06|| Don't Do That Again

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We started getting ready as soon as the clock struck five.

Lexi and I changed in Paige's room because our room was still being fixed. The workers were still waiting for the paint to dry before they put all the furniture in. After that, we would have a fully functioning room.

Lexi spent the nights in Ryder's room, the one he shared with Jackson ever since they started fixing our room because it was the only room that still had some space. I stayed with Paige.

I wore a simple floral dress and paired it off with my favorite three inch white stilettos again. I put on some light makeup to make myself look presentable.

My hair was in a waterfall braid, and I finished it off with a small red bow and the necklace that carried my grandmother's ring. I didn't like to think I was her favorite, but I definitely was. 

It would've gone to my grandfather, but he told me to keep it since he would've just put it in a drawer.

Lexi was wearing a sleeveless teal top with high waisted shorts, just a casual look for a casual dinner.

She didn't wanna change but I forced her to and I did not regret it one bit. I mean, she was just wearing an oversized shirt and some biker shorts when I saw her so she had to change.

I then handed her a pair of white sneakers. I wanted to fix her hair up more, but she disagreed and left her hair in a simple high ponytail.

I just left her like that and went to go help Paige. Mom decided to let her wear a cute pink dress and white flats. I braided her hair in less than five minutes and let her put on a pair of earrings.

Just as we finished getting ready, Ryder came in the room and reminded us, "Be done in ten. We're leaving soon."

We all just nodded, and he left the room. It was around 7 o'clock then.


Once we got outside the Adams' house, Paige rang the doorbell, and Mrs. Adams opened the door.

She led us in, but instead of leading us to the dining room, which I knew because we passed it, she brought us to their backyard.

"Xander, call your brother and tell him to get down. Now," Mrs. Adams ordered the thirteen year-old.

He was helping by fixing the table, but agreed to call Austin once he heard his mom.

"Are you okay with eating outside?" Mrs. Adams asked with a smile on her face.

"Yes, we'll be fine. We used to always do this before work got in the way," Mom answered with a nod, returning her friend's smile.

"Oh! That's good. You can take a seat here, and we'll just prepare the food. I'll be back in a bit," Mrs. Adams told us while leading us to a table by their back porch.

When we all got to sit, Xander came back down with Austin, who, may I say, was looking quite handsome. He cleaned up well.

They both took a seat, Xander sat beside Paige, who looked away, maybe blushing when she noticed and Austin sat beside Lexi.

When he sat down, I noticed he was in front of me. He was wearing a white shirt and some jeans.

Once he greeted everyone, he took out his phone and just blocked us out by texting someone or maybe playing a game.

It might have been his friends, but I remembered that they just moved.

Alex, think! Remember, he can have friends from where he lived before too.

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