Lost Girls (Black Veil Brides...

By wetbxnds

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**Read the first book The Fallen Girls (Black Veil Brides) or else it'll get confusing** After Emily left the... More

Living Hell
I'm back
Here we go agin
Day Off
Mrs Pitt's
Little do you know
Happy Birthday
Mama Jinxx
Crazy Night
Fucking knew it
Stupid Shit I Do
What the Hell?
Digital Life
Hello MotherFuckers
Damaged Lungs
Oh god
Dark Side
What The Hell
Insane As Fuck
Fuck Feelings
Lets do this
Home Sweet Home
Long Time No See
Drunk off our ass
Fuckboy and Fanboy
911 What's your Emergency?
Hospitals Suck
Please Don't leave us
Back home

Whiskey And Cigarettes

16 1 0
By wetbxnds

Emily's POV
I wake up In my normal bed clothes and none of my makeup on. Then I realized I must have taken a shower and just not remember. My whole body was in pain. I move the blankets and see bruises all over me. I stand up and walk to my bag and grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom. I put on a black zip up crop. I put on some all black tights then black Jean shorts with a tie on the front.then I straighten my hair and put on a beanie then a black choker with a steam punk necklace. I put on a little dark drown eyeshadow then black eyeliner on my waterline. I walk out and out on my leather jacket as Ashley walked in. "What the hell are you wearing?" Ashley asked. "Clothes. You cant say shit. All you wear are pants and boots" I say. "True" Ashley says and laughs. I grab my phone and walk into the main area and see Jake sleeping on the couch. I look at Jinxx and point at Jake. "He couldn't sleep last night because he was worried about you" Jinxx whispers. "Awe" I say and lay next to Jake and and pulls me into his chest and buries his face into my neck and I laugh quietly. Jake puts his hands on my side then felt him touch my stomach and looks to see what I saw wearing. "Just ignore it" I say and curl back into his chest. Suddenly I feel someone sit on my feet. Then I heard CC giggling. I was able to stab him with my heel and he jumped up. "That hurt" CC says while grabbing where I stabbed him with my heel. "I meant to hurt you" I say. I heard someone chuckle behind me. Suddenly I was being picked up and people ran to the back Lounge and locked me in their alone. I bang on the door. Then I heard something behind me and I turn around and see three shadows then I could start seeing that they look like. They came closer. I knew it was my insanity but my mind wouldn't believe that. I turn around and bang on the door to let me out. I was starting to scream bloody murder when I heard Andy and Jake yelling at the guys then opening the door right as the figures reached for me. I grab some sunglasses and put them on and get ready to go out. "Where are you going?" Jake asked. "I need time. In that room I saw.... THEM. I need a break away from everyone." I say and grab some headphones and plug them in and turn on music and Blair it. The guys tried apologizing to me but I ignore them and walk off the bus and around the arena. After about two hours I see the BVB Bus. I walk over to it and sigh. I sit outside and Andy walked out looking like shit. I see he's carrying some whiskey and cigarettes. Andy sits next to me and hold a cigarette out to me. I take it And light it taking a drag. Andy opens the bottle of whiskey and takes a drink. I take the whiskey out of his hand and take a drink. "Aren't you underage?" Andy asked. "Who fucking cares" i say taking another drink. It burned a little but not to much since when I was little I used to sneak sips of my parents alcohol. I take a drag of my cigarette and flick away form of the ash on the end. I move my bangs out of my face. Andy pulls at his hair. "You know you should just get it cut instead of Hafting to stress over it" I say. "I was wondering if I should or not" Andy said. "You should. It'll be cool" I say. I take another drag. Soon we finish some cigarettes and half the bottle of whiskey. We walk on the bus and I walk into the bunks and see Jake laying their. I lay next to him and kiss him. He pulls away. "Your lips taste like alcohol. Why?" Jake asked. "Andy let me have some whiskey. No  Big deal" I say and hug him. "I know your in pain but..... You need to find another way to cope. I'm getting worried about you" Jake said. "I'll be fine I promise" I say. " I just don't want you getting hurt" Jake said. "I'm a survivor. I have lived threw EVERYTHING" I say. Jake kissed me agin but held the kiss longer. I put my hand in his hair then pulled away. "Can I see your bruises?" Jake asked. I nod my head and take off my jacket and face Jake to show him the bruises he runs his hands along them and I tighten my jaw in pain. He immediately  stopped. I laid down and start scrolling threw Twitter on my phone while Jake plays with my hair. I pull out my headphones and turn on life on Mars by David Bowie. I hum along to the song and smile. I love this song. It's one of my favorites by David. Suddenly Jake taps on my shoulder and I pause my music. "The guys are going to the store. Wanna go?" Jake asked. I nod my head and stand up and turn my music back on and listen to David on our way to the store. Soon we get their and we all part our ways and go in different directions. I walk to the hair dye isle and start looking at the hair dye. I grab a bottle of blue hair dye and go get a few monsters and green teas. Then I walk to the font of the store and pay for everything as the guys checked out as well. We walked back to the bus and I go and put the bag on me and jakes bed then grab the hair dye and walk to the bathroom. I take off my jacket and get everything ready then start dying my tips blue and the tips on my bangs blue. I let it bye then wash it out and blow dry my hair and it stayed straight. I walk out and put my jacket back on. I walk into the main area mad Jake looks at my tips which were a very dark blue. "Didn't go with black?" Jake asked. "I'll do it another time. But on this tour I wanna keep this look" I say and turn on the tv and CC grabs a box of cold pizza out of the fridge and sits down and I take two pieces of the cold pizza and eat them. I finish the pizza then grab my drawing book and start drawing a picture of LA at night with the lights and I start humming life on Mars then I get an a idea of what the notes it might be on the guitar so I stand up and walk to the back lounge and my throat tightens when I remember what happened this morning. I grab jakes guitar and walk to the bunks and sit down and start playing what I thought of and I had to edit a few things but after while I got it. "I'll tell infinity I got the notes so we could preform the song....." Then I remembered infinity was gone. I sigh. I keep playing the notes trying to make them sound absolutely perfect. After awhile I go out put the guitar back and sit down and close my eye and when I open them I see the things I saw this morning standing in front of me. Not shadows. These things I could see. Each detail of their face and clothing. I blink and they all disappear except for one. The one who kept me safe as a kid. That protected me. I start to think I'm dreaming but it reaches out and touched my cheek then I black out and soon wake up in my bunk. I look around and crawl out and walk to Jake. "What happened?" I ask hugging him form behind. "We found you blacked out in the lounge so I put you in our bunk" Jake says and kisses my head. I couldn't tell Jake I saw them or he will think I'm crazy. I see a shadow behind Jake and I flip it off without him knowing. Jake hugs me from behind and kisses my neck and I laugh a little and hug him. I see the thing that touched my cheek behind jake agin. "Go. I'll be their in a minute" I say pushing him towards the main area. I walk over to he figure which was a boy that hade goggles and a mouth gourd that was black that covered the lower part of his face and black Jean and hoodie. "Leave me the hell alone. You disappeared for three years now their all back. Get out of my head" I say to it and I blink and its gone and I step back. "I'm getting more insane I swear" I whisper and walk into the main area and we all decided to go to dinner and see a movie. When we get back Ashley and CC start opening bottles of whiskey and I was able to sneak a lot of drinks without Jake knowing and we do some stupid stuff then I take a shower and pass out in my bunk

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