I Love You, But I Lied - Mark...

By Marktinz

248K 7K 2.2K

Think of me as a lover and I'll pretend that you're one, too. I love you.....but then again....I'm a liar... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54 - End!!!!!!

Part 6

8.2K 217 125
By Marktinz


I hear Jackson's voice from outside the apartment, shouting, ringing the doorbell non-stop and banging on my door. What the heck!!!!!

I take the pillow from under my head and put it over my ears to muffle the sound. After a few more 'dings' and 'bangs' I hear the door open. I remember leaving Victor on the floor in the living room last night. I suddenly feel guilty not waking him up. 

"You slept here?" I can hear Jackson's voice. He might be shocked to see Victor still in the house. "Anyway, where's Jess?" 

In just a few seconds, he's already in the room and pulling the pillow off my head. "Jess...." he whispers at first, but then louder, "Jess!", and I sit up on the bed, holding my aching head and throwing the pillow at his face. 

"Shut up! Cuz...it's so early. Can you at least give me some peace in the morning?" I pull the blanket from his hand and put it over my face. 

"It's already almost noon, sleepy head. C'mon. We're taking you out today!" He pulls the blanket again from my face and tugs on my arm, forcing me to get up. 

"Where are we going?" I ask lazily, yawning. 

"Out! Let's go to the park. It's the only free time I have this week. C'mon." He takes me by the shoulders and pulls me up to a sitting position. Then he pushes me from the back to make me stand.

"Ok, ok...I'm up," I say resignedly, putting up my hands in the air. 

Before I could get in the bathroom, Victor comes in. "Besie, I hate you!" He says, dragging his body to my bed. "My back is aching from sleeping on the hard floor."

I giggle and sat beside him, massaging his back. "Sorry! I was too tired to carry you." 

"You two really are too close not to be a couple," Jackson's glaring eyes dart at us again. 

"Please...it's too early to argue about that," Victor says, taking the pillow beside him and putting it over his head. 

Then I remember....Shit! I told Mark about Victor being gay last night....didn't I? 

"Besie..." I shake him and lean closer to his ear. "I have a confession to make." I whisper. 

"What?" I can still hear his muffled voice under the pillow. 

I look at Jackson, who's still eyeing us. I smile at him and stand up, "later," I tell Victor. 

"Now, go get ready." He pushes me in the bathroom. I hear Jackson going out the room and into the kitchen. 

As I stand under the hot shower, I try to remember what happened last night. I had too much to drink and only recall bits and pieces of the last few hours. 

Mark! I suddenly feel my face heat up. Before he left the apartment, after cleaning up, he gave me a peck on the cheek. Was he drunk? Maybe it's just his way of saying goodbye...yeah...maybe that's just it. But he's cute though and really funny, too. 

I walk out of the shower in my robe and head towards the pile of luggage at one side of the room, which I haven't had time to unpack yet, and rummage for some decent clothes to wear. I find a pair of denim shorts and a plain white shirt. I look in another bag to get some undies. 

Jackson walks in the room just before I take off the robe. "Shit!" He yelps. "Cuz! Are you seriously going to change in here with Victor on the bed?" He says it like it's the biggest sin in the world. 

I totally forgot Jackson is still in the house. I'm so used to our apartment back in New Zealand. I've changed many times in front of Victor before, so I didn't really thought of that until Jackson came in. 

"Oh...I forgot!" I just say and gather my clothes before going to the bathroom to get changed. 

"Hurry up! I've made brunch for you!" He shouts behind the door.

"Okay," I yell back. 

"Are you not coming with us?" I ask Victor who is still on the bed. 

He stretches and sits up. "I can't. I have to be in the company by three. My dad wants me to meet some important people." 

"Oh...too bad." 

"That's ok. Just enjoy your time with your cousin."

After washing his face, he leaves the apartment and calls his driver to come pick him up. 

Jackson has prepared eggs....only eggs. I stare at the food on my plate then at him. 

"What?" he asks. 

"Eggs? Seriously? This is all you have for me?"

"C'mon. Give me a break, it's the only food we have in our apartment and you don't have any here. Just thank me and start eating. The others are already waiting in the dorm." He pushes the fork in front of me.

I sigh and dig in. 

"Jessica," he leans on the table. He never calls me that unless it's something really serious. 

I look up from my food and into his glaring eyes. "What?"


Before he could continue I grumbled, "Ugh... can you stop with that? He's not what you think he is..ok? We are not a thing!" 

He stares at me longer then leans back on his chair. "Ok! I believe you.!"

"Thank you!" I go back to my food. 

"But, Jess." 


"Are you ok?" His expression becomes concerned. 

I sigh again and poke at my food. 

"I'm always here for you. You know that right?"

"Thanks. I know." 

He stands up and comes to my side to give me a hug. "You can do it! I know you can. I'll be right here to support you."

I smile up at him, fighting back tears. "Thank you, Jackson." 

"Now," He lets go of me, "hurry up so we can go." 

"Can we take Snow with us? He's not used to being alone in the house."

"Sure. I'll tell Mark to take Coco with him, too." 

The boys are already outside the door waiting for me when I get out with Snow. 

"Hey," they all greet.

I wave at them and Snow's tail wags faster as soon as he sees the little dog in Mark's arms. 

"OMG. She's so cute!" I quickly go towards the small dog and pet her on the head. Mark looks at me and smiles. 

"Uh..." he is about to say something when Jackson grabs me by the waist, "let's get going, shall we?", leading me to the elevator. 



I wasn't able to sleep last night even if I had a lot to drink and I was tired. I feel embarrassed of what I did. Shit! Why did I do that? It took me by surprise, too, when my body just leaned closer and kissed her on her cheek. I just hope she didn't feel offended by it. 

When I saw her with Victor on her bed, I felt I was already a goner. I really thought they were an item. I was pretty shocked and relieved when she told me he is gay. That gave me hope again. 

I was so happy when Jackson told us that we're going out with her today. My heart beats faster as I see the door of her apartment opening. 

Snow comes out first, she follows, locking the door behind her. Good thing she doesn't see me blush when she comes near because her head is bent, looking down at Coco in my arms. I can actually smell her, she has an addicting scent making me want more of her. 

Before I could even say anything, Jackson pulls her to the elevator. I sigh and just follow. 

What the heck is wrong with me. Just two days ago, I was still sulking over Lisa. But now, I'm totally over her and crooning over Jackson's cousin. Maybe JB was right when he said I easily fall for pretty girls. I should stop this right now. I should just be concentrating on my career instead. Girls are just a destruction. 

But, he's just too hot to ignore! I mentally kick myself in the butt. 



I'm happy I let Jackson pull me out of bed today. The weather is perfect and the park is just so beautiful, I already forgot I have a hangover. 

We sit on the cool grass and watch the dogs play. Bambam and Yugyeom start running, too, following the dogs around the park.

"I swear, I wouldn't have known Yugyeom is the youngest if you hadn't told me," I tell Jackson, watching the tallest of the boys goof around like a pre-schooler. 

Mark and Jackson chuckle. "That's why we call him our 'giant baby'," Jackson lets out his hyena laugh. 

I notice the other three boys staring at us, with question marks on their faces. I look back at Jackson and whisper, "What's up with those three?" 

He turns and looks at them then whispers back, "they don't speak English that well." 

"Oh!" This is gonna be awkward. I really have to learn Korean ASAP if I want to be closer to these guys. 

Seeing my worried expression, Jackson gathers all the boys and tell them to teach me one Korean sentence each. They all agree. I don't know if I would remember all those but...what the heck. Might as well give it a try since they all look eager to help. 

"I'll go first," Junior puts up his hand and I laugh, making him look down in embarrassment.

I just soon realize what I did. "Hey! Sorry! I wasn't laughing at your English." I look at Jackson for help. "I was actually laughing at how he raised his hand like an elementary student." I pouted my lips. Jackson translates for me and JR's face lights up. "Sorry!" I say again and he smiles. "Okay! What was that you were saying?" I ask him.

"Follow me." He says, "Juhneun Jesicca ipnida. It means I'm Jessica."

"Oh. Ok." I let him repeat the sentence and I follow with my bad pronunciation. Jackson laughs at it, making JR glare at him. He says something in Korean which puts a frown on Jackson's face. 

"He said Jackson's pronunciation is even worse," Mark, who is sitting beside me, says in my ear and I laugh. 

"Serves you right, cuz." I laugh at the still frowning Jackson. He sticks his tongue out and turns his back on us. 

"Say it again," JR says carefully in English. I pronounce it better this time. JR high fives me as I repeat the sentence five more times. 

"Me next, Noona!" Youngjae says. 


"Older sister," Mark whispers again. 

"Oh. Ok, Youngjae, what is your sentence?" I say. 

"Hanguk sarahm ahniyo."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not a Korean." Mark again. 

"Yonguh haseyo?" JB. Meaning 'Do you speak English?'

"Cheoncheonhi malsseumhae juseyo." Bambam. "This will let them talk slower if they're saying it too fast."

"Dowajuseyo," this time it's Mark. "It means 'Please help me." 

"Jalseng gyutsso!" Yugyeom says excitedly. Jackson whacks his head from the back and the other boys hit him. "Yah....hyung...." he screams something I couldn't understand. 

I repeat the words. The giant baby stands up and bows, surprising me, and says "Thank you, Noona!" 

Again Jackson tries to hit him but the kid runs as fast as he can, away from my cousin. 

"What did I say?" I ask Mark.

"You just told him he's handsome." He chuckles. 

"You really are handsome," I tell Yugyeom who is now at my back and using me as a shield from Jackson. "Cuz, quit it!" I shout at my cuz and he finally sits on the grass, panting. 

"I'm hungry," Yugyeom, who is now sitting beside me complains, clinging on my arm like a kid...well, he's still a kid I guess. 

"Me, too," Bambam says, rubbing his stomach. 

"Didn't we just eat?" Mark asks them. 

"Hyung, you only fed us eggs." Bambam complains. "I want meat." 

Mark shakes his head at the boys and stands up. "Alright! I'll go buy." 

"I'll go with you," I stand up, too. I want to learn my way around this town if I want to survive. 

I hook my arm on his but quickly pull it back when I feel him tense up and he turns around to look at me. "I'm sorry. I'm just used to doing it with Victor," I explain. 

He smirks and takes my arm, putting it on his. "That's fine." 

"You didn't tell the other guys about what I told you last night, did you? Victor's gonna kill me if he knew." 

"No, I didn't. Your secret's safe with me," he smiles reassuringly. 

"Thanks." Phew! That's a relief. Victor might kick me out of the apartment if he knew I told Mark. 

We get into a small eatery. "What do you wanna eat?" He asks, looking up at the choices above the counter. 

"I don't know. What do YOU want?" I throw back the question at him. 

"Chicken ok with you?"

"Chicken is perfect." 

He teaches me how to order in Korean while the lady behind the counter waits patiently and smiles. Her curious eyes look at me then at Mark. She says something in Korean and I see Mark blush, shaking his head. 

"What did she say?" I ask him.

"She thought we're a couple," he says shyly. 

"Oh." I laugh. "How come everybody thinks that way about me? Do I look like I go out with every boy I'm with?" 

He starts laughing, too. "Nah. You're just too pretty that you get everybody's attention." He lets out a nervous chuckle. 

"Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment." I say. 

As we wait for our order to come up, I look around the small resto and study each and every detail of it - the structure, the menu, the service, the customers. 

"What are you looking at?" Mark asks.

"Just need to know how these businesses work. I need to make a proposal for Monday. And I haven't even made a feasibility study on it yet." I sigh. Which reminds me, I have to email my dad's secretary tonight and ask her for help. 

"You're putting up a restaurant?"


"Maybe I can help you with that. My dad owns some restaurants in Taiwan, maybe he can give us some tips." 

"Really?" I think I said it too loud, the customers beside throw us death glares. "For real?" I say, softer now. 

"Sure, I'll give him a call later."

"Thanks," if he were beside me, I would've hugged him real tight. But, since he's across the table from me I just give him my sweetest smile. "I owe you."

"Hey, no problem," he bites his lower lip and looks down. I don't get him. Sometimes he gets very talkative and then in a blink of an eye, he becomes all shy. Still, I'm thankful. 



Instead of staying away from this girl, I find myself being drawn nearer to her. What's up with me? Why can't I just control myself in front of girls? 

I phone my dad as soon as we get back in the dorm and tell him about Jess' issue. He tells me he'd send me an email soon. He sends me the files only after thirty minutes. That's fast...thanks, dad. 

I look at the time and it's still early - 9:00, it says on the clock. I stand up and head to the door. 

"Where are you going?" Jackson asks. 

"I'll just give something to your cousin."

"Hyung...." he narrows his eyes. I know what he's thinking. 

"You can come if you want," I tell him, "geez!"

"Do you like her?" His eyebrows are doing their crazy dances again.


"You obviously do. Just don't hurt her or you'll be answering to me," it's the first time he threatens me so seriously. 

I suddenly become nervous as I stare him down and he stares back. "Ugh!" I grumble, taking my eyes away from him. 

"I'm just glad you're back, hyung!" He says. "Just don't use my cousin to forget Lisa."

"I'm not a user, Jackson. You know that."

"So, you do like her!" He caught me, alright. 

"Yes. OK? I feel something for her. But, it's too early to say I like her. We've just met." I really can't hide anything from this guy. He can clearly see through me. Like all the time. Even when I told the guys I was already over my feelings for Lisa, Jackson was the only one who knew that I really wasn't. 

I really have to be careful this time, though. I don't want to end up used and dumped again. 

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