Miraculous Moments [Miraculou...

Por MariKibs

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moments between Paris' (our) favorite heroes. Disclaim: I don't own the characters! Más

During the night...
Just be friends
Someone Else Purrt 1
Someone Else Purrt 2
Someone Else Purrt 4
Blushes and Glares
Someone Else Purrt 5
Someone Else (E-paw-logue)
"Dont give up!"
Blanc White Purrt 1
Blanc White Purrt 2
Blanc White Purrt 3
Alls Fair in Love and War
Blanc White Purrt 4
Kiss 001
Time Swap
Two in One
I won't tell . . .
The Last One's Weeping
Butterfly Feels
Journals 2-A
Just Be Friends (purrt 2)
Journal 3 and 4
Journals 5-A, B, C
Siblings (Adapt)
I won't tell . . . (2)
Siblings (The Beginning)
Siblings (Stress)
Siblings (Babysitting Chat)
Siblings (Interviews)
Sibling (sibling love)
Journal 6-A
Siblings (Fire)
Siblings (Kung Food)
Siblings (Pictures)
Creazione and Rovina
Start of Design (Siblings)
Siblings (Discover)
Siblings (Dating)
Slow Dance
Kiss 002
Hello (Goodbye purrt 2)
Medieval AU
Creazione's Flaw
Voices all around
Panic Attack
Preview of "A Day on the March" Series
That Far
Movie Night
"May I have this dance?"

Someone Else Purrt 3

208 4 0
Por MariKibs

He visits were rare then on. He had been very careful with his suit, not wanting his Lady to grow concerned for the number of stitches. He was also becoming too agile and evasive to be clawed or cut. Their patrols began to last for a long amount of time, causing him to grow tired easily, and needing as much sleep for school and his schedule as possible.

However, whenever he did visit, he was always welcome. Sasha smiled before he would leave to study in the local library. Nella would excitedly tell him how her days have been. She'd explain what she was learning at school, how her friends were, how her job as a tailor was working out.

She would sometimes give him a delicious meal from her 'motherland'. She even asked him to help her prepare some a couple of times. It was difficult, but fun nonetheless. She knew what she was doing, saying, whenever around her apartment.

He would easily get jealous of her simple and small life style. She would smile her brightest whenever he made a remark like that. "You are from a rich family. Many would die for that. You should count your blessings and be thankful. You have money, health, friends, and someone to fall in love with." Her gaze was saddened, but she didn't lose her grin. "And if you ever need simple, you can take your money, buy a small house, marry your love, work and laugh, have a baby or two."

Andrey had blushed. He had watched her stir the spaghetti in the pot of water. She added a bit of salt and readied the streamer. He frowned and apologize. "I-I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't want to sound ungrateful..."

"You told me work consumed your father since your mother's absence." He nodded, trying to note if there were any mistakes in her grammar to distract himself. "You want simple life so he doesn't have to focus on work, but on both of you."

He nodded sadly. "But nothing can change how it all is..."

She turned to him and laughed softly. She walked over and kissed the top of his head. "You know... America long ago fought for freedom, and inspired many others to fight..." He didn't look up. He didn't understand her reference. "And everyone tried, some still try, and most succeeded in escaping tyranny in end. And you know what happen next?"


"Opportunity. Opportunity is given to people. You do not need to become who your father was to be happy and smile. You have rights to be your own person." Nella grinned. "So tell me who you are. Are you you, or your father? Tell me your name."

"I'm Adrien Agreste.."

She laughed. "No. Who are You to you?"


She shoved his shoulder. "That is who you are for me. Try again. As your true self, who is the true you?"

"... Chat Noir." He grinned. "I'm the free Chat Noir. ... I want to stay and be like him..."

Nella stood, satisfied, and ruffled his hair. "Then be who you want to be."

The moment was interrupted by a stomach growl. Adrien watched the pot behind her. "I'll be Andrey for a bit and have some pasta if that's alright with you, Nella." They shared a laugh.


He hadn't had a meal with her in years. He hadn't had his jacket fixed by her in years. He hadn't had his wounds checked by Sasha in years.

He almost forgot about them.

He was visiting someone else. Someone he knew he could rely on. She was kind, confident, and smelled sweet— uh! Is sweet!

He had been visiting Marinette instead of Nella. She was thoughtful and easy to talk to, having been around her a bit longer and everyday. She didn't know his identity, and he couldn't take off his mask in front of her, but her smile was worth it all. Her lips seemed so soft and pink, her dark hair was so shiny and almost blue in the moonlight. Her laugh was adorable, her voice was beautiful all together. She was animated in her expressions and speech, and so passionate. She knew what she'd say and spoke so well. She .... She was like a princess.

He couldn't help but get swept away nearly every night by her. She'd open her window, and either let him in or go out on the balcony with him. They'd have any spear sweet, all tasting so good. A lot of the time with hot cocoa.

He couldn't help but visit. She was so close. She was someone he could turn to and who fully understood his situation, being in the same class and all. He loved her for that...

... So when he had to run from Paris for being framed (again!) with Ladybug, it hurt like h*** that he couldn't say goodbye. He had to find a safe place to hide until Ladybug could think of a plan. As much as he didn't want to anger his lady... He knew where to go...


Chat Noir lightly tapped the glass window on her apartment in a rhythm he knew she'd recognize.

Ladybug was looking out and around suspiciously. It was obvious she didn't trust the lower ends of Paris; Even though they saved the entire city multiple times, she didn't exactly wander on the actual streets. Chat didn't blame her. He was also uncomfortable to walk on them during his first few visits.

It took a minute for Nella to come and peek through the curtain. He grinned widely at her. She looked with wide eyes, scared and worried. She threw the curtain back and opened the window as fast as she could. She grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes. "Andrey! What were you thinking?! You are superhero! You know better than that!" Before he could defend himself, she wrapped him up in a hug and pulled him inside the warm home. "Thank god..." She whispered with forming tears.

Ladybug watched with bug-eyes at the interaction. By the looks of it, he must have really been close. But how could that be if he had been visiting her for a year-and-a-half and be Chat Noir for three? He didn't seem to be one to speak whatever language she spoke. His French was perfect and not in an accent like hers. Relative wasn't a possibility. "Chat...?" She murmured helplessly.

The two broke apart. The stranger looked up to her. The black cat didn't hesitate to turn around and offer a hand to let her in the room. She took his hand and jumped off the ledge. The girl was quick to shut the window and slid the curtains back in place.

"Who is she?" The red clad hero asked.

The leather cat tensed up. He let go of her hand that he forgot he still held. "Sh-she's..." How in the world was he going to explain this. They needed a safe place so his lady could figure out a plan. He didn't take time to figure out how he was going to explain his long time friend.

"Nella? ..........?" A deep voice spoke. His words were muffled from sleep. Neither could understand. Surprisingly, the brunette knew. She told him that there were guests and might need to be checked out. Chat Noir sighed in defeat. His lady was still confused, if not more.

"They... They're..... Um..."

"Andrey." She called. To Ladybug's shock, the black cat reacted to the name and turned around to face her. "Do you need something to eat?" She asked. Her French was close perfect by now, but she accent was never fixed. He smiled at that. "And what will your girlfriend want?"

Both miraculous users froze in place. Chat Noir blushed deeply at the remark. "N-nelliya!"

She only laughed. "I have left over borscht from early tonight. I always make extra."

He sighed. "You still cook mew much." She sighed at his pun. The feline turned to the ladybug. "Can't fight on an empty stomach, right?"

Ladybug frowned with an unamused look. "Answer me."

Unfortunately, he couldn't find an excuse. He had to face her. "I- I- um... It's complicated?" She shook her head in disappointment. She looked away and headed towards the kitchen.

"Andrey, what is wrong?" Sasha asked as entered the room. The cat laughed a bit nervously. "Girl troubles?" He asked. The leather clad boy blushed heavily and Ladybug only looked at him as though he was sick. The young man saw her and frowned. "You have cut lips."

The red clad superhero quickly covered the wound. "I'll be fine. The akuma was more difficult than I anticipated."

The older man held a serious look. "I should check it anyway. The cut is close to your chin." He left the room to where he had came from, possibly bedroom.

Chat walked to her and almost ordered her to sit on their couch. She stared at him with uncertain eyes. He walked and talked as though he lived in the apartment. He said he was going to see if there was anything she could eat without worsening the cut.

She watched how he interacted with the young girl in the kitchen. He smiled so easily and maneuvered about in the tiny kitchen like it was a spacious park. How has he gotten so comfortable?

She jumped a bit when the young man sat beside her and began to inspect her face. He shined a light in her eyes and held her head between his hands, looking around it. "Were you hit anywhere else? If the monster attacked your face and did such damage, he could have easily caused a major concussion or even crack your skull."

He let go and began to wipe the blood on her chin. One hand lifted her head up lightly, and the other worked to disinfect. "I've never had that kind of attack before. My luck is above and —"

He tightened his grip on her jaw and looked her dead in the eye. "Don't talk," he demanded. He went back to the wound. "There were too many times when that cat came in with wounds and breaks. Every time he moved, it ruined all my efforts to help. He is too energetic."

Ladybug didn't speak then on. Chat came to get wounds treated? For how long? Was he always hurt during the attacks? Why didn't he come to her? She could have helped!

He sighed in annoyance when finished and left with his supplies. He waved an said something in the language she couldn't understand. The girl called after him, he just waved her off and said, "Make sure the cat doesn't shed anywhere."

Chat Noir rolled his eyes. He led his lady into the kitchen and offered her a small salad. "Sorry about him. He's always like that."

Nella scoffed. "Only when you are around." The young hero took playful offends, but to the red clad girl, he didn't sound flirty. It was purely him just having fun. He was never like that with her or Marinette. The brunette looked down at her and gestured the food. "Come on. Eat up. You'll need your strength to save Paris." Slowly, they two began to eat, the ladybug more reluctantly.

Once they finished, the two heroes left to the couch while the girl washed the dishes. From her firm glared, Chat knew he had no way out at that point. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Who is she? How do you know her? How does she know you? Why do you know each other?" He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. After knowing him for three years, she knew this meant he was going to tell her, but didn't think she'd like the answer. It didn't matter really, she wanted to know why he kept such information from her.

"Her name is Nelliya. We met one night when I was wounded in an alley by her apartment. Her brother patched me up and since then, we've become good friends."

She wasn't satisfied. "How long?"

"What?" The cat asked.

"How long? How long have you known each other?"

He tried to find a way out. "Does even it matter—"

"Yea it matters. You've kept this from me. I thought we could trust each other."

"And I thought we wouldn't pry in each other's civilian lives," he countered.

She frowned deeply. "You know her as a civilian?" She grew angry. "She knows your identity?!" Chat flinched. How could he be so reckless? "How long has she know that?!" He kept silent, not trusting his own tongue at that point. "How long, Chat?!" He stood up to try and get away from her. Unluckily for him, the apartment was too small. "Chat. Tell me the truth.." She stood herself.

They were interrupted by a cough. Both heroes turned to the sound and found Nella watching them with sad eyes. Ladybug only glared, while Chat scowled at her for said glare. "Andrey, please sleep in the guest room." He looked at her in surprise. She glared at him with strong eyes. He relaxed and complied. Ladybug hated how easily her look alone could command her partner.

Nella breathed out a sigh. "I am sorry. I didn't know he didn't let you know about me." Ladybug didn't meet her eyes, only staring at the closed curtains. "He said that keeping your identities a secret was important. He must have been afraid to tell you 'someone besides you knew'."

Ladybug fell into the couch. "I thought he trusted me enough to tell me such a thing." He voice was still livid.

Nella sat by her. "You wanted to know 'how long'?"

The superhero nodded sadly. "Why can't he even tell me that?"

Nella frowned. "He is afraid you won't like the answer. And I am as well." Ladybug glared at her, and her gaze was asking— no, demanding a clear answer. Nella felt no way around it. "He once said that I knew him since his first day on the job." As the blue eyes widened, Nella knew she had connected the dots.

"And how long for his civilian form?" She ...begged to know.

Nella couldn't look in her eyes. ""Since his first day on the job."" She repeated. She laughed roughly at the memory. "I was stitching his jacket. He was so worried when I told him I saw his face. He was too worried to even eat." She watched the girl took it all in her head. "He spoke of you so much when he came to visit, you know." She didn't move. "He once said 'She's smart, strong, and knows how to deal with anything. I really look up to her. She's the closest person I have to a friend'."

The girl looked at her with wide eyes, visible tense. She never knew that she was his closest friend. By how it sounded, his only friend. A best friend? More? The more Nelliya spoke of her partner the less she seemed to know of him. It scared her. "Why do you call him... Andrey?" She asked suddenly.

Nella frowned. "He gave me nickname and I gave him one. It was based off his name." Her blue eyes glazed. The brunette even knew his really name. She saw his face, how he truly acted, and ... Knew his whole identity.

Her earnings began to beep. Panic filled her and she covered her miraculous. Nella touched her shoulder with a reassuring smile. "I'll tell him he can release his transformation to let his kwami eat. Yours must be tired."

At that moment, Ladybug de-transformed, and suddenly had no strength to hold back her tears. Tikki rushed to her side as Nella awkwardly petted her hair. "You'll be okay. You and Chat. You'll find your way through this."

Marinette shook her head. "How?!"

"When you let him know." She patted her back and stood to the bed rooms. She pause for a moment. "That is your name?" She asked quietly.

"M-Marinette," the pepite girl whispered.

Nella smiled softly as she came back to touch she should, which let to a tight hug. "You should get some rest, Mariya."


Note: (fun fact) Maria(or Mariya / Мария) is basically the Russian version of Mary(Mari)

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