I Love You, But I Lied - Mark...

By Marktinz

248K 7K 2.2K

Think of me as a lover and I'll pretend that you're one, too. I love you.....but then again....I'm a liar... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54 - End!!!!!!

Part 9

6.2K 183 111
By Marktinz


Before coming up to my apartment drunk, Victor had talked to his father. He gathered all his courage to face him and they had a heart to heart talk. JYP still couldn't accept the fact that his son has been lying to him for years. 

Scared, Victor decides to move in with me in my apartment...well, technically it's his, since his father owns the building. His father has told him not to work in the company yet...for the time being, saying he has to clear his mind first. 

With nothing to do, Vic helps me with the restaurant. He becomes my Human Resources Manager - for now. He is in charge of interviewing and hiring people to be working in the resto. His dad calls from time to time to ask me how the progress on the project is, but I know he's just secretly checking up on Victor. 

I call my parents two or three times a week to update them, too. Dad is all too happy to hear that everything is going smoothly. 

"So, have you found a boyfriend yet?" 

"No. Dad. Don't worry, I've got it all covered. Just concentrate on the company for now."

"Would you want me to send Cuifen over?"

"Oh...yeah...I promised her I would. Just her ok? I don't need maids."

And she arrives at my doorstep that afternoon, happy tears in her eyes. 

"I miss you, too, Cuifen." 

Ever since she's arrived, I busied her with errands for the restaurant. I feel bad sometimes because back home, she doesn't really look these tired. But, she assured me she's loving what she's doing. 

In one month's time, the crew is complete, menu set, design all planned out. We're just waiting for the go signal of the engineer to start the renovation of the place. 

Mr. Kwon...GD, as he wants to be called, drops a line almost everyday, too. Sometimes, we would meet up in the same restaurant so I could report on the development. He's still as sassy as ever. He even thinks I have a crush on him, just because I always gag at his insolence. He says, 'The more you hate, the more you love." Oh! PLeeezzzz.... If he weren't my main investor I would have sent him to hell already. 

The boys, especially Jackson, are always busy. I only see them once a week in their dorms. Mark always stops by to ask me how I am or offer help. I know how tired they already are, so I often tell him everything's handled. He sometimes invites me out for meals whenever we're both free. He's just the sweetest. I wonder how much Jackson is paying him to make him treat me like this. 

I'm still struggling with my Korean, but I'm slowly getting there. Victor and I converse in Korean at times just to help me practice. It's funny though, cause his accent is as bad as mine. 

Since Victor has been staying with me, Jackson has become more and more doubtful about our relationship. We just laugh at it nowadays because we're already tired of explaining to him that we're just friends. 

I finally tell Victor one day, about how I told Mark that he's gay. I couldn't take the guilty feelings anymore. Cuifen is out in another errand and Victor and I are at the table. 

"Besie," I say nervously at him over breakfast. "I...I have something to confess." I bat my puppy eyes at him.

He narrows his eyes suspiciously, "What? What did you do this time?"

"Don't get mad, ok?" 

"Just spit it!"

"Ok. I kinda...told Mark...that...."

"You what?" He already knows what I was gonna say. 

"I'm sorry," I run up to him as fast as I can and hugged him real tight to prevent him from hitting me. "I love you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry...it just came out. Ugh...I feel bad. But he promised he won't tell a soul. Please forgive me," he tries to wriggle free but I keep my hold on him. 

"You...You....Ugh...I don't even know what to call you....How could you do that?"

"Sorry...." I plant kisses on the top of his head and forehead. 

Just then, Mark and Jackson enters the apartment. Jackson's face is indescribable. His eyes grow bigger as his eyebrows reach the roof. "What is this???" he yells, striding towards us and pulling us apart. 

Mark just stands there and hides a chuckle. 

"Cuz," I am about to explain but he cuts me off.

"Don't you dare 'cuz' me. How could you? You told me there's nothing between the two of you. But what is this I'm seeing?" He pulls me and lets me sit on the chair beside Victor. 

"I can explain," I say, but he's not done yet. 

"I wouldn't react like this if you two aren't living together. What would uncle and aunt say when they hear about this? This is not what a proper lady should be doing. I'm not saying you can't get a boyfriend JESSICA. I just can't believe you'd lie about your relationship and sleep together. What would other people think? What do you think Mark would feel? Huh?"

Mark? How did Mark's name come in this conversation? 

"Wait!" I put my hands in front of him to shut him up, "What?"

Mark looks surprised, too. He runs to Jackson and puts his hand over his mouth. "That's enough, Jackson." 

"Hold up!!!!" I go between them and hold my arms up to my sides to keep them away from each other. "Jackson! What did you just say?"

"I just said, you shouldn't be sleeping around like that. People are looking you know." Jackson answers. He looks down at his feet and clears his throat. 

Meanwhile, Victor is just sitting there watching the three of us with a grin on his face. "I think I know." He says  mockingly. He stands up and faces the three of us. "Jackson," he crosses his arms in front of him and tilts his head at my cousin, "let's just be clear about all this. I'm GAY, ok?" Jackson's jaw just hit the floor. "So, you don't have to worry about me hitting on your cousin. That would never happen. UGH!" He gives a disgusted look and shudders. "And you," he turns to face Mark. "Just tell Jess that you like her already, ok? You're killing me with your slowness." 

THAT makes my jaw hit the floor, too. I look at Mark, who's face is already bright red, then at Victor and back at Mark. "Uh...uh..." I am at a loss for words. Mark is, too. He's got his head bent and his fingers twist and untwist while he bites his lower lip. 

He likes me? I should've seen the signs. He's been following me around all this time and there I thought Jackson was bribing him to be nice to me. But...damn...this hot guy likes me? Should I make him my boyfriend? That would be perfect. But, he's Jackson's friend. Oh Shoot. Still, boys would always be boys....whatever! I don't notice that a smirk is already plastered on my face. 

"So, Jackson," Victor walks up to him and puts his arm around his shoulder, much to Jackson's surprise. My cousin tries to wriggle free from his arm but Victor holds him tight, pulling him towards the door. "Shall we leave these two alone?" 

"NO!" Jackson quickly shouts, reaching his hand behind him to Mark. But Victor is taller and much bigger than him, he easily drags him out and closes the door behind them. 



Wait! Did he just say he's gay? What??? I want to laugh at myself for acting so stupid. I would've if Victor didn't look at Mark and tell him to confess his feelings to Jess. 

That made me panic. NO! I know Mark is already head over heels over my cuz but she in return, doesn't feel anything for him. I don't want her to take advantage of my best friend. 

Why must it slip my tongue? It's my fault the conversation went that way. I want to kick myself on the butt right now. 

I'm sorry, Mark. 

I curse at Victor as soon as we are out the apartment. 

"Fuck you, Victor." I yell.

He just raises a brow at me. "You don't really want to say that in front of me. Nu-uh." He moves his finger from left to right. 

"Hey! I don't care if you're gay or straight. I'm sorry I misunderstood the both of you. I'm down with that. But, DAMN...why would you set those two up? You know Jess, she'd just play him."

"She needs a boyfriend, Jackson."

"What do you mean?" 

"Didn't she tell you?" Duh! Would I be asking if I knew? "Part of the deal is for her to have a boyfriend. The engagement got cancelled because her dad told Lei's dad that she already had one. I'm sorry but I also care for your cousin. What if they catch up on her and find out they were lying all this time?" 

"And you think Mark would stand as her boyfriend? How ruthless can you get? Don't you even consider the boy's feelings? He's had too much from users."

"He'll be ok. Jess is gonna take care of him just fine." He wriggles his eyebrows and it makes me cringe. 

No. This can't be happening. Not again. Not Mark. 

"Just let her be, Jackson. Mark's an irresistible guy. Sooner or later, Jess would fall for him, too."

"Let's just wish that happens, Victor. Or else you'll be seeing your head rolling down this staircase."

I just have to talk to Jess about this. Shit! 




I feel like a total loser, standing here and looking at my feet. Victor just ruined everything. I actually have planned a more romantic confession tonight since the company gave us a week long break, not like this. I don't know how to start. The redness on my face just won't go away. 

I look up when I hear her clear her throat. Still biting my lip, I shyly look into her eyes which are staring back at me, as if waiting. 

"Do you have anything to say, Mark?" She asks. She has the sweetest smile on her face. 

"Uhm...sorry. This is awkward." I have to look away from her because her stare is already making me melt inside. I take a deep breath. "Ok. Uhmm...." I look back at her and brave a few steps closer. Her smile widens even more when I look back at her face. "Ok." I say again. This is it. You can do it Mark. Just say it. How difficult can it get? Another deep breath. "Jess, I like you." There...I said it. For all I know, my face is not just red...I think it's already violet cause I start to hyperventilate and it gets more and more difficult to breathe. 

It takes a few silent seconds before she finally moves. She closes the gap between us, her face just inches from mine. GULP. I think I'm gonna pass out right here, right now. I do what any man would - I lean my face closer and slightly touch my lips on hers. "I like you a lot," I say again. This time, more confidently. I look down at her eyes, "would you be my girlfriend?" 

She smiles. I take that as a yes. I leaned in for another kiss and she kisses me back. I feel the electricity run all over my body as I pull her closer, putting my hand at the small of her back. She flings her hands around my neck and tug at my hair playfully. 

She pulls away, both of us gasping for air. I can't believe I did it. I just made the most beautiful girl MINE. No words can explain the bliss I'm feeling inside. 

I smile at her and pull her in my arms. I'd do everything and anything to keep her. 



Tell me what you think so far. 

Thanks ya'll for reading. Lav ya.!

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