The Universe // Yoandri Cabre...

By awreeoh

14.8K 1.1K 1.5K

Sequel to The Stars he's cautious. she's explosive. More

1| Broken a Heart
2| Library
3| Parties & Kisses
4| You & I
5| I'll Help
6| Explantions
7| Wrong
8| Questions
9| Back Together
10| Said and Done
11| Impossible
12| Tell Me
13| Depressed
14| Bliss
15| Better
16| Want
17| Nightmares
18| Not Done Yet
19| Precious Moments (Part 1)
20| Precious Moments (Part 2)
21| Gonna Be Alright
23| All My Love
24| Aroused
25| Alec
26| Your Place
27| Cold
28| Boom. Crash.
29| Newfound Joy
30| All of Me
31| Success
author's note
fifteen facts
Q&A-The Second Part
answers - The Second Part

22| Clingy

293 27 73
By awreeoh

Chapter Twenty-Two

Angelia's POV

It's pure silence as I walk down the corridor to meet Yoandri at the cafe like usual. Today is a Wednesday afternoon, boring as usual, and I wanted nothing more than to take a nap and sleep soundly in my own bed.

With Yoandri of course.

It's so quiet.

I run a hand through my hair and my breathing slows down as I inhale deeply. I round the corner, Yoandri's face only two corners away, and hear a rustling sound.

I shake it off as nothing but once I hear the rapid footsteps behind me, I begin to get unsettled. I walk at my same moderate space, but if anything the person speeds up and I find myself feeling anxious.

The person appears to be right behind me at this point and that's when I turn around, just have two hands land on my waist and blue eyes stare into mine.

The same boy from my dream, or rather nightmare, looks down upon me with a small smile among his features. I feel my breathing escape me as he examines my body with his eyes. Not checking me out but certainly looking at me.

We both stay in pure silence, me not sure what to do and the boy just looking into my eyes. His jawline was sharp, his hair was tousled and messy on his head, his blue green eyes reminding me of sea foam.

"Hello," he finally whispers out.

Chills run up and down my spine at the sound of his voice, velvet and smooth. His lips were curved at the edges and when he finally smiled at me I was nearly blinded from his teeth.

"Hey," I manage out.

He smiles down at me and its when I realize that Yoandri's smile is the best smile I've ever seen, that I escape from his grasp. "Goodbye," I smile at Blue Eyes before running off into Yoyo's direction.

Blue Eyes is peculiar.

But I will love Yoandri.

No matter what.


We fiddle our thumbs together as we watch the observatory sky above us.

Yoandri and I have come to this place more often due to the mere fact that my house was far from where and that we didn't have the same access to the stars as before.

His soft, warm hand clutches mine and I smile just as he brings it up to his pink plump lips, kissing it gently. I smile into his neck as I lean into his shoulder and I hug him tightly.

"I love you," I giggle as I plant a kiss on his neck.

Yoandri's brown eyes meet mine and I feel my breath get taken away, yet again. "I love you most," he mumbles. I blush a little as he bites my bottom lip, then plants a kiss on my lips.

Then it's like a switch and he inhales before nudging our noses together, putting a hand on my cheek. I take a shuddery breath as he looks into my eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"You're so beautiful," he mumbles.

I smile and lean on his shoulder.

"You're not so bad yourself, buddy."

He laughs.


"Okay so if I understand what you're saying," he stops to shove ice cream into his mouth then ponders on the idea.

"We basically call the colors we see the same name, but we don't actually see the same colors?"

I nod eagerly and shove a spoon of my own ice cream in my mouth. Yoandri sighs before looking at nothing in particular, deep in thought.

"You just completely fucked me over," he groans.

Laughing, I lean forward and kiss his nose.

His frustration is adorable.

"So what are we doing tomorrow after classes?" he asks as he takes another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth yet again.

We were in bed, half naked as usual, and eating ice cream. From time to time, we prefer to have deep conversations rather than sleep. It's extremely satisfying to my tummy so that's a plus.

"I was thinking we could revise together," I suggest. Yoandri nods and finally takes one last spoonful of ice cream before putting the lid on the tub. His eyes shoot to me and I pass him my tub as well, smiling softly.

When he gets out of bed to go to put away the ice cream, I sigh and plop backwards into my pillow. Closing my eyes, I think about Blue Eyes and how he seemed to want something from me, wanted it so bad that he would follow me.

I run a hand through my unruly curls and look up at the white ceiling.

It's warm today and it's refreshing from the usual rainy weather. I smile as I hear Yoandri come up the steps, and eventually he sits down gently next to me, cuddling into my side.


I hum in content as he places soft kisses on my back, his hands grasping my bare skin. My body shivers when he places a wet kiss on the valley of my back, "I need you to answer a question," he mumbles.

I wait for the question and finally he sighs, "Why have you been so clingy all of a sudden?"

Frowning, I cross my arms and pout at him. "I am not clingy," I respond. Yoandri chuckles before embracing me tightly, "I think it's cute."

I shake my head and turn away from him, "It's not my fault I had a nightmare about your death."

He stays quiet.


Yoyo snores softly next to me, my breathing the only thing keeping me awake. The ceiling fan spins around and around, making a soft noise. It's delicate and the breeze hits me gently, just enough to lull me to sleep.

Blood spills from his mouth as he looks at me, a blossoming pool of blood coming from his abdomen.

I sit up, my blood cold and my whole body paralyzed. I try to take deep breaths only to fail and its when I hyperventilate that Yoandri wakes up from his slumber.

His gentle hands pick me up and I shake in his arms. "When I wake up to your footsteps, as you get up out of bed. They make a song that seems to simple, it dances in my head," he sings gently. 

His touch slowly but surely calms me down from my panicky state, soothing me in ways I find miraculous. I lean against his chest, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

We lay down on the bed together and I entany myself tightly into his arms, wanting to be as close to him as possible.

His slow breathing and steady heartbeat coax me into a peaceful sleep. 

"Promise," I demand in a mumble.

He chuckles softly before nodding and whispering, "I won't ever leave you," in my ear.

"Good," I sigh before falling asleep.


"So Angelia is your name?"

I freeze in my seat and turn my head to see Blue Eyes smiling at me gently. Shaking my head, I respond, "Who would like to know?"

His hand delicately touches my wrist and I shake him off almost immediately. Hurt flashes in his eyes but it's gone momentarily, "Alec. My name is Alec."

Alec suits his traits, blue eyes and all. I find myself inspecting his body and face in further detail.

Yeah, Alec suits him alright.

I nod once and remove my uncertain gaze from his tranquilizing eyes, "Nice to meet you Alec." He chuckles as he takes out some of his stuff to study and that's when I finally respond, "Angelia."

I look up hesitantly only to find him already staring at me with those blue eyes. I clear my throat then finish, "My name is Angelia."

Alec smiles and all I can think about is Yoandri's smile and how I would much rather have him in front of me than Alec.

It's almost as if God here's my prayers and soon enough Yoandri is in the seat next to me, breathing heavily. "I'm here. I'm sorry I'm late," he huffs.

I feel my mood brighten up at the mere thought of him and his brown eyes glimmer as he looks at me with a smile. He nods at Alec and they exchange a mute greeting that ends with both of them looking at me.

I blush but clear my throat once again and introduce them to each other, "Yoandri, meet Alec. Alec meet Yoandri."

It's quiet between them as they discreetly size one another up and I shake my head at the both of them. Yoandri's hand comes up to my thigh and he squeezes it, almost protectively.

I laugh a little and take his band in mine, intertwining our hands together gently.

Alec looks at the gesture but only clenches his jaw, and finally I look at Yoyo and kiss his cheek.

"Let's get to studying."











such a peculiar word.

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