
By bcrystalclear

40 17 0

Morgan Reign was never good at following orders, she has a stubborn disposition and loud mouth, which always... More



2 1 0
By bcrystalclear

Morgan didn't like chores, but she could do them when necessary, like now. When Fredrick wasn't asking for her, they kept her busy cleaning

Her muscles were sore, so many things and places to clean, the mansion was too big

Even though she hated cleaning, at least it wasn't nerve wracking. It seemed that Fredrick was intent on pushing her over the edge, she was holding on for now, barely. He kept asking for her for meager reasons, sometimes even just to fetch him water or bring him an article of clothing from his closet, he made sure to push her buttons as much as he could, she made sure to hold her temper, do what he wanted as fast as she could, then leave. It was soon getting old

Tuesday came, it was her day off. She couldn't have been happier. She wore her favourite clothes, meaning the comfiest, they were by no means fashionable. She sprinted outside the mansion

Fredrick: Wait up!

She groaned, then recovered, but he had already heard her. The damage was done

She turned towards him: Sorry Master, but today is my day off, and I can do whatever I want, see you

She said that with a sickeningly sweet smile

Even though she ran, he was fit, much more so than her, and his legs were longer. He easily caught up

Morgan: What do you want?

Fredrick: I just want to talk

Morgan: I'm not allowed to have any relationship with you, do you want me to get fired?

Fredrick: I believe Mrs. Burnes meant romantic relationships, not anything else

Morgan: I will ask her to elaborate when I see her next

Fredrick laughed: Why don't we catch up?

Morgan: I'm not interested in catching up with you, just leave me alone

Fredrick: Is that a way to talk to your master?

His tone was playful, but she really wanted some time to herself

Morgan: Today you are not my master. I can talk to you however I like, if you insist on annoying me

Fredrick: There she is.. I'm quite impressed you could reign that temper of yours in

Morgan's eyes narrowed: You did do those things on purpose, I knew it!

He laughed again: Please sit down and talk to me for a bit. I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day

Morgan arched an eyebrow: Just for the rest of the day?

Fredrick: Would you want me to follow you around all day, because I can. I'm very persistant

Morgan: I'm sure you are.. You shouldn't be seen with me. We'll both be in trouble

Fredrick: It will only be for a little while, and I'll sit a bit further

She huffed: Fine

They sat down in a park nearby. True to his words, he sat a bit further. No one would suspect anything if they saw them

Fredrick: So, how have you been

Morgan: Really?

Fredrick: Just answer the question

Morgan shrugged: Fine, I guess, you?

Fredrick: Good. What did you study in college? And where?

Morgan: Graphic Design at NYU, you?

Fredrick: Management at Harvard

Morgan: I'm not surprised..

Fredrick: May I ask what you're doing as a maid at my house? Not that I'm complaining. I know it's an honest job and all, but I couldn't have imagined you as the kind of person to like it

She sighed: I needed a job and a place to stay. Nina told me about the vacancy, so I applied

Fredrick: Still doesn't explain how you ended up needing a job and place. I mean you were the top of your class

She looked at him: How did you know that? You were a senior when I was a freshman..

Fredrick smiled, it looked bitter: Right, because I was full of myself and never noticed anyone

Morgan: I never said that. You were actually nice to the freshmen and juniors, when you weren't serial dating them

Fredrick: I was crystal clear with every single girl I dated. It was always casual. I never said it was serious or a relationship. If they insisted on having false hope, what could I have done

Morgan: I dunno, break it off before someone got hurt?

Fredrick: I tried to do that, and they still got hurt. I'm not the only one at fault you know. You're being unfair

Morgan: Sorry.. It was long ago anyway

Fredrick: You were always different though, you were probably the only girl that hated me, I'm not saying they all loved me, but none of them hated my guts

Morgan: I didn't hate you. I just didn't like you

Fredrick: Still looked like you hated me though

Morgan: Well, I'm sorry if that hurt you, wasn't intentional

He smiled: It's ok, what's done is done.. You cut your hair again.. I don't think I ever saw you with long hair

Her eyes widened again. He remembered her hair.. That's.. Odd

Fredrick: Right.. I will leave you to enjoy the rest of your day then

He turned and waved. She watched him walking, till he disappeared from her sight

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