Simon Dominic: Doubling Forwa...

By AbztractIsight

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This is strictly a fan fiction. Information from the internet; such as twitter feeds, news adds, gossip colum... More

CHAPTER #1- Chance Meeting
CHAPTER #2- New Possibilities
CHAPTER #4- Standing By
CHAPTER #5- Stay Cool
CHAPTER #6- Sanctuary
CHAPTER #7- Moving Forward
CHAPTER #8- Mr. Yesterday's Stress
CHAPTER #9- State Of Mind
CHAPTER #10- Inspire or Enervate
CHAPTER #11- Perceptions
CHAPTER #12- Food For Thought
CHAPTER #13- Always On My Grind
CHAPTER #14- Hand In Hand
CHAPTER #15- Pixie Dust
CHAPTER #16- Just One Shot
CHAPTER #17- Up In The Air
CHAPTER #18- Angel Wings
CHAPTER #19- Loyalty Can't Be Bought
CHAPTER #20- Vibes
CHAPTER #21- Busted
CHAPTER #22- Turbulence
CHAPTER #23- With A Tablespoon Of Insight
CHAPTER #24- Indulgence
CHAPTER #25- Serendipity
CHAPTER #26- All About The Base
CHAPTER #27 - Laying Claim
CHAPTER #28- Fighting!
CHAPTER #29- Bringing Down The House
CHAPTER #30- Believe Me
CHAPTER #31- Lost and Found
CHAPTER #32- Comfortable
CHAPTER #33- Falling Together
CHAPTER #34- Love/F*ck You Very Much
CHAPTER #35- Forever or Never

CHAPTER #3- Bad Manners

3.6K 93 25
By AbztractIsight

It was a week later when Nari told off her language teacher in English and the few Korean swear words she'd picked up from her Grams. She walked out, not crying, but relieved. The stress that had rested on her shoulders lifted.

Walking home she sent a text to Simon D and Jay Park. 'The universal language of the middle finger is what I introduced my language teacher to today. LOL'

Simon D called her, "you didn't... really?"

"Yeah, I just figured I wasn't learning anything and just getting stressed out. When he picked on me, I let it go for a while, then in broken Korean, mostly English I told him off. It felt so good."

"Will your mom be disappointed?"

"No, she'll laugh at me being rebellious and tell me to act it out using Grams as the teacher."

"I dig your mom. She's a cool lady."

"Thanks, anyway call me later when you've got time."

She arrived home and was relieved that her grandmother wasn't there. Her mother had smoothed things between her and Grams, but the truce was on shaky ground. Nari went into her mom's room. First she took out the flowers that had withered, from the bouquet that Simon D had brought. Then she checked to see if her mom was awake.


"Hi honey. How was your day?"

Nari explained and acted out the incident. As expected her mother laughed dryly. She asked for some juice and then sat up in bed, with some assistance.

"Honey I have a favour to ask you and I don't want you to tell your grandmother. This is just for you and I. Would you take me to the Moonlight Rainbow tonight, if the weather is nice?"

"Are you sure mom?"

"Yes dear. I never saw that growing up and it sounds beautiful. Maybe you could ask that nice guy Simon Dominic to help us."

"Okay your wish is my command, but how are we going to get you past grandmother?"

"I'll tell her I need some medicine refilled, that will take her a few hours."

"Wow, who knew you were so devious!" Nari exclaimed and kissed her mom. "I'll call Simon D  now. Did you want to talk to him yourself?"

"Yes please," Mrs. Im answered.

"Hi Simon D, it's Nari, my mom has a request and would like you to help us. She'll explain in Korean.... Mom go ahead he's on speaker phone."

Mrs. Im explained about wanting to see the Moonlight Rainbow fountain bridge. Then in quick fire Korean, so there was no way that Nari could understand, she explained, "once I've passed away, there is a journal I left my daughter under my mattress. It also has my attorney information and a copy of my updated will. Can you make sure that when we leave tonight, that you take it with us?"

"Yes... is this your last good-bye to her?" Simon D asked knowingly.

"You're observant. Yes dear, I'm leaving soon."

In English he said, "okay I've got the details and Nari will call me as soon as Grams leaves. See you tonight ladies."

Simon D went to find Jay Park. He needed his advice and maybe assistance. He explained the situation and his co-CEO wanted to be there to help too.

"If this is her good-bye, we could arrange a picnic of sorts. More flowers like those you already bought her. Have Dj Pumkin provide music, we could sing for her. We'll pick them up in my SUV, as it's easier for Mrs. Im to move in and out of."

"I like it, nice surprise for them both. Thanks Jay." Simon D bumped knuckles with him and they both got busy making arrangements.

Gray, Hep and Cha Cha offered to help, to keep the public away from the special private event. They also wanted to be there for Nari. Everything was in place, so that when Nari's call came, it was set into motion.

"Jay and I are on the way. His SUV will be easier for your mom to get in and out of," Simon explained.

When they arrived, Nari and Jay Park helped Mrs. Im out of bed and into a robe, then down the stairs and into the SUV. Simon D got the journal as he'd been instructed. After he was outside, Nari locked up. Together they rode to the river and Banpo Bridge. Simon D could see the AOMG guys waiting. He linked hands with Jay Park and together they carried Mrs. Im to a blanket that had been spread out on the beach. It was surrounded by flowers and a picnic basket was waiting to one side.

"You guys did all this for my mom?" Nari asked in awe. When everyone nodded, she said, "thank you so much. It's beautiful."

Mrs. Im smiled and put a hand on Jay Park and then Simon D's cheeks. "Your mothers would be proud of you both. Thank you."

"It's another twenty minutes before the first light display. So enjoy the picnic," Simon D replied with a smile. He nodded to Dj Pumkin.

Jay Park sang a few ballads and then so did Simon D. When the light show began, Dj Pumkin stopped the music, as the fountain had its own accompaniment. Mrs. Im asked for everyone to join them on the blanket. Nari put her arm around her mom.

In English Mrs. Im said, "these men are good hearted, you're lucky to have found people worthy of your friendship Nari. You can trust and lean on them, when I'm gone, don't forget that."

Nari suddenly was worried, why was she talking like this. "Mom?"

In Korean Mrs. Im said, "Jay Park could you and your friends take me to the hospital now. It's time. Don't let Nari come with me, I don't want her to see me go like that."

"Mom you're scaring me, what's she saying?"

"Nari, stay with Simon Dominic and watch the water display. I love you with all my soul and I'll watch over you always. It's time for me to go back now." She hugged her daughter and kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much Mom, my whole heart is yours, you know that. You're my best friend. Are you sure you want Jay to take you home?"

"Yes Jay Park and the men here, will take me."

Nari gave Jay Park the house key. "Call me if my grandmother gives you problems at home."

"We'll take care of your mom," Jay replied. He nodded at the guys.

Hep and Cha Cha carried Mrs. Im, Gray kept the nosy public away and Dj Pumkin carried his gear. Jay Park went to open his truck.

"Thank you everyone, for making my good-bye so lovely and easier on Nari. My heart rests. Call Simon Dominic once the doctors have announced my passing, he knows what to do."

Jay answered for them all, "anything we can do to help, we willingly will do."

Gray bit his lip, all the guys had tears in their eyes, but none fell. When they got to the hospital, Hep went to get a wheel chair and then they all went with her inside. The nurse allowed them to come with Mrs. Im, as long as they stayed out of the way and remained quiet.

"Jay?" Mrs. Im asked.

"I'm here," he stepped closer to the bed she'd been put in.

"Watch over my daughter, please. Don't let that evil man hurt her again.... Thank you. Tell Nari I love her," Mrs. Im said and then closed her eyes.

Her hand dropped off his arm and the machines' alarms went off. Everyone got out of the way of the nurses. The doctor came in and announced that Mrs. Im had passed away. The nurse had her contact information and went to make the call to Nari's grandmother.

Jay made a call too, once they were outside of the hospital. "Hi, she's gone.... do you want us to come back?"

"Just you Jay, but thank the guys for everything." Simon hung up. "Nari come sit down beside me."

She did as he asked. "Simon?"

"Your mom passed away just now in the hospital. Jay was by her side the whole time," he explained gently.

"I had a feeling she was saying good-bye to me tonight.... Is this all planned by her, when you two were speaking in Korean?"

He nodded, "she asked to come here and for me to give you this journal. The rest Jay and I did, for your mom."

"She's not in pain anymore. Tonight mom was happy; smiling and laughing thanks to you and the guys.... but it still hurts so much." Nari admitted and accepted his arm around her. "Is the journal in English? It would be just like her if some of it was in Korean... I could just hear her laughing."

Simon smiled, "it's all in English."

Her cell rang, "it's my Grams. Can you take it for me?"

He took the cell and answered it in Korean. They exchanged words, because the grandmother was accusing Nari of killing Mrs. Im. He explained that they took Mrs. Im to the hospital and that's where she passed away, no fault on Nari. Then he told her, that Jay Park and himself would be moving Nari out of her house tonight. If she interfered, they'd involve the police and their lawyer. As expected the grandmother backed down. Simon D ended the call, just as Jay walked up.

"We're moving you out tonight. For now, just accept coming to live with me, until we find you your own place."

"She accused me of something I guess, for the urgency to get me out?"

"Yes," Simon said simply.

"Let's take the flowers to Grams, we'll leave them in mom's room.... Guys.. um," Nari paused and then just hugged both Simon D and Jay Park. "Thank you. I'm a stranger... sort of and you've gone above and beyond for me and my mom."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

They left and went to get Nari's things. She unlocked the door and was relieved that her grandmother wasn't there. She was probably at the hospital. None of the furniture was hers. Clothing and shoes were put in her two suitcases. Books and other stuff, went into a garbage bag. She took her pillow and the throw on the bed. Neither guy could believe she had so few things. Women they'd dated in the past, had at least two bags worth of shoes alone.

"All done, let's go."

On the way out, they came face to face with the grandmother. Nari told the guys to just wait for her in the car. They did, but with the windows down, incase she needed their help.

"I only took what's mine. My cell will stay the same if you want to invite me to mom's funeral." Nari started to leave. Her grandmother spit at her. In English Nari said, "I disown you, you're dead to me. You are a hateful person.... go Fuck yourself Grandmother." Nari gave her the finger and then left.

Jay Park and Simon D wanted to cheer, but waited until they drove down the street. "Good for you!"

"No translation needed, right? I know that was really bad mannered, but she deserved it!" Nari exclaimed.

"Agreed.... this requires a drink in celebration. Your mom said she wanted you to remember all the good times with her," Jay explained.

"She would, probably said I should drink champagne at her funeral." Nari smiled. Then more seriously added, "I've got a few places to check out apartments tomorrow. So I won't be a burden too long."

"Jay has to do some out of country stuff, but I can come with you or send one of the guys to translate for you," Simon offered.

"I just thought of something... you could house and puppy sit for me, while I'm gone. I'm going to be away a week. Is that cool?" Jay asked both Simon D and Nari.

"Really, you'd be okay with that?" Nari asked and added, "cause that would be awesome... well not picking up dog poop, but I'd rather deal with their shit than my Gram's bullshit."

Simon chuckled, "then to Jay's it is."

"I even think I still have a nice bottle of Armand de Brignac Ace of Spades Rose champagne, we can open up."

"Isn't that like a $300 bottle? I don't think you should open it for just this," Nari said in alarm.

"This is the perfect occasion," Jay argued.

"Okay, you're gonna do it anyway, so I'll appreciate every drop of it!"

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

They arrived at Jay Park's house and got her settled in one of the guest rooms. She unpacked some of her things that she'd need daily. Her mom's journal she took downstairs with her.

When she re-joined them, Nari was handed a glass of champagne. "To my mom, may she rest in peace and to good friends."

"Cheers," Jay and Simon said in unison.

"I haven't looked at my mom's journal yet. Would you guys mind, reading it with me? I don't think I can handle it on my own."

"We'd be honoured," Simon agreed.

They sat down together and she opened the journal. "She wrote something every day." Nari looked for the dates just prior to that day. "Dear Nari, the pain is getting worse and I'm so weak. I know I don't have too much longer. But I need to make sure you'll be okay once I'm gone. I've updated my will and the lawyer will contact you when necessary. But I know it's not money that is the problem." Her voice broke and she passed the journal blindly to the guys. Wiping her eyes she asked, "can one of you...."

Simon picked up where she'd left off. "I don't want you to go back to Canada. That's where he is. Stay in South Korea, he can't find you here. And I know mom is a shitty grandmother and I'm sorry for that. My mistakes haunt me, just as much as yours do. Keep your heart open, always move forward with no regrets."

"Stop," Nari sniffed. "This is too heavy.... let's just go play some pool or something."

Jay nodded, refilled her glass and helped her stand up. "A little at a time, is the best way."

Closing the journal and putting it on the glass coffee table, Simon D followed them to the gaming room. They played pool and then moved to watch a movie. Nari fell asleep on the couch.

Jay suggested, "stay the night. You can work here, just as well as at your place."

"Thanks man... damn what a day. Bro I couldn't have handled all this without you," Simon rubbed his hands over his face.

"You would've done the same for me, it's all good."

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