Mad or Hatter

By DiamondClark

865 42 34

Allison thought for a moment then continued, "When those...things attacked.....I saw looked differe... More

Chapter 1: The kidnapping
Chapter 3: Gaurdian
Chapter 4: Threat
Chapter 5: Can't Stay
Chapter 6: Rage
Chapter 7: The Encounter
Chapter 8: What is Gone
Chapter 9: Traitor
Chapter 10: To the Mountians
Chapter 11: All Hail the Queen! Part 1
Chapter 12: All Hail the Queen Part 2

Chapter 2: The land of wonder.

106 3 6
By DiamondClark

Allison sat up and rubbed her head.

"Ugh! Jesus woman! How much do you weight? Get off of me, I'm Dying here."

Allsion jumped up on her feet and looked at who was talking.

Right underneath her was a man on his stomach. The cloths he was wearing made him look like a purple magician.

"Who are you?" She asked backing away from him. The man sat up, rubbing his face.

His hair was long with purple tips. It was all in front of his face so she couldn't see what his face looked like.

"I do believe I'm the guy that just stopped you from hitting the ground." He said.

She rolled her eyes. "It wasn't like it was a long fall. I just tripped."

He scoffed at her. "Tripped over what?! A cloud?!" He exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?"

"You fell from the sky."

"The sky?" Allison looked up at the sky in wonder.

"So does that mean that, that I'm not in Abigon any more?"

"The man rolled his eyes and stood up, "I would think not."

He dusted of his black pants and straightened up his long, purple coat.

"I've never seen you around here so I'm going to presume that you ARE NOT from here. Who are you?"

"So what? You know everybody who lives here?"

She had meant it as a sarcastic remark but he nodded, "Yup pretty much.

He lifted up his top hat and pushed his hair back out of his face and Allison gasped.

On the right side of his face were three long scars on his cheek. Almost as if he had whiskers.

She pointed at the scratches. "I didn' that...did I?"

The man touched his face where the scars were and gave a sad smile.

"No. I've had these for along time."

"How did you get them?"

He shook his, "Who are you? How did you get here? Other than falling from the sky?"

Allison noticed the topic change but let it go.

"I think it hardly seems fair for me to tell you who I am if you wont tell me who you are."

"Ok, fair enough. My name is Jag."


"Ya, you know, Like short for Jaguar."

"Who names their kid, Jag?"

"Nobody. I gave myself that name."

Allison looked at Jag, a bit confused.

He sighed.

"I'm a chesire."

Not sure what that meant Allison said ok.

He looked at her and realized how lost she was.

"It means I'm an out cast. No family, No life, I'm just a tool used for the queens convenience."

His shoulders slumpt and he turned away.

"and it's all because of, well...this"

He motioned towards his face.

Allison suddenly felt horrible and reached out towards him.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Its not my business." she touched his shoulder and he turned around, "I just let my mouth get the best of me. My names Allison by the way. Where am I?"

He smiled and waved around him, "This, Allison, is the land of wonder! But you can call it Wonderland."

Allison looked away from Jag and at her surroundings.

Right now she was standing at the edge of a forest, behind her was a castle surrounded by water. Her jaw hit the floor as she realized how much bigger it was than hers. It sat on a long Island and all the windows were shaped in hearts. Behind it, off in the distance, was a tall mountain range.

She looked away and looked towards her left and saw a graveyard, or at least it looked that way.

Random stones rose up from the ground in weird shapes and angles. Around the stones were tall yew trees. They looked almost dead and a strange mist seemed to dance around them. The area was much darker than the rest of the land she could see and it made her shudder.

Slowly turning away, she looked over to the right and saw that a river flowed into the woods. Her eyes followed it to it's source and she gasped.

"Is that a water fall!?" She looked over at Jag and pointed to the end of the river.

"Yes but no. The water doesn't fall, it rises. It's the only one in wonderland."

She looked back at the river. The water was coming UP from the lake that the castle sat on. There was a large cliff and Allison watched as the water continued to flow up from the lake.

Beyond the river was what looked like the beginning of a swamp. It looked normal, but there was no telling what was on the inside.

"Uh Oh. This isn't good."

Allison turned back around and looked at Jag, "What?"

He pointed back at the castle, "Them."

"Who?" She turned around and look at what he was talking about.

She looked out towards the castle and watched as two figures rowed out into the lake.

"Hey they must be from the castle. Maybe they can help me." She started to wave at the two figures.

They saw her and turned the small boat so that they started coming towards them.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Why not...." Allison turned to look at Jag but he was gone.

"Because, They are coming to kill you."

Allison jumped and turned around to find him behind her.

"How did you-"

"Look you don't have much time so let me explain something to you. Those two out there are the twins, Dee and Dum. They are the queens personal guard. They never leave her side."

Allison wasn't sure if she should be shocked or confused, "But-"

"They never leave her side unless they are out to kill." Jag interrupted her.

Allison's eyes widened as processed what he just said, "So they are going to kill me?" her voice came out in a whimper.

Jag smiled.

"Actually, no.......I am."

Her heart started to hammer against her chest and her breaths came quick.

She took a step back away from him and turned around to run.

As soon as she looked away from him, he reappeared in front of her.

She hit his chest and fell backwards.

Her eyes widened as he bent down in front of her, still smiling.

"You could at least let me finish." He continued to smile as he offered his hand to help her up.

She ignored it and stood up on her own and dusted off her dress.

"Well as I was saying-"


Jag was taken by surprise as Allison reared back and smack him across the face.

He rubbed his cheek as Allison glared at him.


"Consider yourself lucky. My first thought was to kick you were it'll hurt."

Jag cringed at thought.

"Well I'll be sure to remember that. Well now that you hit me are you happy?"

Allison shook her hand like 'so-so'.

"Well as I was trying to say is that I'm not gonna let them kill you, because I'm going to kill you. AFTER you can defend yourself. I may be a chesire, but at least I know honor. Now look, you need to run, Fast. Get away from here. Your status is biased off your card. Find your card and then find your clan. Oh and one more thing, Don't trust anyone. And beware the wicked hearts with the blood stained diamonds."

Allison's mind raced as she took in everything he said.

"Here this is yours by the way. You dropped it."

Jag tossed a small rectangular object towards her and she caught it.

It was her Ipod.

"How did-"

She looked up, but Jag was gone.

She looked out at the twins who had become closer than before.

She looked at the one steering. His hair was a light brown color and he looked muscular. On his back he had an axe and a shield strap on tightly. The shield had a heart on it and was shaped like a rectangle and the axe was double sided.

The second one was standing in the boat. His hair was lighter and almost it looked blonde. He was as big looking as his brother but it was close. His weapon was a bow that was pointed straight at her.

A breeze blew by carrying a small voice.


Allison turned around, quick as lighting, and ran into the forest. As soon as she entered the trees, she heard the thump of the arrow piercing a trunk.

A single tear escaped her eyes as all the memories came rushing back. She ran as fast as she could and as far as she could until she finally collapsed.

She fell down and landed underneath a big tree. She buried her face down in the ground and unleashed the tears.

She let out a depressing scream that was muffled by the dirt.

Her brothers dying face reappeared in her mind and she began to choke on her tears.

With each tear that fell, a piece of her heart went with it.

'It's over.' she thought. 'I'm going to die in this messed up land and I'll never see my brother again because he is DEAD!'

She picked her face up and moved over to where she could lean against the tree, tears still flowing from her eyes.

Her leg brushed against one of the roots and she cringed.

She pulled her dress up, suddenly remembering that she had felt pain in it before falling.

She pulled it up to her thighs and looked at the spot where it hurt.

On her left side the was a softball size bruise.

She let out a sigh and let her dress back down.

She was out of tears so she looked at her Ipod.

The screen was cracked, but other than that it was fine.

It was fully charged, so she put in her head phones and clicked play.

The first song that played was "If I die young" by The Band Perry.

She quickly fast forward to a new song.

It was "Slipped away" by Avril Lavigne.

She sighed.

"I just can't win, can I?" She muttered out loud.

She gave up and took the headphones out.

She wrapped the headphones around her ipod and then, not having anywhere else to put it, she put it down the front of her dress.

She looked around the forest and slowly started to doze off. It was so peaceful and not a sound could be heard. Closing her eyes, she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Then just as she started to drift into the darkness she was jerked awake by a sudden noise.

Her eyes shot up and she slowly got to her feet.

It was coming closer now and she began backing away from it.

Suddenly she bumped into a body and a hand was clamped over her mouth before she was able to scream.

She struggle against it the hand and the person hugged her closer to his body, while keeping the hand over her mouth.

'This is it' she thought to herself. A tear fell from her eye and rolled down her cheek.

"It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. Trust me."

He smelt like vanilla and his voice was so calming.

She nodded her head and silently prayed that trusting this guy was the right thing to do.

He slowly removed his hand and released his grip on her.

As soon as she was free, she turned and looked at him.

He was only a few inches taller than her. He had curly black hair that hung over his eye brows and grey eyes that seemed to light up. He couldn't have been much older than her.


He quickly clamped his hand back over her mouth and put up the 'shush' sign.

She nodded her head that she understood and he removed his hand.

Something moved behind her and she jumped.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her away, behind a tree.

"Stay here." He whispered to her.

Then before she could nod her head, he ran off towards the noise.

She stood there with her back against the tree, trying to hear what was going on.

She listened as someone else walked up to him.

"It's them."

It sounded like another guy.

Allison slowly peaked around to try and see who it was.

As she was about to clear her head around, another voice showed up.

"Indeed it is."

"Well if it isn't one of the wonders. So tell me, are you the dumb or the idiot."

"Shut it Hatter. Oh wait, you don't have your little hat. A hatter without a hat is just a waste of space."

The Hatter lunged towards him, but was stopped by the other guy.

"Hey, calm down. Don't let him get you angry."

"Oh please. Now the little rabbit is all big and intelligent? Too bad your father couldn't be with us to see this."

He gritted his teeth and his eyes turned ice cold, "What do you want Dee?" He growled.

Dee chuckled, "You know what I'm after. A girl."

"Well then maybe you should head back to the castle. I'm sure the one there is missing her lap dog." Hatter yelled out.

Dee's eyes got hard and cold, "I suggest you don't waste my time." He reached for his bow and Allison turned back around.

She needed to get out of there. No way she wanted to get caught up in that battle.

She slowly moved away from the tree and started to walk away from the steaming, hot heads.

She backed around another tree while keeping an eye on the 3.

As soon as she cleared it she turned around and froze.

Staring right at he was the other one.


Her body froze and she couldn't move. She just stared as he ran towards her, axe raised.

In her head she screamed and begged for her body to move.

He got closer and closer until, finally, her body moved.

As he brought his axe down towards her, she ducked while letting out a desperate cry.

The axe flew by her head missing it by mer inches, but that didn't stop him.

He swung it back the other way and this time she couldn't move in time.

She closed her eyes and curled into a ball.

Blood hit the forest floor, but it wasn't hers.

She opened her eyes to find Jag standing in front of her.

His arm was bleeding, but in his hand he held the axe and the other twin was knocked out.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to hit a lady?"

He dropped the axe and looked at Allison.

"You ok?" He asked, holding out his hand to help her up.

This time she excepted his hand and he helped her to her feet.

"That dress of yours seems a bit big and clumsy. I'd recommend getting some new cloths."

He smiled brightly and winked at her, "Oh and uh, I can't believe I'm saying this, but you should stick with the Hatter. He'll protect ya."

He ruffled her hair and then disappeared.

She stood there in shock. Tears started to flow down her cheeks, in rivers.

A noise behind her made her jump and turn around.

Her eyes were blurred so she couldn't see who it was, but then the smell of vanilla wafted to her.

He ran over to her and asked her if she was ok, but she didn't hear him.

She grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her, then she wept even harder. The smell of vanilla enveloped her and she held on to his shirt like it was her life line.

She wept and wept, and slowly he wrapped his arms around her and awkwardly patted her back.

"It's ok, it's ok. Your safe now." The Hatter hugged the weeping girl.

His friend just stood there with a smirk on his face.

Hatter just shrugged his shoulders, 'she won't let go.' he mouthed.

His friend just chuckled and the Hatter rolled his eyes.

After a minute or two the girls body became limp and for a minute the Hatter was worried she was dead.

Then he heard her softly breathing and he chuckled.

"Looks like she cried herself to sleep." His friend walked up next to him and looked at the girl.

The Hatter picked her up and carried her bridal style with her head resting on his shoulder.

"Wow. She is actually heavier than she looks." He told his friend.

He friend let out a little laugh, "I bet. Come on, I guess we should get out of here before the twins wake up."

"Ya, let's go. So your place or mine?"

"Depends. Where do you want the chaos to start first?"


Alrighty guys, There is chapter two.

Let me know what ya'll think about it.

Wish I could show you guys two pics that I drew. One's of what was referred to as the grave yard and the other is part of the castle. Unfortunately, It won't let me post it unless its online.....and its not...soooooooo.......sorry ^.^

vote, comment, share with a friend, eat some popcorn..... you know, just what ever floats your boat............

Anyway, you guys are awesome and I love all you amazing people who took the time to read this.


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