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Morgan Reign was never good at following orders, she has a stubborn disposition and loud mouth, which always... Еще



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Fredrick: Hey, Nina. Where's Morgan? I need her to do something for me

Nina: Um..

Mrs. Burnes: She went to the Chocolatier's to bring some of Miss Elliott's favourites

Fredrick: I would appreciate it, Mrs. Burnes, if someone would tell me before sending my personal maid on another job. Especially if there was someone else who could do it

Mrs. Burnes shrugged: Well, sir, she could use the reprieve

His eyes widened. He'd heard from murmured whispers before that the maids didn't like Isabelle, but he had no idea why..

He sighed: Just tell her I need to see her once she gets back please

Mrs. Burnes: Of course..

In the mean while..

Morgan: The expensive part of town..

Mary: Yeah.. Oh! There's the shop. Let's hurry up

They ran to the shop. The items inside were mouth watering. Chocolates of different flavours all around. Both girls loved chocolate. This was heaven. The aroma alone was to die for

There was a foriegn looking man, dressed as a butler

Man: What can I do for you madam?

He looked a bit snobby..

Mary: We're looking for a certain type of chocolate

Man: Ah, let's see..

He lead them to the least expensive chocolates there, which were still ridiculously expensive

Man: I believe that would be the best for you..

Morgan's mouth twitched, clearly he thought they couldn't afford anything here, which was true, but still annoying

Morgan: We're looking for Miss Isabelle Elliot's favourite chocolates? Would you happen to know which ones they are?

Man: Oh! Madmoselle Bella! Why haven't you said so before?! Here, come with me

He brought a box, arranged a few types of chocolates inside and wrapped it up in an elaborate way

Man: Tell her you were served by Pierre!

Morgan just blinked at him

Mary thanked him, handed him the money and dragged Morgan after her

Mary: Quick thinking. It didn't occur to me to ask him about her favourites

Morgan shrugged

Mary: I hope this will satisfy her for now. Let's head back. I'm sure Mrs. Bernes will be waiting

Mrs. Burnes: Welcome back girls. Mary go take the chocolates to Miss Elliot and Morgan, the young master asked for you. Go to him..

Both girls: Thank you Mrs. Burnes. Yes mam

Mary: Wish me luck

Morgan: Good luck

Both girls went to their destinations

Morgan knocked on Fredrick's door

Fredrick: Come in..

Morgan: You asked for me, master?

Fredrick smiled faintly: Hey.. Come in and close the door behind you

Morgan: Oh..

She did as she was told, then stood there awkwardly

He beckoned her closer. He had the lap top opened on a design

Fredrick: What do you think of this?

She stood near him and tried to look at it. She had to lean way too close to him for comfort..

Morgan: May I?

He nodded and moved the laptop closer to her

Morgan looked deep in thought

Fredrick: So?

Morgan: It's good, but it could be better

Fredrick: How would you like to help us improve it

Morgan: Oh..

Fredrick: You can take this as an opprutunity to further your career

Morgan grimaced slightly: Am I such a bad maid?

Fredrick smiled: Not at all. It's just that I know it's not your career choice. And here, my family likes to think of this a milestone to get people on their feet, instead of a permrnant job, unless they choose to make it that way

She nodded at him

Fredrick: Will you do it?

She smiled: I would like to. Thank you.. Will that be all, master?

Fredrick: I'd like some creme brulee please

Morgan laughed: I'll get right to making it, master

She left him smiling. He was thinking she'd work at the company soon, and cease being his maid..

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