Soulless (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

152K 6.9K 945

More than a hundred years ago the world as we know it went into chaos. The population hit more than 12 billio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22

Chapter 21

4.7K 193 17
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 21

The rain pours on the small cabin and I twist in Zillah arms. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I run my fingers through her hair twisting the blonde lock through my fingers. She furrow her eyebrows and then pull me closer into her body. Her fingers grip my naked thigh as her tongue wet her lips. I blush at thinking of her tongue. The things it could do.

I shift and squeeze my thigh together before shutting my eyes. I try to calm my thoughts but it was becoming difficult thinking of my new self. I was different. I could feel the anger coursing through my body the only thing that was keeping me in check was Zillah scent.

I bury my nose between her neck and bite softly. Nibbling. She releases a sigh and her fingers instantly run up and down my thighs. I pull back stopping before I wake her up. She needed to rest. I could see the dark circles forming underneath her eyes. Demon or not. Everyone had to sleep. I shift slowly out of Zillah arms and lift out of bed. I pull on a shirt and slowly tip toe around the floor pulling on a pair of boots. I smile as I watch Zillah pull my pillow between her long legs.

I slowly walk out the front door and take a seat on the front porch. I intake the smell of rain and watch the trees sway violently. Thunder then claps violently and I lean on the back of my hands watching the lightning strike. For the weather to be so horrible this was the most peaceful I have been in a while.

I jump slightly when I hear something bump through the door. My fangs emerge and I slowly slip back through the house quietly. I turn the corner when I hear a ruckus again. My eyes widen at the scene. Margret prop on the kitchen table with Lilth between her legs running her tongue down her throat. I wasn't surprised. I look away embarrassed and turn red when I hear Margret moans. I slowly back out of the kitchen and head back to the small room.

When I walk back into the room Zillah is looking around in panic.

"Hey." I whisper running my fingers through her hair.

"Where did you go?" She hisses. Her eyes wide with fear and anger.

"I needed some air." I answer.

"You should have woke me." She growls.

I pause and kiss the side of her cheek. I didn't want to argue. "You need to rest." Zillah scowls and yank the sheets back before pulling me into the bed. Her hands encircles my waist before she buries her face into the side of my neck.

She then exhales, "I thought it was a dream."

I shush her. "I'm here."


Morning comes quickly and when I awake I am alone. I freshen myself up the best way I can and head into the main room. The cabin was really small. A kitchen towards the back. Living room towards the front and one bedroom to the right down the hall and a small bathroom across from the bedroom.

There was weapons piled on the table and I pick up a handgun examining it. Lilth walks into the kitchen her hair messy but she still looked more put together than me.

"Where is Margret?" I ask.

"She's asleep." She answer. I can't help but smirk. The devilish side of me emerging. Lilth arches her eyebrow before everything clicks. She sniffs but choose to ignore me, raising her chin defiantly challenging me to question her.

Lilth picks up a bounty knife and strap it to her side. I stand behind her and she turn with a frown on her face. I never got a chance to wonder did Lilth like me or not. It was obvious she wasn't here for me. She was helping her friend...Zillah. And now she had a reason to stick around....because of Margret. Her being here had nothing to do with me.

"She's a nice girl." I state. "Don't hurt her."

If I wasn't so sure then if Lilth liked me or not I'm absolutely sure that she hate my guts right now. Her eyebrows furrow in anger as she tries to control her actions. She bawls her fist before whispering, "Don't bring up things you don't understand."

"What is there not to understand?" I push with confusion and a hint of anger. Margret didn't deserved to be played with. My father and I already used her once. I didn't want her to go through that again. Lilth steps closer and she's taller and this makes her look intimidating but I don't back down. "Leave it alone."

It's a threat but I shrug it off.

"Don't hurt her." I hiss before walking away into the main room to see Margret asleep on the couch with a blanket thrown over her body. I sit next to her and she groans before lifting up. I smile her way and she pulls me into a tight hug. "You're better." She say before laying her hand on my forehead. I roll my eyes. She will never stop being a doctor. I glance at the cut on the side of her neck and scoot away. Afraid of my actions.

"I'm sorry." I say. "For attacking you."

Margret squeeze my fingers. "It's not your fault." She then pull me into a hug before kissing my forehead. I hear something creak behind us. I pull back and whisper. "We should stop before your girlfriend kill us." I could smell her and hear the low growl that is released underneath her breath.

I was certain Lilth wanted my guts in the palm of her hand now.

Margret looks behind my shoulder and she makes eye contact with Lilth before looking back at me. I laugh when I hear Lilth storm away.

"How did you know?" She questions with a blush.

"When I get a taste of someone blood. I can also get a glimpse of their memories." I explain. "And sometimes even their future." I shift uncomfortable because I didn't like the fact that I could tap into people personal thoughts.

"That is fascinating." Margret say.

I shrug my shoulder. Margret smiles softly and squeeze my hand. "Everything is going to be better now."

"How?" I question. "It will never be the same."

Margret shake her head. "You cannot let your brother win."

"I know." I say. "I won't." I chew on my bottom lip before whispering. "I refuse." Margret give my hand another squeeze before she stand and stretches. She leaves me to go freshen up and I sit on the couch and think of our next move. I didn't have a plan. How would I get access to the corporation? I couldn't get close to my brother no matter how hard I tried. He had too many resources.

Heavy boots catches my attention and I stand at the unfamiliar noise. The boot was too loud for it to be Zillah it was someone heavier....Ashes? I arch my eyebrow and growl underneath my breath. Ryker step through the threshold behind him and lastly Nyx. I bawl my fist and step forward to attack but Ashes step in front of me.

My fangs emerges and I knew my orbs was glowing slightly. My hand reaches out quickly and grasp Nyx by the throat. Ashes tries to stop me but I push him out of the way. Nyx doesn't fight back and I push her back into the wall violently.

"Tell me why I shouldn't break your neck?" I hiss.

Nyx looks at me her eyes calm and it only pisses me off even more. I pull my hand back to smack her across the face. I wanted to see blood. I wanted to see her hurt. She didn't deserve to be here. Why were they all here? I didn't care at the moment I just wanted to see her blood dripping from her face. Before, I could hit her someone was grabbing my hand. "Stop." I growl at the voice. I roll my eyes and snatch away from Zillah.

My hand tightens its grip around her throat. Nyx struggles to breathe and I take pleasure in watching her struggle from just a little air. I continue to squeeze.....I could easily break her neck.

"Astra!" Zillah growls pulling me back.

Nyx slides down the wall holding her neck trying to gasp for air. I look down at her. Pride souring through my veins. I was unstoppable. I stand over her and look down at her with a smirk plastered on my face. She looks up at me with a hint of fear. She knew. She knew she couldn't stop me from killing her and her only safe zone was staying very far away from me.

She tries to hide it with a scowl but it was too late. I grin before casually looking around the room at everyone who was staring at me. Ryker and Ashes had their weapons drawn and Lilth was standing directly in front of Margret shielding her from me.

I chuckle, "Why is everyone so tense?"

Nyx stands and Ryker helps her to the couch before she flinches away from him. ZIllah drags me out of the room and I snatch away from her when she slams the door behind us. She grabs my upper arm her nails digging into my skin. I hiss in pain and try to get out of her grip but she over powers me.

"What is your problem?" She questions.

I shrug my shoulder. "I don't easily forgive like you do."

Zillah clenches her jaw.

"I don't trust her." I say. "She's better off dead."

There is a long pause and Zillah is looking at me with confusion. I wasn't her same innocent Astra anymore. The girl in the alley that was pushed against the cold wall as her hand trail up my skirt. I wasn't the girl who was vulnerable and wanted her love. I wasn't that girl anymore and she was still dealing with it. Adjusting to the change.

I could play the role to my advantage though. I pull at the ends of my hair and chew on my lower lip. "Tell her to leave." I ask with a pout. I pull at her belt loop before running my finger underneath her shirt. Zillah gasp and I smirk. She shake her head and pushes me back. "She's my friend."

I growl and push her away from me. Zillah eyes flash in anger. I stand tall waiting for her to react violently. We weren't good with words. Zillah however surprises me and wrap her arms around me. I try to fight her off but her hold is pretty secure and her scent surrounds me. I quickly calm down and Zillah kisses the side of my head before saying, "What are you really feeling?"

I swallow and pull back. "I'm angry."

"I understand." ZIllah say. "You will never like Nyx but she's here to help--

I shake my head. "No. I'm upset with you."

Zillah eyes widen and she looks at me with confusion. I sigh and back away from her. "I will not share you." I growl. I try to calm myself but I couldn't help it.

"What are you talking about?" Zillah ask.

"You still love her." I state. "I don't know why but I can read it. I can see things clearly now and it's upsetting me."

Zillah clenches her jaw and say, "I'm not in love with Nyx."

"But, you love her." I force. I didn't know how to deal with this news. I was angry for sure but I also wanted to kill something. Maybe killing Nyx could make me feel better. I look up when I notice Zillah in my personal space again.

She tries to kiss me but I avoid the action. Zillah chuckles before trapping me and pulling our lips together. I try to fight her off but her tongue forces its way into my mouth and I'm moaning as she pushes me into the nearest wall. I want to slap her for using my weakness against me but I run my fingers through her hair instead.

Her hands goes underneath my shirt and grab my breast. I gasp and she pulls me up and I wrap my legs around her waist as she carries me to the table. I reach for her shirt trying to discard it but she stops me. I growl. Was she really trying to piss me off on purpose?

"I don't love Nyx." She whispers in my ear. I shudder when her lips begin to bite at my neck before she is kissing me again. She pulls my hair aggressively and I hiss into her mouth. She pull back a little and lick my bottom lip. "Do you understand?" She ask.

I nod my head.

"Good." She peck me on the lip.

I pout and fold my arms across my chest. "I'm not apologizing."

Zillah chuckles and kisses me again. "I don't expect you to."


When we walk back into the room Nyx looked better however I avoid her gaze. Just looking at her seem to piss me off. I stand next to Margret and she eyes me warily before shaking her head at the huge bite mark on the side of Zillah neck. I smirk and lean against the wall. Lilth pulls out a map and place it on the table and goes into great detail. I listen in carefully following her finger as she points out each lab and all the guard post.

"With Astra missing I'm afraid that there next step will be to bomb our home again. This is why I think it is important to make the first move."

"I have a list of names that will fight." Ryker say.

"This will start a war..." Zillah pause and furrow her eyebrows as she studies the map on the table. "A war we cannot win."

"We will die fighting." Lilth voices. "There is no other way."

I swallow and step forward. "There is one other way."


I ignore Zillah and look at everyone else around the table. "They want me. I'm the cure. Without me they can't do anything. They will not harm anyone. That will give you all the time to find fighters and maybe—

"No." Zillah hisses. Her jaw clenches but I continue to stare at her in challenge.

Lilth clears her throat. "We can speak more about this tomorrow. We should rest. It will be a long journey back."

Everyone go their separate way. Margret settles on the couch and Lilth sit next to her and offer her an apple. I smile before heading down the dark hallway behind Zillah. I knew this wasn't going to end well. When she shut the door behind me she whirls around and hold up her finger. I chew on my bottom lip and she growl, "You're not turning yourself in."

"You're not even trying to hear me out." I argue.

"I said no!"

"You're only screaming at me." I scowl. My blood begins to boil. I hated when she acted like a spoil child. I watch her closely and I could tell she was having an argument with herself. Sometimes I could hear her talking to herself. She explained that it was still a small part of her other side deeply inside her. I only laughed it off saying it was her conscious but she said it was something deeper something I wouldn't understand.

"Zillah please..."

"I said no."

"I will not stand by and let my brother massacre a civilization when I can stop it." I scream. "I have a plan and if you would listen and stop shouting at me."

"You only seem to listen when I shout." Zillah frowns. "Your amateur plan won't work."

"And yours will result in everyone dying."

Zillah pause. She shake her head and turn away from me. I chew on my bottom lip and whisper, "I will get capture by my brother. I will force demands and he will have no choice but to listen."

Zillah chuckles madly. "That is your plan?" Her face then becomes serious. "Your plan is suicide. Your brother will not meet your demands. I can protect you if you're here by my side."

"I can't just sit here and not do anything." I shout. "I refuse. My plan is the only plan. No matter how crazy it is. It will work."

"I can't." Zillah shake her head. "I can't do this without you here." She admits her eyes soft. The burgundy orbs shining brightly as she beg me. I swallow and look away. I had to be strong. Zillah wrap her arms around me and I bury my face into her neck. I was so weak. I try to pull away but she kisses the side of my neck, "I'm not letting you go." She whisper softly in my ear. "I won't let you go."

Zillah kisses me before I could argue with her. She wraps her strong arms around my body as she deepen the kiss. I gasp into her mouth. She smiles into the kiss and turn me around. She kisses the back of my neck and her fingers pull my shirt up over my head before she toss it away. She kisses down my back before she is unbuttoning my jeans. She turns me around and pull them down my thighs and I blush slightly. I could feel the cool breeze hitting my skin.

Zillah kisses my inner thighs before running her tongue up my stomach until she reaches my lips again. Her eyes twinkle and she step back before stripping out of her red button up and jeans. I gulp. Never had I ever had the chance to just look at her bare before me. She was beautiful....and beyond perfect.

She kisses me again and unstrap my bra and slip my panties down my thighs. She pushes me back and her hands are everywhere torturously running along my body. She grabs my breast and squeeze aggressively before running her finger over my nipple. I moan and wrap my legs around her body.

She kisses my shoulder before trailing her tongue across my breast and taking it greedily into her mouth. I grip the sheets as she hungrily nips and pull before licking as she grip the other one possessively. If I wasn't so turned on I could laugh at how fascinated she was with my breasts.

Zillah spread my legs wide and rest between them. She smirks down at me and I could see her sharp fangs emerging as her eyes glowed in the dark. I stare into her eyes as her hand disappear between my legs, she slowly enters me and I gasp before releasing a moan. She watches me intently and I spread my legs wider as she goes deeper.

I pull at her hair and she busy her tongue with wrapping it around my breast. I groan trying to keep quiet because I knew the cabin wasn't that big. However, Zillah wanted to hear me. I could feel it with every thrust. I whimper into her ear and she groans before her nails along my thighs lifting it up over her shoulder.

"Zillah." I cry.

My body tenses and I silently scream as the unimaginable pleasure slams into me. When I reopen my eyes I could feel Zillah kisses across my chest and her sticky fingers running down my taunt stomach.

I breathe in before exhaling. I pull Zillah head up and connect our lips together my fingers exploring. She laughs before pinning my hands above my head. I pout and she chuckle before kissing my neck. I sigh in content and Zillah straddle my thigh and I groan at the wetness I feel.

I struggle out her gasp but she holds on tightly before rocking above me. "Zillah." I try to hiss but it comes out as a moan.

"Yes." She pulls at my ear and continues her actions. She was torturing me. She moans into my ear and I gasp as I watch her lift up above me like a goddess. Her blonde hair cascade down her chest and her muscles in her taunt stomach flex as she rocks back and forth. I chew on my lip as I watch. With my hands finally free I rest them on her hips and force her to go faster.

She smirks down at me before shutting her eyes. I lift up and bite down on her shoulder drawing blood. She pulls at my hair and growls before shuddering on top of me. "Astra." She whispers so low that I barely catch it. "I love you."

I kiss her lazily missing her lips and hitting her jaw. "I love you too."


The light shine brightly over the trees. The tinted glasses I was wearing shielding me away from the harsh sun. I quicken my steps and hurry through the busy streets. I pulled the hood over my freshly chopped hair. I didn't want to cut it but it was the only way I could blend in without anyone noticing me. My face was plastered on every wall and billboard as a terrorist.

I hop onto a bus and take a seat towards the front closer to the door away from anyone. I sniff. My senses was stronger and the city smell was making me sick. The bus rides along and my feet begins to tap impatiently. I hated sitting still. It only made me think about her.

It's been a full week since I snuck out of the bed and left. I couldn't do it. I couldn't risk everyone life. I squeeze my fist and shake my thoughts away. The bus make a complete stop and I hurry off. I hike for another mile until I'm in front of a huge mansion. The gates open for me and I climb the hill until I reach the white home. I beat on the door and when the door is swung open. I pull off my hood which finally reveal my face.


"Jamie." I whisper. "I need your help."

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