16|| Party Time

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l e x i

"No, wait," I grabbed his arm as he turned around, stopping him from getting his guitar. "You didn't let me finish. I was about to say, no way am I going to say no to that."

His eyes grew wide, and a huge grin spread on his face. I heard Alex cheer as he hugged me.

"I really thought that you would say no," I laughed at what he said, still grinning happily.

"And why would you think that?" I asked. He had no reason to think that.

"Nothing. Don't even ask me anymore. I'm just happy you said yes. You didn't actually say yes, but you didn't say no either. Well, now that I think about it, You did say no. But you said it twice making it not a no. A double negative. And the opposite of no is a yes, so technically, you said yes. That means—"

I cut off his rambling, and rolled my eyes, "Okay. Yes, I am your girlfriend now."

"See that, babe? They're so cute! I really feel like taking back that yes from you right about now," I turned to look at Alex who was talking to her very nervous boyfriend.

He hugged her saying, "No, actually. You can't do this to me. You're gonna break my heart, Alex. Baby, you can't do this."

She laughed. "It was a joke. You're so cute when you're all sad and flustered, but you're even cuter when you're happy."

"Of course I am. You're cute too. All the time," he was leaning down to kiss her, but I stopped them.

"Wait, nope, not in front of me. Anywhere else, just not in front of me, please," I pleaded, half-joking.

Alex gave me the puppy dog eyes, and I sighed, I always fell for the puppy dog eyes. Always. 

Turning to Luke, I grimaced, "Fine. You can kiss her, just don't do it on the lips."

And not wasting any more time, he did exactly as I said and kissed her on the cheek.

My phone vibrated from the inside of my pocket, and I took it out, seeing a text message from Chase.

Sorry, had to go. We have a family reunion dinner thing at our house tonight at seven. You can always come if you want. Mom won't mind... So I'll finally have a date ;)

I looked up from my phone, and saw that Chase was already at the door, about to leave. He turned around, facing me, and I nodded, telling him that I would go.

He smiled, waving, before turning back around, and leaving the house.

I went back to Alex and Luke, asking my sister to help me get ready. I didn't usually put so much thought into what I wore, but I was going to a party. A party with my boyfriend's family, to be exact. It didn't hurt to try a little.


After an hour of arguing with Alex, making big compromises and Luke just sitting on my bed, laughing at our bickering, I was finally finished getting ready. I didn't even have it in me anymore to shoo him away from my bed.

"You're all good," Alex smiled, and turned to Luke. "Do you see this? My baby's a big girl now!"

"What did you just say, Alex?" I laughed, looking at my appearance on her full body mirror.

At the same time I said that, Luke pouted saying, "I thought I was your baby?"

"You are, Luke. And you know what, Lexi? You would have looked about a hundred times better if you just let me do what I wanted. But whatever. Just get out of here and go to that party! Remember, no drinking and be back by midnight. I'll be waiting. Probably."

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