Sweater Paws

By imasarcasticbutthole

426 20 14

What a wicked way to be treated. Ashton Irwin is abused. By classmates, by family, and by someone he loves... More



30 1 1
By imasarcasticbutthole

Ashton's POV

"C'mon Ash tell me what the video was about," Michael begged.

"Nah, I'm fine," I said.

He grabbed my controller from my hand,"Tell me, or I'll walk your character over to the witch and shoot her so she kills you."

"Fine," I huffed rolling off the beanbag chair, laying beside Michael's.

"ItwassortofavideotakenofmegettingablowjobfromLukeandyoucouldonlytellitwasmeinthevideoandlukerecordeditwhenitoldhimnotto,andhesusingitonmeasblackmail," I said in a rush.

"Wait what, slow down, and say that again," Michael said.

"It was sort of a video taken of me getting a blowjob from Luke, and you could only tell it was me in the video. Luke recorded it when I told him not to, and he's using it on me as blackmail," I said slowly.

Michael just stared at me with his mouth open.

"What an asshole," he said, after a couple of minutes.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"Don't be ashamed Ash, it's not your fault," Michael said, handing me my controller, as I sat back up on the bean bag chair, that I had rightfully claimed as mine.

"I guess," I mumbled, un-pausing the game, and shooting a herd of Zombies.

"Here's the pizza boys," mom said, setting the huge ass box in between us.

"Half pepperoni, half cheese as you requested," she laughed opening the box and taking a cheese slice.

"Holy shit, that pizza slice is bigger than your face," I said, looking at it.

She just laughed, and walked out of the room, leaving us to play and eat.

"I'm going to have a heart attack, if I even eat just one of those things you guys call a pizza slice," I said looking in the box.

"You mean get diabetes?" He asked.

"Diabetes is a serious thing, my Grandpa had it," I said sadly, remembering the rough time's he had.

"Well heart attacks are serious too," Michael said.

"Touché," I nodded my head starting on a slice of pizza.


Ashton's POV

"Sit down Ashton, you're embarrassing us," Michael groaned, looking at Harry and rolling his eyes when seeing Harry smiling.

"But I can finally walk and dance now, let me celebrate," I said doing the sprinkler on top of the cafeteria table.

"Your sweater is too big, you have sweater paws you dork," Michael said.

"Fuck you, leave me and my sweater paws alone," I giggled, finally sitting down.

"Finally, jeez Ashton you're an embarrassment to the family," Michael laughed.

"That's strange, because I recall mom saying that about you when you said penis through the PA system, at her job," I smirked.

Michael pouted, and stole my hash brown from my breakfast dish.

"So Haz, have you found anyone you're interested in?" I asked the curly haired boy.


"Who?" I asked seeing him blush, as he wrote down the name.

Louis Tomlinson.

I gasped, not because of who he liked, but because who he liked was coming this way, probably to get in line for breakfast.

"Um, Haz can you go get me a napkin?" I blurted.

He looked at me confused but got up.

The thing is though I decided to play matchmaker, and when Harry got up Louis ran into him, falling on his butt.

"Oops," said the boy on the floor.

"H-hi," said a deep voice.

Michael, Louis, and I all looked at Harry, in shock.

Michael and I looked at Harry in shock because that was the first time he talked in ten years.

Louis looked at him in shock, either because his voice was so fucking deep, or he was blown away by Harry's beauty.

I'm guessing the latter.

"I am so fucking sorry, I did not mean to run into you," Louis spoke, scrambling up off the floor.

"I-it's o-oka-y," Harry stuttered.

"Are you sure, I'm Louis by the way," Louis said sticking his hand out.

"I-I'm s-sure, and I-I'm H-harry," Harry stuttered, taking Louis' hand and shaking it.

They both gasped in shock, and pulled their hands back to themselves.

"I have to go, see you around Harry," Louis said running off to his friends, who were watching the whole scene.

"Oh my god Harry you talked," I said.

"Yeah I did, it feels great to talk," Harry said without stuttering.

"Awe does Louis make you nervous?" Michael teased.

"Shut up," Harry smiled, sitting back down.

"Holy shit this is an achievement for you Harry, a huge one," I said, sitting back down myself.

"Yeah, now let's get over it," he laughed,"Someone's staring at you Ash."

I turned to see where Harry's gaze was directed, and found Luke looking at me sadly, but also with a hint of something else I couldn't decipher.

I quickly turned around looking back at Harry, and Michael.

"Oh my god, he looks like a wounded puppy, I almost fucking caved for that bitch," I said.

"Why would you cave for someone who's caused you so much pain?" Michael asked.

"Did you see his fucking face? News flash the wounded puppy look is something that makes me cave," I said in exasperation.

Harry and Michael just laughed at me.

"C'mon we're leaving," Michael said, grabbing his backpack, and making his way out of the cafeteria.

Harry and I followed behind.


Luke's POV

I watched as Ashton danced on the table, his sweater covering his hands as he did the sprinkler.

He has fucking sweater paws, how much more adorable could he get?

I could have him, he could be mine, but I'm such a 'homophobic prick' that I messed it up.

I'm really not homophobic, I just act like it. That's because since diapers I had been best friends with Ashton. When we got into the middle school, I started to discover my feelings for Ashton, and it scares me, eventually I started to push him away, I started being mean, and I bullied him.

In eight grade, we were both invited to a high schoolers party, that high schooler was my brother Jack.

I had gotten so drunk that I set up a camera, to catch what I was about to do with Ashton, so I could save it for later.

I gave him a blowjob, and he found the camera afterwards. He smashed it, thinking he got rid of the problem, when in the end the SD card survived. He found out, and I promised I would delete it, but I never did.

I've bullied him ever since then, and he's hated me for it.

The only difference now is I truly regret it.

I looked at Ashton again, to see his friends looking at me, and then Ashton turned around and looked at me, I stared into his hazel eyes, but as fast as he had looked at me, he turned around so that he wasn't looking at me anymore.

Then he left with Michael and that Harry kid.

"Hey babe," a husky voice said from beside me.

I groaned, and went to get up, but was pushed back down.

"Leave me alone Amber," I said.

"Awe no can do babe, you know you never texted me, I think you should give me a kiss for being so rude," she said.

"No I really shouldn't, and who would want to kiss an STD carrying slut like you?" I asked hearing a bunch of ooh's from the tables around me.

Ever since I left the school that one day and met Amber, she's been following me around trying to get in my pants. It's quite annoying.

"You're sexy when your mad," she purred.

"You're ugly when you try to be sexy, or anything else for that matter, leave me alone you whore, and don't fucking touch me ever again, you sick nasty psycho bitch," I growled.

"Whatever," she huffed getting up, and walking off trying to make her flat ass noticeable.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out looking at the text.

Jack: come to the hospital asap

I replied with an okay, and left the school not bothering to sign out.


Luke's POV

"What's wrong?" I asked Jack who was standing outside of mom's room.

"She's dead Luke," Jack whispered tears running down his cheeks.

"What no way, please tell me this is a joke," I said, as my own eyes started filling with tears.

He shook his head.

"It's not Luke, her lungs collapsed," Jack said embracing me in a tight hug.

"Oh my god," I mumbled sliding down on to the floor.

"What're we gonna do?" I asked looking up at him.

"Have a funeral, move on with life, I don't know," Jack said looking unsure.

"Are we allowed in there?" I asked him.

"No, I was told she was going to be sent straight to a crematorium, because that was her only wish, that and that we get what we are supposed to get from her will," Jack spoke.

"When's the funeral?" I asked.

"Friday," he said,"Bring a date."

"Why do I need a date?" I asked.

"Because there's going to be a memorial ball later that night, you know how well Mom was known and respected," Jack said.

"Are Dad and Ben going to be there?" I asked.

"I don't think so Luke, I'm sorry," Jack sighed.

"That's ridiculous they've never been there for any of us," I growled.

"I know Luke let's just get you home, because I have to go back to my apartment," Jack said.

"Okay," I sighed sadly, getting up and walking to my beat up Cooper.


Double Update yayyyy.

Lol sorry I was being a little bit sarcastic...

Do you guy's wanna do a CHARACTER ASK?!?!?

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