Triple Trouble

By twin_cousins

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Follow the story of three siblings, Alex the girly girl, Lexi the unintentional not-so-good girl and Ryder th... More

Triple Trouble
01|| Shocking News
02|| That's My Seat!
03|| New Home
04|| New Neighbor (P1)
05|| New Neighbor (P2)
06|| Don't Do That Again
07|| A New Respectable Reputation
08|| From the Look on Your Face, You're New
09|| Tryouts and Messing Up
10|| Seen Too Much
11|| Not Such An Ordinary Day
13|| It's Time for the Truth
14|| Spongebob and Scrapes
15|| It's Okay, I Understand
16|| Party Time
17|| I'm Getting Fat
18|| Family Picnic
19|| Two Lies and a Truth
20|| What About Ryder?
21|| What is this, a Meet and Greet?
22|| Going on a Mission
23|| The Feels
24|| Hope
25|| A Ryder Holiday (P1)
26|| A Ryder Holiday (P2)
27|| You're Not Falling Again
28|| Secret Weapon?
29|| Plans
30|| Triple Trouble
Final Author's Note

12|| Another Surprise

156 26 1
By twin_cousins

l e x i

I walked down the hallway with my books in hand, heading to my second class.

Thursday. Just two more days before I could lay in bed all day.

I walked into class five minutes early.

"So, Zach, no practice today?" I sat down beside him.

He shook his head, "It's too cold to swim, and we've had so much land training already. We'll start training again when it gets a bit warmer. The school's too stingy to get a heater for the pool."

I nodded, "Oh okay. I'll just jog a little with Jax or Alex in the afternoon." 

Speaking of Alex, she was a lot better. It had been more than a week, and her arm was almost fully healed.

I was talking to Zach when someone decided to interrupt us, "What are you doing here?"

"Chase, don't. I don't get why you always get mad at him. What did he ever do to you?" I defended Zach.

"Don't you see? That guy," he pointed at Zach, "He's trying to get so close to you, because he likes you." 

What? I was confused, and shocked as well so I decided to ask him, "What are you talking about, Chase? And wait, do you, Zach?" 

I felt my cheeks become warm after Chase said that Zach apparently liked me.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," he replied, taunting Chase. I didn't get it though, why would he like a person as stubborn as me?

Also, why was Chase so mad at Zach? It's not like they fought or something.

"What's it to you, Chase?" I questioned him.

"Nothing. I just don't like him." Of course, he had a stupid answer.

"You have no right not to like him. If you don't like my friends, you're not my friend," I decided not to talk to him anymore. 

At that point, I didn't care anymore, I wasn't using my head. I was just really disappointed and a bit pissed at him.

"Do you see what you just did?" he pushed Zach aggressively. "She hates me now. Because of you!" 

I think he only meant for Zach to hear, but instead, basically the whole world heard.

"Sit down, I don't want to hear about all that drama in your lives. You're supposed to be learning here, not causing a scene," our Literature teacher said, coming in the room.

Chase shot one more glare at Zach before taking a seat beside me.

I spent the whole rest of the class taking down notes, listening to our teacher, and even though I was mad, glancing at Chase from time to time.

Once the class was done, I checked my schedule and saw that sadly, I had Chemistry. The class I had with my siblings. And Chase.

"Lex! Wait up!" someone held my arm.

I turned around and saw Chase. I made sure to make my words clear as day, "I am not talking to you."

I was about to turn back around when he said something that made me stop, "I understand. I'm sorry, Lex. I really disappointed you." 

My conscience beat me up as I watched him walk past me, going to the Chemistry lab.

The rest of the day, I felt numb. That was until P.E. came.

"Since your teacher had an unexpected family matter to attend to in San Fransisco, you'll have a sub first. Coach Ken will be back after spring break," the principal announced to us.

"He was actually a good coach," Ryder and Alex muttered in unison.

"He's okay, I guess," Luke added.

"I don't know. He's a pretty good coach. He taught well," Chase told them.

"That's sad, I liked Coach Ken," Zach joined the conversation, earning him a glare from Chase.

Yup, that's right. I had P.E. with them. All of them. The one class I had with them and none of our other friends. It was usually fun, but this was going to be chaos.

"So as I said, you will have a sub. This is him, your temporary teacher," she went to the door and opened it. Someone came in.

Ryder, Alex, Chase, I and even Luke gasped in shock, "Jackson?" 

My older brother?

He smirked at us, "That's Coach Jackson to you now." 

Our eyes were wide, and all our jaws dropped.

The rest of the students, including Zach, just stared at us, still with gaping mouths.

"I'll be going now. Good luck," the principal went out of the gym.

"Okay. So, hello everyone! I'm Jackson Evans, your new P.E. teacher," he smiled. "So if any of you have a question, you can ask me now."

I saw a hand raise, "Why are you here, Jackson? Don't you have a job?" 

It was Alex who raised her hand.

"For your information, Alexandra," people started to whisper, "This is my job. The one I had an interview for. They delayed my first day because your old coach still had things to do. And it's Coach Jackson to you, as I said. Anyone else?"

"What happened to Coach Ken?" someone asked.

"He has an urgent family matter to attend to. I don't know much about it either," Jax answered. "Any thing else?"

The room was silent.

"Okay. So since it's my first day, and there's really nothing planned, we're doing the one thing everyone likes. Nothing!" he announced, causing everyone to cheer. "But everyone has to do five laps around the gym first. Run, jog, walk. Whichever you want."

"Race ya!" Ryder challenged Chase before they sprinted off.

I jogged around with Alex for three laps in silence until she broke it, "Lex, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Nothing I can't handle," I told her. "Just some childish drama."

"Is that 'childish drama' the reason why Chase was acting weird a while ago, especially when he was glaring at Zach?" she asked putting air quotation marks when she said childish drama.

"Probably. Chase kinda got mad, and I countered him, so now he thinks I'm mad at him, and he blames Zach for all of it. I really don't know what to do with them anymore," by then, we were already in the middle of the last lap.

"Ooh, interesting. Tell me more," she insisted.

"Ah ah ah. We have to finish our last lap fist," I reminded her.

"Fine. But you have to tell me everything once we get home," she left no room for protest.

"Sure. Last half lap, and we're done," I sighed.

We finished in no time, and we just decided to sit and listen to the conversation Jackson was having with the guys.

"Why didn't you tell us that this was your new job? All we knew was that you went to an interview and you came back to the house telling us that you had a new job," Ryder questioned him.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a good surprise anymore, right? And aren't you happy that I'm your teacher? I'm the boss of you here and at home now," he smirked.

"Oh, don't even remind us," Alex groaned, joining in on the conversation.

"Not for me. Just here at school, not at home," Chase laughed. Oh Chase... that was just going to give Jackson an excuse to work him extra hard.

Luke laughed as well, "Yeah, me too."

"But on a serious note, why'd you become a teacher? Didn't you go to college for something business-y? Like ads and stuff?" I asked him.

"Actually, yes, I did. This is just a temporary job; I really need money," Jackson answered.

"You can always work for mom. I heard the company needs a new ad guy," Alex suggested, tapping her chin.

"I don't want to work for a fashion line. The 'Jackson Evans' name will be ruined," he whined. What a baby.

"I can probably take a job there," Alex thought to herself. "I also need money, you know, with Christmas coming."

Ever since we were young, she wanted to be just like mom, designing and whatnot. I, on the other hand, never wanted that. I would much rather have dad's job.

I mean yeah, mom had a good job, but I didn't want to work under my mother, even though I were to be given a high position. Also the fact that I didn't really have that much of an interest in the industry.

"Good for you. I mean you really like that," was all I said.

"Yeah. But I have to ask mom first," she thought out loud.

"That's true. But I think you can do it," Luke chimed in. I almost forgot he was there.

"I hope so. But we shouldn't talk about me. It's Jackson we have to talk about," Alex changed the topic.

"What about me? You already asked all you can," he told us.

"Nope. I have a question about you. Do you have a girlfriend, Jax?" Alex smiled.

He laughed, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"Ugh! You really need a love life. I need to talk to someone about you. You know, besides Lexi and Paige. They don't even listen to me," Alex pouted.

"That is so not true. I listen to you pretty much always," I complained. "Actually, no, that's not true."

"See?" Alex gestured to me.

"I'll talk to you at home. I have to tell you something. But this one, you can't tell anyone. Just like the thing about Xan-" Alex covered his mouth.

"Xan-der?" Chase completed Jackson's words. "My brother? What happened to him?"

Alex hit Jax, "It's nothing. Nothing at all. Your brother is fine."

"Ooh, what's this that I don't know about?" I asked.

"Yeah, me too. I don't know what's going on either," Ryder added.

"I told you. It's nothing. Jax here is just a big tattletale," Alex said quickly.

We chatted for a few more minutes until the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

Once everyone was out, Jax called us, "Guys, wait up! You're riding with me today. You too, Chase. Mang Jun is driving Paige today."

We all went in Jackson's car, and we got home in about five minutes.

"Chase, I have to talk to you," Alex said, grabbing her bag with her good arm. Even though her arm was getting better, she still didn't want to strain it so much.

"Umm, sure, okay. I don't have homework or anything to do anyway," he nodded.


a l e x

Chase followed me to the study room with his bag still in hand.

"Chase, can you tell me something?" I started, getting straight to the point. "What happened between you and my sister? Why is she acting weird? She told me that you were part of all that."

"Well, actually, umm," he couldn't find the words.

"So? Spit it out!"

"I got mad at that Zach guy, and she got mad at me because I got mad," I explained, "So after class, I chased her, and she said that she didn't want to talk to me. So I told her these exact words, 'I understand. I'm sorry, Lex. I really disappointed you,' and then I left."

Well that definitely wasn't the right thing to say.

"Dude! Why in the world did you do that? She feels bad. I think she wanted you to feel bad. But I'm really just assuming. I think you should go and talk to her," I suggested. "Fix what you messed up before she starts hating you."

"Okay. Thanks for the advice. You know, even though I didn't ask," he smiled, getting up.

"Sure. I really want you to be with my sister, like great friends. She's happy when she's with you and I see that with you too," I smiled back. 

They genuinely were happy around each other. It was clear there was something between them.



So how was it??? There's gonna another chapter coming very very soon so we hope it will make up for the long wait for an update.

Please vote⭐︎, comment, share, and follow us if you haven't! :)

- A and P

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