Honey's Partner (OHSHC fanfic)

By yay_lollipop

373K 8.8K 3.5K

A new girl came to Ouran one day. She was getting a lot of attention from other students. She was silently wa... More

Meet Miki-chan!
Chapter 1: The Host Club
Chapter 2: The Lolita Package
Chapter 3: The New Student
Chapter 4: The Formal Dance
Chapter 5: Physical Exams
Author's Note (Not an Update)
Chapter 6: Renge?!
Chapter 7: The Twins' Fight
Chapter 8: My Cousin
Chapter 9: Jungle Pool SOS
Celebration! (A/N)
Chapter 10: Beach
Valentine's Special!
Chapter 11: Understand
Chapter 12: Realize
Chapter 14: St. Lobelia Academy
Chapter 15: Visiting Haruhi
Chapter 16: Kirimi Nekozawa?
Author's Note
Chapter 17: Three Bitter Days (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Three Bitter Days (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Three Bitter Days (Part 3)
Ask/Dare Miki and Honey!
Chapter 20: New Student, Best Friend
Author's Note
So Sorry
Chapter 21: Competition?
Chapter 22: Leaving
Chapter 23: Promise
Holy Frick!
Sequel's Out!

Chapter 13: Sorry

9.1K 279 22
By yay_lollipop

♡♡♡Miki's POV♡♡♡

I just laid in my bed the whole afternoon thinking of what to say to them. I think they wouldn't talk to me after what I said yesterday. Mom, if you were in my position what would you do?

I sighed. I had been sighing a whole load today. Suddenly, someone knocked at my door.

"Come in." I said still laying on my bed. Sashi entered the room. He was holding a plate of chocolates. I immediately stood up and stared at the sight of chocolate. My tummy growled. I was hungry.

"I brought some chocolate, seeing that you haven't eaten lunch." Sashi said as he placed the plate on my table.

I quickly munched on the chocolate while Sashi stood there watching me.

"Mistress, there is also someone who wants to talk to you." Sashi said. I looked up to him.

"Send him here." I told him. I already have a feeling of who it might be.

Sashi left the room and I continued to munch on the chocolate quietly as I right all sorts of things in my little black notebook. Suddenly, I heard the door opening once again and Tama-chan was by the door.

I smiled. "Come in."

He walked inside and I offered him a seat on my bed. We sat there in awkward silence. The only sound that can be heard was me munching chocolate.

"I'm sorry, Miki-senpai. I didn't kmow it would hurt you that way." He apologized. I could see he was truthfully sorry for what he did the other day.

I smiled. "It's okay, Tama-chan. I should say sorry too. I know you were just worried about me. It was just because the last time I had someone worry about me was when my mother was alive."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't really mean it." Tama-chan apologized again.

"I told you it's okay, right? You're forgiven." I giggled. "And besides it was my fault you got angry."

"Yeah, I guess so..." Tama-chan chuckled. "I better be going then."

"Oh yes." I said. "Please say sorry to the other club members for me. And thank them for worrying about me. I never knew it was so nice to have friends."

"Okay, I will." He nod and walked out of my room.

I sighed in relief. Okay, one down five to go.

I called Haru-chan. Her father answered the phone.

Me- Hello? Is Haruhi available?

Haruhi's dad- May I know who is this?

Me- This is Miki, Haruhi's friend.

Haruhi's dad- Okay, I'll go get her.

"Haruhi! Someone called Miki is in the phone!" I heard Haruhi's dad said in the background. I heard a shuffle of feet.

Haruhi- Miki-senpai! Are you okay?

Me- I'm fine. Sorry for making you worry.

Haruhi- It's okay, Miki-senpai. After all, I am your older sister.

She chuckled. I chuckled too.

Me- Thanks Haru-chan. That's all I wanted to say. Good afternoon by the way.

Haruhi- Oh, right. Good afternoon too.

Me- Well, bye for now.

Haruhi- Bye Miki-senpai.

I hunged up. Okay four more to go.

I called everybody escept for Honey to say sorry. I want to personally say sorry to Honey for what I did.

After calling everyon, I rode my limo to Honey's house. I doorbelled. A maid answered.

"Good afternoon. May I please speak with Honey-kun?" I asked the maid.

"Please wait a moment I will inform him of your arrival." The maid told me and led me to the living room.

I sat and waited for him to go here. I started making semtences to tell him. After a few moments, Honey entered the room and sat beside me. Hd has a worried look in his face.

"Are you okay, Mi-chan? Why are you here? Is there somethig wrong?" He asked quickly with a worried tone which matches his expression.

I was shock. He worried about me this much? When I was suppose to say sorry because I worried him, he was still worried about me. I chuckled slightly.

"Huh? What's the matter?" He asked with a confused face. It was cute.

"Nothing, it's just that I came here to say sorry for worrying you but up to now your still worried about me." I answered then giggled. Honey processed everything I said then laughed with me.

"It's ironic." Honey said.

"Right." I hugged him and he was slightly shock of the movement. "Sorry for worrying you and thank you for worrying for me." I said as I hugged him tightly. He returned the hug.

"It's alright, Mi-chan." Then he released me. "But don't ever do that again. You got everyone worried, especially me."

"Okay. I'll try not to do it again." I said, putting stress on the word try.

"You'll probably do it again?" He asked. I nod.

"It was instinct. Mother told me once that if you see something wrong, try your best to help in ahyway you can." I said, remembering mother's words.

"Okay then. Want some ice cream?" He stood up and I jumped in glee. "Yay! Ice cream!"

Honey giggled at my change of mood and we walked off to their kitchen were lots of sweets were scattered.

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