Harry Styles Imagines

By Gurl_Almighteh

324K 4.3K 843

Creation date:15/8/2015 ➡This story has been abandoned for the longest time and I'm not as active anymore 😂... More

Hotel Ceiling-Rixton
How you meet
A Pregnancy Morning.
IF it wasn't 'Hotel Ceiling'
Personal Imagine
Wedding Night{DIRTY}
Night Texts
Fight (Personal)
Why? (Part 2)
Abuser -Part 2
Tiring Work
Pref:Home VoiceMail Message
Cheeky Little Bastard
"One more..."
Father's Day
Personal for Alexis
Personal for Amal
Requests CLOSED!!!
Quick Imagine+A/N
You're Sick
Don't Deserve Me
Like A Fairy Tale
Personal for Sarah
Don't Deserve Me (Part 2)
Love You Goodbye
Personal for Diana
English Love Affair

New Year's Eve

5.2K 94 10
By Gurl_Almighteh

Special for new year. Sorry for the delay that much haven't updated in ages ik u wanna kill me 😂😂 but now im more free to write hopefully I'll update more every once a while. Xoxoxo

IMPORTANT: I hope that no one steals my imagines and claim that they're his... Plz, if u want u can post them giving credits with MY PERMISSION FIRST! and please my covers too... Don't steal, ask for it and I'll give it to you...I hope that i wouldn't have to deal with such stuff 😂😂 Thanks for understanding xoxo

----|Harry's P.O.V.|----

------|9 pm; New Year's Eve|------

"Oh, damn! Look at that chick over there, Harry." Louis nudged me with his elbow, nodding his head towards the corner of the room where a... "chick" was standing. A very very short dress covering her upper thighs, while her breasts popped up from the cut top. It wasn't a very pleasant scene to be honest.

I shook my head at Louis, "Leave me alone, Louis. Seriously..." He laughed along with Niall, both of them amused by my reaction. I chuckled as well because it isn't worth changing my mood from good to 'not so sure about how I'm feeling' on New Year's Eve now, is it?

In fact, if there were any paps in here and they saw me looking at that girl, even for the few seconds I took to examine her like Louis wished, they would've took a photo and said "Harry Styles: the biggest womaniser on earth looking at his next prey," forgetting the part where I shook my head in disapproval and never gave her any more attention. Ironical, huh?

I stood up from where I was sat and headed to the bar in Liam's and Sophia's kitchen, the hosts of this New Year's Eve party to sit in a stool and have a drink. In their invitation, they stated that they'd like to be the two to gather friends and maybe couples together on this amazing occasion.

Though, I knew what they were doing... she was invited. (Y/n). A friend of mine whom I met a few months ago and whom I'm starting to grow feelings for.

She is ... Undescribable. Very beautiful, intelligent and mature. She doesn't show that much sense of humour but when she throws a joke, she get everybody clutching their stomach from hard laughter. She's not that skinny, a bit curvy but so hot. So confident about herself and body that she joke and laugh about it as if it's the last thing she'd think about, which makes her even hotter.

I met her in a group lunch I was invited to by one of my friends. He invited me and the boys, (Y/n) and about 3 other couples and 2 single men, like Niall and I. But (Y/n)... She immediately captured everybody's attention and my breath when she walked to the table, all elegant and classy without even trying, when she introduced herself with so much politeness, shaking everybody's hands and getting a slight blush when it was a male she was greeting. I was damn sure she knew me, she didn't get that shocked face as if she was about to explode into the fan-girling mode, but she had that one 'oh I know this guy, he's not very amazing as I remember.' Although she quickly wiped away that look and a small smile out of politeness tugged at her lips.

Oh, if she knew the crack she started in my heart that day. I guess she believed the media and pictures and thought of me as a womaniser. Even the one girl I'm starting to have real love feelings for doesn't even try to imagine herself with me. She doesn't know me, and I'm sure she's not the type to judge before knowing the complete truth but she's probably keeping her distance incase what she reads is in fact true.

One chance, that's all I need to prove to her that it's not true... That all of those things are far away from my personality, from the real me.

I hold the beer I was drinking up to my lips, taking a large swig. I hope that the golden liquor will wash away the lump in my throat from all the flashbacks I got.

----|(Y/n)'s P.O.V.|----

------|11:17 pm|------

God, this party is so crowded. If it wasn't for Sophia and Liam who insisted , nearly begged on their knees, for me to come, I wouldn't have been here.

I knew Sophia for so long, she's the sweetest, and I met her boyfriend and his bandmates a few months ago. I knew them before, like duh! Who wouldn't know One Direction, but it was the first time I see them in person. They're lovely although one of them is claimed to be a womaniser... And his looks at me didn't seem so nice that day... It's not like he was trying to seduce me or be a cocky jerk, but he seemed lost and in deep though when he looked at me.

Speaking of the devil, there comes Soph.

"Hey you, why alone, huh? Where's your boyfriend?" She smiled, putting an arm around my shoulders.

I laughed, shaking my head at her silly remark, "I'm just enjoying the party. You know me, I don't need a boyfriend. Just free as I like to be."

Sophia raised her eyebrows at me before we burst out laughing, "That ryhmed," I let out, between giggles.

"Oh God, you! Always knowing how to get out of trouble. C'mon, let's say hi to the boys," Her fingers wrapped around my wrist gently as she dragged me to the back yard.

The boys? What boys...?

I realised whom she was talking about as we approached the table where the one and only 1D boys were sat, chatting and having a drink. Generally, being all flawless. I had to admit, they're real beautiful people.

"Hi guys. Happy New Year," I smiled sweetly, my voice grabbing their attention.

'Happy New Year's ' and 'thanks' were replied and then Harry returned to that state of "getting lost in me" while he replied, "Happy New Year to you too, love. Hope that this year wasn't rough on you,"

"I can't say that it was rough, but it wasn't easy too. It had it's ups and downs." I nodded, pursing my lips into a thin line.

"Oh! Please, have a seat, love," Niall beamed.

I smiled gratefully, sitting in the only empty chair... beside Harry.

I saw him shuffle in his seat from the corner of my eyes, then he cleared his throat.

Silence fell for a minute before Louis suggested to go get a drink for Eleanor and he asked me if I'd like to have one too, which I replied to with a nod. "Let it be light please, don't wanna get drunk." I chuckled.

After 15 minutes of chatting with the boys, I went up to have a walk and settled by the fence, enjoying the cool breeze and sipping on the last drops of my drink.

I felt someone's presence behind me and then Harry's body appeared beside me, his arms resting on the fence infront of us as he leaned forward.

"Hey," he whispered, looking down at his entwined hands.

"Hi," I mirrored his actions, resting my arms beside his.

"Um, I-I don't want to seem nosey but, why aren't you with someone? I mean you're real pretty... Beautiful even."

His eyes stared at me, pupils slightly dilated and shining brightly as he waited in anticipation for my answer.

"Well... Uhh-  I've had two boyfriends before and they both broke my heart in the ugliest ways possible. I loved each of them but," I gulped as I continued, "my first love, he left me for another girl and the second, he started to become aggressive after a while of dating and then I found him in our bed with some slut beside him. So, I promised myself that I will not fall for anybody's trap from now on. I've had enough knives aimed at my back and heart," Some tears welled up in the corners of my eyes but then I shook them away, plastering a smile on my lips. "What about you?"

"They must be real arseholes for doing that to such an incredible girl like you." He gave me an apologetic smile and then continued what he was saying, "me... I-I like someone, but she doesn't know, yet..."

"Ohh, really? You should tell her! She might like you back. But you'd never know if you don't confess your love for her."

"Yeah, I know but I don't wanna' lose her friendship. 'Cause, if I told her and she doesn't like me back or doesn't even wanna give me a chance, I'd lose her... forever."

I couldn't reply since he was right. I don't mean to offend or judge but no girl would like to be with a womaniser... Well, at least not a broken one like me, who's already experienced being cheated on. But he can give it a shot at the end.

"You know, even if there are circumstances or reasons that might stop you from telling her, I believe that life is short, and all of what we have will eventually vanish in a second. That second might be right now, tomorrow or after years... But you don't know when that second might come and take you up to the sky...so you should take risks and give everything a shot. So, don't waste any more time and tell her in the first chance you get."

"Are you sure about it?" He asked, hesitant.

"Sure." I laughed softly.

"I love you."

My eyes grew wide as I heard those three words making me freeze in my spot. My head turned to him, an obviously shocked expression on my face as I examined his. A shy blush took over his cheeks as his eyes gazed at mine then around then at mine, unable to keep eye contact.

"W-what Harry?" I chuckled nervously, not sure if I've heard correctly.

"I-I confessed my love... Just like you told me to..." He trailed off.

"But Harry..." I looked forward, closing my eyelids and trying to process all of what's currently happening.

"I know, Y/N, I know what you think of me, the glances you've given me and the distance you're trying to keep... I get the hint. But I'm not the womaniser you think I am. Just," He gulped, "give me a chance. One chance, Y/N. One. Get to know me better, find out who I am, the real me then take your decision about wether you'd like to continue with me or not. I will never, ever break your heart, I promise." His eyes pleaded, they widened as they gazed into mine showing me how sincere he is.

I pondered, thinking about a way that could show me Harry's truth... How can I know that he's really sincere and not just acting to get me to fall for him, get in my pants and then dump me like some trash...?

It's like a lightbulb went off above my head, and I got one of the scariest but most convincing ideas that'd help me with my plan of discovering the truth... And I think I should just go with it since it's the only way.

-----|11:55 pm|-----

Through out the night Harry and I had gotten closer- according to my plan; we chatted and talked, until it was nearing midnight... The start of a new, fresh day of a new, fresh year.

Everybody sauntered in the middle of Sophia's and Liam's living room, where a huge LCD TV placed on the wall, showed us people in NYC who were waiting for the second the ball drops. The clock above the TV revealed precise time in which most of the people were staring at, including me.

Throughout the chit-chatting that Harry and I made, I concluded that his thoughts were clear and kindhearted that you wouldn't come across a mean idea. He was talking freely and nonchalantly which indicated that he wasn't hiding anything. He never stumbled upon his words or took back anything he was saying. It all sent a wave of relief and contentment through me knowing that I might be wrong about him at the end... I hope so.

One minute till twelve o'clock strikes. I looked at Harry seeing that he is already looking at me.

30 seconds...

10 seconds... The people around us started counting down.


I felt soft lips collide with mine gently. Massaging them in a  smoothe way as I kissed him back, one of my hands resting on his chest and the other on his ribs as both of his remained in his pockets.

Chants, cheers, and horns could be heard as people emitted positive energy by their enthusiasm for celebrating a new year, congratulations thrown here and there from different mouths as ours kept molding into each other slowly.

It was a moment of bliss, have to admit. But, it was also a part of my plan...

"I wanna go home," I whispered, my nose nudging at his cheek.

"Okay." Is all he replied.

We went up to the so called couple "Sohpiam" to bid them goodbye and thank them for a nice party. I couldn't ignore the wink Sophia sent me and the wicked smile Liam had on his face looking at Harry as we started turning around to leave. Dirty bastards... That's why they insisted I be here at the party, so they could set me up with Harry. All he responded by to Liam's smile was a tiny shy smile along with a blush and a head shake.

-----|2:45 am|-----

After we roamed around the city for a while, listening to music(mostly 1D's), and singing loudly I led him to my house.

He walked me to the porch as I opened my door and entered. From the way his gaze was shifting rapidly from one spot to the other and the way his jaw clenched and unclenched I knew that he was all fidgety contemplating whether he should take things into the 'next step' or just keep it this simple.

But my plan is the next step. So I stepped forward, pressing our lips together in a hungry kiss as I pulled him inside by the collar of his half unbottoned shirt.

Clothes flew everywhere with each step nearer to my bedroom, making a trail behind us from the front door and up the stairs.

He kissed me with so much passion I thought my heart wouldn't be able to take it. His hands gripped everywhere he could reach on my body, fingers gentle and loving.

He placed me on the mattress before climbing over me and resting his weight on his arms sprawled on either sides of my head.

"I'll prove to you that I'm honest, and worth of your trust and love." He whispered, then placed a soft, lingering kiss on my forehead before continuing his journey down my body, and giving me one of the best love making nights of my life.

-----|Next Morning|-----

I could feel a bright light behind my eyelids, destroying my beauty sleep and waking me up. I opened my eyes to see sun rays seeping through the slightly opened curtain, though quickly closing them again to adjust to the sudden light.

But as soon as events from last night flashed through my head, my eyes opened widely, quite awake right now.

I instantly turned to the opposite side of the bed to find it... Empty!

That man- or womaniser should I say- I knew that this would make him come clean and it did.

My plan worked -maybe not in the way I would've wanted it to... But it revealed what needed to be revealed.

My plan was simple, risky, but simple; it based off giving him the chance he requested to have. So:
-get close to him
-make him comfortable around you
-make love
-see if he:a)is still there inthe morning
                 b)has left in the morning
a: would've indicated that he was truthful and that he is really in love with me and had proved me wrong and kicked away any bad thoughts about him.

b: did indicate that he is a lowlife liar and that his main aim was to manipulate me and get me in his bed and by morning claim everything as a one night stand by leaving as soon as the sun rises, which he did.

He had no feelings whatsoever or else he would've stayed because no man, that has ever requested a chance and had it and everything got just like he wanted it to-having the woman he loves believe & trust him- and let all that go... Go and leave it behind.

I really expected to open my eyes to see his green irises peering into mine this morning with a "good morning beautiful" or anything sweet 'cause he seemed genuine last night. Not even a hint of doubt did he allow to crawl into my head, he-

"Good morning, beautiful," a cheery and happy voice cut off my endless thoughts, a syrupy smile lightening up the whole room -no the whole neighbourhood.

I starred at him, utterly and purely shocked, a tray held in his hands with a deliciously smelling plate of chocolate pancakes, orange juice and a small red rose in a cute little vase.

Oh God, what have I done. Or thought actually. I thought. I had misjudged the poor guy.

"Umm, you probably wanna kill me for rummaging through your kitchen but I couldn't find anything, except the juice in the fridge, so I had to quickly run to the coffee shop and get you these and get back in hopes you'd wake up after, but..." He nodded towards the pancakes, the unsure-apologetic look on his face.

"You're so sweet," I mumbled breathlessly, not sure if he even heard.

Tears welled up in the corner of my eyes, guilt nibbling harshly at my insides. I can't believe that he's done this... For me.

He was anything but a liar or a womaniser. He is the sweetest person on earth, trying to make his loved ones happy, has a heart of gold.

He approached me setting the tray in my lap as I sat up, the sheets clutched to my naked body. But it was the last thing I would care for right now. I lunged forward crashing his bones in a bone tight hug.

"Harry, thank you. You proved me your honesty and you are worthy my love and trust." I confessed before giving him the I-want-to-be-with-you kiss.

This new year is surely to be a good one.

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