Guardian~ Tiger!Zoro x Reader

By piratequeend

95.4K 4.5K 1.7K

You have lost all love your village guardian and refuse to make the beast anymore sake, however doing so may... More



8.9K 420 328
By piratequeend

"___," Law's scolding tone sounds from the doorway.

"Shhh, I am working on a master piece!" You breathe with wide focused eyes, not looking up from your brew.

"I don't care, you're pale, and obviously need to sleep, please," He murmurs approaching you. You don't respond, muttering to yourself. He frowns and sighs touching your shoulder, still getting no response. "I'll go make you some more medicine, please go to sleep after you're done." He murmurs kissing the top of your head before leaving you alone. You were still sick, and probably hallucinating right now, but you had thought of a new sake recipe and now you were on a mission.

"Smells good," A familiar voice reaches your ears and you blink from your trance looking over as Zoro peers into the pot curiously. You blink and push his face away.

"No." You murmur going back to brewing. Zoro blinks and looks at you in slight concern reaching over and touching your cheek. You freeze and look at him.

"You look awful..." He murmurs. You blink and frown.

"Thanks..." You grumble annoyed, continuing to work.

"I didn't mean it like that! I meant sickly." He says frowning more.

"Don't care... I'm busy... I'm about to finish my best brew yet..." You tell him stubbornly starting to finish up.

"Does this mean more to you than your health?" He questions.

"Yes, it's not like the guardian is gonna come to stop me.." You murmur. Zoro frowns heavily at that touching your temple and knocking you out. He catches you before you can fall to the ground and closed the pot before carrying you back to your room and laying you down on your bed. He places a wet cloth on your forehead and sits down looking down at you solemnly.

"Stopped you..." He murmurs rubbing your cheek. "I am an awful guardian... but I refuse to fail you again ___..." He changes into his tiger form laying close to you, glowing form illuminating you slightly.

Law returns, freezing in the doorway at sight of the guardian. Zoro peers at him but doesn't budge, focusing on you again. Law takes a deep breath before going over and making you drink the medicine he made.

"If you're trying to earn her forgiveness you're going to need to do a lot more than this." He mutters. Zoro glances at him but doesn't respond, closing his eyes, tail sweeping over you. Law yawns and lays down beside you. "You can go, she won't be happy to find you here when she wakes," He adds. Zoro looks at him before getting up, ears and tail drooping before going out without a sound. Law watches him before moving closer to you and falling asleep.

"How is it?" Law asks. You tilt your head.

"It's... Amazing!" You grin, offering him a bottle of your new sake. You were able to finish it once you recovered. Law tries some and smiles.

"Indeed this is the best you've made." He rumbles touching his cup to yours. You smile widely and lean into him happily. Law glances at you, gaze softening. "Though I wish you hadn't been working on it while you were sick." He adds. You drop your head.

"Sorry, you know how I am once I get going.." You murmur sheepishly.

"I know... I was just concerned..." He murmurs. "The festival starts tomorrow, will you be attending?"

"Sure, I would love to show off my new brew! Oh I need to get more ingredients! Want to come?" You ask getting up.

"I would but Bellemere's girls are sick," He says getting up. You pout at that.

"Okay then..." You murmur looking down. Law shifts and frowns pulling you into a hug.

"Maybe next time," He says.

"Alright, see you later." You tell him pulling away and starting out. You stretch as you start for the forest. You reach the tree line and pause, deciding to go on without Smoker. The ingredients you needed to get were rather close to the village and you didn't want to bother the guardian with it. You reach the clearing and stop, spotting a silver haired man sitting on a tree stump, he wore grey fur over his shoulders, something like bandit armor beneath it. His back was turned to you, he raised his head and stiffened. You swallow and look around warily for others.

"I'm alone... And I'm not a bandit, in case you were wondering," He rumbles, turning his head to peer at you with his brown orbs. Your heart skips a beat and you relax slightly. Touching the hilt of your sword you move more into the clearing and starting to collect the ingredients. He watches you for a while before looking away.

"You shouldn't be out here alone," He states. You glance up at him briefly.

"I figured it was okay, I'm not far from the village, and I can defend myself if the need arises." You reply. He smiles a bit at that.

"You sure are confident," He comments. You hum in response eyeing an apple in one of the trees. You go over starting to climb up to retrieve it. You climb up to a seemingly sturdy branch easing closer to the apple. You reach out for it, grasping it just as you hear the snap of a branch behind you. You let out a gasp as you start to fall only to be caught easily in the man's arms. You blink up at him in surprise, holding onto the apple. He smirks slightly.

"Thanks." You manage, offering a smile. He nods and carefully sets you down.

"If you had been alone you could've gotten hurt," He says.

"If that happened I would've called for Smoker." You chime with a smile. He pauses and smiles.

"Friend of yours?" He guesses.

"He's my guardian," You tell him looking at the apple thoughtfully. "I know! I'm going to cook a boar for him and bring it to him during festival!" You decide with a bounce. He blinks taken aback.

"You are?" He says raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm! The festival is to celebrate the guardian, and Smoker is mine... Hmm... I wonder what I should add to it... How big should the boar be..." You start to murmur to yourself, not seeing the blush that appeared on his cheeks.

"I'm sure your guardian would enjoy that," He rumbles. You smile cheerfully and straighten up.

"I hope so, I'm going to grab some more ingredients here and make him my new sake!- Sorry I'm rambling, I feel at ease around you." You muse getting more ingredients.

"I don't mind. If you're heading deeper for the boar I will join you," He offers. You look at him for a bit.

"Okay, I trust you Mister--?" You tilt your head, realizing you didn't get his name. He pauses and shifts.

"Wolf." He says. You tilt your head since he seemed unsure about it.

"Um... Okay Wolf..." You murmur and smile a bit before heading deeper into the forest. You gather as many ingredients as you can before following the boars' trail. You stop after a while, you and Wolf look around.

"Get ready," He breathes, you nod moving behind the brush with him. You lift your hilt from the sheath, steadying your breathing, eyes becoming focused. Wolf watched you from the corner of his eye as you shifted your stance like a wolf getting ready to attack. He smiles rather proudly before focusing on some noise nearby. You both hunker down waiting patiently. A large boar scampers into view and you smirk. He was perfect. It stops, snorting at the air. You take the chance to lunge at it, blade flashing out and piercing through the boar's broad shoulder.

The boar shrieks in surprise and agony, swiftly turning on you as you realized you missed your hidden target. You swiftly hop back unable to pull your sword free from the boar. You silently curse as it readies to charge. Wolf appears on it's other side jabbing it with his jette and gaining its attention. You blink and smile, lunging for your sword and ripping it free from the boar's shoulder. It squeals again, going to turn on you again. Wolf jabs it's jaws making it shriek angrily. You take the second opening and pierce the boar's heart. It cries out and chokes staggering as you remove your blade. You thought it was about to fall when it suddenly turns on you again. Beady eyes glinting with wild rage lunging at you.

"___!" Wolf calls. You freeze on spot in shock. An arm wraps around you as another hand calmly reaches out, stopping the boar in it's tracks. The boar meets your saviors gaze before shuddering and dropping to the ground dead. You blink and slowly turn your head in surprise, blinking at Zoro.

"That was really close." He murmurs, eyes flickering to you.

"Where did you come from?" You huff moving away from him.

"I thought someone was following us." Wolf comments, stepping to your side. Zoro frowns at him, eyes narrowing.

"Zoro, stalking people is creepy," You huff bluntly.

"Stalking!? Why would I be stalking you woman!" He snaps blushing lightly.

"Cause you like me." You joke. He becomes redder gritting his teeth.

"Don't be stupid! You're the most infuriating woman I've ever met!" He growls. You blink and exchange a look with Wolf.

"I don't think so," Wolf says. You smile up at the silver haired man.

"I like you, let's be friends." You giggle. He blinks and smirks with a blush.

"As you wish." He chuckles. Zoro let's out a slight growl.


"Wolf, can you help me with this boar? It's too big for me." You interrupt Zoro.

"Sure thing ___," Wolf rumbles helping you pick up the boar.

"Hey- move!" Zoro grunts taking over your part. You blink at him in surprise. He shifts his gaze. "This way you can look for more ingredients on the way back..." You blink and smile.

"Alright, thanks Zoro." You murmur. He just huffs and nods following you back toward the village.

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