
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 35

1.7K 50 5
By Haddassa

Hey everyone!!! I went back to school, and I was getting settled back in the dorm. Anyways... hope u all enjoy!!!

Chapter 35

I woke up feeling completely relaxed. I must have had a long sleep. I looked around trying to find a clock, but my eyes landed on a bare, muscular, tanned chest. I looked up at the face, and saw Jace. He was still sleeping. My eyes scanned his beautiful face, and lingered on his soft lips. Then I looked back down at his chest. I followed every curve of his muscles, and couldn't help feeling proud of this being mine.

God he is hot! My eyes scanned down to his abbs. Yep, a six pack. It isn't that bad that I am totally checking him out while he is sleeping, right? I mean he was my boyfriend. That thought sent tingles down my body. My boyfriend. Sounds right. I shouldn't be perving on him. But he is so hot. What if he wakes up right now, and sees I'm checking him out? That happens a lot in books. Ha, like I actually read a book.

My eyes snapped up to his still sleeping face, then looked away. I turned my head over to the other side so I was examining Cole's room. I felt so comfortable and warm right here. I don't think anything could get me to move.

Suddenly I felt like my bladder was being crushed. Oh, come on! Ok, maybe I spoke too soon. Is it worth it to get up and pee? I asked myself. I looked over at a sleeping Jace. Nah! I'll just hold it for a bit longer. With that in mind I felt like I really needed to go pee now.

Fine I'm up stupid bladder. I rolled out of the bed with a grunt, and Jace changed positions searching for me. I ran into the bathroom. When I came back my stomach started to growl.

"Stupid body," I muttered as I made my way to the kitchen. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep with Jace.

I opened up the fridge, and found some moldy cheese, rotten apples, a soggy take out Chinese box, a water bottle, and a case of beer. Blah! I grabbed the water bottle, and started to drink some. I slammed the fridge door shut, and headed over to the cupboard. Inside the food looked more promising.

I saw a jar of peanut butter, and grabbed it. I knew that there was a lot more filling food in there, but I really just wanted the peanut butter. I decided to grab some crackers, just in case I ended up wanting real food and was too lazy to get up.

With a spoon and the jar of creamy peanut butter in one hand, crackers in the other, and water bottle in my mouth- I went over to my cocoon on the couch from last night. I sat down and flickered through the tv while spooning heaps of peanut butter into my mouth. Yum! This would be so much better if it were pudding. My stomach growled agreeing with me. Great, now I want pudding. I groaned and shoved another spoonful into my mouth, as if to say stuff it stomach.

After an hour of smacking my lips on the peanut butter, I started to get restless. The tv was doing a pretty pathetic job of keeping me entertained. I would go back to Jace, but I was too restless to go lay back down. I decided to go and explore the rest of the house. I had already seen most of the house, but there was a door in the kitchen. Probably led to the basement, but I decided it was a good distraction for me right now. Especially since my mind kept trying to wonder to a certain incident that had happen last night.

I abandoned my peanut butter on the couch, and padded my way into the kitchen. The door was locked, but it was easy enough to get in. I just needed a wire hanger. I got one from one of the other room. Soon enough the door was open, and I was looking down at the darkness below. Wonder what they keep down here that needs a lock?

I found the light switch, and turned it on. The lights flickered at first, and then stayed dim. I reached the bottom and froze. There was nothing there that made me freeze. It was the fact that there was literally nothing there that did. There was a few smashed cardboard boxes, a bookshelf, a chair in the center of the room, and a few more in the corner.

Why would they lock the door if there was nothing here? I knew there had to be something here, so I headed over to the boxes first. I kicked them, and found nothing underneath. I walked over to the chair in the center, and realized that there was sliced rope on the floor behind it. I bent down and gently touched the rope. There was dried blood coating different parts of the rope. I inspected the chair, and also saw dried blood on them. There was also some more rope by the front legs. Blood coated them too. I noticed that everything around us was coated in a thick layer of dust, except for that chair.

I sat back on my heels, and knew just what had happen down here. My brother and the boys (I have come to refer to them all as the boys, even though almost all of them were older than me) had held somebody here. For how long? I don't know, but it was recent judging by the dust on the floor. Was he still alive? Probably not. My brother needed to do a better job of cleaning up after himself, and erasing the evidence. Why was I thinking of that? Somebody was probably tortured in that very chair. A chill climbed up my spine, leaving my skin covered in goose bumps.

I got up and backed away from the chair. My back hit the bookshelf with a loud echoing thwack, sending dust flying all over me. I spun around, and knew that whatever else they were hiding in here had to be behind the bookshelf. It was the only hiding place down here. Besides, the basement was about half the size of the main floor. There has to be more of it somewhere.

I positioned myself at the side, and pushed the bookshelf. God, why was it so heavy! I pushed with all my might, and it moved a few inches. Wow, well didn't this bookshelf make me feel pretty pathetic. I peered behind it, but I didn't see drywall, instead empty black space. I knew there was something behind it! With the extra burst of energy I pushed again, and it moved another few inches. Soon the opening was large enough for me to squeeze through.

I went in, and was surrounded by darkness. The space I came in from wasn't enough to illuminate more than a couple feet of space. I touched the walls on either side of me. No light switch. I ran my hands around the wall, walking deeper into the darkness. Damn light switch! Where are you?

What if I was caught down here? I had no excuse for why I was searching around in the dark secret room. For all that I knew there could be bodies stored in this room. I froze as I felt the temperature drop at least 10 degrees. My legs started to shake. I felt like something was breathing down my back, but knew it was just my imagination.

Suddenly I heard a creak from up behind me. I spun around as skittish as a cat, and saw nothing. I held my breath waiting to hear another creak. Ok, that was definitely not my imagination. Nothing, just echoing silence. I let out a breath of relief and continued searching for that damn light switch. My fingers fumbled along the wall nervously.

There wouldn't be bodies in here. My brother would never bring me to a place where they stored the bodies of the people they murdered. Besides it didn't even smell like anything was rotting down here. Ok, I was gonna throw up if I kept thinking of this. I tried to rack my brain for a topic change for my mind.

My hands found something hard and cool. Metal. Well, this is a good topic change. I ran my fingers along it, trying to make out what it was. Then everything was illuminated. It was a rack full of weapons, but my eyes didn't linger on the guns for long. I looked around, and was relieved to see no bodies. After I relieved that worry, my brain registered that somebody had turned on the lights, and my eyes shot to the entrance.

Shit! I was caught!!! Standing in the doorway was a very amused Cole.

"Um... I was just... uh..." I didn't have any excuse for him.

Cole chuckled, and then walked all the way in.

"So you're not upset?" I asked.

"Nah, just surprised you managed to pick our lock, and find this."

"It wasn't that hard. If I were you I would get that lock changed to a stronger one, fill up the basement so it isn't as obvious, and at least clean that up," I said pointing to the chair through the space.

"Um..." he rubbed the back of his neck, and looked down at his feet. "So you figured that out?"


I turned around and looked at all the weapons on the shelves. There were about two dozen different types of guns on the shelves and racks. There was a few complex looking bows with sharp pointed arrows, all different types of knives, and about another dozen different types of complex gadgets and weapons. On a separate shelf itself was ammo, boxes after boxes full of bullets, those chains that looked like they hooked up to machine guns. The list of weapons went on and on. It was actually kind of terrifying.

"So what is up with all of this?" I asked.

"Well we couldn't keep it at our apartment, so we kept it in this house."

"So what? You guys just come here every time you need a gun?" I asked feigning curiosity.

"No, we have a handful of this stuff at our apartment, and other houses. We just keep the back up, and really big heavy duty stuff here," He answered.

"So why did you bring us to this house? Why the house that holds enough weapons for an entire army? Why the one where you had tortured somebody in, and probably killed them in? Why not one of the other ones?" I asked him, upset. I wasn't upset about him actually bringing us to this house, I was upset that all that had happen in one of his houses.

"Eliana-" He began.

"Cole, why do you have to do this sort of stuff? I don't want this," I pointed to the room full of weapons, "to be a part of you. You deserve better than this-"

"Eliana-" I cut him off again.

"Cole, you shouldn't be doing any of that stuff. You're too young. You shouldn't be kidnapping, torturing, or killing people. You shouldn't be in a gang-"

"ELIANA!" I stopped and just stared at him waiting for him to continue on. I was breathing heavily.

"That is all a part of me. The gang, the weapons it's all a part of me. I belong in that world, just like you belong in yours. There isn't much of a difference between the two. People get kidnapped, tortured, and killed in both-"

"But Cole, you do those things. I don't. You're too young to be doing-"

He cut me off. "Eliana, I'm sure Jace has tortured, kidnapped, and killed people too. The only difference is that I am your brother, and you don't want me to be doing any of that no matter what. I'm not happy with you being in that world, because it is even more dangerous than mine." I was about to object but he sent me a look before continuing on.

"Sure we may kill our enemy, but it's only people that chose to fight. In your world they don't get to choose. There are innocent women and children that are killed. The only people that are killed in my world are those that signed up for this. I don't want you in that world as much as you don't want me in this one." He paused to let it all sink in.

"Eliana, all these weapons are here to protect me. I torture and kill people to protect my friends and myself. I have control in this world. You don't. You have rouges that don't have any rules trying to kill you. You had other packs trying to kill you. But now that you are no longer with the only protection you had, they stopped because you are human. You are in a much worse off position then me."

I knew what he was saying was true, but I still didn't feel comfortable with it.

"Fine. Heres the deal. Seems we are both stuck pretty deep in our worlds, and neither of us accepts the others, so lets just make a truce. Truce?" I asked sticking out my hand.

"Sure," he said grabbing my hand.

"Even though you did start it," he teased.

I stuck my tongue out childishly at him, and left the room after him. He pushed the shelf back, and then we headed up the stairs. We went to go check on Jace. He was still passed out.

"Should we be worried he is still out of it?" I asked Cole, worry tainting my voice.

He shook his head, and started to remove a few bandages. Underneath was flawless skin.

"I gave him some medicine to help him sleep also."

I nodded my head understanding, but still felt uneasy that he wasn't up yet. I knew I would be until his eyes opened. The mate pull was making me wound up. All that I wanted to do was touch him, and look into is emerald green eyes.

I walked over to sit on the bed, on the other side of Jace. His hand moved towards me, until it touched my crossed legs. I grabbed his hand in both of mine, pulled it up to my face, and instantly felt better.

Cole gave me a strange look, but shrugged it off. He pulled off the bandage on his side, and instead of flawless skin was a slightly mangled scar. Cole had done his best job on this wound, but it was just too deep to really get fixed up well enough, even with the super healing.

I intertwined one of my hands with Jace's, and with the other ran my fingers over the mangled scar. I could only hope that I was soothing any pain that he felt from this. Most of his pain had vanished. But even though I didn't feel any more pain from him, that didn't mean that he wasn't just been holding it in.

Cole continued to remove the bandages. Only one other did not reveal smooth skin, but a faint curve scar on his neck. Jace had a scar on his shoulder, but it was not from the fight last night. It was from long before.

After Cole was all done removing the bandages we left the room, and he removed mine. Mine were not even close to heeled they looked pretty similar to how they did last night, so Cole put on new ones. He handed me some more pain medicine, because mine had already started to wear off.

He handed me a bag full of my stuff from his house. I thanked him and went to go change. I got dressed in faded gray capri sweats, and a loose white v-neck with the words 'Got Pizza?' on it. Yeah, I really love pizza.

After that Cole went into the kitchen to make some dinner for me. It was about five in the afternoon, and I was famished. I hopped up onto the counter, as he grabbed a box of pasta. He started to heat up the water.

"So as it seems, I am out of food. I'm gonna need to go to the store for some pasta sauce. Do you want me to get anything from the store?" He asked me.

"Pudding!" I blurted out loudly and quickly.

I grinned sheepishly at him when he looked over at me surprised. He chuckled at me, and turned back to searching for a strainer.

"What type do you want?" He asked me. He set the strainer in the sink.


"Ok, I'll be right back. Could you please pour the pasta into the water when it boils. Stir every few minutes so it won't stick to the bottom. Then pour it into this strainer when it's ready. Got that?" He asked me.

Uh... No.

"Sure?" I asked unsure.

"Come on it's easy. You won't set the house on fire. Just put the pasta in once you see bubbles, stir, and once it's ready, strain. Ok?"

I nodded my head.

He patted his pocket making sure he had his keys.

"Oh," He reached into his pocket, and pulled out Jace's phone. "Found this in my car. I think it belongs to your boyfriend," He said smirking

"Thanks," I muttered sourly. He tossed the phone to me, and I barely caught it. Must be the stupid medicine that made me nearly miss that. I clutched it to my chest, afraid it would fall. He grinned at me before taking off.

I eyed the water in the pot, as if it was about to kill me or explode. Well I wasn't too off about the exploding part. The water had started to bubble up like an angry underwater volcano. I opened up the box of pasta, and poured it in. I jumped back when the water started to splash out of the pot. I found a wooden spoon, and started to stir it all in.

Jace's phone buzzed from the counter. I looked at it, and saw 11 missed calls, and 19 messages. Oops.

I pulled it out, and found John's number again. I hit call, and it rang a few times before he answered.

"Jace? Is that you? Where the hell are you?" He asked.

"It's me, don't say my name out loud. Are you with other people?" I asked.


"Could you please leave the room, and I can explain everything."

"Ok, hold on."

I heard him mutter something on the other end.

"Ok, I told them that he ended up with a girl, got really drunk, and is still passed out at her place. Now, what the hell actually happen?" He asked.

So I told him what happen. He didn't know that Cole was my brother, nobody knew but Philly and the boys. He knew Cole was a high school dropout, and didn't have parents. Cole had come to pick me up from school once, and John asked why he wasn't at school, and why his parents didn't force him.

So I told John that I was staying at his house with Jace. He stitched Jace up, and took care of the body.

"So what are you guys going to do now?" John asked.

"Um... Not too sure-" I was suddenly cut off by a sizzling noise.

"Oh shit!" I swore, and ran over to the stove where the water was bubbling over and onto the stove. Shit, how long had I been on the phone? Was it burnt?

"What happen?" John asked.

"Hold on!" I yelled into the phone.

I tossed the phone onto the counter. I grabbed for the handle to take the pot off before it burned more, but quickly yanked my hand back with a loud hiss.

"Ouch! Holy shit!"

I looked down at my hand, and saw a bright red mark starting to form on my hand in the shape of the handle. I cupped my injured hand to my chest. I heard the sizzling noise again.

"Stupid metal handle," I spat at the pot, while glaring at it.

As if to have final say, it started to sizzle even more.

"Crap!" I swore, and jumped into action.

With my non-injured hand I searched through the drawers in the kitchen for an oven mitt, a dish towel, or a rag. Just anything so I wouldn't burn my other hand. The constant sizzling was getting louder, warning me to hurry up. I felt a sudden headache crawl on.

"There's no damn rag!" I yelled at the stupid drawer full of coupons. I slammed it shut, completely forgetting that I was using my injured hand, until I felt a sharp stinging crawl up my arm.

"F*ck!" I swore again clutching my hand to my chest.

I quickly crossed the large kitchen, over to the sink to put my hand under the cold water. I turned on the water, and stuck my hand underneath. Instant pain filled my hand, and I was forced to bite back a yell. The headache got more painful. I heard that damn sizzling noise again, and glared at the pot. I wanted to just chuck it out the window even though it was holding my dinner. Suddenly, as if just to add to my extreme frustration, the phone rang on the counter.

"Screw this!" I yelled.

I pulled my hand out from under the cold water. I yanked my shirt off, so I was now standing in the kitchen in my black bra and grey sweats. I balled up the shirt, and grabbed the handle of the pot, using the shirt like an oven mitt. I carried the steaming pot over to the sink, and dumped it's contents into the strainer that Cole had set in there before. The cold water was still running, so when it hit the hot pot a large amount of steam drifted up, and attacked the moron who was leaning over the sink.

"Shit!" I swore again, jumping back from the hot steam. I really understood now why people said steaming hot.

I also just so happen to drop the pot and my shirt into the sink. The pot knocked the over the strainer, so the gooey and partly burnt noodles spilled out all over the sink. My shirt just so happen to also get covered in that strange noodley liquid.

"Just great!"

I walked back over, my hand still held to my chest, and turned off the water. I pulled out my shirt. I held it at an arms length aways as part of it started to drip a thick liquid onto the floor. I let out a loud frustrated sigh. Well this couldn't have gone worse.

"What the hell happen?" A male voice that was for sure not Coles' asked from the doorway to the kitchen, which I was standing in, in just a black bra and sweats.

Great job Eliana, you jinxed it.

Soooo... what did u guys think? what did u think about what eliana found in the basement? What about her and jace? eliana is getting pretty close to him. do u think it's a mistake? What do u think will happen with them? What about the person in the door way?is it jace, or one of the boys? Hmmm....

You guys should really check out these books - The Vires Acadamy (It's a bit confusing, but I love it) Jericho (It's reeeeaaally well written) Dangerous Encounters by BeebleBuzz (really awesome) and The Necromancer's Secret (also just plain amazing book)

Sorry everyone for how long it took! Like i had said, I had just gotten back to school, and was settling in at the dorm in toronto.

Please write some feedback on what you guys think!!! Please Comment and Vote!!! Thank you!

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