I Love You, But I Lied - Mark...

By Marktinz

248K 7K 2.2K

Think of me as a lover and I'll pretend that you're one, too. I love you.....but then again....I'm a liar... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54 - End!!!!!!

Part 17

3.8K 112 14
By Marktinz


"Congratulations guys. You were all so cool." Vic and I hugged and patted the boys when we enter their waiting room. 

"Cuz, I didn't know you are even cockier on stage." I laughed. 

"What? Excuse me!" He exclaims. "I'm the wild and sexy Jackson for your information." He waves his finger in front of my face and makes the sexiest smile. 

I cringe and everybody laughs. 

"Hey!" Mark lets me sit beside him on the couch. "I have something to tell you."

I look up at him, feeling a bit nervous. Jackson, who is sitting beside him, also looks up. 

"What?" I try to control my shaky voice, clearing my throat after asking.

"My parents want to meet you." WHAT????? 

Even Jackson's eyes grow big. I just stare at him, not knowing what to say.

 He continues, "They're on their way, actually. They want to meet you for lunch tomorrow." 

I look at him, then at Jackson who's also staring back at me, not believing this coincidence either. Why should this happen now? 

"Uhm...don't you think it's too soon." My nervousness is apparent now. All the boys are quiet, maybe waiting for what I have to say. "I mean....we've just started and...." And I'm gonna break up with you anyway. 

"Why don't you go?" I'm surprised of Jackson's question. Seriously? I thought he said he wants me to break up with him today? He gives me a silent nod.

"Uhm...." I don't want to disappoint his parents either. Just one more day won't hurt. "Ok!" 

"Yes!" Mark says, giving me a tight hug. "They're so gonna love you." I'm not sure about that, after they find out I've been lying to their son. Shit!

Jackson comes to my apartment once we get in. 

"Cuz," he pulls me to the room and locks it. "Let's talk about this," he says, sitting on the bed and putting his head on his hands. 

"Shit! What am I gonna do now? How am I gonna say it? I'm sorry I should've done it earlier. It's all my fault." This is getting deeper and deeper and more and more difficult to escape from. 

"It IS your fault, Jessica." He looks at me furiously, "but that's not what's important right now. Meet up with his family. Tell him not to announce you on the radio. And then break up with him a day or two after that."

"Wow!" I laugh sarcastically, "that easy, huh?"

"You have no other choice, cuz. I am done with you playing my best friend. I'm done with this charade. Just get it done and over with before I lose my mind here." 

"I'm sorry! I really owe you a lot for this." I do. He must be feeling sorry for his friend right now for introducing the both of us. 

"Just make sure to do it this time," he says, standing from the bed.

Before he could reach the door, I stop him. "Jackson," he stops and turns around to look at me.


"He....he just told me he loves me." 

"The more you should make it faster, Ah-Cy." He turns around and slams the door behind him, leaving me staring at the wooden door that is still shaking from the impact. 

I'm supposed to follow him out when my phone buzzes. I swipe the screen and open a message from an unknown number. My eyes and mouth open as wide as they can. 

"What is it?" Vic asks, just coming in the room. 

"Shit!" I sit on the bed. Vic takes the phone and his expression is nothing different to mine. 

"Jess, can we talk? At least let's clear things out before I go. I'm in front of your apartment building. - Lei." The message read. 

"Double Shit!" He says, sitting beside me. "What are you gonna do?"

"Should I?" Half of me wants to hear what he has to say...maybe wants to see him again. The other half is telling me not to....what if Mark sees us? 

"Your call," Vic says, handing me back the phone. "Maybe you should. He's leaving anyway."

"It won't hurt, would it?"

"Nah! As long as you don't get caught." 


"What? I know you want to see him. Go!"

With that, I grab a jacket and run to the elevator before anyone from the apartment across mine sees me. 

I text him back, 'Can we meet somewhere else?' I stayed at the lobby to wait for his answer. He gives me an address of a hotel and a room number. As soon as I get out of the building, I hail a taxi. 

Is this right? I'm still not sure why I'm doing this. But I want to see him before he goes back to China. One last time?

I close my eyes and breathe in deeply as I stand at the door of the hotel room. I hesitate more than ten times before lightly knocking on the door. Before I could knock again, the door swings open, revealing a distraught-looking Lei. Only a part of his dress shirt is tucked in his pants, his tie hanging loose, his hair ruffled and his eyes blood shot. 

He surprises me by pulling me in his arms and sobbing almost immediately. "Jess, you came." I still couldn't find my voice as he loosens his grip and takes my hand. 

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask casually, masking the mixed emotions I have inside. I want to hug him and wipe away the tears in his eyes. I want to get mad at him for being so late. I want to mock him for even coming here. 

"Would you want something to drink first?" He asks, walking towards the couch in the middle of the wide living room. I'm guessing this hotel is his father's. 

"No, thanks." I sit on the couch, making sure not to be near him. He notices. He stands up and kneels in front of me, taking my hands. 

"Lei!" I say, surprised at his actions. 

"Just listen." He runs one hand on his disheveled hair and looks at me with those teary eyes. "I am not good with words, so please...just listen."

I keep silent. My heart is beating faster again as nervousness takes me. I feel my hand sweating at his warm hands. 

"I'm sorry for what I've done to you. I'm sorry that my dad destroyed your family. I'm just sorry about everything." He pauses to wipe his tears again. "I'm going back to China tomorrow. I know I'm confusing you right now. But,  I love you, Jessica. I guess I haven't stopped loving you even though I thought I had.  I don't want to lose you again." He stops and cups my face with his hands, leaning closer. 

My heart is now running a race. "Would you go back with me?", he whispers. I can feel his breath on my lips. I can't even move. My mind is just blank at this point as he closes the gap between our lips. His hand snakes around my nape, pulling me closer. My mouth opens for him and moves with his lips. 

Shit! What am I doing? I push away and run out the door. Tears now streaming down my face. I hear him calling after me but I don't dare to look back. If I stop and turn around, I might not be able to peel myself away from him. I can't deny it. I still have feelings for him. 

But what if he's just doing this to get my dad's company? What if he's just playing me, too? I'm being paranoid. 

"Jess," he grabs my arm before I could get in the elevator. "Please." 

"What?" I snap at him, wiping the tears from my cheeks. 

"Please Jess. Come back with me. I can make you happy. I can provide for the both of us." Here he goes again with the money. It's not what I need. 

"Let go, Lei." I say softly, not daring to look him straight in the eye. "I can't do this. I don't want to go back to China with you. Not with your dad taking over my father's company." 

He loosens his grip. I grab the chance and run towards the stairs. I guess he didn't follow me since I am able to get out of the building without him on my heels. I decide to walk back home to clear my head.

A lot of things have happened these past few days that I couldn't even organize my thoughts anymore. Lei! Why do you have to come here and confuse me? He might be sincere with his words...he looked like he was...Why can't I accept his feelings? Because of his dad, that's why. I don't know what I'm feeling anymore. I love him....I love him not. If I do love him, I should be taking him in whatever the situation. If I don't love him, why am I feeling this way whenever he's around?

I feel my phone vibrate in my jacket pocket. I look to see who's calling. MARK! Of all the bad timing....


"Where are you?" He sounds concerned. 

"I just had to deal with something in the restaurant. Sorry." I feel so bad lying to him yet again.

"Is everything ok? Want me to go there?" 

"No, it's fine. I'm almost done here anyway. Don't worry."

"Ok. I'll wait for you here."

"No need, Mark. Just get some rest. I know you're tired from the concert earlier. I'll just see you tomorrow."

"You sure?"


"Ok. I'll send you the address of the restaurant. I have to go pick them up in the morning. Mom wants to do some shopping first."

"Sure. See you."

"Good night, babe. Be careful."

"You too Mark."

"I love you."



I know she's still sleeping when I come out of the apartment in the morning. She came in late last night. I heard her get in her apartment past midnight. There must've been a problem in the resto since she had to go check on them late at night. I didn't want to bother her cause I know she's tired too. She must be stressed out with the opening of the resto just less than two weeks from now. 

I go down the elevator super excited to be seeing my parents again. A guy bumps into me as I get out. He's wearing a hood and a cap under it so I couldn't see his face clearly. He gets in the elevator without even saying sorry or even looking back. I just shake my head, not wanting that small thing to destroy my mood. 

Besides, today is a special day. Aside from seeing my parents again after months, I would be introducing my girlfriend to them. Jess would be the first girlfriend they would be meeting and I'm intending her to be the last. 

I smile as I get in the taxi and give the address to the driver. 

My parents are as happy as I am. I take them shopping for some things to give to my sibs and nieces back home in LA. My mom even insists on getting something for Jess. She chooses this aqua chiffon scarf, saying she would need it in autumn. I just smile and tell her it's perfect. Jess would look perfect in anything anyway. 

After hours of going in and out of shops, my father complains, saying his feet is gonna collapse if we don't rest soon. So, my mom decides to head to the restaurant to where we're going to be meeting Jess. 

We get a private table on the second floor. We're only a few minutes early. I immediately call Jess to tell her we're already here, but she isn't answering. So, I just sent her a message. 

Twenty minutes later, and still no Jess. My parents are starting to feel awkward since I keep on calling and she wouldn't answer. 

"Don't worry. Maybe she's just stuck in traffic." My dad assures. 

"Let's just order." I say. I'm a bit worried and pissed off at the same time. How can she be late in something as important as this? 



I wasn't able to sleep at all last night. My mind is still in the kiss we shared, although short...very short. Still, she kissed me back. 

I get out of the car in front of her apartment very early in the morning. Holding an envelope in one hand, I almost run to catch the closing elevator. I bump into somebody on the way but I ignore him. I only realized who it was when the doors close. Mark. Are they living together? That's impossible. I know she's living with her bestfriend. Maybe he lives in the same building. Even so, it still bothers me. 

I stand outside her door for what seems like a minute before slipping the envelope under it. I hear the door behind me unlock and I quickly turn and head back to the elevator. Before I can even reach it, "Lei?" Jackson?

I turn around and see it is him. "Jackson. What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you that. I live here," he says, pointing at the door across from Jess'. 

"Oh." That explains Mark being here. 

"Did you come to see Jess?" He eyes me suspiciously. 

"Ah...no. I just dropped off something. Ei, I gotta go. I have a plane to catch," I say, nodding at him and turning around again. 

"Ok!" He says slowly. 

I go back to the hotel to pack. I just hope she sees the envelope before the flight. 

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