Perfect Match

By daniella_j02

669 90 7

Some believe that love comes at the right time, at the right place, at the right moment and with the right pe... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 1

129 2 0
By daniella_j02

Kate's POV
Life is always full of surprises, hi, my name is Kate Stephanie Cruz. I am 16 years old and still single. I have one best friend and she is no other than Alexa Nicole Gomez. I spent my whole life reading and hanging out with my family, some say I have no social life which is kinda true but I prefer staying at home rather than doing stupid things that are not really good for our age. Here is one thing I know, there is no such thing as fate or destiny, my parents used to tell me stories when I was little that the princess met her Prince Charming and that they were meant for each other and that fate brought them together, I used to believe that now not anymore. Wanna why I am so bitter? Because I got my heart broken and also the fact the school starts today. Is it really a requirement to study? Cause if not then I would not push myself to do it but all my life my goal is to make my parents happy and have a successful career. My parents always tell me that to keep my priorities straight and to not let anything or anyone get in the way of me and my dream  but I know that ain't gonna happen because someday maybe not now somebody's gonna ruin it for me but I am not expecting it anyway.

"Kate! Wake up it is your first day of school and you wouldn't want to miss it...,"mom said
"I know mom, just give me 15 minutes to get ready, I will be down there for breakfast,"I said

This has been my morning routine, my mom wakes me up even thought I am already 16 years old, I take a shower, put on some clothes, I do not really care what I am wearing, it does not really affect me if people want to tease me because of what I wear, I just put in mind that clothes are just things that make us look good but what is more important is how we handle our problems and challenges by ourselves. Well as they as say, "a new year, a new life," I think change would be good for me since I need a little escape from all the stress I have been feeling for the past few days. Right now I am wearing a simple tee, jeans and flats, height is not a problem because I am 5'6 already. After fixing my hair my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID to find out it was my best friend Alexa. She has been the only friend I had since I started studying in Silver Academy she was the one who encouraged me to overcome my fears and have the courage and bravery to finish school and graduate. And I am so thankful to have her as my best friend.

"Hello?," I said
"Kate! I missed you so much, are you excited for school?" Alexa said
"Well, since I would just be seeing the same faces then no." I said
"Come on, you're still not over that, I told you to just ignore them and not let it get into you." She said
Well she does have a point, I would not let them ruin my first day of school.
"Ok, see you at school and don't be late you know how I hate waiting." I smiled
"Yes ma'am." She said

After eating breakfast with my mom and dad, I was now finally getting ready to go to school when my dad stopped me.
"Steph, you know how much we love you right?" Dad said
"Dad how many times to I have to tell you not to call me Steph and just call me Kate. And why are you asking me that? It's really creeping me out" I asked
"Well, me and your mom now you've been under a lot of stress lately so we decided to give you a car as your birthday present." He said
"Are you serious?! I can't believe this, thank you mom and dad" I exclaimed and hugged both of them.
A good way to start the day, I hope this continues until the end of the day.
"Bye mom and dad, I won't let both of you down, I promise." I said
"We know that Kate, just remember, stay safe and know what is right from wrong, we love you, and have a great day in school" mom said
Well here it goes, let's do this.......

Walking is really tiring especially when you have to do it to get to school. I was panting by the time I reached my destination, I was really impressed and shocked at the same time to see Alexa waiting by the tree. I knew she would not let me down, when she saw me she immediately ran towards me and gave me a big hug.
"Alexa, I can't breathe, I need air." I joked.
"Sorry, I was just so happy to see you again, you did not change a bit, still the same bitter Kate I know." She said.
"You know me too well, so are there any new happenings around the campus?" I asked.
"You would not believe this but Josh Salvador is now single, he broke up with Camille because he said that he got tired of her and felt like it wasn't working so they broke up, and guess what since Josh is out in the market, girls are trying to get closer to him. Sometimes I ask myself, what would it be like to be his girlfriend, would he be like the other boys out there or is he really one of a kind?" Alexa said
"I don't even care, he's all yours if you want to and you know I try my best keep myself in the shadows, I don't like people talking about me. I guess the teasing would be good enough. And stop daydreaming, whether you like it or not, your dream is too good to be true." I explained.
"Why are you so bitter, just because you got heartbroken doesn't mean you now have a negative look on things." She said.
"You can't do anything about it, let us stop the chit chat and go to our classes" I reminded her.
"Ok, but that does not mean we are done with that topic" she told me.
"Sure, I just need to get few things from my locker, wanna go with me?" I asked.
"I would love to accompany you, let's go." Alexa said

I was almost near my locker when I suddenly slipped, my head was about to hit the floor when somebody catches me from behind. I opened my eyes and looked straight in those blue eyes, and I know whose eyes those were. We were inches apart from kissing but I regained my balance and stood up, he helped me stand up in case I slip again.
"Watch here you're going next time, I might not be there to catch you." Josh said from behind.
"There will be no next time, and thanks anyway." I said
"No problem, see you around, girly." He teased.
Wow, first day of school I already got a stupid nickname...🙄
By the time he was gone, Alexa approached me with a big smile on her face.
"Now that was a very shocking and at the same time a nice scene to watch, gladly Camille wasn't here to witness that or else something might happen to you." Alexa said
"Who cares about Camille, and FYI that will be the first and last time we will bump into each other. And I will make sure of that." I said with a proud voice.
"Oh, we'll see about that. " She said.
"What is that creepy smile on your face for and why do I feel like you're planning something strange that involves Josh Salvador? I hesitated
"Oh, this one, this is nothing. Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you are finally making friends besides from me because I am already getting bored seeing your face everyday...." Alexa joked
"If you're getting bored of me, we might as well be strangers again. And friends? With Josh Salvador? Never gonna happen." I said
"I was just joking and besides we don't know what's gonna happen next so we better not expect too much because in the end, it might not be the one we were expecting and good luck to us for the whole year" She grinned
"Ok, ok I had it with your cheesy advices, let's us just head to class now." I said
I hope nothing happens, and it's time for me to prove myself. To the whole world, here comes Kate Stephanie Cruz.

Hi guys, this is my first time writing a story. And I really have to be honest, it's really hard thinking of the different concepts or what to add to the story. Please just bare with the grammatical errors, and to tell all of you, I am a Filipino and proud to be one.
P.S. I just really prefer writing in English.

This is the first chapter, hope you guys support me all the way until I finish the story. And please comment... That's all and thank you so much

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