In Love With My Best Friend (...

Por Ziam_Larry_Feels

733K 23K 17.3K

What do you do when you fall in love with your best friend? Which also happens to be your band mate and also... Más

In Love With My Best Friend
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
You decide the outcome!
Chapter 35
Sequel :)

Chapter 34

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Por Ziam_Larry_Feels

Harry's POV

 Once Niall and Josh left it was just Liam, Louis and I in the room. Liam had sat back down on the couch, with his head in his hands. We expected them to come back happier and closer than ever but something on their trip made them do the opposite. Louis sat beside him and placed an arm around his shoulder, trying to comfort him. If it were anyone else I would probably get jealous because I’m not a fan of people Louis get close to but because it's Liam it's alright. 

"Liam what happened?" Louis asked sympathetically.

"I don't know." Liam whispered. 

"Liam if you tell me, I can help you through it." Louis told him. Liam shook his head. "Go talk to Zayn, if he'll talk to anyone it'll be you." Louis said to me and I nodded. I walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He gave me a small smile before I headed upstairs. 

Zayn's door was closed but I couldn't hear any sounds coming from inside. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer but nothing was said. I knocked again, sighing to myself when I got the same result. "Zayn, can I come in? You need to talk to someone." I pleaded. "Zayn, please." There was still no response and I wasn't just going to stand here and wait for him to open the door when I know there's something wrong, so I knocked one more time. When nothing was said, I opened the door, being thankful it wasn't locked. Zayn layed on his bed, starring up at the ceiling, not moving an inch or saying a word. He looked blankly into space.

Sometimes when Zayn gets upset about things he spaces out and keeps everything to himself. It's not really healthy but it's his way of coping with situations. He stayed in his room for 2 weeks after one of his friends past away in a car accident. The only time he came out was to get something to eat or if he was forced to attend an interview. He didn't speak to anyone about it and when we tried to comfort him, he just shook us away. It was completely understandable but we all just wished we could help him in some way but until he felt better we couldn't do anything. Luckily we didn't have any concerts on but maybe if we did it would make him open up a bit.

I closed the door, quietly behind me and walked over and layed next to him on the bed. He scooted over a bit, allowing me more room so I wouldn't fall off the bed. "What's wrong Zee?" I asked.

A minuted past before Zayn finally spoke. "Harry" I hummed in response. "Do you think that what Liam and I have is real?" He asked quietly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you think's hard to explain, but do you think Liam is with me because of his emotional feelings or because he just has some physical needs? Like he's just physically attracted to me and there isn't any emotional type of connection for him." I knew he was confused. You could hear it in the way he spoke. Never has he truly thought Liam would return the same feelings as him. 

"The way Liam is now, I would say that he feels the same way about you, as what you feel towards him. Now why would you think it was just a physical attraction?" I asked. Then something hit me "Wait. What did he do?" I asked, sitting up quickly, looking down at Zayn. Zayn gave me a weird look and sat up, looking back at me. "Did he try know?" I questioned. He bit his lip and looked away from my gaze.

"Well yeah but-"

"And you didn't want to." I finished for him. He looked back at me and nodded.

"I wanted to but I couldn't do it. But-" He tried to talk but I was getting too angry to allow him to finish.

"That dickhead." I muttered, standing up off from the bed.

"Harry, just let me finish explaining." Zayn pled, taking hold of my arm and giving me a stern look.

"No, I've heard enough and Liam is going to get it for hurting you again." I claimed, shaking out of Zayn's weak grip and storming towards the door. Zayn jumped out of bed and followed me but once I left the room, he stayed at the door.

"HARRY? FUCKING COME BACK. YOU DON"T KNOW THE FULL STORY!" He called at me but I ignored it. He was there for me throughout the whole Louis situation and I'm going to continue to be here for him.

Louis' POV 

I sighed, still not having got anywhere with Liam in the last 10 minutes. "Liam are you going to tell me why you and Zayn are acting the way you are, or are you going to continue sitting here doing nothing and not fixing whatever either of you fucked up?" I asked him impatiently. I know I should allow him to take his time but the longer he takes to fix it, the more both of them continue to suffer and I don't like seeing it. Liam took a breath, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. 

"Fine." He breathed. I was now more patient with him because I knew he was going to tell me. "What happened was everything was going really well until the last night we had at cabin." He began explaining. "We were-"

"HARRY. FUCKING COME BACK. YOU DON'T KNOW THE FULL STORY!" We heard Zayn scream. Oh my, what has Harry done now? "HARRY. I MEAN IT." He continued but Harry didn't listen because he came down the stairs at a fast walking pace. Liam and I stood up, as we watched him, confused.  Looking like he could kill someone, Harry approached Liam, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him hard up against the wall.

"Harry, what the fuck are you doing?" I yelled. But before I could separate the two, Harry's arm pulled back and his fist collided with Liam's jaw, causing him to slide down the wall onto the floor. Liam held his hand to his face. I bent down next to Liam and examined the damage to his jaw. The impact was extremely hard and I already knew it would leave a mark, which in this case he wouldn't be able to cover up. "Are you going to explain why the fuck you did that." I said to Harry. He stood, glaring down at Liam.

"You have caused him so much trouble and pain. Do you realize how much he has gone through in the last month because of you?" Harry spoke to, and only to Liam, who watched Harry with sad eyes. "You did something to make him believe that you have no emotional feelings towards him. You sleep with him when he doesn't want to.” Harry spat. I looked wide eyed at Liam. No, Liam wouldn’t do something like that.

"Is that what he said to you?" Liam asked in a low voice.

"Not exactly, but it wasn't too hard to work out. He is up in his room right now debating to himself whether you truly have feelings for him or not Liam. From the beginning, from the very start when I heard him singing about how he has feelings for you, he has been so confused whether you will ever feel the same for him. He is convinced that you will never feel what he feels for you. And honestly, I can't tell him that you will anymore because you keep doing things and fucking up everything with him. And to think that out of anyone that could hurt him, it would be you. The one I thought he could always count on, the one he thought he could always count on. So well done, you hurt him again and until you fix it and get him back to how he should be, I really don't want to see or talk to you again." Harry finished, not breaking eye contact with Liam. He had a look in his eyes that I've never seen him have before. "Sorry you had to see that Louis." He apologised softly before turning and leaving to where he came from.

Liam didn't say a word. He sat still, watching that place Harry had just stood. I was still trying to wrap my head around what Harry was implying. "Liam, is what Harry was saying true?" I asked him.

"Some parts are. I didn't do anything he didn't want to though." He said honestly.

"So what happened Li. You have to tell me. Did Harry over react?" I tried to get some answers because he really needed my help, whether he knew it or not.

He laughed coldly. "Harry under reacted I say. I don't know what I did this time but I deserve a lot worse than a punch for everything I've put Zee through." He spoke, looking blankly in front of him. "Well what happened was, like I was saying earlier, things were going good until the last night… so until last night. Uh, things were getting heated, which I was the one to start." He shook his head. "I'm such an idiot." He mumbled. 

"You're not an idiot Liam! Now go on with your story, you may think you've done something really bad but it could just be something little that means a lot to Zayn." I told him, rubbing his back.

"So, I was trying to take his belt off, as you do in these situations and he said my name. He sounded scared, so I soothed him and said it'll be fine and I won't hurt him. But he didn't say my name because he was scared, he said it because he didn't want to do anything. I apologized straight away. I let my hunger get the better of me and didn't even think about if Zayn was ready or not. But this is where I started to get confused. He said he wanted to, even more than I did, but he just couldn't. I asked why and he said it was something I had to work out for myself. I've been trying to work out what he was talking about but I just can't." He paused. "He's been so distant since, he didn’t even want any of the crepes I made him in the morning." He explained. I could hear and feel the pain in his voice, telling me all this. Hearing it I didn't even understand what Zayn had meant and why he's upset.

"Maybe you're thinking about it too much." I suggested.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You're putting so much thought into it, you just have to stop thinking so much and it will come to you." I explained.

"Yeah I guess” He mumbled. “He doubts my feelings for him." He stated.

"Well maybe you just have to let him know again how you feel and how much you love him." I told him simply and shrugged. Liam looked at me in shock, his eyes widened and his mouth hung over.

"That's it." He announced, standing up. I gave him a confused look, I wasn't quite catching on. I stood up and he gave me a worried look. "I screwed up. Big  time." He told me with a frown.

"Explain please, instead of being annoying." I said.

"I haven't told Zayn I love him." He whispered. "I tried to go that step further with him before the most important thing, which is telling him how I feel about him." He spoke.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said. Liam shook his head, giving me a worried look. "All this drama and all this sadness and all this distress because you haven’t told him you love him yet!" I exclaimed. Liam shrugged and I rolled my eyes. "Honestly Liam, out of everyone, you should be the one to know how Zayn is about these things. You know he wouldn't just take it all the way with someone. He has to know that he’s important to them especially if it's you!" I lectured. He dropped his head and nodded, like a school boy being told off by his teacher. "But now that you have finally realized your mistake, go and fix it." I said. He looked up and gave me a small smile. "You may be an idiot but you’re smart enough to fix it. You two have been through so much but that just proves how strong your relationship really is. So hurry up." I smiled.

'Thanks Louis, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have known what to do and wouldn't have realized, Thank you." He opened his arms and gave me a massive bear hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Just remember that Harry and I will be in a room close by so please, don't make too much noise." I teased. He chuckled, and playfully shoved me.

"Alright, well here I go." He breathed, walking up the stairs. I followed, considering I'm going to go see Harry and waited until Liam entered the room and closed the door behind him, before walking up the stairs completely and making my way to Harry’s room. 

I didn’t bother knocking and walked straight in. Harry was seated on his bed, leaning back against the head board. He gave me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry." He said. I crawled on the bed, placing my legs on either side of his thighs, straddling him, and placing my arms around his neck. He wrapped his long arms around my waist.

"Hmm." I hummed. "Why's that?"

"Because I over reacted and you had to watch it." He answered.

"Well you shouldn't be apologising to me, you should be apologising to Liam. You can't right now because his fixing things up though." I told him.

"Yeah I will but it's just… Zayn and I have gone through all of this together. The whole way. If it weren't for him and helping me realize my feelings for you, we may have never happened and knowing that, it just...I feel like I owe him so much and if defending him is all I can do then I will." He whispered.

"Babe, hitting someone isn't the right way to go about things." I laughed, managing a genuine smile off Harry. "But you know what?" I said.

"What?" He asked. 

"I'm really tired of talking about what's going on between Liam and Zayn because they're going to work it out. I'll explain to you later what was wrong but right now let's just focus on us. Seeing them two like that today made me realize how much I love you and never want you to forget that" I smiled softly, leaning forward to go in for a kiss, but Harry pulled back. I frowned and looked at him.

"I love you too." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and pulled him forward, kissing him passionately. I felt his smile through the kiss, causing me to smile. We pulled away, looking into each other’s eyes, smiling like idiots. "Now do you mind moving your big arse off me, so I can take a shower?" He asked playfully.

"On one condition." I smirked.

"And what would that be my lovely?"

"Only if I get to take one with you." I whispered seductively.

"Oh is that right?" He asked. I gave him a smile and nodded. "Well if that's the case." He stopped and looked to his side, before flinging forward and pushing me down on the bed, so now I was beneath him, while he starred down at me. My arms were still wrapped around his neck as I laughed. "We better get those clothes off than, shall we." He hummed into my ear. I was already beginning to feel the effects of Harry, myself already beginning to feel uncomfortable in my jeans. 

He pulled my shirt up and I lifted my arms, so he could pull it all the way over my head a throw it to the side. My head fell back and a moan escaped my mouth as Harry left sloppy kisses down my abdomen. My breathing became uneven as my hands ran though his curls. I took him by the shirt and pulled him back up to me. Zipping down his hoody, he finished the job by pulling it off, exposing his now shirtless body. "I like the fact you never wear a shirt underneath your jumpers." I whispered in his ear, biting his ear lope, and pulling on it slightly.

"Oh that's it." Harry smirked, pulling me of the bed with him. I laughed and wrapped my legs around his waist.  

Harry pushed me up against the wall. I groaned both in pain and pleasure, feeling tingles ran through me at an unbearable pace. "Shower. Now." I demanded, kissing down his jawline.

"My pleasure." Harry responded, walking towards the on-suit, connected to the room. He walked straight into the bathroom, closing the door behind him as I continued to leave marks on his skin. He held me in place with one arm, using his right hand to tilt my head up so I was looking into his eyes. His emerald green eyes have turned large and dark and I would think mine would look the same. He collided his lips with mine, his tongue asking for no entrance as he entered my mouth, tasting every inch. Both arms wrapped around me again and I untangled my legs from around his waist and stood up, standing on my tippy toes to get a better reach of him.

In the process Harry managed to pull off my belt and drag my jeans to my knees. "Someone knows what they're doing." I commented with a wink. I stood out of my jeans and kicked them aside. I was now just in my briefs but it felt better, then when I was stuck in those jeans.

"Haven't you already had a shower today?" Harry asked, with a hint of amusement in his voice."

"Hmm, yeah, you're point is?" I gave him a cheeky smile.

"Wasting water." He shrugged.

"That is why I'm about to have one with you though." I stated.

"True, but..." He paused, giving me an evil, yet extremely hot smirk. "We're going to be in here more than double the time." He pointed out.

"Well we better get in quick then" I smirked. I ducked down and pulled down his trackies. He stepped back, leaving his pants laying there. He was now completely exposed standing above me. I kissed slowly up his thighs. I heard him as his breathing fastened and his pace became irregular. I skimmed past his manhood, rubbing him slightly. A hiss left his mouth and he pulled at my hair.

"Stop teasing." He whimpered. I stood up straight, kissing him again, with force. He pulled me closer, so there was no room between us. Our bodies moulded together as one. "My turn." Harry said. He pulled on the waistband of my briefs, grinning when sounds of pleasure and need escaped my mouth. "Alright, I'm an impatient person." He remarked. Harry pulled down my briefs and pulled my body back to his.

We grinded together and I could feel Harry getting hard against me. Harry shifted his body, turning the shower on and kissing my shoulder blades. The room already began to fog up and get heated. I pushed him backwards into the shower, the warm water running down our bodies. I pushed him against the wall and trailed my hands down his stomach. He bit his lip looking down at me. "You are so beautiful." I whispered. "I'm so lucky to have you."

Harry looked at me with so much love and so much lust. "I think it's the other way around baby. I love you so much."

"I love you too." I said, as the steam fogged up around our linked bodies.


Longer chapter today :) I told you, you would be like 'Ohh' when you found out why Zayn was upset! Larry love ;) Hope it was a good chapter because after this there is only one chapter and the epilouge left :( I'm considering doing a sequel but I'm not sure, if I do one I'll seed some ideas and inspiration! Love you heaps, thank you soo much for reading xx

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