Simon Dominic: Doubling Forwa...

By AbztractIsight

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This is strictly a fan fiction. Information from the internet; such as twitter feeds, news adds, gossip colum... More

CHAPTER #1- Chance Meeting
CHAPTER #3- Bad Manners
CHAPTER #4- Standing By
CHAPTER #5- Stay Cool
CHAPTER #6- Sanctuary
CHAPTER #7- Moving Forward
CHAPTER #8- Mr. Yesterday's Stress
CHAPTER #9- State Of Mind
CHAPTER #10- Inspire or Enervate
CHAPTER #11- Perceptions
CHAPTER #12- Food For Thought
CHAPTER #13- Always On My Grind
CHAPTER #14- Hand In Hand
CHAPTER #15- Pixie Dust
CHAPTER #16- Just One Shot
CHAPTER #17- Up In The Air
CHAPTER #18- Angel Wings
CHAPTER #19- Loyalty Can't Be Bought
CHAPTER #20- Vibes
CHAPTER #21- Busted
CHAPTER #22- Turbulence
CHAPTER #23- With A Tablespoon Of Insight
CHAPTER #24- Indulgence
CHAPTER #25- Serendipity
CHAPTER #26- All About The Base
CHAPTER #27 - Laying Claim
CHAPTER #28- Fighting!
CHAPTER #29- Bringing Down The House
CHAPTER #30- Believe Me
CHAPTER #31- Lost and Found
CHAPTER #32- Comfortable
CHAPTER #33- Falling Together
CHAPTER #34- Love/F*ck You Very Much
CHAPTER #35- Forever or Never

CHAPTER #2- New Possibilities

5.7K 114 52
By AbztractIsight

The rest of the date, had been charged with chemistry, but neither Simon D nor Nari, acted on the feeling.  After the walk, he took her home and received a kiss on the cheek, before she let herself out and waved bye at her door, disappearing inside. He waited until the next afternoon before calling her.

Nari had been so happy last night. But in language class, the teacher had laughed at her, calling her dumb and she'd run out in tears. She was still choked up, when she answered her cell.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Simon D immediately was concerned.

"It's nothing, jerk teacher. I hate that class." Nari sniffed, "I know I shouldn't let him get to me, but I feel so stupid."

"You should come to AOMG, Jay can relate to how hard you've got it. Where are you, I'll come pick you up."

"I don't want to interfere or be a bother," Nari declined.

"I wouldn't offer if I thought you'd be in the way. Seriously Jay can give you some advice." He was surprised she hadn't jumped on the invitation, especially since she'd mentioned being a fan of Jay Park.

"Okay, if you're sure." Nari described the buildings around her, since she had run out blindly and couldn't read the street signs.

"You're not far from here. Wait by the cafe and I'll swing by and get you."

Simon D advised the office girls he was leaving and asked if anyone needed something from Cafe Dudart while he was out. He took the orders and left. When he pulled up beside Nari, she got in the car, after confirming it was him. Her eyes were red from crying, but the tears had dried.

"I'm getting some coffee and stuff from Cafe Dudart for the guys and office girls first."

"I'll help you carry it all," she offered.

They made the stop and filled the order. Then returned to the AOMG office. Simon D exited first, then took one of the trays. Nari got out next and then handed the plastic bag to him, before picking up the second tray of drinks. He remotely locked the doors.

"Welcome to AOMG," he smiled.

One of the office girls got the door and said hello. It was in Korean, but Nari understood and returned the greeting, trying to bow and not spill the drinks. They took it all to a table by some couches and then Simon D called out to come and get it, in Korean.

For Jay, he brought the drink to him, while Nari sat on the couch. "Hey you got a few minutes?" Simon D asked his friend and co-CEO.

"Yeah... thanks. What's up?"

Simon D explained about yesterday and who Nari was. He also advised of her troubles with learning Korean. "She's not like our usual fans and maybe you can give her some tips on how to learn to speak Korean. Her teacher laughed at her today."

"Sure, no problem." Jay hopped on the electric scooter board and followed Simon D.

Nari saw the board first, "hey it's one of those two wheeled automated board things. It looks hard to stay balanced."

"Do you want to try it?" Jay offered in English.

She shook her head, "I've already had enough of people laughing at me today. I'd just land on my ass or face.... er, sorry bad manners... I'm Nari, nice to meet you."

"Jay Park... welcome to AOMG."

Nari shook his hand shyly and bowed. "Thanks for speaking English. I'm sure Simon D told you I'm bad at Korean."

"It's all good. When I first came here, it was really hard on me too. But don't be discouraged, just because your language teacher is a dick." Jay said with a grin.

"Thanks. I'm about to just drop the class, but my grandmother would disown me," Nari said and hung her head, blinking quickly to keep the tears from falling again.

"I hear you rescued Haru. A gracious heart is more important than speaking the native tongue. You're a good person in my books," Jay kindly pointed out.

"Any advice on how to learn Korean... at least to speak it, even if I can't read it?" Nari asked.

"Watch TV: kids programs, cartoons and movies. Even if you read the subtitles in English, you'll pick up words. Listen to AOMG artists and illionaire, we mix it up with English and Korean in our music," Jay smiled as he did a plug for them and his friend Dok2.

Nari grinned, "nice one. I see why you two are the CEO's. Simon D was listening to Solo in the car last night."

Simon D made her laugh, when he high-fived Jay Park and then blew on his fingers, before wiping them on his shirt. Jay Park showed off on the electric scooter board and her smile reached her eyes. Some of the other guys came out to see what was going on and joined in the clowning. When Simon D began to beat box, Ugly Duck started to freestyle rap and then Gray and Cha Cha appeared.

"Hey wait, do that again," Cha Cha said, liking the rhythm and words.

Gray nodded, "that's good. Keep going."

Simon D whispered to Nari, "sometimes just being silly, helps with the creative process."

"It's awesome, like at a jam session with a band. Same thing really. I love watching things like that." Nari whispered back.

Cha Cha asked, "Simon D do the beat box again."

Simon D obliged and Cha Cha waved him into a room with a keyboard and computer. He began working on a melody. Ugly Duck followed, continuing with rapping, while Gray recorded it on his cell. That left Jay with Nari.

"Hmm, maybe you're our muse."

Nari laughed, "yeah right. I wish. Thank you for your advice. It's not my nature to give up, but ...."

"You don't have to explain, I get it.... You're not like our usual fans," Jay observed.

"Thanks I think."

His turn to chuckle, "what I mean is that usually our fans, scream and ask for swag or try to rip our clothes off."

"Yeah, that would be most fangirls. You guys are human, even if we act like you're gods when on stage. I haven't done anything to deserve receiving stuff."

"Tablo and his daughter are important to us. That means, you are too."

Simon D reappeared, "that's what I told her too."

"I did what any decent person would do; help a distressed child. And Simon D, you already repaid me for that, with dinner last night."

Jay smirked, he hadn't heard of that date. He raised an inquiring eyebrow at Simon D, who just shrugged and changed the subject.

"So what are your talents, other than child rescue?" Simon D teased.

"I'm a decent cook, even if my grandmother doesn't think so. I draw and write a little. My art's more abstract. I can't sing and I dance just as bad."

Neither Simon D nor Jay Park liked that she bashed herself and they were beginning to not like the grandmother either. Both wondered why her self esteem was so low, it couldn't just be due to the language course.

"Did your mother like the video you took of the Moonlight Rainbow?" Simon D asked.

"She loved it.  And I got her to laugh, when I described my experience eating the chilli paste." Nari explained to Jay, "my mom is terminally ill with cancer. We moved here so my grandmother could take care of her."

"Damn, sorry to hear that."

"It's hard sometimes, but I can't dwell on it, or I forget that I'm alive.... I vent through my drawing."

Simon asked, "could I see it some time?"

Jay added, to lighten the mood, "you are our muse after all."

Nari laughed, "I'm not that good, really. I wish that I could draw when I'm not emotional. Then I could earn money doing something I love," in almost a whisper she finished, "instead of helping out in Gram's flower shop, where I can't do anything right."

Hep came to get a pastry and overheard the conversation. "Art always comes from within. Learning a graphics program, can get you started on making cash."

Jay explained, "Hep's our in house graphic designer."

"Cha Cha is also an artist. He's done a few of the paintings in here, like that one of Jay," Simon D added.

"Wow he's good," Nari admired. Her cell rang and she answered in Korean, "hello?" Then she switched to English. "Slower please.... Grams you know I can't understand when you go that fast!"

Jay Park and Simon D, watched as instantly Nari became distressed and upset. Jay rolled over and tapped her shoulder, whispering, "speaker phone, we'll translate."

She nodded and did as he asked. They didn't translate everything the woman said, as a lot of it was rude and degrading to Nari. She had her hands over her face and missed the look exchanged by the guys in the room.

Simon D gently removed Nari's hands and noticed her crying. That made him mad. He spoke in Korean, explaining where Nari was and why she was late to help in the flower shop. Jay Park rolled his eyes, when the grandmother fell over herself, kissing their asses. The call ended and they explained.

"Sorry that we jumped in, but I couldn't listen to that anymore. I told her you were taking a flower order from us."

"You don't have to do that. And thanks for the rescue. Where's your washroom?" Nari asked, trying to stop the tears.

Jay showed her the way, then returned where Simon D was. "People, like her grandmother, disgust me. It's a good thing Nari doesn't understand what that woman called her."

"I know right? Wow... I'm ordering her mother a bouquet."

"I'll pay for it, just give me the receipt.... I like Nari. Together we'll help her learn Korean," Jay promised.

Nari returned and could tell they were talking about her, but it was Korean. "I should get going. It was nice meeting everyone here and thanks for the advice Mr. Park."

"Just Jay... Mr. Park is my dad," he flashed a smile.

She smiled too, "okay... Jay."

Simon D offered, "I'm driving you to the flower shop. I've got an order that I want to personally fill."

"Oh, okay... thanks. Bye everyone!" Nari said, as heads popped out of the door they had all disappear behind earlier.

By car it didn't take long for them to reach the flower shop. Simon D went in with Nari, who immediately apologized to her grandmother. He placed the order and paid, then waited for the elderly woman to fill it. Then in Korean, he told her, he'd pay extra if Nari would personally deliver it for him and that it would take the rest of the afternoon. Again, as expected the grandmother immediately agreed. Then the flowers were wrapped and given to Nari.

"Come on, I've bought your freedom and delivery service for the rest of your shift," Simon D explained.

"Wait... what?" Nari was shocked.

"Hurry up, before she changes her mind and charges me more."

Nari followed and waited for him to open the car door, since her hands were full. Once in the car, she scolded Simon D. "Buying me, makes me feel like a prostitute."

"That's not what I was trying to do," Simon back peddled verbally, as they drove.

"Hey, this is my house... what are we doing here?" Nari asked.

"The flower delivery," he replied.

The look she gave him, made his heart almost skip a beat. So that Nari could unlock the door, he took over holding the flowers. They removed their shoes and then Nari lead Simon D to her mother's room.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet..." Nari wasn't sure if she should use his real name or stage name.

"I'm Simon Dominic, it's nice to meet Nari's mother," he bowed and then gave her the flowers.

"Oh how lovely. Thank you dear," Mrs. Im gushed. Then to Nari, she added, "He's handsome Nari."

He smiled, when the daughter's face went beat red. "I'd like permission to date your daughter," Simon D said formerly in Korean.

Mrs. Im nodded and replied to him in Korean too. "Be good to her, she deserves some happiness. No man in her life has ever been worthy of my daughter's love. I hope that you will help her smile again."

"I promise," Simon D said in English.

"And don't mind the old bat that runs this house. My mother is a grumpy lady, even on her nice days." Mrs. Im laughed dryly.

"Mom!" Nari exclaimed in embarrassment.

"I know she treats Nari badly. She always hated my husband and takes it out on my daughter. My baby is just too kind hearted," Mrs. Im announced wisely.

"Okay... I'm 29 and you're killing me here...enough mom... ugh, I'm so sorry... bluntness is a disease in my family," Nari apologized.

He smirked and winked at Nari's mom, "I think her honesty is refreshing."

"Go Nari and put the flowers in a vase, before they wilt."

When the daughter left, Mrs. Im motioned to Simon D to move closer. "I won't be here too much longer. That will be really hard on Nari. Will you be around for her to lean on, at least as a friend?"

"Yes, you can be sure of that.... Rest now."

"Thank you dear, my heart is relieved. You're a good man." Mrs. Im closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Nari came back with the flowers and she quietly put them where her mother could see when she woke up. Then took Simon D down the stairs. At the bottom, she turned and hugged him, her face tucked against his neck.

"Thank you, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for us." Her words were mumbled.

"Your mom's great.... Since we're here, will you show me your art?" Simon asked.

"Um... okay...." She lead him to her room, nervous to be alone with him in such a small space. From under her bed, she pulled out an artist's portfolio. "Here, you go.... Do you want anything to drink?"

"Water is fine," Simon D replied.

She left to fill his request. While she was gone, he looked over her work. There were a lot of dark emotional pieces, which spoke of anger and pain. Then he came to the abstract art. It was different, but impressive. He closed up the folder.

"We're taking this to the AOMG office. Come on," Simon D said as she returned with a bottle of water. He didn't give her a chance to decline, taking the portfolio downstairs, shoes on and out the door he went.

Nari caught up to him and got into the car. "What's the rush?"

"Do you really want to run into your grandmother?"

She sighed, "good point. Thanks for being so nice to my mom. I haven't heard her laugh like that in a while."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

They returned to the AOMG office. Once again, sitting on the couch, he pulled out her work. Simon D sent a text to Cha Cha, Hep and Jay to come take a look, when they had time.

"Hey our muse is back," Gray announced in English, grinning when Nari blushed. "What's that you've got?"

"Her art," Simon D answered.

"That's really cool," Gray pulled out an abstract piece. "I can see images within, that's pegasus right?"

"Yup... what else do you see?"

"Lightning bolts coming out of its hooves and a dragon serpent thing."

Simon D asked, "why is it called Screaming?"

"When I drew it I had thunder in my mind and I think I went outside and screamed my frustration, during the storm." Nari shrugged, trying to remember.

"I get it," Gray said. "This is dope."

Cha Cha and Hep arrived next. They too looked over the work. When Jay came, Nari's self-consciousness returned. A discussion began in Korean, but Jay stopped them.

"Speak English, Nari has trouble with Korean."

"Right, sorry."

Chase said, "so do I."

Hep looked thoughtful and then asked, "have you ever tried to scan the abstract drawings into a graphics program?"

"No. That's a little too technical for me."

"Let me try something. Do you mind if I take a picture of this one with my phone?"

"Do what you want Hep," Nari replied.

Jay once again on the scooter board said, "hi Nari."

"Hi Jay. Sorry for interrupting your guys and their work."

"That's on me," Simon D told her. He held up a picture, "will you tell me what inspired this one?"

Her eyes got big and she shook her head negatively. "That shouldn't have been in there."

Chase looked at it and said, "that's powerful. Really good."

"T...Thanks," Nari stuttered and then bolted to the washroom. Her heart was racing, too much had been exposed about the demons in her closet, to people she barely knew.

Jay took a closer look at the art. "I think you should put that and those two away. They are obviously really personal." He handed a painting and a pencil sketch to Simon D to put in the portfolio.

Hep came back from using his computer, "where's Nari, I want to show her something."

She came out and said, "what's up Hep?"

"Take a look," he invited.

"Wow, how did you do that? Can you change colour or fix my lines?" She asked in amazement.

Hep did what she asked. "Which lines, they look good to me."

"Here... and there." She pointed to the screen. "That's awesome. Can you outline each piece with a line of colour?"

"All of them the same colour or different?" Hep asked.

"Wait you can do that too?" Nari was floored. "The possibilities.... but I've tried to draw using a program. I guess I'm just old school that way."

"You can still do it your way and fix it using a program."

Nari hugged him suddenly, "I might not hate my finished pictures if that were the case."

Jay popped his head in the room, "why do you hate your stuff. It's unique, I've never seen images like this... and it's all by hand?"

"Yeah all by hand. I hate it, cause I only see my mistakes. I keep them, with the intent to fix the drawings, but never do." She shrugged acceptance.

"Do you commission pieces?" Simon D asked.

"No, like I don't know what I'd ask anyway. Usually I just draw the abstract ones, when someone inspires me. Then I offer it to them and if they want it, then I just keep the templates. Even if I draw the same main pieces again, each one ends up different anyway."

"Then Hep's program would be handy, for prints." Gray pointed out.

Jay said seriously, "well I hope AOMG inspires you to draw us an abstract piece."

"Maybe one day. I don't know you guys well enough yet."

"We'll change that. Come out to the club with us on Friday night. Simon D, Loco and I are performing a few songs." Jay invited her and added, "Simon D will pick you up, around 9 pm. It's early cause we've got to go through sound check, before the crowd gets let into the club."

"As long as I'm not in the way," Nari agreed. She began to put her art back into the folder sleeves.

Chase asked, "can you look at any picture and change it into something like this?" He pointed at an abstract drawing.

"Pretty much," she answered. "By the way Cha Cha, your painting of Jay, is so dope."

He smiled, "that's high praise from one artist to another."

"You're a calibre that I just dream of being," Nari said wistfully. "So, how did it go with that song you guys created earlier?"

"Ugly Duck is still working on the lyrics, but come listen," Jay suggested.

Nari stuck around a while longer, but asked for Simon D to take her back home. She needed to prepare dinner for her grandmother and mom.

In the car he asked, "so now will you tell me about the drawing that you hid away?"

"I've never told anyone about that... I can't, not now anyway."

"Does it involve that ex-boyfriend of yours?" Simon D guessed. Her gasp was all the confirmation he needed. "When you need to talk, I'm a good ear. So is Jay and any of the guys."

"Thanks for the offer," she ended the conversation about her past. The rest of the ride home, was in silence.

Simon D walked her to the door, but he wouldn't let her escape yet. "You should believe in yourself more. We all do."

"Leave it alone, I don't need to be fixed... please." She turned to go inside.

He caught her and pulled her into his arms. "You can trust me."

"It hurts too much," Nari confessed, with a voice that failed her.

Simon D tilted her chin up and lowered his lips. Soft contact was made, but his mouth opened, questing for a more intimate connection. Both had their eyes closed and didn't see or hear her Grandmother, until it was too late. Nari was hit on the head, with a purse. But when the elderly woman called her granddaughter a whore, Simon D stopped her.

"The fault is mine, not hers. I apologize..." he began in Korean.

"She's done this before, seduced a man for five years and then left him. What a disgrace to my name! If her mother wasn't about to die, she wouldn't be living here." The grandmother made sure her words were in English.

Nari felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. Her horrified gasp, was all that came out of her mouth at first. Then, in part Korean, part English she stood up for herself. "Grandmother, that man I was with for five years, hurt me physically for no reason. I'm glad mom can't hear you say such hateful things. Don't worry, once she's gone, so am I. I feel sorry for you, carrying such poisonous things in your heart. Be alone then!"

Before Simon D could stop her, Nari turned and ran down the street. He got in his car and tried to find her, but he didn't know which direction she'd gone. Her cell phone went straight to voicemail. Her art was still in his car too. Simon D decided to return to AOMG, to see if she might have gone there.

Nari ran, not caring where she was going. Her grandmother's careless words and talking about her art with the AOMG guys, had brought to the surface, pain she'd pushed deep down in her soul. On top of that, saying that her mom was dying, was too much to deal with. She should be use to karma screwing with her; making things seem so good only to rip away the happiness. Nari eventually got on a bus, her destination the fountain bridge from last night. It was too early for the light show, but walking on the beach barefoot felt good. Then she just sat in the sand and mulled things over in her mind. How long she sat there, staring at the river, Nari didn't know, but the sun had set. Eventually she turned on her cell phone again, noticing multiple voice mail messages waiting. Instead of listening to them, she check the missed call list. One number she didn't recognize, the rest were Simon D. Worrying that the other one, was about her mother, she called it first.

"Hi, you called my number, it's Im Nari," she said in slow Korean.

"It's Jay... told you Simon D, you owe me ten dollars!... Nari, we were worried about you. Where are you?" He asked in English.

"The fountain bridge. I only called, because I didn't recognize the number and thought something happened to my mom."

"Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you." Jay started to say more, but she had hung up. "Nari just hung up on me," he announced in surprise.

Gray laughed, "is that the first time a girl has done that to you?"

"No... but....are you going to her?"

Simon D asked, "you want to go with me Jay?"

"Yes. But let's swing by my place and pick up the puppies. They have a magic lick, that cures sadness."

"Let's go then," Simon D said impatiently.

They left together, Simon D driving. As requested, the puppies were picked up and then they drove to find Nari. PJ and Oscar, loved the sand and pulled Jay Park and Simon D along. The dogs made contact with Nari first and then the guys caught up.

"Feel like walking with us and the dogs?" Jay asked.

She said nothing, but stood up and dusted the sand off her bum. Accepting a leash for Oscar, Nari let the dog pull her forward. The three of them just walked side by side, no one saying anything. Simon D and Jay Park, waited for her to say something, not able to read her mood and not wanting her to run away again.

"I'm sorry for hanging up on you Jay. And for not calling you back Simon D. I just didn't feel like talking," Nari finally said.

"Apology accepted," Jay replied.

"What your grandmother said, don't pay any attention to it."

"Thanks Simon D.... I guess I should explain about my ex." Nari took a deep breath and then told her story. "I mentioned to Simon D, that I was in a five year relationship a while ago. The first two years were awesome, but the last three were hell. He had major jealousy issues and no matter what I did or how much I changed, we fought all the time. I was constantly on trial, trying to prove I was loyal, when it was he who wasn't.... He hit me a lot and for a while, I thought it was my fault, that he was right to hit me.... Twice he hurt me so bad, I was in the hospital."

She stopped walking and just stared at the water. For a few minutes, she said nothing. "It was so hard to leave, I tried three times. Two of the times he hunted me down and swore he'd get anger management or counselling. The third time, I left all my stuff and returned to my home province of BC. He told all our mutual friends that I was a whore, among other things. I had no one left that believed me, except my mom. She had come to the hospital one of the times.... I couldn't charge him, cause he had friends on the police force...."

Neither guy said anything initially, but they both hugged her. Jay spoke first, "not all guys are like that. Some of us would never hit anyone, and definitely not a girl. I'm glad you got out and survived."

"How does your grandmother know your ex?" Simon D was puzzled.

"She use to call to say hello at Christmas. She liked him, because he had money. He put on a good front for everyone. My mom took pictures of what he did to me, she tried to get Grams to listen."

"I really don't like your grandmother and I haven't even met her yet," Jay stated.

"What are you going to do about her kicking you out of her house?" Simon D asked, remembering his promise to Mrs. Im.

"All I do is take language courses, work at the flower shop and read to my mom. I've saved up enough money to get a place of my own, which I was planning to do after my mom.... The problem is, how am I going to find work?"

Before Simon D could answer, Jay said, "we'll help you figure that out... maybe work reception for our English speaking contacts, or whatever."

"I can't ask you to do that for me," Nari declined.

"You're not asking, we're telling you... both of us," Simon D reasoned.

"What we're saying is that you're not alone here in Korea. You have us as friends and the guys you met already at AOMG," Jay added.

"Why do you believe me, when my own friends wouldn't?"

"Because I've seen your kind heart. Your actions speak more than words ever could. Those people in Canada, weren't your friends, they don't deserve that label." Simon D explained patiently.

"He's right." Jay agreed and then stopped to bag the poop from PJ.

"I don't know when I'm going home tonight... I can't handled Grams yet. I think I'll just find a bar and have a few drinks."

"Why don't you and Simon D come over and play some pool at my place. I've got whatever you want to drink too. We'll pick up dinner on the way," Jay offered.

Nari shrugged and looked at Simon D. He smiled, "sounds good Jay. We'll stop at AOMG too, I've got to pick up my lap top first."

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