13|| It's Time for the Truth

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c h a s e

I walked into the living room, going straight to the sofa where I saw Lexi... and Zach.

Lexi was asleep, and she was leaning on Zach's shoulder while he watched TV, visibly enjoying her company even though she was sleeping.

I tapped his shoulder, "What are you doing here?"

He turned around at the sound of my voice. "I can ask you the same thing."

Lexi stirred in her sleep and her eyes opened slowly. "Chase, what are you still doing here?"

"Well, I was going to ask you something, but I saw that you were kinda busy," I gestured to her and Zach.

"Okay. So, what did you want to ask me?" she changed the subject.

"Can we talk in private?" I requested.

"I'm not leaving," Zach reminded me.

"Fine. We'll go for a walk. Around the block, but that's all," she told me, and I nodded.

"We'll be back, Zach," she told her friend.

We went out the front door and once we got outside, I started talking, "So, it's pretty simple really. I just wanted to apologize for the things I said earlier. It was out of line. I'm really sorry."

"You know Chase, I'm not mad. I'm just sad because you and Zach keep fighting. I just don't understand why," a tear slipped out from her eye, and I wiped it immediately.

Damn, I could tell that she rarely cried. She must've really been affected by this.

We sat at a bench to the side of their front door instead, not bothering to walk anymore.

"Hey, don't cry. You should always be happy, okay?" 

She gave me a small smile and nodded, hugging me. 

"Is that all you were going to say? I mean, you brought me out here, and all you were going to say was sorry? Why couldn't you just say that inside the house? Will it hurt the Chase Adams's ego to say sorry in front of Zach?" she laughed her tears away.

But I didn't laugh back and decided to tell her why I really brought her outside, "Lex, I have to tell you something. I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship, but I can't hide it any longer. Even Alex sees it. It's time for the truth." 

She raised an eyebrow confused by what I was saying. "She notices everything. That is not an excuse. You have to elaborate a little bit more."

"I like you." I finished with a sigh, finally getting it out of my chest.

"You what?" she sounded so surprised, and her eyes widened in shock. "You like me? Out of all the people in the world, why me? Why not my sister or someone else? Wait, I'm pretty sure I'm looking into this wrong. Over analyzing this. You mean like a friendly like thing, right?"

I thought about it, then answered. "I don't know, Lex. I just do. I like you... more than just a friend. At first I didn't think so, but I saw it eventually, even your sister saw it. She kept telling me to tell you already, but I just couldn't find the right words, " I explained.

She was speechless. I couldn't really tell what she was feeling, she seemed so emotionless. Once she opened her mouth to say something, I immediately cut her off before she even got to say a word.

"When I told you that I liked you, I really didn't expect anything, so if you don't feel the same, it's okay. Thanks for your time, by the way," I left her outside their house on their front steps, just as I finished talking.

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