Adopted By Elounor

By CorrinaWalsh

5.1M 111K 53.8K

{book 1 of the Adopted By Elounor series} Alex had no idea that when she entered a contest to spend a day w... More

Adopted By Elounor
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Wattpad is messed :p
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Final chapter)
Journey With Elounor
Other ABE stories :)
2 million whaaaaaaat
Thank you
Alex's Age change

Chapter 16

129K 3.6K 1.7K
By CorrinaWalsh

Louis' POV:

I drove with my beautiful wife and amazing daughter. We were going to be driving for several hours since we were going back to our new home in London. The boys are going to be staying in their flats a few blocks down.

"Are you excited to go home?" Eleanor asked Alex.

"Yeah! I'm happy to have an actual home for once." Alex smiled.

"I can't wait for you to see your room. We had professional designers come in and decorate the whole house! We even have the new baby's room all done!" Eleanor said excitedly, rubbing her small baby bump.

I must admit, I'm beyond thrilled we're having a child, but I'm also scared... With Alex, she was grown up and responsible and we didn't really have to raise her, just teach her right from wrong as she grows up.

But a baby... I have to teach a baby how to use the bathroom, I have to make sure I don't break them, I have to teach them everything about life... And I'm scared.

"I can't wait to meet my little brother or sister! How far along are you, mum?" Alex asked.

"Two months. I've done a good job hiding it from you, eh?" El laughed.

God, I love her laugh. Everything about El is perfect.

Alex frowned.

"So I have to wait seven more months?" Alex whined.

I chuckled at Alex's enthusiasm.

"Yup. Seven months of your mother complaining and craving random foods and everything. This'll be fun for us!" I said sarcastically, earning a slap in the arm from El.

I laughed at El then kissed her cheek, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I'm just messing with you. You know I love you, right?" I grinned.

"Maybe. Prove it to me." El challenged.

"I'll give you a thousand kisses once we're home."

"And a foot massage?" El smirked.

"And a foot massage. Maybe we can do more than just-"

"I'm still here!" Alex said quickly, cutting me off.

"Oops, sorry. Forgot you were there you're so quiet." I blushed.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Alex grimaced.

"Why?" El asked.

"Cause I got a mental image of what you two might be doing- just ew!" Alex cringed.

El and I chuckled and Alex huffed, putting in her earphones and pulling out her new phone.

Niall's POV:

I was sitting in the backseat of the range rover, Liam driving, Danielle beside him, and Perrie and Zayn in front of me. I was the only one without my girlfriend, which sucks. But I did have Harry beside me. But he was asleep.

I'm excited to go back to our flats in London, but I'm going to miss staying in the same hotel room as Alex, waking up and going to sleep with her everyday...

I was interrupted from my thoughts of Alex when my phone went off.

I groaned, pulling my phone out of my pocket and checking who it was. It was a FaceTime call from Alex.

I smiled and answered, putting my headphones in.

Alex's beautiful face appeared on screen and she waved to me.

"Hello, love." I greeted her.

"Hi, Niall! How are you?" She smiled.

"Bored. You?"

"Disturbed. These two were getting all lovey dovey in front of me." Alex whined, pointing the camera to Louis and El.

I laughed as she turned the camera back towards herself.

"I had to call you cause I was feeling lonely. Sorry." Alex giggled.

"No worries. I'm glad you called, I missed you." I said shyly.

"Awe!" Perrie and Dani cooed.

I rolled my eyes at them while Liam and Zayn laughed.

"I know you'd do the same if you missed the person you love." I grumbled.

I looked back at my screen and saw Alex blushing. She's so cute when she blushes!

I smiled and shrugged.

"Sorry, it's true. I love you." I said to Alex.

"Sorry, Niall. I'm taken..." Zayn joked, wrapping his arm around Perrie.

I chuckled then returned my attention to Alex.

"Well, I think I'm going to go to sleep until we get home. I guess I'll see you tomorrow or Monday?" Alex yawned.

"Sure. I love you, sleep well." I blew her a kiss.

"I love you too. Bye." She waved, then hung up.

Back to being bored...

Alex's POV:

I ended the FaceTime call with Niall and curled up in a ball, placing my head on the window and falling asleep.


For the second time this week, I was awaken when my head smacked against the window.

I grumbled, rubbing my head and sitting up.

I looked at the front of the car to see my 'godly parents' stifling their laughs.

"Ha, ha... Very funny." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, hun." Mum giggled.

"Are we almost there?" I asked, looking out the window.

I looked at all the passing cars, seeing a few boring old cars, my dream cars, which is a Ford F 150 and a black Vipor, and one car caught my eye, just by it's appearance.

It was an old van with tinted windows. They were driving right behind our car. I believe I saw that car in the parking lot near the cabin...

I felt slightly creeped out, but shook off the feeling.

"Another half hour or so." Dad answered.

I nodded my head and pulled out my phone.

I had a few texts, I suppose I didn't hear my ringtone go off while I was asleep.

One text was from Zayn, another from Niall, and another from Perrie.

"Wake up! Liam wanted to say that he's taking you to the mall to see a movie tomorrow, then Harry's taking you to get your gift. See you soon, baby girl. ~ Zayn xx"

I replied with a simple, 'okie dokie' then checked my other texts.

"Hey girly. Your boyfriend fell asleep and is snoring super loud! How do you sleep beside this guy? Anyways, hope this picture makes you smile! ~ Perrie <33"

Attached under the message was a photo of Niall asleep with his mouth wide open. I laughed, which earned an odd look from mum and dad.

I replied with 'lol he's too cute.' Cause... That was pretty cute...

The third and final message was from Niall.

"Wake up, princess. Since you're mostly busy during the day tomorrow, want to just hang out Tuesday? Maybe you can stay over at my flat. Love you. - Niall xoxo"

"Yeah, that sounds fun. Hope you had a nice nap! Perrie sent me a picture, it's my new wallpaper ;) love you too!"

I put my phone down and looked out the window again. The creepy car was still following us! I hope they turn off at the next exit, or else I'm really going to be creeped out.

"Okay, a few more minutes! I can't wait for you to see the house!" Mum shrieked.

"I can't wait either." I said, getting very antsy.

After a few minutes we pulled into the driveway.

The house was huge!

It wasn't a mansion, but it's bigger than my old house.

Mum and dad got out, and dad opened the trunk. I grabbed my bags and ran towards the front door.

The front door was painted black, and the bricks of the walls were a light shade of gray. There were large rocks lined up against the walk way that leads to the front door.

It was already beautiful!

I turned around waiting for mum and dad to hurry up and unlock the door, but I happened to notice the creepy vehicle parked across the street.

My breath hitched in my throat and I dropped my bags.

The car quickly drove off but I remained standing, stunned beyond belief.

My heart began to beat fast, and I was hyperventilating.

Who is that? And what do they want?

I suddenly got a text and I pulled my phone from my pocket. Unknown number.

"Keep your mouth shut, or I promise you, you and your little temporary family will be paid a visit."

"You okay?" Louis asked.

"Huh-oh yeah, just really excited." I faked a smile.

"Alright, well move your bags so I can unlock the door, silly." Mum laughed.

I blushed and pushed my bags to the side.

She unlocked the door and all filed in with our big heavy bags.

My jaw dropped as soon as we got in the door.

As soon as we walk in the front door there's chandeliers all along the highway.

I dragged my bag behind me as I made my way further into the house.

To my left was a giant kitchen with a marble island in the middle. There was a silver double door fridge in the corner along with marble counter tops, and a large chandelier hung above the island, which made the kitchen look all the more glamorous.

Across from the kitchen was the living room, which had three black leather couches, two black lazy boys, a plazma screen TV, and a transparent coffee table to set the whole thing.

I walked further into the house, coming across a carpeted staircase. I quickly ran up the stairs, my luggage bouncing off the steps as I made my way to the top.

The first room I came across was the master bedroom. which was humongous.

Beside the master, was the nursery for the baby, it was adorable! The walls were painted a pale green and chick yellow. There was a crib in the center of the room and a changing station in the corner.

I walked out of the nursery then went down the hall once again.

I came across what I assumed was the guest room, considering there was the words "Welcome, guests." written on the door.

Taking a few more steps down the hall, I came across the last door in the hall. I took a deep breath and opened the door to see...More stairs?

I relunctantly moved forward, walking up the carpeted steps thaat led me to another door with "ALEX" written on it in black and pink stripes.

Excitedly opened the door and almost fell down the stairs. It was beautiful!

In the center of the room was my bed which sat in a small little pit. In the corner of the room was my own private office area, and on the other said was a giant walk in closet.

I walked further into the room, noticing I even had my own bathroom . This is every teenage girls dream!

"You like it?" Dad asked, walking up the stairs with mum.

"I love it! Thank you so much!" I shrieked, engulfing them both in a bear hug.

"No problem. Oh, and look at this!" Dad said, walking towards my bed.

He grabbed a remote off one of my bedside tables, and clicked a button which made a flat screen TV emerge from one of the steps in the pit my bed lay in.

My jaw dropped and I stumbled backwards slightly, but caught myself.

"This is amazing! Thank you!" I screeched.

"No problem. Our room and the baby's room are just as awesome." Mum shrugged.

"Well, it's getting late, just unpack your stuff and then come down for a late super. I'm making your favourite, spagehtti!" Mum said, licking her lips.

I laughed and thanked them again, then went to unpack.


"So, tomorrow I have a doctors appointement for the baby. What are you guys going to do while I'm gone? I want to go alone, just cause I want to keep the baby's sex a secret." Mum said whilst piling a fork ful of spagehtti into her mouth.

"I was thinking we go on a bike ride. What do you think, Alex? It'll be around dinner time since you're going out with Liam and Harry for the day." Dad suggested.

"Oh- Uh... Yeah, that sounds fun!" I lied.

Dad smiled and we ate the rest of our dinner in silence.

To be honest, I have no idea how to ride a bike... I was never taught. Pathetic, right? A nineteen year old girl who can't ride a bike.

"Well, I'm off to sleep. Night, mum. Night, dad. See you in the morning. I love you." I yawned, hugging them each.

"Night sweeite." Mum smiled.

"Night, hun. Can't wait to spend some time with you tomorrow. Love ya." Dad said, kissing my forehead.

I smiled weakly then ran to bed.


I woke up early today to get ready for a day out.

Last night I didn't sleep all that well... I had another nightmare about Chad.

I can't shake the feeling that Chad is the person in the creepy old car and the one who sent that criptic text message. But I don't know for sure.

"Alex! Liam's here!" Dad hollored.

I took one last look in my bathroom mirror then ran down both flights of stairs.

Today I wore the Air Jordan's Niall gave me, and the snapback from Liam. I also just wore a simple outfit of jeans and a T-Shirt.

"Bye. mum! Bye, dad! See you in a few hours! Love you!" I yelled as I ran out the door.

"Hey, Alex, Ready to go?" Liam smiled, leaning against his car.

I nodded my head and got into his car.

He hopped in the drivers seat and we drove off.

I turned on the radio, and 'Acapella' by Karmin was playing.

Liam and I sung along and rapped. Liam hit all the high notes while I jokingly attempted to try as well.

"I know you can those notes! Give it a shot!" Liam said.

Although people say I have a good voice, I don't want to be a singer as a career. It's mostly just something I do for fun.

I'd rather be a buisness owner. Like own a cafe or a hotel or something.

I hit the high notes with Liam and by the time we listened to a few more songs we were in front of the mall.

We entered the mall and went straight to the movie theatre.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Liam asked, pulling out his wallet while I pulled out my own.

"Grown Ups 2!" I said like a child.

"Alright. And you're not paying. This is my treat to you." Liam said sternly.

"Kay." I shrugged, chuchkling.

"Two tickets to Grown Ups 2 please." Liam ordered.

We bought the tickets then some snacks and went to watch the movie,


Liam and I walked out of the theatre laughing from the beyond hilarious movie we had just watched.

"Wait here, love. I got to use the washroom." Liam said.

"Have fun." I joked, sitting on a bench.

There weren't many people around, in fact there was no one in this area of the theatre.

I heard footsteps from behind me, and assuming it was Liam I stood up and turned around, only to come face to face with Chad.

I shrieked and stumbled backwards, only to have him forcefully grab my arm.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't my little bitch?" He snickered.

I couldn't stop the tear that fell from my eye.

"No bitch of mine cries!" Chad spat.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I heard Liam shout from behind me, charging towards Chad and I.

Liam pulled Chad away from me and stood in front of me protectively.

"You need to leave. Now." Liam hissed, pointing towards the exit.

"And if you come back again the police will be involved." Liam threatened as Chad slowly walked away.

"Whatever. I'll always be there in your nightmares, Alex." Chad snickered, walking out of the theatre.

I started to sob and Liam wrapped his strong arms around me.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Liam panicked.

"N-No, I'm fine. Just scared." I sighed.

"Don't be scared. I don't think he'll be coming back, and if he does, which he won't, he won't lay a finger on you. If he touches you he's done." Liam said angirly.

I nodded my head just as Harry walked in.

"Hey, Alex. Hey, Liam. You ready to get your gift?" Harry smiled at me.

I faked a smile and nodded my head.

Liam gave me one more hug then we said goodbye.

Harry walked me to an elevator and we stepped inside.

"So, I already talked to El and Lou about getting you this gift, they said it was alright... I figured it's a nice house warming gift and birthday present..." Harry informed me, making me wonder.

The elevator dinged and I followed of Harry out until we stood in front of a pet store.

"You're getting me a pet?" I shrieked.

"Yep, your own kitten!" Harry smiled, leading me to the back where all the kittens were.

I fell to my knees at the sight of all these adorable little kittens trapped behind a glass door.

A few of them clawed at the glass and meowed, but one cat in particular caught my eye.

There was a small black kitten with white around one eye and on one front paw, curled up alone in the corner of the cage.

"That one! I must get that one! Please?" I asked Harry, pointing to the adorable kitty.

Harry nodded his head then went to find a worker.

After a few moments Harry returned with a really pretty worker. Her name tag rad 'Kassity'. She had long brown hair that went down to her belly button. She looked about the same age as me, maybe a year older.

I immediately felt insecure as she was gorgeous! I could tell Harry thought so by the way he looked at her.

"Which kitten would you like?" She asked politely.

"The black one with a bit of white in the corner, please." I replied.

She nodded her head and went through a door. I watched from behind the glass as she quickly pet the other kittens then grabbe my new kitten.

She walked back through the door, holding the tiny ball of fluff in her hands.

With a smile on both our faces, she handed me the little cutie and immediately fell in love.

He was so warm and soft! I absolutely love him!

Kassity got everything I'd need to take care of the kitty and we went to the check out.

"What ya going to name him?" She asked.

I thought for a moment before replying.

"Tom." I said confidently.

She smiled and nodded her head.

"That's a perfect name for him. Thanks for coming!" She waved at us as I carefully put Tom into his carrier.

Harry mumbled something to her that I didn't hear, but I shruggged it off as Harry and I left the mall to take Tom and I home.


I thanked Harry as I carried the bag of Tom's food and Tom himself into the house.

Gently, I put the carrier down and opened it up.

Tom reluctantly walked out of his cage and began to sniff around the house.

I smiled as he ran off to play.

I went to the laundry room in the basement and set up the litter box for Tom.

My heart was still racing from my encounter with Chad, but I tried to push that aside and be happy.

Tom came running down the stairs and into the laundry room. I went to pick him up to show him the litter box but he backed away as though he was scared. I cornered him then carried him to the litter box. I put him in it and left him to check everything out.

I went upstairs to find dad.

He was sitting in the living room watching TV.

I snook up behind him and scared him.

"My gosh, you sure are good at scaring people!" He breathed.

I shrugged and smiled innocently.

"So, you want to go for a bike ride?" He asked.

"Yeah I do... But I don't know how..." I said embarrassed.

"Oh... Well, that's fine! I can teach you!" Dad smiled.

"Really?" I asked happily.

"Of course! Come on!" He grabbed my hand as we ran to the garage.


"I'll push off on the count of three, you just pedal and steer!" Dad instructed.

I nodded my head, adjusting my helmet as we started moving down the sidewalk.

We had been working on teaching me to ride a bike for at least an hour now.

"Okay! 3...2...1!" Dad pushed the bike forward and I began to pedal.

The bike moved with ease as I rode further down the sidewalk, then did a U turn back towards the house.

As soon as I pulled into the garage I hit the breaks and jumped off the bike, running to dad.

He picked me up and swung me around in a circle.

"You did it! I'm so proud of you!" He said excitedly.

"I wouldn't have done it without you! Thanks, dad!" I hugged him.

"What happened here?" Mum asked, referring to the mess of the garage.

Woah! Mums a ninja! I honestly didn't hear her pull into the driveway or get out of the car.

"Dad taught me how to ride a bike!" I smiled.

"That's awesome, honey! You can clean up the mess as one of your chores. Also, I heard you and Harry got the kitten!"

"Yeah, we got him! His names Tom! He's super cute but he's not quite use to us yet. And okay, I'd love to clean the garage." I said.

"Awesome! I'll start dinner. Come in when you're ready." Mum smiled, locking her car door then going inside.

"You go in too, dad. This is my chore. It's not too much, I'll be done quick."

Dad nodded his head and went inside, leaving me to work.

I put the bikes on their kickstands and lined them up properly.

I put the helmet I used back on the shelf and that was it.

Pulling out my phone, I checked my recent text I had just received from Niall.

"Hello, princess. How are you? Still wanna meet up tonight? :) - Niall xoxo" it read.

I smiled and replied to him.

"I'm good! Jut learned how to ride a bike lol. And sure, how about you come over here tonight? I got a new kitten! Named him Tom! There's somewhere I wanna take you too... So bring your car! - Alex <33"

I pressed send and walked into the house.

Mum and dad were cuddled on the couch watching TV.

"Is it okay if Niall comes over for a while? I want to take him somewhere..." I asked.

"That's fine, honey. He can stay in the guest bedroom if he'd like. Your mother and I have a meeting the management tomorrow, so he can keep you company." Dad said.

"Alright, thanks!" I smiled.

I marched up the stairs, the doors leading to my room were wide open in case Tom wanted to come check it out.

The reason I named him Tom was because he really did remind me of my old buddy, Tom. The way he was so quiet and shy... I'll be reminded of my old friendship every time I see the little rascal.

I walked into my room and stumbled down the two steps and fell onto my bed.

My remote lied on my bedside table so I grabbed it and hit the big green button.

The TV emerged from the step and I turned it on.

I turned on 'Ridiculousness' and pulled out my phone.

Niall replied and said he's on his way, and that'd he'd be here in a few minutes.

I changed my attention back to the TV, but slowly faded into a light nap.


"Princess... Wake up..." A voice whispered, poking at my face.

I opened my eyes to see Niall laying beside me.

"Hi." He smiled.

"Hey." I said groggily.

Niall kissed my cheek and I hugged him, laughing slightly.

I promised myself I wouldn't tell Niall about this whole thing with Chad, in fact I wouldn't tell anyone. I even asked Liam to just keep it between us.

"Where do you want to take me? We might want to go now before the sun goes down." Niall said.

I smiled and grabbed Niall's hand, pulling him downstairs.

"Niall and I are going for a drive! Be back soon! Love you!" I hollered to mum and dad.

We walked hand in hand down to Niall's car, where he opened the door for me like the gentleman he is.

I thanked him and sat down inside the car.

He got in the the drivers seat and we buckled up.

"Where too?" He asked, starting the car.

"Queens Cemetary... There's someone I want you to meet." I smiled.

He nodded his head and we drove off.

(A/N): OKAY OMG SORRY... I know this ain't the best I'm sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry. There's not much going on, but I'll try and put some cute things in next chapter? Not much detail to this chapter, I know dont judge lol

I kinda went overboard on descrbing their house, espacially Alex's room, but come on... Y'know Eleanor and Louis would proably go all out for their teenage daughter xD

Congratulations to @XLuvMe_PrincessX (Kassity) for winning the role as Harry's girlfriend! I loved all your entries, and I wanted to chose y'all but unfortunately I coudln't. Please don't hate me!

Shout out to @greysonlover14 ! They write great fan fictions! I suggest checking them out :)

Also, I've had a lot of you ask about Alex's appearance, and I just wanna let you know she doesnt look like anyone in particular. I don't like making my characters loook like celebrities, cause then when I see that celebrity, I think of them as that character... If that makes any sense ._. So yeah, just imagine it as yourselves if you want! :)

I recently watched a funny parody of 'I knew you were trouble' and I thought it was funny! it's even funnier if you imagine it as actually being Harry (in the video... yeah) I'll link it on the side!

ONE MORE THING! If anyone reading this is suffering from depression or is just having a bad day, P L E A S E feel free to message me! I'm not great with adice, but I'm good at listening. It breaks my heart to know that many people are struggling to get up every morning, and live their lives with that weight and pain in their heart. I'm one of those people, and I know how it feels to have very little people to talk too. So, please... message me if you need to let it alll out.

I dyed my hair purple now I look like barney...

Thanks for over 640K guys! That means so much! I can't believe it aha

Love you guys! I'll try and update within a week or so!

- Barney (aka Corrina) lol

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