Perfect Match

By daniella_j02

669 90 7

Some believe that love comes at the right time, at the right place, at the right moment and with the right pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 4

40 3 0
By daniella_j02

The song for this chapter is 'never forget you' because it shows that friendship will be with us through every problem and we always need a friend today and lean on. Friends are important, I also have friends..... Nobody is alone in this world.
Hope you like it....😉

Kate's POV
Me and Alexa are on our way to the library to borrow books we need for the quiz tomorrow, we'll to go honest here, I am a certified bookworm. I like to read and study because I know it will be a big help when I need it and I like reading love or romance type of book because even though I experienced my first heartbreak these kind of literature inspires me that there will be someone better than him to make me smile every single day and make me feel that he is not another mistake in my life but rather a beautiful thing or experience. Well enough with the love talk......I got carried away...

"Kate, you know you're so lucky to have Josh as your partner, he knows how to play the guitar and you know too and you can sing, well that's a perfect combination right there." Alexa said
"Are you sure? 'Cause we still don't know if he can sing and how am I lucky with him? Being with him is like a living nightmare he likes to tease me and call me names like the others students do and it's getting in my head." I said
"Maybe he does that sometimes but you still don't really know the real him, maybe this project is a way for both of you to get to know each other other and settle your differences, whatever you're thinking now is just your first impression for him but as the time passes by you will start to like him, I tell you. And don't be so hard on him, don't put your anger on him just because Kyle cheated on you, stay strong and know you're better than that." She said
This is why I like her, she encourages me and always reminds me to not let little things affect me and my life, she said they are just obstacles to test me if I can do it on my own and I will soon realize that life will always have ups and downs, it's just how we make it easier for us to overcome it.
"I'm sorry and fine, now let's go get the book I we need for our test in biology tomorrow. And thank you for everything Alexa, you will always be my best friend." I said
"No problem, and hey look, what's he doing here?" She pointed to the direction from where she saw someone and surely it was him.. Josh.
"Let's just ignore them for today, I had enough of his jokes. I'll just talk to him about the project tomorrow. And by the way, how's Christian as a partner, I'm sure you're smile was like until the highest point when you heard your name and his name. I saw your reaction in class and it was hilarious, hahahahahaha. I still remember it now..." I said
"Could you stop laughing at me, and it's a one time experience by the way. And he's fine for a partner, all nice and a gentleman. He's just so charming. And whether you want to look or not, someone's approaching us." She said
Well she was right and not just someone but two people are coming towards us and we'll it's Josh and Christian, who else would you expect....🙄

"Hi ladies, well what a coincidence, we bumped into each other. What brings both of you here to the library?" Josh asked.
"For you information, we are going to the biology section to borrow a book so we can study for tomorrow's exam and you are blocking our way there." I said while looking at him but our faces are far away. Don't worry I won't let that incident where he neared his face to mine, that was weird.
"Don't be such a baby and who's your friend here?" He asked.
"Hi, I'm Alexa and you friend Christian is my partner for our project for music. Oh, and hi Christian." She said with eyes that shine so bright, like she's so awed with what she saw in front of her.
"Hi Alexa and why don't you go to my house tomorrow so we can start thinking of ideas. Just wait for me tomorrow dismissal so we can both go there together." Christian said
"Sure, so see you tomorrow and you too Josh, please excuse us we really need to find the book already, ok bye guys." Alexa said.
Then we walked away from them, gladly she did most of the talking because I am not in the mood to talk because of you know.

Josh's POV
"Can I ask you a question?" Christian said.
"Sure, spill." I said.
"Why is it that every time we meet or bumped into each other in the hallway or in the canteen you and Kate can't seem to stop fighting, you always argue and tease each other. Can both lessen that a little bit. It will be really hard to get along if you two keep on treating each other like enemies or rivals." He said
"I know that but she's the one that keeps on pushing my buttons and it gets annoying then we start an argument, then you know what happens next. And it's really hard getting along with her, it's like there won't be a time where we fight. She's so different from the other girls." I said
"Well, that's the problem, no one wants to give way, you two need to learn and understand each other, don't let your differences tear both of you apart, nothing will happen. And can we just go out now, let's go to Starbucks to cool down that hot head of yours." Christian said
"That's a great idea." I said
I hope tomorrow when we talk about the project, it won't just be another fight...why did I ever get partnered up with her, of all people.....

Kate's POV
Now, where is that book, oh here it is, lucky I found it really fast. We went to the front desk to borrow the books. Then we went outside, after that Alexa started talking and interrogating me.

"What happened to the 'ignore them thing'?" She asked.
"He was the one who started it and why are you asking me that? You think I can't handle him? Or you think I like him?" I asked
"No, it's just that, you two keep on shouting or fighting everyday and it's just like a few days after school started. Can't you two just get along? You know if you didn't fight from the first day, I would have shipped both of you together, but even with this routine you two keep on doing I really ship it. You're cute for a couple, you know." Alexa said.
"What are you saying? And it's like you're becoming my adviser because you always give me advices for this and that and you know what I think? I think you and Christian are the same because I think he also gives some tips to him to make it easier for him. And he's a much nicer guy compared to Josh and I think you and him are suited for each other and if that happens in the future, I'll support you 100%. You're my best friend and this time it's my turn to look after and support you." I said with a smile on my face.
"Ahhhh, thanks best friend, and lighten up and enjoy your life. Now let's get going, I still need to get things from my locker. And my parents our at home waiting for me and I think yours are too." She said.
"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me and good luck with your little date with Christian tomorrow." I said
"Thank you and it's not a date, it's just a meeting talk about our project and good luck also with your project with Josh, I know you two can get along. Just learn how to trust again Kate and just go with the flow. Bye and see you tomorrow." Alexa said
"Ok and I'll try. Bye best friend see you also tomorrow in class." I said

I will make my friend proud, and I will keep my promise to her. She will always and forever will be my best friend. Now i need to get home now, tomorrow's another day....😣


This is chapter 4 and hope you liked it.

What do you guys think? The characters are heating up and will Kate and Josh ever get along?

I might update within the week but I'm still not sure because it's Holy Week but don't worry I will update.

Thanks for reading and I will say this again, please support me throughout the whole story until I finish this.


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