Surviving Life on the Tuscany...

By VannaBanana24

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After my parents were killed in a fire almost a year ago, there were no other relatives to take in my little... More

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: The Jones's House
Chapter 3: Soccer Cousins
Chapter 4: You Must Hate Me Now
Chapter 5: High School Sucks
Chapter 6: Luke's Secret
Chapter 7: Happy Birthday, Mom
Chapter 8: Dreams and Shopping
A Word From the Author
Chapter 9: Paaaaarty Time!!
Chapter 10: Brent to the Rescue and Wyatt's POV
Chapter 11: Party's Over
*Author's Note*
Chapter 13: I Be With You
Chapter 14: I Can't Stand Hospitals
Chapter 15: Forgive and Forget
Author's Note Part 2
Author's Note!

Chapter 12: Wyatt's POV and Brent's Secret

2.4K 39 10
By VannaBanana24

{A/N}: Alright let's start CHAPTER 9 with a little bit of Wyatt's POV!!!

So please tell me what you guys think about this story :)


Wyatt's POV


"Hey, Elle." I heard Jeremy call. I looked up to see Elle stopped dead in her tracks, looking to Jeremy. Her eyes were red and her face was yet. "Your guy sure is the life of the party." Jeremy continued.

I looked at her with the feeling of regret surging through my veins. I hated myself for hurting her so much. I wanted to be the one saving and protecting her. I never thought that I would be the one causing the pain... Elle's expression turned into a steady glare as she looked to me. I flinched under that look. I've only seen Elle mad the one time on her mom's birthday. This was 10x worse.

"He's not my guy anymore." She replied coldy.

Hearing those words come out of her mouth killed me inside. I could of died right then and there.

"Ouch." Jeremy replied as every one else chuckled.

Elle continued walking into the kitchen. I went after her but stopped in the doorway, backing up so she couldn't see me, but I could see and hear her just fine. I watched as she leaned agaisnt the counter next to Brent.

"Couldn't find her?" Brent asked.

"Worse she's drunk." Elle groaned. "And I had a run-in with Wyatt." She mumbled.

"You seem a bit stressed." Brent replied, leaning agaisnt the counter next to my girl.

"That's the understatement of the year." Elle sighed with a frown. "I just wanna go home. I'm in no party mood after what happened."

"You just need a little drink." Brent said, I watched as he handed her a beer. My eyes widened. I had made a point of telling Elle I never wanted her to drink without me around. I told her that after she told me she's never had a beer or anything along those lines as a matter of fact. Just because of what happened, would she disobey me?

"I don't drink." I sighed as I heard her say that.

"Just a sip. Gotta start somewhere." Brent pushed her.

"I dunno.... Never done this before." She replied.

"You act like you're stealing a car. No worries, I'll make sure you don't go over board." Brent smiled. I hated that he said that. It was my job to take care of and protect Elle, not his!

I watched with anger as Elle reached for Brent's beer. She brought it to her lips but hesitated. Please rethink this! I screamed in my mind, hoping Elle would hear. I know I seem like I'm making a big deal. I know it's only beer, but truth is, if she drank from that bottle, she'd be disobeying me and that meant she didn't care. Which meant that she didn't care about me, meaning that she hated me and that it was all over. I was freaking out!!!

"Chiken?" Brent joked.

"No way." Elle answered before chugging the rest of the bottle.

My heart broke. I backed away from the kitchen as I saw Brent get Elle another bottle. I couldn't believe it... Elle and I.... we were over.... No, I wouldn't lose her to something so stupid. I wouldn't lose her because I was stupid. I loved her...

"Wyatt, my man!" Jeremy laughed drunkedly. "Let's hit the pool."

I smiled back at him before following him out back. The pool was surrounded with some guys but all I really noticed was the hot girls that had brought their lovely swimsuits. Jeremy handed me another beer.

"Chug it, man. Seeing Elle got you a little sober again." He grinned.

I took it and chugged the whole bottle, immediately entering my drunken state again.

"Which one do you think is hottest?" Mike asked, coming to stand next to me.

"Stacey for sure." Jeremy smirked.

I snapped out of my drunken state, which was starting to feel wierd being drunk to sober and back again.

"Hi Wyatt." Stacey purred to me as she came to stand in front of me. She had the smallest bikini ever, go figure.

"Stacey." I replied coldly.

"What's with the cold shoulder?" I asked.

"It's your fault I lost Elle. Plain and simple. I'm done with you." I snapped at her. I started walking back into the house.

"I don't remember you having a problem with it." She called after me with a smirk.

"I could kiss you and it would mean nothing." I pointed out.


I walked back to her, crushing my mouth to hers. I pulled away as she started to react.

"Nothing." I said before walking back in the house. "I will make it up to Elle." I called to Stacey before disappearing inside to find my auburn haired girl.


Elle's POV

I blinked my eyes to adjust to the light that was barely streaming through the curtains. The room was basically pitch black, the light only giving me enough help to see I was in an unfamiliar room. My eyes widened. What had I done last night? I thought to myself. I knew that I was drunk, but Brent promised to watch me. He wouldn't have lied to me, right?

I tried to change position under the warm covers that concealed me in a cocoon, but I couldn't move because of something wrapped around my waist. I reached down to pull it away, but it was too strong, it felt like an arm though. I tried wriggling out of the person's grip, starting to be a little freaked out. I twisted around in the person's grip to come face to face with a sleeping Brent.

I sighed inwardly with relief. I hadn't done anything stupid last night. My eyes widen with a new realization: What if I did it with Brent? I watched Brent as he snored softly next to me, holding me protectively. I rested back onto the pillow next to him, I'm sure we didn't do anything. Brent cares too much for anything to happen to me.

I watched Brent with a soft smile on my face. It was wierd how whether he was awake or not, he could make me smile. I lifted a hand, feeling the urge to play with his messy bed-head. He looked almost like a little boy. I giggled as his nose twitched when I poked his cheek. I went to grab his hair again.

"Don't do it, Shelton." Brent muttered, not opening his eyes.

I giggled at that. He was so adorable.

Brent's eyes fluttered open. "You seem a little better than last night."

I groaned, flipping back around. "I don't wanna talk about that."

"Sorry." Brent sighed.

I grunted in response, too annoyed to talk now.

"What? I said sorry." Brent pouted.

"Mhmm." I answered.

"Oh come on. We both know you can't stay mad at me." Brent smirked, tickling my waist.

I tried hard to hold in the laughs that wanted to burst from my chest.

"Come on, you know you wanna laugh. Come on." Brent urged in my ear.

"Stop it!" I laughed.

"Not until you say you forgive me." Brent smirked.

"Never!" I laughed.

"Suit yourself." Brent's smirk widened as he started tickling my stomach.

I thrashed around in the bed. "Okay! Okay! I give, I give!" I burst into laughter.

Brent covered my mouth with his hand. "Shhhhhh. My older sister's asleep in the next room over."

"Uo haff ah sisthter?" I said from under his hand.

Brent chuckled before realesing my hand. "Yes, I have a sister. This is her apartment anyway."

"Oooooooh." I said. "What time is it anyway?" I asked, remembering how dark the room was.

Brent grabbed his phone. "Three in the morning." He yawned.

"Not to make the moment awkward, but how did I get here?" I asked.

"You asked to come with me home, instead of going to the Jones's because Wyatt was gunna be there." Brent explained.

"Oh." I yawned. "Well, I guess I have to face him sometime." I went to get up, but Brent pulled me back down.

"Not at three in the morning you don't." He chuckled.

"Oh, right." I giggled, laying back down. I cocked my head up with my hand, facing Brent.

"I don't understand something." I started.

"Whatcha mean?" Brent asked, mimicking me by putting his hand on his hand and holding himself up by his elbow.

"I mean, before last night, we only talked once at the mall. Now we're like best friends."

"Best friends?" He asked a little dissapointedly.

I nodded. "Is that okay?" I asked.

"Oh... uh..." He stuttered.

"Don't you wanna be my best friend?" I asked.

He sighed frustratedly, flipping onto his back and starring at the ceiling. "I don't know!" He huffed.

"Whatcha mean?" I asked, laying on my back like him.

"I just thought that I was making it obvious." Brent sighed.

"Making what obvious?"

"Nothing." He murmured as he raked his hands down his face.

"Come on. You can tell me." I whispered to him. 

"I know I can, it's just I'm worried about what your reaction will be."

"I'll be good and mature about this." I gave him my seriousness face by scrunching up my nose.

He chuckled, poking my nose gently. "Don't give yourself a headache now." 

I laughed at that. "That's not very nice."

"Yeah, yeah." Brent smiled, laying on his side and closing his eyes.

I poked his cheek. "Hey, you gotta tell me." I pointed out.

"In the morning. I'm to tired to think." He mumbled with a smile. I layed on my side, facing away from him.

"No, you're just too lazy." I grumbled unhappily.

Brent pulled me agaisnt his chest with his arm snaked around my waist. "Touche."

I sighed heavily before drifting back to sleep.


I opened my eyes when the room was ten times brighter than it was at three in the morning. Brent was still fast asleep next to me, his arm still around my waist. I rolled my eyes at him with a smile. I heard a faint vibrating sound. I peered over the side of the bed to find my phone on the ground. I grabbed it and read the caller ID: *Ian is Awsome 8)* I quickly answered so he wouldn't blow a gasget.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Elle? Where the HELL are you?!" Ian asked angerily.

"At Brent's. Why?" I answered softly.

"BRENT'S?!? What did you guys do?!" He yelled through the phone.

"Relax, Jones. After the party I asked him if I could stay at his house. I didn't wanna see Wyatt."

"So that gives you the idea that you can go sleep with some guy or drink beer?" He asked.

"We didn't sleep together." I felt a poke in my side telling me Brent was awake.

"Oh really?" Ian scoffed.

"Seriously. He slept on the floor and I took his bed. You're such an idiot." I said.

"I'm coming to get you." Ian said. "What's his address?"

"Brent'll text it to you." I said.

"Kay. I'll be there in a minute." Ian replied.

"Okay." I answered before the line went dead.

"Will you text him for me?" I asked.

"Sure." Brent replied.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Oh.. Yeah." Brent said.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, Elle. I'm fine." He answered frustratedly.



"What was that thing you were gunna tell me?" I asked him.

He groaned loudly. "Ever thought of letting that go?" 

"Nope." I said popping the 'p.'

He sighed before sitting up. He crossed his legs and looked down at his hands that laid in his lap. I sat up with him and watched him.

"Elle.... I really don't want to tell you this since what happened with Wyatt just happened and all... but you're asking for this right? For me to tell you and all?" 

I nodded caustiously.

"Elle, I-" Brent was cut off by a loud rap of knocks coming from down the hall.

"That should be Ian." I said awkwardly. I got up, grabbing my phone and heading for the door with Brent right behind me.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." I smiled up at him.

He gave me a small smile in return. "Any time."

Brent opened the door to the apartment to reveal a very angry looking Ian. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall. I looked over my shoulder at Brent.

"See you at school."

"Good luck with him." Brent laughed.

I rolled my eyes as Ian pulled me out of the apartment building.


Hope you guys liked that:) I'll probably upload the next chapter today sometime. Comment, Vote, Fan 

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