Remember Me? //Tradley//

By Abigailr5ervampette

29.4K 1.6K 2.4K

"I'm so glad you're okay Tristan!" I ran up and hugged him. "Thank you but who are you?" "I'm brad do... More

Authors Note/Intro
Another Guy
He A Fricken Cheater
Who are you?
I Want To Help Him
It Hurts Inside
Promise Me
Sweet Revenge
Stay Away From Him
All Part Of The Plan
Ice Cream "Date"
Million Words
He Doesn't Love Me Anymore
Causing A lil Trouble
Your Mine and Only Mine
Fun Time
Your Like My Sunshine
Nobody Will Ever Love Me
Wake Up Brad!
I'm An Idiot
This Is All My Fault
I'm Not Okay
Is It Okay To Feel Broken?
Brad's Awake
He Hurt Me
Sounds Like A Plan
Plan In The Works
Paralyzed Without You
Let Me Love You For A Thousand Years (Epilogue)
Character Q&A
A Big Thank you/news/Happy New Years

Two Guys

1K 60 49
By Abigailr5ervampette

Brad's P.O.V

"You don't remember me?" I asked Tristan with a sad look on my face.

"No, I'm sorry should I?" the blonde said looking up on me.
"Um I'm ur friend Brad." I said with a sad smile can he not remember me?

"Oh okay." Tristan then gave me a small smile, oh how I missed that smile and I couldn't help but gave a small smile myself.

"Hi Tristan how you feeling?" Then I turned around and saw a doctor came in the room.

"I'm good thank you...I'm feeling a bit better but I'm just a bit tired."

"We will leave you to rest and you are able to leave tomarrow
with your friends." The doctor said motioning us towards the door.

"Okay bye James, Con, and ...Brad?" Tristan then looked at me with a confuse smile on his face. "Yea, bye Tristan see you tomorrow...sleep well."

"Thank you Brad, Bye."

"What the hell was that!?" James yelled too loudly. "Shh! Babe keep it down!" Con put his finger up to his lips. "Doctor...why can't Tristan remember me?"

"I'm sorry to say this Mr. Simpson but your friend has amnesia." "What?" All of us said in unison due to the shocking news.

"What do you mean!?" I said feeling tears about to fall out of my eyes but I knew I had to hold them in.

"When Tristan got hit in the head by that car it hit him hard as you can imagine and that impacted his brain so that is causing him not to remember things and people in his life." The doctor finished talking and we just stand their in shock.

"So what am I supposed to do if he doesn't remember me?"

"Nothing you have to give this time and let him remember on his own...I'm sorry." Then we just see the doctor walk away.

"What are we supposed to do!? He doesn't remember me! Why did this had to happen to me!?" I couldn't take it any longer I needed to cry and someone to hug me.

I needed Tristan to remember me.

"I'm so sorry man" Connor said while pulling and James into a hug.

~ Next Day
Since Tris is coming home today I, the boys, and the other boys from The Tide decided to throw a lil Welcome Home Party for him.

While we were setting up I noticed that Levi was flirting with Nate and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"May I help you with something?" the curly haired boy said with annoyance obviously in his voice.

"Nothing I just assumed that since Tristan would be out of all the hospital I thought you would be excited, but here you are trying to suck Nate's face off!" I said raising my voice while pushing pass them.

"I can't believe you are letting him use you like that, like a fucking sex toy" I told the blonde boy but he obviously didn't care.

After we all setted up I saw a car pull up and I knew that was Tristan with his parents so we all knew to hide.

I turned off the lights and I heard footsteps. Once the door opened we all yelled "SUPRISE!" We all then see a happy Tristan infront of us.

"Awe guys you shouldn't have done all of this!" he said with a big cute smile on his face.

"It's the least we can do!" came from Austin.

"Baabe! I missed you so much!" Levi with a smile on his lips.
Well that was a total lie. At the corner of my eye I could see Nate rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Tristan than said with a scared and confused look on his face.

"I'm your boyfriend Levi, I missed you Tristan so much! I love you."

"I love you too Levi." Then Levi pulled him in for a long and passionate kiss. The worst part is Tristan kissed back.

And I felt like dying.


So yea Brad keeps getting hurt or heartbroken :'( My poor baby! Why!? And Tristan couldn't remember Levi but they kissed...Tristan still doesn't remember him tho. What do you think with happen next!? And be prepared for a double update MAYBE ;) xx I hope u enjoyed this much longer chapter...please comment & vote and see u in the next chapter :D Love u xx

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