19|| Two Lies and a Truth

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r y d e r

"I have to tell you something important," Jackson told us, sitting on his bed. He told us to go to his room just minutes after we came home from the picnic. "We have another mission. I know that it's a little early, but this is quite urgent. TSSA found out that there was one that got away from those dealers we put in jail, the Ghosts. One of the higher-ups in the gang. They're in LA."

"The one that got away," I sang, laughing to myself. That was a good one.

"This is not the time for jokes, Ryder. This is very serious. We have to catch this person fast. They might find a way to sell drugs again at get the Ghosts out of jail," Alex scolded, being the first to get into work mode.

"Sorry 'bout that. You can continue telling us more about our mission, Jackson. We don't even know what this person looks like?" I asked.

"We only have limited information. Though we do have clues leading to them being a girl, we can't really be sure. All we know is that, let's just say she, is here in LA right now, maybe following us." Jackson explained. "They actually sending someone here to help us. A girl."

That caused all of us to each raise an eyebrow. There were only a few girls that worked in TSSA, and they usually had missions where they lived, which was why we were so confused. They usually send guys to other places.

"Do we know her? How old is she? When is she going to come? What else to we know about her?" Lexi asked all at once. That was proof that we took our job very seriously.

"Almost nothing. All we know is that she's your age and that she's coming very soon. That's it," Jackson listed. "We'll start the mission immediately on the first. And judging by how quick we caught them the last time, we should probably be done with it before Christmas comes."

We heard a knock on the door, and we all shut up. Our questions stopped and all lips were sealed. No one was ever supposed to know about what we did because it would be too dangerous for them. 

Our enemies were willing to do anything to get what they wanted, usually freedom to do the illegal things they did. Most, if not all, were merciless when they did things.

"What are you kids talking about?" Dad asked, following mom into the room. They sat on either side of me. Alex was in a chair, and Jax and Lexi were sitting on the floor.

None of us dared to say a word until Lexi found the courage to speak on behalf of us. 

"Nothing really important," Lexi lied. Mom raised her eyebrow. She was never good at lying to mom. None of us were.

Lexi could lie to Dad or anyone else, except me and Alex, and they would believe her. But not Mom.

"We were just talking about their next PE class. I was just asking for their opinion on what I planned," Jackson followed. 

It seemed like he noticed that mom was on to us so he said something believable. It was a pretty good lie. I would have totally believed it if I didn't know the truth.

"Really? Would you care to tell your father and I what you have planned for their next class?" mom requested. 

She was buying it, so we played on. Alex wouldn't talk though. She was a terrible liar, which was kind of a good thing, I guess. All she could do was shut her mouth, and nod or shake her head.

"Dodge ball actually. We might do soccer though if I change my mind, and if the weather isn't bad," Jax made up. He was good. 

Or maybe he just really had that planned out already.

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