My Life As The Devil's Daught...

By MusicLoverSWS

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[Book 1]Celine is the Devil's daughter, but wants nothing more then to be normal. Have a normal life, but she... More

My Life As The Devil's Daughter
Chapter #1 ~ New School~
~ Pranks, Boy's, and Payback~ Chapter # 2
Chapter # 3 ~ Mixed Feelings~
Chapter # 4 ~ Who is she?~
Chap # 5 ~ Deade~
Chapter # 6 ~ Caleb~
Chapter # 7 ~ Hard Decision's~
Chapter # 7 {Part 2}
Chapter # 8 ~ I Love You~
Chapter 8 {part 2}
chapter # 9 ~ Shopping~
Chapter # 10 ~ Truths, and Pain~
Chapter # 12 ~ Swimming ~
Chapter # 12 pt. 2
Getting out of Hell~ # 13
Chp. # 14 ~ Play Time~
Chapter 15 pt 2

Chapter # 11 ~Seduction Time~

2.9K 95 11
By MusicLoverSWS

~*There is a little bit of mature information toward the end, but its not to bad~*

Hope you enjoy!!!

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~ Seduction Time~

Chapter # 11

 “ Oh come on!” Caleb said as we walked down to English, “ Celine everyone is going to be doing it, its spirit week. Since you support me you have to participate,” He continued as her dragged me into my mothers classroom. I sighed sitting down in my desk, and Caleb sat in his. Thankfully his seat was next to mine, even if I wasn’t happy about it at the time.

 “ Hello Deneras,” My mother said cheerfully, he sat down in his seat slowly, pain was all over his face. Had me braking up with him hurt him this bad? I didn’t know that forcing someone to date you could lead to heartbreak, but I was pretty good at heartbreaking.

 I wonder what his problem is, it couldn’t be because I broke up with him. I had broken up with guys before, but none of them cared that much three days later.

 “  What’s up with Deneras?” Caleb asked me as if I would know, even though he knew what happened this weekend. What would make me want to know other people’s drama, when I had my own. I didn’t exactly need to know more Drama, and Deneras was my ex, I don’t exactly keep tabs on him.

 “ I don’t know, nor do I really care,” I replied, looking at Caleb solemnly. Half of that was a lie, I did care about Deneras. I felt partially as if his feelings were my fault. I looked back down at Deneras, he was a part of me, or so I felt. Like I was in charge of whether he lived or died. Should I make him forget about our time together? Maybe that would help his feelings.

 “ Ms. Enilec, may I talk to Deneras in the hallway for a second?” I asked my mother quickly, waiting for her response which had been just a simple nod. I dragged Deneras outside the room with me, and I looked at him, “ Forget your feelings for me,” I ordered him and he gave me a blank look. Then I quickly pulled him back into the classroom. He seemed happier now that he didn’t  looked depressed. It was my fault he was acting that way, and I had fixed it.

 “ As I explained while you two were in the hallway, we will be doing a partner project. About yourselves, I suggest you pair up with someone who was here so they can explain,” My mother said, how had she explained all of that while we were gone, we weren’t gone that long.

 “ Caleb want to partner up?” I asked looking at him, as I took my seat slowly. Caleb looked at me quickly and smiled, nodding.

 “ Why wouldn’t I want to work with you?” Caleb smirked pulling my desk closer to his, and then a smile appeared on his perfectly sculpted face. I smiled to myself leaning into his sturdy shoulders and put my arms around his waist.

 “ Celine, may I talk to you after class?” My mothers asked from behind me, and I jumped a little hearing her voice. I turned my body so I was facing her.

 “ Sure,” I replied before readjusting my body back by Caleb’s comfortably. He wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me closer. Relaxing into his hold was nice, but I knew we had a project to start and I sat up pulling away. Sitting in the uncomfortable, sadly normal desk. There was nothing unique about it, it was a desk, like in any normal classroom. “ So what are we doing?” I asked him slowly, looking at his deep blue eyes.

 Caleb adjusted his position looking at me as if he were in a trance, shook his head slightly then slowly spoke, “ We have to make a poster, about us, about each other,” he said, and it was then that I knew I was going to go crazy. There was no way I was going to tell this entire class about me, and neither was Caleb. What did making a poster have to do with a high school for Demon’s and Angel’s?

 “ Fun,” I muttered kissing him slightly, feeling my lips tingle. Just from the mere touch of his lips my lips tingled, it was something I had never experienced before. Caleb made me feel different and special in every way possible.

 “ Awww, come on love its not that bad,” Caleb said in an amazing British accent, it was perfect. How was he able to distract me like this? I wanted to drown in his voice, it was perfect and I loved every bit of its southing tone. “ Now, would you like to go first? Or should I?” Caleb asked then a small smiled appeared on his face. I looked at him as a slight smile fell on my face, why would I want to go first?

 “ Go ahead love, you can go first,” I said trying to make my voice into a posh British accent and failing miserably. Born and raised in the United States probably didn’t help that, maybe I should go to England some day. It would be spectacular, wouldn’t it?

 Unfortunately right after I said that, the annoying chirping sound of the bell forced Caleb to get up. Grabbing his small backpack he left the room, following the rest of the students leaving me with my mother. I got up from the desk grabbing my bag, and walked over towards my mothers super clean desk. She sat there looking at me with a unreadable expression as if she were blanking out. Then finally she smiled looking at me with her usual warm expression.

 “ Celine, I found some jewelry I think would go great with your dress. You can go through it and pick what you like,” My mother told me, then reached insides of her desk pulling out a big black bag. Then she held it out to me, and I slowly reached up for it, my hands shaking as I grabbed it. It was heavy! What was all in this bag?

 “ Thank you,” I said slowly waiting for her to say something when I saw other students walking into the classroom, which was my cue to leave. I walked to my next class without Caleb, it was kind of boring and a very uneventful day. When school was finally over I walked back up to my room, well we walked up to our room. I was thankful to change clothes. Who does that? Fashion disaster day…. I was appalled by all the terrible outfits. There were just so many of them, and I felt as though I was transmitted into a different universe.

 I sat on my bed and looked through the bag of beautiful jewelry my mom had given me to look through. Knowing this was going to be a very hard decision. I loved every single piece I looked at, it was so beautiful. It looked like it was made for angels, and technically it probably was made just for my mom. She is an angel, and this is her jewelry. So why wouldn’t it look like it was made for an angel, oh yeah that’s right it would.

 “ Celine, you have been in your room for two hours, what are you doing?” Caleb shouted waiting for my response, I had locked my door so he wouldn’t get in. I wanted to surprise him for the dance. That wasn’t that wrong was it?

 “ Nothing Caleb, I’m busy, give me a little while!” I exclaimed turning on my ipod which was on my bed stand. It didn’t really matter what came on as long as Caleb couldn’t figure out what I was doing. He couldn’t figure it out! I really want to surprise him. I needed to surprise, and I wanted to please him. It was something I felt the need to do somewhere inside of me, it was pushing me to want to please Caleb. I had never wanted to please anyone in my life before, it had always been about me. It always had been until I met Caleb. What was with him? Why did I love him so much?

 Yes! This is the set, I love it! I finally had found a set of black jewelry I feel in love with, and it was going to go so well with my homecoming dress. I hid it with my dress and shoes, and put the bag back in my bag so I could give it to my mom tomorrow. Then I looked my door as I walked out of my room, and then I remembered my ipod was still on. So I shut it off using my powers, which did come in handy.

 I walked past Caleb grabbing a glass for water slowly, and then filled it. Walking back over by him I took a sip of the cool water, and it slid down my throat slowly clenching my thirst. I set the glass on the end table and sat on Caleb’s lap seductively, as a smile emerge red on my lips. I turned in to kiss him, and his lips met mine eagerly, and I kissed him slowly at first. Enjoying every second of our kiss it was hard for me o brake it, but I did and I felt him harden. I smiled, knowing my plan was working. I slowly go up and felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Dad: So have you straightened up your attitude yet?

Me: I’m not having this talk with you, I’m with Caleb. I hate you just so you know.

Dad: How can you hate me? I’m your father!

Me: I don’t really care who you are! How dare you, your selfish, and I hate you!

Dad: I thought of you, do you really want your kingdom hating you?

Me: I will never be in charge of hell, it will always be your job!

Dad: You want to spend eternity with me? In charge of you?

Me: You never have been in charge of me, never will be. Who said anything about an eternity with you?

Dad: Where else would you go?

Me: To heaven with Caleb and my mother.

Dad: You’re my daughter, you’ll never be allowed there.

Me: Who says that? Besides God seems to like me, idk who you think you are.

Dad: ??????



Oooooo!! What do you think???

Sorry for the late upload!

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Thank you all for reading!!

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