I Love You, But I Lied - Mark...

By Marktinz

248K 7K 2.2K

Think of me as a lover and I'll pretend that you're one, too. I love you.....but then again....I'm a liar... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54 - End!!!!!!

Part 10

6.2K 159 137
By Marktinz

Let's just say Lei is Tao. Sorry, it was too late when I thought of this. Anway, Tao is also Chinese. 

I hope you're liking the story so far. 



He's rich, available, and he likes me. His good looks is just icing on the cake. I couldn't ask for more. Although I feel bad that I don't share the same feelings for him, I know this relationship would just turn out fine. PERFECT! 

Jackson would kill me, but he'd understand. I HOPE. 

He looked so innocent and shy when he finally asked me to be his girlfriend. I would've sworn he was a virgin if he didn't kiss so well. He is very skillful indeed. How could an awkward boy be so good at this? Yup! I made the right choice. 

We spent the whole morning with each other in my apartment, since I still had tons of paper work to do. He patiently stayed beside me and helped me with some. 

Jackson and Victor came back at noon with lunch in their hands. I know the look on Jackson's eyes when he stared at me. I ignored him. I would deal with him when Mark's not here. In the afternoon, the four of us decide to take Snow for a walk. Mark went to get Coco and the rest of the group joined us. 

Mark and I get a lot of 'congratulations', pat on the backs, and teases from the guys when he tells them we're together. 

"You look so cute together, Noona!" Yugyeom says, getting his phone and taking a picture of us. 

"I'm jealous!" Bambam comes between the two of us and removes Mark's arm around me. "I want to be with Noona, too." We all laugh at him. He's just the cutest. "Yuggie, take a picture of us, too." He pushes Mark away and puts his arm around my waist. 

"Yah!" Mark shouts, "not even a day and you're already stealing my girl from me." He says pulling Bambam and tossing him to the ground. 

That starts a pile of idols on top of each other on the grassy lawn. 

"I wish I could be the one under that pile of hunks," Victor whispers, biting his lower lip. 

"Besie," I look at him disgustingly, "you have such a dirty mind!" 

He just smirks. "Anyway," he leans closer so nobody could hear, "your cousin doesn't like the idea of the two of you together."

"I know," I sigh. "I'll just talk to him later."

"But, Besie, don't you really have any feelings for him?...I mean even just a tiny bit?" 

That made me think. Maybe....there is. I mean, who can resist that hunk and his lips. But, I don't feel butterflies in my stomach, no fireworks, no tugging heartstrings. Not like when Lei was about to kiss me the day before I left. Do I still want Lei? But he's such an arse. If maybe, the situation was any different and he would come crawling to me, then I would consider him back....just maybe. 

"Hey!" Victor is waving his hand in front of me, "you're zoning out again, besie. You didn't even answer my question."

"Ok. Maybe a little. He's sweet and all that, but there's no spark. Let's just leave it at that for now, ok?" 

As the boys run around and make a fool of themselves in the park, Mark sits beside me, putting his arm on my shoulder. 

"Babe," What? But it sounds nice. "Are you ok?" He asks. 

"Yeah." I nod, turning to my side to look at him. 

"Thanks," he says.

"For what?"

"For being my girlfriend," he bites his lips shyly. Aaawwww....he's just too adorable. 

My hand goes up to his cheek and pat him. I peck his lips and it makes him blush again. 

"I swear, Mark. You just blush too much." 

"I can't help it," he says smiling, "you have that effect on me." 

Then he takes my lips in his again in a deeper kiss. 

"Yah! That's PDA!" Jackson shouts. He's like very far away from us, but I could hear his voice so clearly. He gives me a death glare before turning around to head lock Bambam who flicked his cap. 

We all end up in the boys' apartment with three bottles of tequila, five boxes of pizza and buckets and buckets of chicken. Of course Mark and I were the ones who suggested the last one. 

"Let's play spin the bottle," Youngjae says excitedly, already holding the empty bottle of tequila in his hand. 

We gather round in a circle with Victor and Mark in either side of me. Jackson is across from me, still giving me death glares. 

At the first spin, the bottle stops at JB. "Truth or Dare?" Youngjae asks. 

"Dare!" JB yells, raising both his hands above his head. 

The two youngest boys, pull off one of Jackson's socks. 

"No no no no no." JB says, trying to stand up. But JR holds him in place, laughing out loud. 

Bambam pours tequila in the dirty sock and let it drip down the shot glass. When it's full, he takes the glass and shoves it at JB, "drink up, leader-nim!" 

"EEEEEWWWW," I cringe and curl into Mark's side. "That's just disgusting!" 

The others begin cheering for JB. He breathes in deeply and closes his eyes before drinking the whole thing in one shot. 

"Pfft...ugh..." JB makes a face and everybody claps. 

"That is one brave mother fucker," Jackson says, "Now get me another pair of socks," he orders the young ones, making them scurry to their feet to find him a fresh pair. 

Youngjae turns the bottle again and it lands on me. The thought of JB's dare let me say , "Truth?"

"Me me me!" JR is acting like a kid again, raising his hand, "I'll ask the question." 

"No me," Bambam interjects. 

"ME!" Mark's voice resonates around the room. 

"Oh. Ok!" Everybody else concede. 

"Ok. So, how much do you like me?" He is staring straight at me with his eyes all sparkly and expectant. 

I see Jackson smirk, raising an eyebrow and shaking his head. Good thing Mark is too focused on my face to notice him. 

I don't want to disappoint this boy, so I spread my arms to my sides as far as they can reach, "like...this much?" I smile at him. 

He tilts his head to the side and narrows his eyes, as if not satisfied with my answer. 

"I think you have to work even harder, Mark-hyung," Yugyeom jokes, earning him a scowl from Mark. 

I giggle. Ok. Let's not make him worry. "My arms can only reach that far," I shrug my shoulders. 

He smiles then and pecks me on the lips. Another glare from Jackson. 

I turn the bottle and it points at Victor. "Truth or Dare?" 

"Dare? Oh wait....Truth?" 

JB smiles slyly. "What did you feel when Mark and Jess are together?"

I want to laugh but Mark squeezes my hand to shut me up. 

"What did you feel, besie?" I joke him, a big grin on my face. 

"Shut up, Jess." He barks. 

"Aren't you jealous?" JR asks. 

"OH! What the FUCK!" Victor flings his arms on the air. "Ok. I have something to confess!" He declares. 

The other guys stay silent, eyes glued to him, waiting for a big reveal. 

"I'm Gay! OK? So stop with the Jess and Me issue already." He crosses his arms on his chest and frowns. 

All the boys, except Mark and Jackson, are silent. They just stare at him with big round eyes. 

"Woah!" Mark pretends to be surprised, "That's cool, man. We're down with that, right?" He looks at the other members and nods at them. 

And with that, the boys all cheered. "That's so brave of you, hyung," Bambam smiles at Victor, who is already looking all worried because of the reaction of the other guys. "We're still your friends no matter what!" 

"Yeah!" The others agree.

I can see the relief in Victor's face. I guess that part of his burden has been lifted. Good for him. 

I don't know how, but Mark and I end up in my room, while Victor sleeps in the living room. I seriously don't know where Cuifen is. We are too drunk to even wash up before hitting the bed. 

"I think I love you already," he whispers in my ear. 

SHIT! No....not that word. As intoxicated as I am at this time, I couldn't find myself to argue with him. I just close my eyes and let his arms pull me closer. 

Mark has already ordered breakfast when I get out of bed. Victor is still snoring in the sofa with his drool forming a map on the couch. 

"Ugh!" I cry inside, thinking of how I would take that off. 

"Good morning, babe," Mark is holding a cup of coffee on his hand and putting a plate on the table with the other. 

DAMN he looks so hot in the morning. His well-toned abs catches my eye instantly. He runs his hand through his ruffled hair and walks towards me, pulling me in a morning kiss. 

"Now, let's eat." He pushes me gently to a chair, his warm body slightly touching the bare skin on my arm. 

"Mark, can you please put on a shirt before Vic wakes up and thinks I raped you." Actually, I just wanted him to cover the temptation. 

"That wouldn't be too bad," he teases, showing a slight pink on his cheeks. I swear this guy!!!!

I raise my brow at him. It actually crossed my mind last night...but NO. Not yet, that is....

"Fine," he chuckles and runs to the bedroom to get his shirt. 

Cuifen enters the apartment, looking tired and sleepy. "Where have you been?" I ask her. 

He sits at one of the chairs beside me and rests her head on the table. "The workers stayed overnight at the resto. I had to watch them."

"Oh," I feel sorry for this old woman. "I'm sorry. You should've called." 

"I did. But you weren't answering." Her eyes grow bigger and she sits up straight when she spots Mark coming from the bedroom - with his shirt on. 

"Cuifen, this is Mark. Mark, Cuifen." Mark bows politely and sits opposite her. 

The woman raises an eyebrow at me questioningly. 

"Yes." I answer. "He's my boyfriend." 

"Oooohhh...." she giggles like a teenager. "I can't wait to tell your dad."

He's gonna be thrilled, alright. 

Mark volunteers to go to the resto with me. We decide to walk since the weather is just so perfect. We leave Cuifen to sleep while Victor meets up with some people. 

Is that Lei?



You wouldn't think I would let her go just like that, would you? Of course not. I've had one on my men follow her to Korea, without her knowledge. I just wanted to keep an eye on her...you know...just in case something goes wrong. I was gonna wait for her to come back, though. I thought she wouldn't be able to stand the pressure of putting up her own business in a new country. I seriously thought she would be running back in a month.

But, I was wrong. When she sent for Cuifen, I knew she'd be staying there longer. You can call me pathetic, but I had to go get her back.

I flew to Korea a month after she left. I already know where she's staying and who she's staying with. Could the boyfriend she's pertaining to be her bestfriend, Victor? But that's not possible. She should've just told me straight out when I asked her.

I was contemplating whether to go to her apartment or not. My source says that she would be going to the restaurant today, so I decide to wait there instead. What I didn't expect, as I am standing at the side of the road in front of her half-done restaurant, is to see her hand in hand with another guy.

My heart just did a double take as I see her in the arms of this idol-like boy walking down the side walk towards me, looking all happy and sweet. She's even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. Did she know I was coming? Where'd she find this guy to act as her boyfriend? My spy never told me about him, so I'm guessing they just met.

I turn around and start walking away from them, when I hear her voice.


I want to run, but it's too late now. She already saw me. I turn my head slowly over my shoulder.

"Lei!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Jess!" I pretend I didn't notice her earlier. "Is that you?"

"What are you doing all the way in Korea?"

The boy beside her looks at me from head to foot. I think I see insecurity in his eyes, as I tower over him with my full six-feet height. Is he seriously dating her? Is this why she didn't go back to China?

"Uhm.." I don't want her to know I'm here to check on her. She'd be crazy mad. "My dad sent me to check on the businesses here." I say instead.

"Oh. By the way," she smiles at the boy beside her, "this is Mark. My BOYFRIEND!" She stresses the last word and I know she's just putting up a show. "Mark, this is Lei." Why don't you tell him I'm your ex-fiance?

He just nods and I do the same. Deep inside, I'm already laughing at both of them. This charade they're putting up is just so crappy. Does she really hate me that much to go as far as paying somebody to act as her boyfriend in front of me?

"Do you have time for lunch?" I ask her.

"Actually, we have plans," pointing at Mark and herself. "We'll just be dropping by the resto to check on the crew. You can join us if you want."

I can see Mark frown at the invite. I smirk. "Sure."

"Alright. We'll just take a few."

I follow them in the building. I admit, even if it's only half-done, I can see that this restaurant is going to be a hit. She really knows what she's doing. I feel proud of her. But, then, it would mean she wouldn't need me anymore. The thought makes me nervous. What if she decides to stay here for good? Does it mean I won't have a chance with her? No. I have to get her. I just have to. I don't want to lose her again.

She goes to talk to some people at the kitchen, leaving me and Mark awkwardly sitting across from each other.

"So," I break the silence. "How long have you two met?"

"A month." He answers. Aha! I gotcha. I knew it. She just selected a random guy to get into my nerves. But, I won't fall for it.

"Nice." I smile. "How long have you been together? I mean as a couple?"

"Just yesterday," he chuckles, blushing a bit. Oh Fuck! This guy has no idea, does he? He's in for a roller coaster ride.


"Yeah. So, how'd you know her?"

"We're," should I tell him? This is gonna be interesting. "childhood friends. We grew up together. She was once my girlfriend, you know!"

That made him look me straight in the eye, as if checking if I'm joking or not. When he sees my serious face, one corner of his lips goes up. "Yeah...ONCE." He smirks and shakes his head. He must be thinking she's all his now. I am about to erase the grin on his face, when the topic of discussion comes to our table.

"Let's go?" She takes Mark's hand and pulls him up. It takes all my self-control not to lunge at them and pry her fingers away from him.

I take a deep breath and follow them out. I guess I'm gonna stay here longer than planned.


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