All for you. {Banique}

By MindlessStar123

53K 1.8K 325

Bahja Rodriguez is 18 and transgender that doesn't give a fuck about them boys, she the lesbian pimp of Georg... More

Im back!
Chapter 31 {edited}
Chapter 32 {edited}
Chapter 33{edited}
Chapter 34 {edited}
Chapter 35 {edited}
Chapter 36{edited}
Chapter 37{edited}
Chapter 38{edited}
Chapter 39 {edited}
Chapter 40{edited}
Chapter 41{edited}
Chapter 42{edited}
Chapter 43 {edited}
Chapter 44{edited}
Chapter 45{edited}
Chapter 46{edited}
Meet the Family!
Chapter 47{edited}
Chapter 48 {edited}
Chapter 49{edited}
Chapter 50{edited}
Chapter 51{unedited}
Chapter 52{edited}
My excuse
Chapter 53{unedited}
Chapter 54{edited}
Chapter 55{edited}
Chapter 56{edited}
Chapter 57 {edited}
Chapter 58 {edited}
Chapter 59 {edited}
Bahja and Nique's
Chapter 61 {edited}
Chapter 62 {edited}
Chapter 63 {edited}
Chapter 64 {edited}
Chapter 65 {edited}
Chapter 66 {edited}
Chapter 67 {edited}

Chapter 60 {edited}

1.3K 43 5
By MindlessStar123

  "So many tantrums"

| B A H J A |

Today we would be officially be moving, but Zonnique doesn't know that. I wanted to do something special for her.

I never knew my baby had a Borderline Disorder, it's either I never noticed or she just kept it secret for a long time, maybe it was both.

I would never think she had thoughts of me leaving her, that's ridiculous. I've been wanting to spend my whole life with her since I came in October.

But now since she was pregnant and had them mood swings, her disorder was starting to show. Whenever I left for more that 2 hours she would worry and blow my phone up and when I came back she would either be crying or angry. I mean I not even gonna complain I thought it was cute.

But today was the day I was going to show her that I'm forever hers and she forever mines. Right under my pillow was a small soft pink box that had a silver diamond promise ring, it had me and Zonnique's name engraved in it. Since she doesn't take medication for her disorder I hope this ring will be enough medication.

I unwrapped my arms from Nique's waist and got of the bed, I put some sweatpants on a long white shirt on.

I rubbed my eyes as I went downstairs to the kitchen were Dad and Aaleeyah were. Aaleeyah was cooking while on her laptop and Pops was on his while sipping coffee, there forever working I swear.

"Good Morning" I said while going to the fridge for orange juice.

"Morning!" Aaleeyah said while smiling.

"Good morning Bahj, you ready for this?" He said while jiggling the keys to the knew house. Once I got these I probably wasn't ever coming back.

"If I wasn't ready you would kick me out anyway" I shrugged while sipping on my orange juice, Aaleeyah laughed.

"No I wouldn't.....okay maybe" he said laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"So what do you have planned today?" Aaleeyah said.

"Well after breakfast I'm going to go show Nique the house, once she settled in then I'm going to take to the beach and at night Imma take her to this fancy beach dinner were ill give her the promise ring-Dad tell me is this is good enough?" I said nervously flashing the ring in his face.

"Lil girl didn't I tell you that the ring is perfect? She gonna love it" he said.

"Okay...." I said taking another look at it before I put it back in my pocket.

"Now go and tell everybody breakfast is ready lil girl" Pops said while throwing the keys. I catches them a glared at him.

"I'm not no lil girl" I said pouting and walking towards the upstairs.

"Whatever lil girl" he said chuckling while taking another swig of his coffee.

"this dick ain't little tho...." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Aaleeyah asked with a smirk, she knew what I said.

"Nothing!" I said cheesing real hard and running upstairs.

After I waked up all the girls and we ate I told Nique to take a shower. After she took a shower I took one and we got dressed, I wore black muscle that said chill 78, some leggings ripped at the knees and white timberlands. She had a straight outta Compton shirt on with black bandanna joggers on and a red bucket hat on.

"You ready to go?" I asked grabbing my keys off the bed.

"Depends, were we going?" She asked crossing her arms and rested them on her bump.

"Somewhere, now let's go" I said but she stayed in that exact spot.

"Didn't I tell you before that I don't go places without the person telling me were I'm going?" She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously right now?" I said.

"Yupp" she said popping her last p. I sighed and picked her up bridal style. This is all she wanted it me to pick her up and I knew that because once I picked her up she laughed and snuggled her head in my neck.

I carried her all the way outside to my car. Once she got her seatbelt on it didn't take her long to question were her car was....

"Hey! Were my car Bahj!" She asked getting angry.

"I don't know what your talking about" I said smiling.

"Yes you do! My car is always! Always parked right next to yours and its red too. You can't even miss it. Were's my car!" She said almost throwing a fit. Even though she was throwing an a full out 4 year old tantrum it was oh so cute.

The whole ride we didn't speak, unless Zonnique blurted out somewhere her car would probably be and every time I would say no. She got mad and stopped talking.

I was down the road from the house and I didn't want Nique to see it until she actually stepped out the car. "K baby, close your eyes" I said, with hesitation she did what was told.

I pulled up to the house that had 4 cars, making it 5 since I parked. I got out and ran over to her side were I opened the door, I took her hand and helped her out the car.

"So can I look now?" She said annoyed and anxious.

"You goin lose the attitude?" I chuckled.


"Ok, then you can open your eyes" I said. Once she opened her eyes there was a light gasp that escaped from her mouth and I laughed.

"Yo! Is this our house?" She said excited and amazed. I nodded. Even though her bump was in the way she managed to squeeze the shit out of me.

"Who cars are these!? Are there people in that house? Can I pick out a car!-"

"Aye! Slow down girl, you have two cars, your Ferrari and the black Mercedes and I have my two The jaguar and my bmw and we have a family car which is the jeep. " I said pointing to each and every car. Pops wanted to give us early graduating presents which were cars since we were moving.

"Can I test drive?" She said not take her eyes off the Benz in front of us.

"I would say yes....but we have to see the rest of the house first" I said, she pouted for a minute thinking it would change my mind but it never did. Whenever she figured out it wasn't working she proceeded with me into the house.

Once we opened the door we were greeted by Chloe and Coke. See I had told Nique about a week ago the Chloe had a tummy ache and I needed to take her to the animal clinic for a check when really I dropped her off here with her new best friend Coke, she a golden doodle. She so cute me! She like a live teddy bear.

"Awwww, what's her name?" Nique said while picking her up from the floor, she attacked Nique with licks, I picked up Chloe.

"Her full name is Coca Cola Rodriguez, but Coke for short" I said cheesing like a dummy. Nique looked at me and chuckled.


"You named a dog after a soda?" She said laughing.

"Not just same soda, my favorite soda" I added on, she shook her head while smiling.

"Aye, why she have to have your last name? Why couldn't she have mines?" She questioned.

"Oh don't worry, Rodriguez will soon be you last name too" I said, she was blushing hella hard when I said that.

"Are you ready to see the ready of the house?" I said and she nodded.

I showed her around the living room, master bedroom, master bathroom, guest bedroom, game room, kitchen, gym the pool and the back and the theater and saved the baby room for last. The first room I took her in was the girls room, it was a soft brown color with pink curtains. There was a small chandler hanging over the wooden crib.

"This is so cute, did you do this?" Nique questioned. I nodded. This whole time I helped design out the babies room, I knew what she would like so I made them to my best abilities.

"Let me show you the boy's room" I said grabbing her arm, we intertwined fingers as walked to the next room. I opened the door to the soft green room. The design for the room was monkey so everything was designed monkey, and if said Prince on the wall.


"Hmmm?" I said while walking around the room.

"Is Prince going to be the boys name?" She chuckled. I got slightly nervous and scratched the back of my neck.

"I,-I thought it was a cute name?" I shrugged. She laughed and kissed me.

"Your so cute when your nervous" she chuckled some more.

I playfully pouted and stuck my bottom lip out. "Oh, look! I forgot to show you" I took her hand and walked over to the crib. I had installed a little window that saw threw to the girls room, so if they couldn't sleep without each other they could just look in there and realize there not alone.

"Look, there a lil window here so the twins can see each other when there going to bed, so if they ever feel alone they can look over there and know there never alone again" I said focusing at the window just imagining how cool it would be. I didn't hear Nique say anything and I started getting worried.

I turned to her and she was crying,"what you don't like it? I-I can get if took in out for you if you want baby, just please don't cry" I said wiping her tears, she shook her head.

"No no, I'm love it. It's my pregnancy mood swings kicking in again" she chuckled, I laughed and hugged her. I waited until she finished crying and wiped her face.

We sat in the theatre and watched a movie. I was just trying to past the time for awhile. Chloe and Coke were sleeping on top of each other on a chair near us and Nique was out. I checked the time and it said 2 o'clock, the captions for Pitch Perfect 2 came up and it was time to go to the beach.

"Babe, get up" I said while nudging her, she groaned and turned the other way.

"Nooooooo...." She said, I chuckled.

"C'mon we going to the beach" I said.

"I don't want to...." She said, but I knew she was lying. She'll get up by herself once she noticed I stopped trying.

I went to our room and changed into some swimming trunk that said trill. And a bikini top that said Taco Bell. Eventually Nique came upstairs and changed into her swimming suit.

"C'mon im driving" she said. But I took her keys.

"Nu uh. We're walking" I said while putting on Coke's doggy leash.

"Baaaaaaahjjjja!" She whined but I laughed.

"We. Are. Walking. " I said while standing. "Here" I handed her Chloe's leash. After she stopped stomping down the stairs and poking her lip out she finally fixed her attitude and we were walking down the street.

When she wasn't paying attention I took a of picture of all of us and posted it to Instagram, #my lil perfect family.

We watched the dogs play near the water. It's crazy how boys still hit on her when you can see that she pregnant and I'm over here with her! Like are you stupid or nah!? That's why I hate nigga's.

We stayed on the beach for awhile until Breuanna texted me.

BreBre| I'm here, y'all ready?

Bee| Yup, I'll there in 15 minutes

BreBre| Hurry.

I slid my phone back in my pocket and started getting up, Nique looked at me confused as she sipped on her mango smoothie.

"We're are you going?"

"To get the dogs, we're about to go back home" I said holding my hand out so she could get up.

"But we just got here" she whined.

"We got here 4 hours ago, you were complaining about coming now you complaining about leaving?" I chuckled, these mood swings got Nique fucked up.

We walked home, the neighborhood we were now live in is full of rich kids. As in teen that were either kick out from there own homes, needed there own house for college, got pregnant and needed there own space (cough cough us.....), or simply got tired of living at home and needed something fresh.

We got in the house and first thing I did was fill out the dog bowls because if I didn't do it now, I knew I would forget. I took Zonnique upstairs were Bre would be waiting for us. When Breuanna popped out that bathroom Nique was so surprised.

"Why are you here?" She said right off the bat.

"Damn. Not even happy to see me, I see how you feel...." She said acting hurt. "But! I'm here to do yallz makeup so go take some showers and get ready to get beat!" She said giggling, Nique was completely lost and that was exactly what I wanted.

We took our showers and sat in the bathroom while Bre did I makeup. She was getting us dolled up in our favorite colors. I had a more pink make up and Nique Zonni had blue.  We both had hoops that said our names in cursive.

"As much as I love Bre beating my face, why is she doing it?" Nique said. She been trying to get it out of me this whole time but I ignored her mostly.

"I'm taking you out to an restaurant at the beach" I said. Dammit, I probably shouldn't said were though, I could see in the corner of her eye she was cheesing hard. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Ard, get dress. Your dress is on the bed" I said. She quickly got up and wobbled fast out the bathroom.

"Thanks Bre" I said giving her a quick hug, I pulled out the ring from the draw.

"Are you sure this is the best ring for her" I said making sure, I haven't been so nervously in my life.

"YES! I went with you to but it got god sake, she goin love it Bee, calm done" she chuckled, I took a deep breath and nodded.


"But....Nique was fidgety which mean that's gonna cost extra" she said pulling her hand out waiting for me to pay her, I rolled my eyes and took two crisp 100 dollars out.

After I payed her I went to put my clothes on. I wore a pink crop top and ripped jeans with gold jeweler while I picked out a blue and gold dress that complementing her orange braids she got in. I got her a few golden bangles to go with it and some blue heels, if she didn't wanna were the blue heels that was fine with me because I knew I couldn't even walk 5 steps in them.

Once I finished making my bun I went out the bathroom and grabbed my wallet and phone.

Nique was seating downstairs waiting for me this entire time while snuggling with the life size panda bear teddy bear I got.(lol ya know I love panda's so I had to add that in)

"You ready to go?" I asked while picking my keys up.

"Am I going to be driving?"

"No...." I trailed off.

"Then nope" she said.

"What's up with you and driving all of a sudden?"

"I wanna drive in my new car!" She said whining, this girl has had so many tantrums in one day it's ridiculous.

"How bout you get driven in it today and then tomorrow you can drive it were ever you want?" I said, she thought that was fair and agreeing with.

Once we left I opened the door for her and closed it once she got in. Let's just see how it goes.

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