Monster || Narry AU

By MagicNarry

85.3K 5.9K 1.8K

Sometimes the monsters under the bed are real. All rights reserved. Rated PG-13 for dark themes, swearing, ma... More

01- Abandon
02- Believe
03- Chaos
04- Dread
05- Existential
06- Frighten
07- Ghastly
08- Habitual
09- Imbroglio
10- Jeopardize
11- Knave
12- Liable
13- Manly
14- New
15- Oasis
16- Penitent
17- Quiet
18- Rapport

19- Savior

3.2K 192 158
By MagicNarry

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long. I'm just recently recovering from an injury but I'm allowed to use my left arm/hand again so now I can write again. Just a warning, this may be the last chapter if it plays out like I think it might.


"That wasn't too bad now was it?" Niall asks softly, smiling at the taller lad.

"No." Harry says softly, running a hand through his freshly cut hair. "It's been ages since I've had a haircut." He admits.

"I could tell." Niall chuckles. "It looks really good." He says sincerely. It's been a few weeks since his mates have met his new 'boyfriend' and so far, everyone seems to like him well enough. He has their blessing, and that means a lot to Niall- even though he has to continue to tell himself that they aren't really dating no matter how much he wants them to. Everything has settled down to normal, as normal as his life can be now that Harry has come in and mixed everything up. But he wouldn't change it if he had the chance. He kind of loves this new life.

Liam and Lou have teased him mercilessly when they catch him staring at Harry just a little too long, they've caught onto all the stolen glances and red cheeks and joke telling. They know he fancies Harry, even though he has yet to say it out loud. He doesn't think he will though, because saying it out loud may make it real. And if it's real, the risk for rejection is real, and in his mind, quite high. He likes how things are now. And he'd much rather have Harry and hide the truth than lose Harry because of the truth. It's how it has to be.

"Ni!" Harry says loudly, shaking the lad.

"What?" Niall asks, snapping from his thoughts, his eyes transfixed on Harry's lips.

"I asked if you were alright." Harry says worriedly. "I was speaking to you and you didn't reply, just stared blankly at me."

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine love, zoned out. What was it that you asked?" Niall reassures.

"I asked if you wanted to maybe go see a film or summat. In town." Harry admits sheepishly, a light blush covering his cheeks. Niall smiles widely, nodding.

"I would love to." He whispers brightly.

"Ace." Harry replies. They decide on going to a little fancy dinner instead, seeing as there are no films they'd like to see. For a Saturday night, it's busy, causing them to park a few blocks away from the restaurant. They walk and talk and laugh, not paying attention to anything around them, surrounded by the feeling of one another. They both think that maybe this is a date, but are both too nervous to ask each other. They eat at this little Italian place, it's pretty packed, but they get a seat because Niall knows the owner and his son. Gives the little lad lessons every Tuesday and Thursday. And they know Harry, because he's just recently started in the chef position a few weeks back. It's Niall's favorite place, and that's why he applied. He can bring home some leftovers for the lad on days he works, and it's so worth it to see the way Niall's face lights up at the thoughtful gesture.

They have a few glasses of wine, and due to the experiments Harry had, it barely affects him. He thinks it's a blessing and a curse, but he also thinks a giggly, tipsy, Niall is bloody adorable. He would never grow old of it. They eat and they laugh and they talk, and by the end of the dinner, Niall kisses him.

It's a little sloppy, awkward, and messy. Niall ends up knocking a glass of red wine over, and it shatters at their feet. Harry apologizes profusely, and says they can take the cost out of his next paycheck. They promise they will, but there's a fondness in their eyes as they watch Niall cling to Harry like he might disappear. One of his coworkers cheer when they see him, he tells Harry that it's about time and it makes him blush harder but there's this gleeful, proud smile on his face. It was worth the teasing he thinks. He sees even more hope now.

They step out of the restaurant into the brisk air and sidewalk with a steady flow of people. It's late, much later than they had realized. The faint beat of music rings in the air from a club down the road, women laugh and men smirk at them, their hands on the tight fabric covering the women's butts. Men and women in torn and filthy clothes sit huddled up against walls and dumpsters in dirty alleys, eying passers with wary gazes. But the pair don't pay attention to any of them, too lost in the presence of one another to really focus on much else. A cool breeze floats by, and Niall shivers, cursing himself for forgetting his jacket. Harry takes off his own jacket, wrapping it around the lad with a soft smile. Niall blushes, but doesn't protest, instead he puts his arms through the sleeves, smiling happily.

Harry takes his hand in his own, slightly nervous that there may be rejection, but the night is going so well and he decides to screw the worry and do what he's been wanting to do for weeks. Niall laces their fingers together, beaming. They walk down the side walk, crossing the road. It's dark now, the lights of other buildings and streetlights illuminating where they walk. It's more eerie now, creepier, but Niall knows that Harry will protect him if it comes down to it.

There's a scuffle and a grunt when they step into another alley on the way to the car. Then a whimper of pain. Harry can hear everything, hear the pleads for them to stop, can hear the sickly sweet tone of one of the men, and a feminine whimper. And Harry knows he can't just walk away from this. He leads them both down the alley, pushing Niall behind him when he kicks a can that littered the ground. The four men and one woman snap their gazes to the pair. One man has a hand covering the woman's mouth, a knife to her throat, the other three holding her down. Her clothes are ripped, eyes wide and pleading, silently begging for them to save her.

"Stay here." Harry whispers to Niall. Niall who still clings to Harry's shirt, doesn't want the lad to get hurt. "Baby." Harry soothes, and Niall lets go of his vice like grip, but the worry shows in his eyes.

"Stay." The man with the knife snarls at the woman, pushing away from her to glare at Harry who gets closer. She sobs, sinking down to the ground when the other three let her go. "Problem mate?" The one with the knife sneers.

"Yeah, you." Harry retorts.

The man sets his jaw, shaking his head. "Wrong answer." He growls, running at Harry. The other three do the same, all of them throwing hits and kicks at the tall lad. Niall whimpers, terrified for his lad, his lad. The girl takes the opportunity and runs, trying to get away. She picks up her phone from the ground, dialing 999, hoping that this mysterious man coming to her aid can hold them off long enough for the police to get here. Harry manages to get two of them off of him, knocked out on the ground. While he deals with another, the man with the knife spins him around roughly, shoving the knife into Harry's stomach. He twists it, pulling it up and out, then shoves a gasping Harry to the ground. Sirens sound, and he drops the knife and runs, the other one going the other direction. Niall gasps loudly, running over to Harry, dropping to his knees, tears filling his eyes.

"No, Harry, Haz no." Niall whimpers, putting pressure on the wound even when Harry cries out. "I'm sorry, you're going to be okay. Okay? I promise you'll be okay." He rambles, desperate. Just a few minutes, that's all he needs. Just a few minutes.

"Hurts." Harry whispers, fighting to stay awake.

"I know love, I know." Niall says softly, a few tears falling from his cheeks.

"Ni, I'm sorry." Harry says sincerely. "I wanted to do this right, I wanted a life with you." He manages to get out, taking deep uneven breaths.

"You still can Harry, don't give up. Please." Niall begs, whimpering at the tears in Harrys eyes.

"You deserve better." Harry argues weakly. "'M not strong enough."

"You are. Please." Niall begs. "You're not the monster you think you are."

"Niall- ." Harry starts, eyes finally fluttering shut. He lets out one last breath, dying in Niall's arms moments before a police car speeds into the alley. By the time the ambulance gets there it's too late, a sobbing and screaming Niall clutching a limp Harry is what they arrive to.

They try and save him, but it's too late.

As it turns out Niall was right. There were no other monsters in the world. There may be some that look like monsters, but the true monsters lived within us and among us. The true monsters were the people that stole all he loved from him, the ones that stole and killed and hurt people weaker than them. Harry was no monster, he was an angel in disguise, and heaven was calling him home.


I'm sorry to end it this way, but that's how it was meant to end since the beginning. I know I ended it really quickly, but I didn't really have any ideas for any filler chapters. I hope it was alright. :) There will not be an alternate ending. I've lost inspiration for this story and I'm so sorry that I didn't get to add more to it and make it longer. I may come back and add to it in the future, but for now, this is the official end of Monster. Thank you to each and every single one of you that read this story, that commented and voted. You all mean the world to me. You're all so incredible, and each and every one of you is perfect.

All the love,


P.S. I'm mostly inactive on this account, so if you want to read any stories of mine that are updated frequently, check out my joint account: @FireproofStoran

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