over there and forks, knives and chopsticks there," Nari pointed out.

Once the table was set, she put the food on it, then joined him. She didn't say grace and he was okay with that. They ate in relative silence, talking about the guys from AOMG, but nothing personal. Simon D helped her clean up and put the leftovers away.

"Do you want another beer?" She asked, already in process of getting one for herself.


Holding his beer, Simon D let her lead him into her small living room. They sat down on the same couch, he smirked when he heard his old song Tear Me Down that featured Dok2, in the background. She must have a playlist on her lap top, streaming the music.

"Simon, we left things kind of awkward earlier. You've been my best friend and always there for me if I needed to lean on you. Even when you couldn't be there physically, you sent Jay Park or one of the AOMG guys in your stead. But what's thrown me a loop is... is that.. with you I feel safe and curious. I'm experiencing things I've never felt with other people.... What I'm saying is that I'm okay being second place, as long as you're mine. I want to be your girlfriend, if you still want me."

"Being with you, in your life, has made me feel like a man again. It's like I can conquer the world, if you're by my side. I already thought of you as my girl and I'm happy to make you my official girlfriend."

"I feel like a teenager," Nari laughed, easing the sexual tension. She stood up and held out her hand, "come and see what I painted. I'm not sure if I'm totally happy with it, since I've never done something like this with paints. Usually I stick to landscapes." She lifted off the sheet covering the painting. Then stepped back, leaning against the door, drinking her beer.

The painting was Simon D with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and giving his classic smirk. He wore the same smile, as he looked at the painting. "This is awesome. You did that all today?"

"Yeah, I didn't even realize what I was doing, until it was finished.... I guess you've been on my mind a lot."

"Can I keep it?" Simon D asked.

"Well it is for you. Do what you want with it. I'm glad you like it," Nari grinned, putting her beer bottle down beside his.

He turned around and picked her up, kissing away the little squeal of surprise she gave. "Where's your bedroom?"

"Put me down and I'll show you," Nari laughed.

"No way, I'm not letting you go until I have the dessert I want."

Nari blushed and pointed up the stairs. "Door on the left, since the right is the linen closet."

"Queen size huh? Nice, perfect for the two of us," Simon D observed.

He put one knee down on the bed and carefully lay Nari on it. Her arms remained around his neck, as he joined her. Slowly he lowered himself down, between her legs. Kissing each other, Simon D slowly undressed her. Then as each piece of clothing came off, his lips danced on her skin and his tongue gave her delightful goosebumps. Once she was naked from the waist up, he quickly removed his hoodie and shirt. Taking his lead, Nari kissed his neck, and nibbled down to his chest.

"Time for me to have some dessert," Simon announced and took off her pants.

"Stop," Nari said one hand on his chest.

Immediately he stopped, "what's wrong?"

She smiled, "nothing's wrong, I want dessert too." Nari undid his pants and slid them off, along with his boxers.

"You're such a sexy vixen," he said huskily. Then like last time, asked, "top or bottom?"

"Top... I like having a power over you.... the control of what happens."

He nodded, "I'll give that up to you... for now." It was more of a promise than a concession.

Both naked from head to toe, resulted in the mutual pleasuring. However, this time Simon D was ready for Nari's mouth and didn't let her steal his mind. When he got to the point of forgetting to lick and play with her, he stopped her and then rolled them over. Before she knew what was happening, he went back to work down town on her. He shifted his body, so she couldn't reach him. When she tried to protest, his fingers and tongue worked the words out of her mind.

"Oh... oh God... Simon," she groaned completely focused on the sensations created by his expert manipulation.

A throaty groan escaped, just as Nari's hips began to move with the rhythm he was using. But like him, she wasn't ready to give up all her control. Using her hands on either side of his face, she pulled his head up and back to her lips. When she kissed him, he was surprised.

Simon D broke contact momentarily, "kissing me after I went down town on you, is so hot!"

She smirked, "I know."

When his mouth captured her lips, her tongue sought his. Simon D's right hand dragged his fingers from her calf muscle all the way up her thigh, enjoying the feel of her. He was between her legs and she had them bent, so his waist was cradled between them. His left hand was playing with her lower lips and teasing in a way, that her hips raised up and down ever so slightly in tandem. Nari's nails dragged down his back and then anchored on his ass, as an almost purr-like groan escaped her mouth. His tongue circled around one perky raspberry peak at a time.

Simon lifted his head and looked into her eyes, that watched him so intently. "Can you reach my wallet on your night table?"

Nari nodded and handed it to him. When he removed the condom wrapper and let his wallet fall to the floor, Simon D saw that her eyes were sliced by something that wasn't pleasure. Her body tensed up and not because one hand was on her go button. Being very careful, he moved himself a little further down her body, keeping the condom in his hand, but not undone. He went down town with his mouth and tongue, until he knew she was ready for him. His hands quickly put on the protection and then his mouth moved back up her stomach, over her chest and onto her neck. Slowly he tried to enter, but she was too nervous. When he looked at her, Nari's eyes were squeezed shut.

"Stop... please stop," she said, fear in her voice and mind not on him.

Simon D moved off of her, "Nari?"

"I'm sorry!" As soon as the weight of his body was gone, she rolled and bolted to the bathroom. Hands over her face.

He took off the protection, put on his underwear and t-shirt, then followed her, all lust gone. At the bathroom door, he could hear her crying. He knocked lightly. "Nari... it's okay... come on open the door."

"Please just go away."

But he wouldn't give up on her. Simon D truly wanted to make sure she was okay. This wasn't because of him and it was all because of her ex. He understood that and wanted to reassure her, he wasn't mad and wouldn't hurt her. He sat down, back against the wall, across from the bathroom.

"I'm not mad Nari, if that's what you think... remember I told you to stop me, whenever you wanted. And I did. You can trust me. I won't ever hurt you." He ran a hand through his hair, cursing her ex in his mind.

"Really? Your not mad?" Nari asked tearfully through the door.

"Baby... I'm not mad, I'm sorry I rushed you." Simon D said sincerely and was relieved she was finally talking to him.

She opened the door, still naked and saw him sitting on the floor. Nari crumpled down in front of him. "You didn't rush me... I want you... I don't know why I freaked. Please forgive me. I wrecked everything."

"Awe Nari, don't cry. You didn't wreck anything," his heart hurt hearing her say those things. He lifted her into his lap, arms around her.

He stood up and took them to her bed, then helped Nari put her t-shirt back on. She stayed in his arms, as he covered them with her comforter. Simon D kissed away her tears and she stopped crying. Body eventually relaxed also and she kissed him back.

"I... I want to try again," Nari whispered.

"We can, but this time, talk to me, tell me what makes you scared."

She nodded and her hand went under the waist band of his boxers. She took off the t-shirt too. Slowly they rebuilt the need, but this time Simon D paid close attention to all her cues.

"Do you want to be on top?" Simon asked, between kisses.

"Not right away," Nari said breathlessly.

He moved into position after putting on another condom.  "Tell me what you want."

She stared into his eyes, "I want you, all of you."

They tried again, but she was tense. "Nari, I'm going to put your legs over my arms, okay?"


He did that and then waited a few heart beats, until her legs tried to pull him closer. Moving slowly, they achieved entry, but he let her move when she felt ready. Simon D smiled, when she grabbed his ass and pulled him towards her, so that total union was completed.

"How do you feel?"

"It hurts... but it's a good hurt. Don't stop... please Simon D, I need you."

She looked up at him wanting all of him, to make him hers. Watching him lick his lower lip and capture it in his teeth. She licked her lips in response. Her hands gripped his biceps and he reached around her and pulled her up in an embrace. Slowly moving his legs, so that she eventually sat on top of him.

"Control's all yours baby," he said huskily, always maintaining eye contact with her.

Nari pushed him down on to the bed, her hands on his shoulders. Slowly she lowered herself down, so her body was touching his. Her lips made contact and her mouth opened to accept his tongue. Then she moved her hips rhythmically and after a few moments, he moved his hips with her. Nari sat up, head thrown back, hands gripping his. She moved faster, taking what she wanted and finally calling his name. Her insides shuddered around him, as he continued. It didn't take him long to join her in the afterglow of union.

She was slumped on top of him. "Thank you...'re amazing," Nari said huskily in his ear.

Simon D rolled them, so he could disengage, clean up and put on his boxers. Then he snuggled up to her. "You're the one who's amazing baby. That was all you."

"I'm so weak, lethargic. Like you put some kind of spell on me."

"That's the Simon D magic!" He teased.

Her hearty laugh, was music to his ears and soul.

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