Life Unexpected | a.a

By TrippyNinjaa

8.6M 309K 406K

Twenty-two year old Hazel K. Langston made a bad decision back when she was 16 years old. Thinking the decisi... More

C. 35


154K 5.6K 5.2K
By TrippyNinjaa

C.7 || Last Chance prt. 1


"Treasure keep still."

"It huuurts."She cried wiggling in my grip.

I used the brush to comb all of her hair back, tryin' to make sure not one piece was outta place. She always had to be all extra like I was killin' her or sumn.

I placed the ball in her hair and wrapped it twice to secure her pony tail. At first I'd give her plaits but she claimed she was all of a sudden "too ol'" for that.

I always have to remind her that she only six.

"Done."I sighed."Now turn around and face me."

She moved on her knees so that she was facing me and I grabbed the rat tail comb to begin hookin' up her lil baby bangs. She liked when I did them for her and since today she got to dress out at school for a dollar, I knew she was gon' be feelin' herself.

"Alright, go ahead and eat in the kitchen."I said once I was finish.

She got up from her spot on the floor and took off towards the kitchen.

I sighed and started cleaning everything I took out up. I dropped it into her hair bucket and put it back at the top shelf in her closet. I shut her closet doors then headed out of her room and straight to my own.

I made sure my work uniform was out and I had the iron plugged up befo' leavin' to go in the kitchen.

When I walked in, I saw Treasure sittin' at the island, munching noisily on the Cinnamon Toast Crunch I fixed her. She swung her legs back and forth while I went into the fridge to get me something to drink.


"Hm?"I hummed, bending down to see if I had apple juice.

"I had fun yesterday."

"You did?"I moved a milk carton out of the way.

"Yup."She crunched more on her cereal and giggled."Mr.Melvin funny."

"Mhm."I hummed, finally seeing the apple juice. I pulled it out then shut the fridge.

Goin' over to the top cabinet to get a cup I heard Treasure continue.


"Yeah?"I grabbed a glass cup and washed it out. I dumped the water out then went ahead with fixin' my juice.

"Whea' my daddy?"

The question caught me all the way off guard since I wasn't payin' much attention to her. It probably freaked her out how hard I flinched makin' the glass cup fall to the flo' and shatter.

"Mama what happened?"She started to get outta her seat.

"Treasure don't move they got glass down hea'."I warned.

I walked out of the kitchen and went to get the broom out of the hallway closet. I went back and made sure I cleaned up as much glass as I could.

I was hopin' by the time I was done she would drop the subject or at least just forget about it but of course that wasn't the case. When I turned to dump the glass in the trash I seen her still starin' at me, quietly waitin' on an answer.

"Why you all of a sudden wanna know about this?"I questioned tryna buy myself mo' time.

"Because.."She looked down at her cereal."Kay have a daddy so I want one too."

I sighed,"Treasure you do have a daddy."

"Well why he neva' hea'?"I could see her eyes tearing up which made me feel bad.

"Because..."I tried to think of somethin'."Because he left."

"He didn't wanna be hea'?"Her frown deepened.

"He did!"I answered quickly, not wantin' to ruin August's image."He did but he had to go work in Spain."

"Oh."I saw a short look of relief on her face."So why he neva' call?"

"Spain don't have phone service."I lied.

"Oh."She nodded and started eatin' again."He comin' back soon?"

"Yeah."I cleared my throat."Soon."

So with that bein' said the conversation ended. I thought I'd be happy with that but I wasn't. I wanted her to ask mo' questions so that I could jus' blurt it out already. I neva' expected her to ask me that question so young and as you seen I wasn't no whea' near prepared to answer.

Afta' yesterday's events at the photoshoot I realized August was in a totally different world from us. He told me when he leaves today he has to do two club appearances and another photoshoot for a magazine. You tell me whea' a child would fit into that typa' schedule.

While ironin' my uniform I heard Amiyah honk her horn outside. I peaked out of the window to make sure it was her car and when I seen it was I yelled for Treasure to grab all of her stuff.

Usually I would walk her to her bus stop to catch the school bus but today Amiyah offered to bring her to school.

I sat the iron down and walked to my livin' room to get Treasure. She turned the tv off and came ova' to the door with me. I opened it and waved to Amiyah tellin' her Treasure was comin' down.

"Go ahead and have fun learning,"I laughed then kissed her forehead.

"Okay. Love you mama."She carefully started goin' down the steps.

"Love you too and tell your Auntie Amiyah to call me."


I watched her walk all the way down and get into the car befo' I shut the door and locked it.

Goin' back into my room I noticed my phone ringin' on my bed. I picked it up expectin' it be Amiyah but it was actually Chandra, Kayden's mom.


"Yeah, Hazel?"


"Oh, good mawnin' girl. I know you probably wonderin' what I'm callin' so early for."

"A lil bit but imma assume it has somethin' to do with these girls we got."

"Exactly."She chuckled."But you know my brotha-in-law, huh? August?"

"Uh, yup."I said unsure of whea' this conversation was headed.

"Oh okay good because he wanted to take Treasure and the girls out to eat or whateva'."


"Yeah. He said he promised Treasure he would do it and knowin' he ain't gon' be back down hea' for a while he ain't wanna break his promise. He want know if that's okay witchu'."

"I mean I guess that's alright."I scratched my head."How they plan on gettin' thea'?"

"He pickin' them up afta' school."

"Oh okay, yeah that's cool."

"Okay. I jus' wanted to ask cause I ain't wanna send her off wit' him and you get worried."

"Nah, it's cool. I just need to know what time to pick her up."

"Das' alright. He say he'll drop her back off home, just text me the address so i'ca give it to him."

I rolled my eyes but knew I couldn't decline. "Um, alright. I'a text it to you in a bit."

"Okay."She said befo' hangin' up.

"Shit!"I cursed loudly, tossin' my phone to the bed.




"August,"My manager Frances said.

"Yeah?"I sat up, rubbin' the sleep outta my eyes. I felt so fuckin' groggy since I was high as fuck most of yesta'day.

"I see you went to the photoshoot yesterday. How did it go?"

"It was coo'. I ain't have no problems."

"Good. So what time is your flight scheduled for tonight?"

"Like round eight or nine."I sniffed.

"Okay. Change it."

"What? Why?"

"Because I need you back down here sooner. You're scheduled for club appearances and another photoshoot remember?"

"Yeah but that's not till like ten. I'a be back by then."

"I didn't ask that I asked if you remembered."

I sighed and ran a hand down my face."Yeah, I rememba'."

"Alright then, seven thirty it is. Goodbye August."She hung up in my face like always.

"Bitch."I rolled my eyes.

Befo' I got into the business I was always in acting classes, provided fa' me by Mel. I took it serious since I wanted to make him proud and my teacher would always tell me everyday I was makin' progress.

Well one day Frances just so happen to stop by the studio while we was all rehearsing in class. Everybody else was so nervous but I ain't know who the fuck she was so my day went by as normal.

When my mama came to pick me up from class my teacher asked us to stay behind. I thought my ass was in trouble so I was scared as fuck.

Turns out Frances decided she wanted to manage me. At first my mama wasn't feelin' it cause she felt it wasn't legit but once we saw some of Frances work we realized this was as legit as it was gon' get.

Tough part about the deal was that I would have to go stay with her in Georgia until she landed me a gig. I didn't wanna leave my family behind but I knew Mel would want me to take the opportunity. I asked my mama fa' her opinion and she told me it was a once in a lifetime chance, how could I pass it up?

I asked Frances to give me some time since I've neva' really been apart from my family and wasn't too sure on my decision yet. I then made it my mission to sit down and have a talk with Mel, just to ask fa' his opinion.

Of course he told me to get my ass up and outta New 'Awlins befo' it was too late to do so. He said I was born to be somethin' and I shouldn't let my small world hol' me back from livin' my dreams. Acting was neva' really a dream of mine but if it got me outta the hood you might as well have called me the black lil Leonardo DiCaprio.

I laughed rememberin' Mel told me to come back with a fire ass car fa' him when I got bank. Bein' away from home all the time I neva' got the chance to do it.

I unlocked my phone and went to my contacts to first text Mir since I noticed she wasn't layin' next to me and then to call Mel.

Text To: Mir

Text From: Mir
Coming up the street. I went to get breakfast.

Text To: Mir

I switched from my text app to my call log and called Mel up. I knew the nigga wasn't at work cause Cha was just talkin' to him about takin' a break, sayin' how he always over working himself.

He picked up by the third ring,"Wazzam?"

"I'm surprised you up."I chuckled.

"Nigga I got three kids to get ready fa' school, watchu think?"

I shook my head."You right bruh but say, you wanna go out real quick?"

"...Nigga is you askin' me out on a date?"

I smacked my lips."Man getcho duck ass on."

"Cause if you is I'm lettin' you know now imma steak and lobster kinda nigga. I figure you'ca succumb to my needs though so we straight."

I heard Mir knockin' at the do' so I got up from the bed."You got all yo' laughs out nigga?"

I unlocked the do' and opened it fa' her. As she came in I turned around and headed back to the bed.

"Yeah. I'm good on all my laughs. Whea' you tryna go?"

"Don't worry bout dat, just be ready when a nigga come through."

"See, this why I don't give you celebrity ass niggas nun' of my time, always tryna be demandin'."

"Man fuck off my line."I laughed and hung up on his clown ass.

"Melvin?"Miracle asked while removing her shoes.

"Yeah,"I watched her climb in the bed with two plates,"Whatchu got us?"

"Two breakfast plates from the little store up the street."She handed me mine.

"You brought one of the guards witchu?"I accepted the spoon she handed to me."Thank ya'."

"You're welcome and no."

I froze,"Why not?"

"Because it was just up the street. Only a few paparazzi caught me. They didn't come up to me or anything."

"Aight, watch when-"

"Aug I'm fine. Nothing happened to me."

"...Why you always gotta cut me off?"I asked wit' a growing smirk.


"Cause y-"


"You d-"

"Huh?"She smiled.

"Man, gon' somewhea' cause you just blew me."I opened my plate of food.

She laughed and opened her food as well."You know I like messing with you."

"Annoyin' ass."I scooped some grits onto my spoon."You doin' sumn today?"

"No, I don't feel good."

I stopped myself from eatin' and turned to look her up and down."What's wrong witchu?"

She smacked her lips and hit my shoulder."I'm not pregnant stupid! I just don't feel well."

"Oh."I sighed in relief."Don't be scarin' a nigga like dat."

"Always so extra,"She flipped some hair ova' her shoulder,"Why did you ask anyways?"

"Cause I'm goin' out today. Bouta' take Mel to the sto' and then my nieces & they friend out."

"Oh, aww."She smiled."You're talking about the cute little girl with the curly hair. I can't think of her name."

"Treasure."I answered off the dome. Didn't know if I remembered her name cause of her mama or because she left a good impression.

"Treasure, yeah, that's it."She snapped her fingers."And hey, her mom-"

"Hazel."I started eating.

"Yeeah."She slowly eyed me.

"Whatchu lookin' like dat fa'?"I laughed.

"You're usually bad with names."

"I met 'em like two days ago, shit Mir, how ol' you think a nigga is?"

"Hey, hey, hey."She held her hands up."Don't get on my case. You're the one who gets up in the morning and checks the newspaper."

"What's wrong wit' dat? I like reading bout the news."

"Okay so what's wrong with your phone?"

Not havin' a comeback I continued to eat."Shut up."

"Because you know I'm right,"She giggled,"but anyways, where was I?"

"Talkin' bout Hazel."I reminded her while still diggin' into my breakfast.

"Right, Hazel. I don't know what it is about her but she looks so familiar."

"Oh real?"

"Yeah. Like I think I know her from somewhere but I just can't think of where."

"Well don't hurt yo' brain tryna figure out."I looked at her plate seein' she ain't eat yet."You want dat?"

"Yes I want my food greedy."She moved her plate over."What time are you leaving for?"

I looked ova' at the digital clock on the night stand to see it was only ten o'clock.

"I say in bout two hours."



"Vanilla Slim and Trim."I called out with the smoothie in my hand.

A young girl came up to me with a broad smile on her face,"Thank you. You don't know how much you just blessed me."

"It's that good?"I laughed."Your change is eight fifty-nine."

"Yes girl!"She took her change."I been tweaking fa' some Smoothie King and hea' you is, coming in clutch, clutch."

I laughed and waved goodbye to her as she left out the store. But as quick as my smile came, it left.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinkin' about August spendin' time with Treasure today and her questioning me about his whereabouts this mornin'. It's makin' me wish I could just dead the situation as a whole.

It isn't even like I have a reason to give him or Treasure on why they can't go out today. That'd out the shit entirely, make it seem suspect.

But ain't that what you need to do? My conscious basically shouts in my damn head.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone outta my jean jacket pocket to check the time. I saw that it was time for Georgia to take over so I called out her name.

"I'm going on my break, you want anything from the mall?"

"Yeah, some Subway."She dug in her pocket for money."You know how I like my sandwiches, right?"

"Yeah. You want the meal or just the sand which?"

"The meal. I want oatmeal raisin cookies and a sprite."She handed me her money.

"Okay. I be back."I walked from behind the Smoothie King counter. I adjusted the hat on my head as I pushed the door open to get outside.

The sun hit me hard as hell and nearly blinded my ass so I quickly jogged ova' to my car and hopped in. I turned on the AC to make sure I didn't boil like some Popeyes chicken befo' I pulled off.

It didn't take long to get to the mall since it's kinda up the street and make a left. I, well we Smoothie King workers, all always get lunch from the mall because it's cheaper and closer. Plus I might get lucky and walk in on a sale fa' one of my favorite stores.

These was one of the times I was happy that it was cool in the mall because it was hot as hell outside. I quickly went in and headed to Subway. I tested Amiyah afta' I finished orderin', steppin' back so that they could order.

I told her what happened with Treasure and she explained to me that I probably should tell him soon befo' it gets worst. It wasn't that I knew she wasn't tellin' the truth, it was just that I knew I was too pussy to come out with the truth.

Feeling anxious all over again I grabbed the food, paid, and headed out of the mall, not botherin' to stop in a few stores like I planned.

All the way to the car I played out many different ways August could react to me tellin' him that Treasure was his and none of them seemed to turn out good.

Knowin' I'm thinkin' myself into a bad mood, I pulled out my phone and called the one person I knew would understand.

"Well it's about time you called."She answered afta' the second ring.

"Sorry mawmaw,"I laughed and stopped at a red light,"I been caught up."

"Mhm."She hums."How's my grandbaby?"

"Fine. Just went off to school."

"And you? How you been?"

"I've had betta' days."I answered honestly.

"How come? What got you so down?"

"I uh."I cleared my throat."I ran into Treasure's dad the otha' day and I'm realizin' i'ma have to talk to him about what happened."

"You seem pretty sure about this though. What's the problem?"

"The probably is I'm not mawmaw."I frowned."I don't know if I really want this."

She sighed but allowed me to continue,"This could change everything we got goin' on, everything that's already established. And I know, mawmaw, I know it's selfish to think to not tell him, but what real harm could it do? Worst comes to worst, she gon' ask about him again when she old enough to unda'stand. By then, maybe we both could be ready."

"You both or jus' you?"

"That's not-"

"I gave you your chance to talk, now it's my turn."She sighed."Hazel, baby, I've watched you raise Treasure from the time she was in your stomach to the time you was leavin' my doorstep with suitcases full of dreams. You did that. You gave birth alone to that baby and you did a damn good job at raising her. Nobody and I do mean nobody can take that away from you."

I felt tears start to stream down my face as she continued,"So don't fear what you don't know. Don't make the decision on your own to isolate your child because we both know she wasn't conceived by just one person. And you right, it is selfish to think the way you thinkin', but it ain't wrong–it's fear. You scared to let the two of them at least try to build some type of relationship-"

"Because she not ready fa' that. Neither of 'em are."I argued.

"You not givin' them much of a choice to be love."

I sighed and let my head fall on to the steering wheel. I was glad no one else was around to honk their horns at me cause I was not in the mood.

"I don't know what to do."I cried.

"And I can't tell you what to do."She said."But you know what's right. You grew up without yo' parents, both of 'em, don't take that from her."



"So what we checkin' out first?"Mel asked followin' me into the sto'.

"Some fly ass foot whea' nigga."I rubbed my hands togetha' with a smile.

I couldn't lie or try to hide the fact dat I loved treatin' myself. And on top of dat, if I had it like dat to treat myself, why not treat the nigga who basically made this shit happen?

"Man, this shit hea' nice."Mel looked around the sto'."As long as I been livin' hea' I ain't neva' been hea' befo'."

"Shid, you'ca pick out whateva' you like."I shrugged and pointed to one of my guards."Aye T, you'ca make sho' they don't get in hea'?"

"You got it Aug."He shrugged and walked ova' to the do' whea' a couple paparazzi waited.

"Whatchu mean pick out whateva'? Nigga, these shoes start off in the six thousands."

"Do they?"I titled my head still walkin'."I neva' check the prices."

"Well guess what bitch?"He laughed."Normal mothafucka's like me ain't got it like dat."

"Shit dat's coo' bruh, dats what I'm hea' fa'."I gestured to the shoes."Pick out whateva' the fuck you want."

"You serious?"

"As a heart attack."I adjusted my bucket head."Who am I ta' deprive the person dat made this all happen?"

"I ain't make it happen bruh,"He pointed his fingers to me,"dat was all you. All I did was give ya' a lil help along the way."

"Aight so let this be one of my ways of thankin' you fa' the help."I shrugged.

He stood thea' with a blank expression on his face befo' I saw a small smirk growin'. He held out his hand fa' me to dap him off and I did so with a smile on my face. We bumped shoulders and he patted my back a couple times, lettin' me know he was both proud of me and respected me.

"You a real nigga bruh."He folded his arms across his chest."I taught yo' whop head ass well."

"You always tryna rib."I smacked my lips."Ugly ass nigga man."

"The bitches luh me though."He looked down at a pair of gucci's.

"Say dat a la' louder fa' me. I gotta get it on camera fa' Cha."I held up my phone playfully.

"Boy if you'n getcho.."He waved me off."But whatchu think bout these? They me or what?"

"Yeah man."I spoke honestly."Them bitches clean, clean."

"Fuckin' right."He titled the shoe in his hand."I wonda' if they got my size."

I looked behind me and held my hand up fa' a worker."Aye! Uh, I need some help ova' hea'."

A woman came joggin' ova' to us,"How can I help you?"

"We need ta' know if you got these in a size 9."Melvin held up the shoe.

"I'm not sure but I can definitely check in the back."She held her hand out fa' the shoe. He handed it ta' her and she put it underneath her arm."Anything else I can get you fella's? Drinks?"

"We'a have two Hennessy glasses and uh,"I looked back to Mel,"just make sho' you give my bro whateva' he like, aight?"

"I can do that."She nodded with a smile."I'll be right back with your shoes and drinks."

|okay, wow, this ended horribly. I'm sorry for taking so long and I'm sorry for this being so short but I had to divide them into two chapters because I promised an update today. I'm gonna try to double update tomorrow since I'm on spring break. The real juicy scene is up next. Again I'm sorry and Happy Easter!|

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