
By bcrystalclear

40 17 0

Morgan Reign was never good at following orders, she has a stubborn disposition and loud mouth, which always... More



4 1 0
By bcrystalclear

Mr. Reynolds: Ms. Reign! I can't anymore! You are fired!

Morgan: It's not like I want to work here and be treated like this anymore. You're not the only one who's fed up

Mr. Reynolds looked like he was about to have a seizure

Mr. Reynolds: Out!

Morgan got out of his office, swept her hand over her desk, dropping her few belongings in a box, saluted her former co-workers and left

They were left with their mouths hanging open

She walked down the street to her apartment

It was a very small one, almost bare, what with changing jobs and everything, she didn't have enough funds to decorate

She found the land lady waiting for her, that was never a good thing..

Morgan: Hey Mrs. Fintan, what's up?

Mrs. Fintan eyed the box in Morgan's arms. She seemed exasperated

Mrs. Fintan: You lost another job..

Morgan: I wouldn't say lost exactly

Mrs. Fintan pinched the bridge of her nose: Do you have your rent for this month?

Morgan nodded and handed her an envelope

Mrs. Fintan sighed: You are jobless right now, aren't you?

Morgan: Yes, but I will pay the rent, I promisse

Mrs. Fintan: I can't do this anymore Ms. Reign. You pay a couple of months on time, the rest you are always late, because you are almost always looking for another job

Uh Oh, it was never a good thing being adressed so formally by Mrs. Fintan, this means serious trouble

Mrs. Fintan sighed again: I'm sorry Ms. Reign, but you are going to have to leave. You have three days to evacuate

Morgan's jaw dropped: But!..

Mrs. Fintan: No buts Morgan, I endured it for a while because I know your parents, and you are a good girl, but this has to stop, for your own sake as well, you can't just keep dropping jobs, you will not find any more jobs if you keep doing this, do you plan on being destitute?

Morgan shook her head

Mrs. Fintan: Think about it..

She nodded

She entered the apartment with a heavy heart. She loved it, despite its small size, it was a place to call her own. Now she needed to look for both a job and a place to stay

She started job hunting, but had no luck whatsoever, due to her "lack of commitment", no one was ready to even consider hiring her. She felt deflated, and without a job, she couldn't get an apartment, no matter how small

Even her parents were against her. Roger Reign was exasperated with his daughter. Her refused to help, he wasn't one for many words though, so her mother had to tell her

Fay Reign: Honey you know you need to clean your act up. Your father isn't bring cruel, he just wants to push you in the right direction. It's his tough love, you know that

Morgan: Sadly, I do. Don't worry mom, I'll think of something

Morgan called Nina, her cousin and best friend

Morgan: Hey Nina

Nina: Morgan Elizabeth Reign!

Morgan winced: You heard huh

Nina: Everyone did.. Why do you have to keep doing this?!

Morgan: Well..

Nina huffed: Don't answer that.. Anyways, what are you going to do now?

Morgan: I don't know, I'm trying to figure something out. Haven't been successful in job and apartment hunts so far

Nina: Figures..

They both sighed

Morgan: Enough about me, how are you? I haven't seen you for a while now?

Nina: I'm fine, I have a roof on my head and a well paying job, unlike someone who keeps getting in trouble

Morgan: Ouch!

Nina sighed: You know I love you, but you are so exasperating

Morgan tried to smile: I know, love you too

Nina: It's good here, but a girl was fired not long ago, we're a bit short on staff, so it's even more tiring these days. They want to hire a replacement

Morgan: Oh..

Nina: That's it! I know you don't like house chores and taking orders, but would you consider applying for it!

Morgan: Hmmm...

Nina: Beggars can't be choosers, it can just be temporary, and you'll have me as constant company. The job pays well, and you'll have a place to stay

Morgan sighed: Alright. I'll apply, what do I have to lose, right?

Nina: Great! I'll give you a recommendation

Morgan smiled, she didn't like the idea that much, but she didn't have any other choice

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