Unbroken, Betrayed, and Chosen

By ashortino399

269K 10.7K 1.5K

{Formerly A Warrior's Rejection} In a world of predominantly male leaders, the Ivy Eclipse pack is home to a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

7.9K 379 62
By ashortino399

****Hi again! Oh look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...THE SECOND CHAPTER OF THE NIGHT!!!!! OmO I must be dreaming! Jk, sorry if that makes you question my sanity but I lost it long ago so it's ok >_< Really though I'm kidding......ok no I'm not please don't call the cops on me, I don't want to go back to the mad house, I just got out! Ok, now that I've scared all the sane ones away, let's jump right into it LIKE A HAMSTER!! COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW ME! Enjoy!!****

Picture is the Moon Goddess (she pretty!)


Aris's POV

"Jesus Christ!" Christian shouted from the back as he jumped and slammed his head on the roof of the car, muttering foul words as he rubbed the lump.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Vesper yelled from behind me kicking my seat with a boot. I took a deep breath and settled back into my seat rubbing my throbbing head.

"Aris?" Rowan asked without taking his eyes off the road.

"I... Don't really know but I think, if I'm not going out of my mind, that I just met the Moon Goddess." I said, my thoughts were a heaping haze of nothing, but the conversation was clear in my head. All three jaws dropped and I had to turn Rowan's head back to the road to avoid the oncoming turn.

"Are you serious?" Vesper asked. I nodded. "She took Pandora."

"WHAT?!" Rowan's head snapped back to look at me.

"Watch the road you idiot!" I screamed again and he reluctantly turned his head back. "Whatever, you need to speak now."

"The Moon goddess took your wolf?" Christian asked, disbelief flooding his voice. I nodded and horrified looks seared to each of their faces. Vesper couldn't seem to look me in the eye. "Oh Aris..."

"But then she told me that Pandora was never my wolf to begin with. She gave me my true wolf, and from the feel of her, she's strong." I added and their eyes lit back up.

"Don't do that, we thought she completely took your wolf." Rowan groaned and the others nodded. I shook my head. "She also told me something else very interesting."

"Oh give me a minute; I need to prepare myself for another bomb like this. Ok go ahead, spill." Vesper said, crossing her fingers and squeezed her eyes shut. I scoffed. "She told me it was always my destiny to kill Logan."

Vesper opened one eye and gave me a weird look. "Wait, the Goddess told you to kill your other half, is that right?"

I shrugged. "I only got half the story, but apparently my path is all kinds of screwy. She said I figured out more than most do at this point but she still keeps playing me with riddles, I only really know some of my life plan."

"So Pandora isn't your real wolf, shocker there. But now you have the head honcho's permission to kill Logan?" Ves replied. I nodded.

"Wow, what a good day you're having." She scoffed and thumped against the seat.

I turned and gave her a dead look. "I did just find my pack murdered in cold blood." My voice grated my throat like metal shards, the words feeling sour on my tongue. She opened her mouth but said nothing and dropped her gaze.

"Well good thing this happened sooner rather than later." Rowan said as he turned the wheel.

I switched back to facing forward. "Why is that?" I asked, looking at him.

"Because we are at the border."

He signaled to the following armada by sticking one arm out of the window and holding up a flat hand; the line of cars slowed to a stop. Rowan picked up the radio, "All units, we're ditching the cars and going in cold, scents on, no lights, be a silent as possible, we don't want any attention. We are setting up a 5 point ambush from the west to the east and following through with a canopy cavalry."

"Understood," came a crackled reply. He nodded and we exited the car.

He went to the back and tossed a can of aerosol to me and I shook it, eyeing it wearily. I sprayed my feet first, finding it smelled like dirt and grass, a normal scent most wolves, even patrol wolves, would overlook.

I coated my entire body and handed the can off to someone else. I searched almost the many wolves who had gathered, all in some sort of battle sit until I spotted raven, and I weaved my way through the crowd until I could reach for her shoulder. "Raven."

"Aris! Are you ready?" She asked. I nodded and removed the swords and handed them to her

"I wanted to give you back these." I said extending the swords. She looked shocked. "Why? You don't have your wolf..." She trailed off and looked me up and down. I nodded. "I'm whole again."

She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back; she was the first real friend I've ever had besides Jasper. She release me and took the swords, but not before holding them out. "Then take them as a reminder, if you are whole again, you are two sides of the same coin just like these swords, alone yes they are powerful, but together, they are stronger."

"I swear you say the wisest things sometimes." I replied but took her words to heart. After all, she was right, I hadn't even communicated with my new wolf, but I had a feeling we'd get along just fine.

"I understand, thank you Raven." I smiled.

"You're welcome Aris." Raven waved and I turned to make my way to the front of the group. They were organizing into small units of the five point ambush and I saw the first group cross the border. I ran up with Ves, Christian, and Rowan just as they crossed into enemy territory.

That's when the scent attacked my nose and from the back I heard Ves and Christian groan in disgust. "Their pack smells like wet dog and rotting fancy cheese."

I held back a chuckle, "What does that smell like?"

"Absolutely fucking disgusting."

I had to agree. The scent was hard to keep a straight face as all I wanted to do was get the hell out of these parts and back to my clean forest. However my twitching nose picked up another scent, faint, but made me swallow my chuckle like dry saltines.


Blood from Ivy Eclipse wolves.

I snarled and cracked my knuckles slowly. "Aris..."

I shook my head, my eyes glinting purple. "Move faster, we're almost at the central lands."

Rowan responded by picking up the speed to a steady jog. Eventually, I could see their pack central area about 500 feet ahead through the brush by the bright lights and increasing pungent odor.

"Turn here." I signaled to a divot in the brush and Rowan slowed, turning into the crevice. Rowan waved his hand and the group split going into their own positions.

"I hope this plan works," I mumbled as we pushed through the bushed and tree limbs, spiting bugs and leaves out of our mouths and wearily listening to the crunching of foliage beneath our feet. Rowan turned and kept his voice low. "This plan all depends on whether we can get them to congregate, that would be the best possible scenario."

"Would that really be helpful?" I asked a plan of my own forming in my head. He nodded and I took a breath. "Ok, I'll go out alone."

"What?!" Rowan whisper-shouted, turning abruptly, I put a finger to my lip and we held still for a few moments.

"I'll go out into plain sight and say that I'm giving myself up. That way the army will come for me and the wolves will be congregated." I explained and he listened but shook his head. "Why would they send the whole army after you?" he asked, his eyebrows creasing. I scoffed.

"Have you met me? Logan already lost me once and after all this do you really think he will lose me again?" This Rowan thought on.

"Come on Rowan, this is the best chance we have to really get at them, I want to bring down the wrath of hell on this pack," I pleaded. Rowan looked at me with deciding eyes and squeezed the, shut, deep in though.

"I don't want you to get hurt again, not after all you've been though," he mumbled and brushed his lips against my forehead, warmth blossoming and spreading onto my cheeks.

"I promise you Rowan, I'll do everything I can to come home with you tonight." I replied and leaned into his touch, resting out foreheads together. "I'll hold you to that, please be careful."

I nodded and he radioed the other teams of the new plan. I followed him farther and that's when I smelt gasoline from their cars and the scent of their wolves. I pursed my lips and stopped when the group halted and lowered themselves into invisibility. I gathered my rage; much like one gathers courage but this was way more destructive.

"I'm ready." I told them and they nodded, Rowan could barely look my way.

"Ok, Aris is moving, positions wait for her signal." Vesper clicked the radio off and gave me the go-ahead nod. I slicked my lips with saliva before moving away, anticipation building with each step I took. I finally reached the road and as I took one step onto the pavement, the entire atmosphere changed. I could also hear my wolf.

Well at least you have good battle tactics.

Thank you, you know about battle tactics? I asked, knowing fully well it was my wolf.

I am a Warrior wolf of the Moon Goddess. Do not think lowly of me because of your last wolf. I will never desert you in battle, I live to fight for everything I consider mine. But I guess you already feel like that. She replied. I could only smile.

We are going to get along very well, after this; I saw we have a long conversation. I said as I neared their gate.

Let's do that, but for now, let me out and let's bring down hell.

Oh yes, this is my wolf.

I kicked open the gate and it alerted everyone within a mile radius. Shouts arose as wolves scrambled to tell Warriors about my presence. Soon, and I really mean like five seconds later, about a hundred wolves were surrounding me with more filling in behind them.

I waited until one of them made a move; I was like a Trojan horse on the shores of Troy.

"Midnight Lake wolves!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. They all tensed at my sudden outburst and some even shifted, falling onto wolf legs, but they did not attack. I took a breath and swallowed some of my sanity

"I have come to surrender."

This sent them into craziness. However, I saw them part like the Red Sea for a tall figure strutting down the street with all the ignorance and. Logan.

It took all of my and my new wolf's strength, not to tear him apart right there.

"Aris." His voice has deepened since the last time; he was growing into his Alpha power.

"Logan. I have come to go willingly into your submission." I called with a bowed head. I raised it to meet his eyes, they were radiating triumphant; I focused on my breathing. Wait a little bit, only a bit longer. This was my wolf telling me but I could tell she was on edge. By now she must have seen my memories and know all about me.

"Have you?" He asked, his voice floating on a boat of ego. I heard his footsteps as he approached me and soon he was standing right in front of me. But now there was no pull.

Oh my goddess! I feel bad for this little bitch's mate, he's a nightmare! My wolf snorted in disgust.

That would be me. I replied and she snarled in my head. Good thing he's going to be nothing but bloody steaks soon, she spat.

I snapped back to the present with Logan still standing in front of me, he also grew a few inches; he was taller than me now. I hated it more than anything.

"Yes." I replied with as much submission as I could fill my voice with without throwing up on his face. He smirked and took my chin in his fingers. "Kneel."

I knelt, but every second was searing pain, hold on, so close. I did not look up at him but started counting down



"Pledge your submission to me, then go to the house. I expect you to be in my room when I get back." He snarled as he leered over me.




I was silent, so close. That was too slow for Logan. "Say it," he sneered and I feigned a winced like a broken wolf.




"Alpha Logan..." He knelt down and pressed a hand to his ear. "What was that?"


"You are going to regret killing my pack." I growled with insane glowing eyes, my new wolf rippling beneath my skin.

Hey I called to her. What's your name?  She let loose a low chuckle. Nova, my name's Nova.

Sorry to be introduced at a bad time, but are you ready? I could feel her flash her canines in my head. I was born ready Aris.


Slamming a fist into his face, he was sent reeling back and I rose to my feet, letting loose a savage roar.


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