04|| New Neighbor (P1)

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After a pretty uneventful Sunday, we slept, and Mom told us that we would be going to school on Wednesday. 

School was going to start at 8:30 in the morning, but we would have to be there already at 8 o'clock to get settled in.


I woke up because I heard the sound of a truck's engine, and it looked like Lexi did too. I was a light sleeper, so I wasn't so surprised. Lexi though, she was a heavy sleeper. Why'd she wake up?

Another question, who could that possibly be?

I checked the clock, and saw that it was just five in the morning.

We decided to look out our room's window and saw a family of four moving into the house beside ours. They were probably the new neighbors Mom was telling us about at dinner.

She said they were checking out houses and met them then.

"Well, we'll meet them when we wake up again later," I told Lexi as I was going back to our temporary bed on the floor.


I felt well-rested when I woke up. When I looked beside me, to where Lexi slept, and there was no one there, so Lexi probably went to eat already.

With that in my mind, I gathered some clothes from my suitcase, a tight, cropped long-sleeved shirt with a random skirt along with some short heels. I liked wearing heels to make me feel tall since I was the shortest of my siblings aside from Paige.

Our shower could be used already because it was fixed the day before.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick bath, dried and fixed my hair then brushed my teeth.

When I got downstairs, at about 8:30 in the morning, I immediately stopped in my tracks. Our new neighbors, the whole family, was eating breakfast and talking with our family. 

It looked like they were getting along quite well.

I looked at the table and noticed that Lexi wasn't there.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but does anyone know where Lexi is?" I asked everyone at the table.

"Backyard. She was there since early this morning at about 7 and when I called her to eat, she told me that she'd be in here in a few. Didn't wanna bother her, but can you call her if you're going there?" Jackson requested.

I went to the backyard and yelled, "Lex! You better eat already because if you don't I will finish everything and you will starve."

She quickly stood up, and I noticed that she already took a bath. That was probably the reason why the shower was a little wet already when I took a bath.

She actually had a really cute outfit. She was wearing a cute top and denim shorts with small sunflowers on them along with some Nike's.

When she entered the house, I followed and took my seat, which was temporarily beside hers because someone was using my seat. 

I was actually right in front of one of our new neighbors and noticed that he looked about our age.

He had brown eyes and blonde hair, which seemed dyed to me, but it really suited him

I couldn't help but notice how attractive he was, but that didn't really surprise me. I find quite a few guys cute, he just happened to be one of them.

"Alexandra, Alexis, this is Austin. He's your age, and you'll be at the same school starting Wednesday. Maybe the four of you can go together. And this is Xander. He's the same age as Paige, and they are going to the same school was well," mom introduced us.

"I have nothing against it as long as it's okay with him. I'm Alex, by the way," I introduced myself.

"Sure, why not?" he shrugged. He said something for the first time ever since I came and sat down to eat.

"Lexi," Lexi waved quickly before breaking eye contact. She's like that with people she doesn't really know.

Austin just nodded his head while Xander smiled and waved at us.

I was guessing 

We all continued to talk over breakfast, learning a little bit more about each other.

I had to say, Austin was very mysterious. Maybe it was because he didn't know us very well, but he didn't talk much, and it made me want to know more. I was intrigued to say the least.

After breakfast, their family said their goodbyes, and went back to their house, but not before thanking us and inviting us to their house for dinner the exact same night.

They said that there would be burgers and fries, and that was all it took for me to accept the invitation. I was quite thin, but that didn't mean that I didn't like to eat. I just worked out a lot.



Hey guys! Hope you liked this. It's really short, we know. Hehe. There will be a Lexi's POV for this, but it will not be published today. So, maybe next next Sunday. Sorry.

Thanks for reading this chapter.

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-A and P

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