The Dragon (Avatar the last a...

By JacquieLC

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Everyone knows about the Avatar. They know that he disappeared over 100 years ago, and that no body has seen... More

The Birth of A Dragon (Prologue)
Chapter 1: Three years later
Chapter 2: Wait....He's how old?
Chapter 3: A Decision To Make
Chapter 4: The Spirit World
Chapter 5: Saved or Kidnapped?
Chapter 6: Reunited Again
Chapter 7: The Legend is Told
Chapter 8: Avatar Roku
Chapter 9: I hate pirates
Chapter 10: Changed
Chapter 11: The Storm
Chapter 12: Start Of A Somewhat Friendship
Chapter 14: Zhao AKA The Jerk Who Tried To Kill Us
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Chapter 15: Siege Of The North
Chapter 16: Path of The Heart
Chapter 17: Not So Happy Reunion
Chapter 18: Fire Nation Enemy No. 1 & 2
Hey Guys
Chapter 19: Zuko Alone (Plus Kaida)
Chapter 20: Homesick
Chapter 21: Welcome Back
Chapter 22: Family Reunion
Chapter 23: Bitter Work
Chapter 24: Ba Sing Se
Chapter 25: An Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 26: Crossed Paths
Chapter 27: The Tale Of Naru

Chapter 13: Nightmares or Visions?

3.1K 114 6
By JacquieLC

I looked around me to see nothing but fire. I started to panic as I searched for Zuko and everyone else, I was running through the flames when I tripped and fell skidding on the ground. I groaned in pain as I used my elbows to lift me up, however I stopped when I saw something in a puddle in front of me. It was monster that looked like a cross between a dragon and human. I screamed and flew back in horror only to see nothing was around me except the burning buildings and flames. I slowly crawled back over to the puddle and it was there again staring straight at me with it snake-like eyes. "Is" I asked not expecting an answer as I lifted a hand to touch my face, the monster in the puddle copied me and I felt rough scales graze my hand. My eyes widened in shock, "No! T-This isn't me! What's going o-" I stopped as I heard someone groan in pain. I ran towards the sound as a tail swished behind me. I gasped as I saw Zuko lying on the ground along with Aang, Katara, Sokka, Mori, and Mira. I went to help them, I gently picked up Zuko's head as he groaned. He opened his eyes and looked at me weakly, "W-Why? W-Why Kaida?" "What do you mean? I-I didn't-" "You're nothing, but a monster. You killed them and me." He hoarsely stated before he became limp in my arms. "Zuko! Zuko wake up! I didn't-I didn't do this! I would never do this! Please! You can't be dead! Zuko!" I exclaimed as tears ran down my face, I heard an evil laugh come from behind me. I turned and looked to see myself as some kind of dragon monster. "Oh, but you did and you'll do it again and again and again! Hahahahahaha! It's only a matter of time before you embrace your true power as a Dragon! Then you and I will be one! Mwhahahahahahaha." She exclaimed in a demonic voice. My eyes widened as she smirked down at me. "Now, say goodbye to your precious world." She created a fire ball and threw it at me. My heart beat against my chest as it came closer and closer until finally it-

"AHHHHHH!" I shot up from my bed,  Mushu went flying on to the floor and I heard people running down the hall towards my room. I held my head in my hands trying to get the images of my nightmare out of my head. "No, make it stop! Make it stop!" "Kaida!" I heard a shout from out side my room and then my door was slammed open. I didn't see who it was as what happened in my dream replayed over and over in my head. I felt a hand touch me and I fire-bended them away, "Stay away from me!" I screamed looking up to see Zuko, Mori, Mira, and Uncle. Zuko jumped away from my flames and looked me in concern. I was shaking as I hugged myself, "I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster..." I whispered to myself over and over again as tears ran down my face. "Kaida?" Zuko cautiously attempted to place a hand on me again. "I didn't mean to, I swear I'm not a monster." I pleaded as he stared at me concerned. He gently picked me up, "Someone go alert the medical ward about what's going on." I heard two people run off down the hall, "Is she going to be alright?" Mira asked as Zuko craddled me in his arms. I was shaking as he placed my head on his shoulder sitting down on my bed. "Kaida, what happened?" I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. "Not a monster....Not a monster....I didn't mean to..." I mumbled to reassure myself that everything was fine. 

Mira's POV

"AHHHHHHH!" I jumped up as I heard a scream come from down the hall. I quickly got up and opened my door. "You heard it too?" Mori asked, I nodded and we ran off towards where the scream came from. We arrived at Kaida's room to see Zuko bust down the door. We all rushed inside along with Iroh to see Mushu on the floor and Kaida shaking her head side to side while holding it in her hands. I heard her whispering the word 'monster', 'Why is she talking about a monster?' I asked myself as I watched Zuko go over to her. As soon as he touched her, she lashed out at him with her firebending, "Stay away from me!" We all jumped back as Zuko barely dodged her outburst, I saw him cringe slightly as the flame licked his face where his scar was. Kaida hugged herself and started whispering about how she wasn't a monster. I looked at her in concern, 'What happened? Was it a nightmare?' I went to reach out for her, but Mori held me back. I looked at him, he shook his head no as if to tell me to let Zuko handle this. 'Just because he's her brother doesn't mean I can't help her too.' I thought as I turned back around to see Zuko pick her up in his arms and cradle her. "Someone go alert the medical ward about what's going on." He stated as he sat back down on her bed, resting her head on his shoulder. Iroh and Mori both quickly rushed out the door and down the hall to go find the doctor on board.  I could see her shaking, "Is she going to be alright?" I asked him as Mushu crawled back onto the bed. Zuko ignored my question, "Kaida, what happened?" She shook her head then went back to whispering about not being a monster. I tried to think of what to do to help her, I walked over and kneeled down in front of them. Zuko looked up at me, "What are you-" "I'm gonna try and calm her down. Thanks to Mori I know a bit of waterbending." I stated gathering water from my pouch and encasing my hands with it. I placed a hand on Kaida's head and concentrated, slowly she stopped shaking and her breath became steady. Her chest raised and fell slowly indicating that she had fallen asleep again. I smiled softly at her, "There, she should be better now." Zuko looked at her, "Thank you." He looked back up at me, I nodded, "No problem, she's my friend. I know how much you care about her." "Alright, before you two start making googly eyes at each other, let's focus on Kaida." We both blushed and glared at Mushu. He ignored us though, "This is the 5th time she's woken up from a nightmare this month. I have a feeling that's not a coincidence." He stated, looking at Kaida who was fast asleep now and clutching onto Zuko's shirt. "What do you mean?" I asked the strange talking dragon. "I think Kaida might be having visions or glimpses of the near future." "Is that even possible?" "Yes, since the Dragon was created by both the spirits and the avatar they are more in touch with the spirit world.  The first dragon, Agni, was inhumanly strong. Mulan, the dragon before Kaida, had incredible speed and could alter her appearance. I'm assuming her new abilities are starting to surface, which is why she keeps having nightmares." "And if she can see the future?" Mushu looked at both of us, "Then I'd say we're all in for more than we could ever imagine." "Why do you say that?" "No other dragon has had an ability like that, making Kaida the first with foresight. Seeing the future can be a dangerous thing, especially for someone who has as much power as Kaida. Since the future isn't set in stone, it can change. However, if Kaida sees something in bad in her visions, she could have the ability to change it or she could unconsciously make it happen out of fear." "So you're saying Kaida could potentially cause something horrible to happen if she sees it in a vision?" He nodded, "Yes. She has not only the power she already possesses herself, but also the power of her predecessors. Right now, she's possibly more powerful than the Avatar." "That would explain why my father wants her." Zuko stated, "If Kaida becomes influenced by him, it could mean the end of everything. Especially, herself. Kaida,  doesn't know, but there was another Dragon besides Mulan and Agni.  His name was Naru, he was a powerful Dragon, like Kaida. However, when his younger sister was killed by an earthbender, he turned dark. He had lost all of his humanity and went on a rampage destroying village after village. He used his ability to blood-bend to make people his slaves and kill on another. Eventually, he was defeated by the Avatar. It was many centuries before another dragon was reincarnated." Mushu explained. Zuko and I looked at him in shock, "So that means, Kaida could-" "Yes, but she won't I'm sure of it. She has the same spirit as Agni, her heart is pure. Her kindness and compassion are her biggest strength along with the love she has for you and her uncle. However, that can also be one of her greatest weaknesses. Remember that Ponytail." Zuko nodded as Iroh and Mori came back. "The doctor said it would be best if she stayed the night in the medical ward just so they can keep an eye on her." "Thank you Uncle." Zuko stood up and carried her down the hallway. "Seems like someone cares more about prince hothead and Kaida than they'd like to admit." I rolled my eyes at Mushu's comment before standing up, "I'd shut my mouth if I were you unless you wanna end up swimming with the giant Koi fish again." I stated as I walked out of Kaida's room and back to mine. I thought about what Mushu had said, 'Kaida wouldn't turn dark like Naru, would she? No. Of course not, it's Kaida. But still......what exactly did she see to make her freak out like that?' 

  {God damn that picture took forever to upload. Anyways, there's a picture of Monster or Dragon Form Kaida as I like to call it. Thanks guys! :D Also let me know if you want more pictures of Kaida.}  

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