My Human

By YamiBaki

51K 2.2K 879

Male!Reader x Amaimon 100 Theme Challenge "You're too obsessive over him, you can't see him or interact with... More

Introduction 1/100
Complicated 2/100
Making History 3/100
Rivlery 4/100
Unbreakable 5/100
Obsession 6/100
Eternity 7/100
Gateway 8/100
Death 9/100
Opportunities 10/100
33% 11/100
Dead Wrong 12/100
Running Away 13/100
Judgement 14/100
Seeking Solace 15/100
Vengeance 17/100
Love 18/100
Tears 19/100
My Inspiration 20/100
Never Again 21/100
Online 22/100
Failure 23/100
Rebirth 24/100
Breaking Away 25

Excuses 16/100

1.1K 64 9
By YamiBaki

The sound of his footsteps echoed against the walls of his new office, while he grumbled under his breath. Sasagawa paced back and forth, his mind coming up blank as he tried to think up of a new plan that would help his group and its members from shutting down and being abandoned. He was still so very furious with Rose, her mistake set them back a long way and set a trail for them to be caught. And because of that, many of the others had abandoned the group, to which he had allowed them to leave. If they didn't have the strength or will to keep on fighting, than they had no right to be there. 

Sasagawa took in a deep breath, before growling and cursing. It only enraged him the more he thought about his recent issues. Not only are the funds for the cult lowering, but they've recently captured more of their members, one of them being a very rich politician and their biggest donor. As he's pacing, the room begins to ring with a soft beeping. Turning his head, he walked up to his desk and picked up his cell. On the screen it showed a blocked number, but he knew who was calling, and he was the last person he wanted to speak to. Taking in another deep breath, he answered the call and pressed the device to his ear, might as well see what he wants. 

"What do you want?" He growled, not liking the calm tone on the other side of the line. 

"Just checking up on you," the one other line began. "As you've heard, we've captured more of your members, it won't be long until we're closer to finding the main group and taking you into custody."

"As if you could do such a thing, you and I both know that I'm not the enemy here." Sasagawa growled. It took all of his self-control to keep as quiet as possible. The last thing he needed was to lose his temper and have the remainder of the members in his group to barge in and ask what he was doing. He didn't want them to find out who he was talking to, it would blow all of his plans away. 

"If you're suggesting (y/n) is the enemy, then you are dead wrong." 

"I don't see why you have to protect him, when he's the reason I lost everything!" Sasagawa accidentally yelled, clearing his throat and hoping that no one heard him. "I will get rid of him, and I won't let you get in my way."

"..." The man on other line kept quiet, before taking a deep breath and calmly saying. "If that's how you're going to be, than I have no choice but stop you." 

"I would like to see you try." As always, he was being threatened. He could no longer trust anyone, not his members, and not even those reliable resources that always kept him up to date on the (h/c) haired teen. "What I'm doing is the right thing, I'm doing the world a favour and getting rid of him to make sure no one dies because of him. He's a demon magnet and a bad influence, and God wants me to save everyone. I was born to take out that boy-"

"What you're doing is trying to take an innocent life." The normally calm male on the other end of the line began to get serious. "Stop justifying yourself and your actions and making up excuses. You and I both know that you're using this whole cult and group as an excuse to kill (y/n). I'll protect the boy with all I have and I will stop you."

Sasagawa growled, and without hesitation, he pulled the phone away from his ear and ended the call. He had no reason to fear the man, simply because he had the Vatican on his side and exorcists who will listen to him. He, too, had many people on his side, and if it's a war he wants, it's a war he'll get. Staring down at the phone in his hands, he couldn't help but let out a small smile, a chuckle rumbling in his chest at the sight of his screen saver. 

It was a recent picture of (y/n) eating a convenience store ice cream with the son of Satan. 


Mephisto waited at his desk patiently, smiling to himself as he stirred his tea cup with his left hand. A certain blond was supposed to arrive today and check up with him, and that would mean he would get the answers he was looking for. 

As if on cue, the door to his office opened, and in walked Angel. the blond wore his typical white with red linings exorcists uniform, with Caliburn strapped to his side and his regular stony expression. Ever since he had told the Vatican about (y/n)'s holy powers, they had allowed him back as Paladin and he was no longer branded a traitor, courtesy of Sasagawa san. Of course, Mephisto may or may not have forgotten to inform Yukio and Shura, but they'll find out eventually. Mephisto smiled as the blond walked up to the desk to speak with him, he has been waiting a week for him to return, and he couldn't wait any longer to hear the story of the (h/c) haired teen and what had happened to his mother. 

"My my, look who's returned." Mephisto began, sending the man a smirk. "Tell me Arthur, where have you been?" 

Angel didn't move an inch, as though expecting this sort of thing from the purple haired headmaster. Then again, why wouldn't he? The headmaster could be so childish sometimes, and knowing him for so many years now, Angel knew what he would do 33% of the time. "I will have to tell you about that later." He mumbled. "Right now I want to see the boy, I was informed by Okumura that they had found him the day after I left."

Mephisto couldn't help but frown, stopping his stirring motion in order to send him an un-amused look. He was not backing out now, not when he was so very close to figuring out the truth. "We had a deal, Angel." Mephisto mumbled in a serious tone. 

"I know we did." Angel replied, unfazed by the glare he was given. He was going to hold onto this secret for as long as possible. "I'm tired from my trip, and I just want to see the boy first, after I return I will tell you everything." With that, the blond haired Paladin turned on his heels and began to make his way to the door, not really caring that the headmaster wanted nothing more than to rip his head clean off. That is, until he got an idea. 

"(Y/n) is on Probation by the Vatican, but I'm sure you know that." He taunted, knowing full well that Angel was the only one who wasn't informed of the teen's court date and results. And he was glad he decided not to let him know, who knew it would come in handy? Turning, Angel sent the headmaster a glare, not liking the smile he was being sent as he turned back around to face him. This was the first time he's heard of this, why hadn't anyone told him? He had left his earpiece on, surely someone would have taken the time to give him a call. "Why? And how? What exactly happened while I was gone?" He asked, his frown deepening when the purple haired male simply shrugged his shoulders and began to look through some files on his desk. "I will tell you about that later," Mephisto told him, trying to look as though he were busy. "I'm tired from my work, and I just want to rest first. After I'm done, I will tell you everything." 

Angel didn't miss the way the purple haired demon just used his own words against him, then again what should he have expected? Heaving a deep sigh in exhaustion, the blond paladin lifted a hand to rub his tremble, feeling a headache coming on. He was in no mood to deal with him or play games, so he might as well get it all over with. "Fine, I'll confess to everything, I'll answer all of your questions and not try to dodge the subject any longer." He told him in defeat, not liking the pleased expression on the headmaster's face. 

"Alright, you may go see (y/n). The boy isn't feeling too well, the restrictions of the probation has him at his wits end so it wouldn't be surprising to me to hear that he's been sobbing." He tells him, but just as Angel turns to leave, he lifts his gloved hand to stop him in his tracks. 

"But, I expect to hear absolutely everything when you return to my office."


Glaring, glaring and more glaring. He just couldn't stop himself, not even caring that his eyes all puffy and red. He probably looked like a nerd, but if anyone asks he was crying because he was watching a sad movie. Wait, no, scratch that, that's even worse.

He stubbed his toe against the edge of a metal table, everyone would understand his tears then. 

Glaring from his spot in the corner of his bedroom, the young teen pouted at the sight of the green haired male sitting upon his bed, munching on a bag of chocolate covered almonds that (y/n) was sure he had hidden. 'That bastard was always good at finding my snacks.' He thought to himself bitterly, as he wrapped the blanket he had taken from his bed around his head until he looked like a weird caterpillar. 

After he had finished his sobbing, he stayed in that position with Amaimon until he realized what was happening and the situation he was in. Without a second thought, he pushed Amaimon away from him, only to fail since the green haired male wouldn't let go of him. Amaimon was the king of earth and he was just a regular human, how was he supposed to push the green haired bastard off that easily? He had tried again and again, but Amaimon only tightened his hold and refused to let go. After fighting with him for another couple of minutes, he had been able to grab Amaimon's tail and squeezed it tightly, causing him to hiss in pain and giving the teen an opening. Quickly pushing him off, he ran to a corner with the bed sheets in hand and stayed there, glaring at the green haired demon, moving away every time he tried to take a step closer to him. Amaimon didn't like this, and had tried to get closer to him, only to watch as the (h/c) haired teen told him to back off. He ended up trashing the room a bit in annoyance, until he had found his chocolate covered almonds and just sat down to eat them peacefully. If (y/n) didn't know better, he would have assumed that the demon was just a child in a teenager's body. 

And that's what led to their current situation. 

"All this time..." (Y/n) began, capturing the green haired male's attention. "All this damn time you were Midori... And you never bothered to tell me?!" 

Amaimon just sat there, chewing away at his almonds before swallowing. With his regular indifferent expression, he just tilted his head to the side, as though he didn't know what it was that he did wrong. "Brother told me to stay hidden, and that you shouldn't know. It was fun." 

"Don't make up stupid lies and excuses!" The raven haired teen growled, trying to stop himself from standing up and punching the demon in the face. Seriously, why did he have to do this sort of thing? One of these days he's going to get really mad at his friend and without realizing it, BAM! Right in his stupid, good-looking face. "Now the Vatican knows! What the hell are you going to do now that they know where you are? WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY GOING TO DO TO ME NOW THAT THEY KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!?!?" He panicked, clenching his head as his mind began to race with all the possibilities of what the Vatican and the counsel will do to him with little to no mercy. They weren't exactly favouring him, he was still in on the verge of execution, holding onto that ledge by a merciful and strong branch, but even he knew the branch wouldn't hold out for much longer. Still eating his chocolate almonds, the green haired demon just stared at him without a single ounce of worry, before muttering as best he could with a mouthful. Seriously, this man knew no manners. "Brother edits the video's that the Vatican receives, so you'll be fine."

(Y/n) looked at him skeptically. "This is a live feed though, I doubt he'd be able to edit that." 

"Brother uses his magic to edit them, it only shows them the good parts." He explained, grabbing a fist full of chocolate almonds. "It's editing every second, it's even editing right now so they don't even know I'm here, they're probably just seeing your ceiling and thinking you're asleep or something." With that, the green haired demon shoves the almonds into his mouth and began to eat them all. (Y/n) wanted to say something, he really did, but what can you say to someone who was probably right? Heaving a sigh, the (h/c) haired teen leaned back against the wall, tightening his bed sheet closer to him. Why did this have to happen? Why was everything going so wrong? 

What other bad things does he have to go though until he can just be happy again? Screw the Vatican-

His thoughts were interrupted when something tiny hit his forehead, before bouncing right off. Glancing down at it, he frowned, realizing it was a chocolate almond. Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask Amaimon what he was doing, another on hit his nose. Amaimon was throwing the almonds at him, not caring that it was a waste. "Would you sto-" He couldn't finish his sentence, before an almond went into his mouth and landed on his tongue. He'll admit he was impressed, but he was still angry at the green haired demon. Closing his mouth and eating the almond, the teen just turned his body around to face away from the king of earth, pouting in a corner by himself and not bothering to see what he was doing. But before he could even blink, the young teen was suddenly tackled to the ground by something heavy, bed sheets and all. "Ow." He groaned, trying to lift his hand to rub his aching head, only to be stuck due to a pair of arms wrapped around his torso. It didn't take long from him to realize who those arms belonged to, and although he was okay with them holding him a while ago, right now he was too annoyed to enjoy the warm hug of his long-time friend. "Amaimon," he grumbled under his breath, struggling to get the clingy demon of off him. "Let go."

"No." He replied childishly, tightening his hold on the teen like a stubborn child not wanting to hand over his favourite toy. 



What the purple haired headmaster least expected, was an outraged Angel barging into his office and slamming the door behind him. Did his visit with the boy not go well? Before the headmaster could ask, the blond paladin slammed his hands down onto the desk and growled. "That demon brother of yours is back, and he's with the boy in his room!" 

That wasn't a pleasant thing to hear. 

Cursing his brother under his breath, he tried to remain as calm as possible while facing the man. He'll deal with Amaimon later, right now he needed to get some answers from the Paladin. "To be quite fair, Amaimon has been with him this whole time, you just never paid much attention to him."

With a raised eye brow, Angel tried to calm himself as he asked through gritted teeth. "What in the world do you mean-" Then it dawned on him, the little green hamster. He had seen the hamster with (y/n) the day he awoke, and every day since the teen has had the hamster with him at all times. He assumed the boy was fond of the demon animal, even if it was strange that the two did just about everything together, they even went to the restroom and bathed together. "You!" He growled, shoving a finger in Mephisto's face in accusation. "You planned this all along! That demon could have hurt the boy! He could have-"

"-Protected (y/n) no matter where he was, at all cost." Mephisto interrupted, his face still as stoic as usual as he defended his brother. Yes, he knew Amaimon could be such a pain and all, but he came in handy when he needed to, and he needed to protect his puzzle piece. He saw that Angel was getting angry, so without hesitation he brought up the best argument he could to calm the man down. "Amaimon has kept a close eye on (y/n), and since he's very protective he doesn't let a single person or demon near the boy if he sees them as a threat." 

"How can you possibly tell me that-" Angel began, but was cut off by the headmaster once again.

"He protected the boy while you were away, and he made sure that (y/n) was never alone. He also made sure the boy was never lonely, nor was he ever in any life-threatening situation." Mephisto told him, slowly standing up from his chair. He didn't know why he did so, he guessed it was from his need to prove to the blond that he shouldn't overreact to Amaimon's role as (y/n)'s hamster. "While you were away on your little mission, he saved (y/n) from being sacrificed by those cultist. When the boy passed out in a cabin in the woods, Amaimon picked him up and brought him back here safely, where we patched up his sprained ankle and fed him." 

Angel couldn't really say much, since he knew that if he did he'd give out information on what he had done in his mission. Taking in a deep breath, the blond calmed himself before sending the demon a glare. He's never liked the man, and he doubt he ever will, but for the boy's safety and for the Vatican, he needed to. Seeing that Angel won't argue with him anymore, Mephisto sits back down and smiles at him, knowing what's to come next. "Now then," he begins, lacing his fingers together and resting them upon his lap as he leaned back against his chair to make himself comfortable. "About our deal. You were to tell me about (y/n)'s mother and the cause of her death." Angel pursed his lips and stood there in silence for a moment, clenching his hands into tight fists. He didn't want to, not yet, not when the boy had yet to find out about his real parents and what had caused him to gain his powers. "Very well then..." Angel grumbled, taking in a deep breath before glaring at Mephisto. "It started about 17 years ago, his father was-" 

At that moment Mephisto's cellphone rang, causing the purple haired demon to growl and curse at whoever it was that was calling him. Angel heaved a sigh, pleased with himself that he had an excuse to keep his mouth shut for a while longer. Taking out his cell, Mephisto answered it and tried his hardest not to growl at the person on the other end. This had better be important-

"S-Sir Pheles!" An exorcist on the other end cried. "W-We have a problem! The school-" He was cut off by the sound of an explosion, followed by the screams of what Mephisto could only assume to be his students. 

Ignoring his previous anger, the purple haired demon quickly stood from his seat. Angel must have also heard, for he tensed and began to listen intensely on what was going on. "Where are you?" Mephisto asked calmly, sending a nod to Angel, telling him to be prepared for what's to come.

"It's the school sir!" The exorcist on the other line shouted. "It's under attack! The students are in danger! It's the cultists! They're-"

Beep Beep Beep!

The exorcist didn't get to finish his sentence, for the line was cut off by some unknown force. At the sound of the beeping, the two males in the room gave each other a glance, both already knowing what it is they had to do. Pulling the cell away from his ear, Mephisto ended the call, before pocketing the device and walking around his desk. Standing next to the blond, he sent him a bitter smile, not liking the way things seemed to have turned out. He was so close, so very, very close to finding out the truth. 

"It looks like (y/n)'s backstory will have to wait," he mumbled, walking towards the door with a scowl on his face. "My school and its students are in great need of my help..."

A/N: My brother won't stop being a pain in the ass unless I ask all my readers to read his story "The Forgotten God" on Wattpad. His username Deadheadz, that little shit. Leave him a comment so he can leave me alone to continue my story. Read it if you want, it's up to you guys. It's an original story, since he doesn't really write fanfiction. 

The Forgotten God:

P.S: Did I make Mephisto sound sassy at the end? I get the feeling that I made him a little too sassy...

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