RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader C...

By hhysteriia

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Sequence I, Chapter 1: Weiss - Breakup
Sequence I, Chapter 2: Weiss - New Students
Sequence I, Chapter 3: Weiss - CRDL
Sequence I, Chapter 4: Weiss - Confession
Sequence I, Chapter 5: Weiss - End
Sequence II, Chapter 1 : Ruby - Ruby Rose
Sequence II, Chapter 2 : Ruby - Beacon
Sequence II, Chapter 3: Ruby - Awakening
Sequence II, Chapter 4: Ruby - New Friend
Sequence II, Chapter 5: Ruby - Conclusion
Sequence III, Chapter 1: Yang - A Vacation?
Sequence III, Chapter 2: Yang - Attacked
Sequence III, Chapter 3: Yang - Preperation
Sequence III, Chapter 4: Yang - A Twist of Fate
Sequence III, Chapter 5: Yang - All roads lead to...
Sequence IV, Chapter 1: Blake - Y/N, Edward.
Sequence IV, Chapter 2: Blake - A demon, unleashed.
Sequence IV, Chapter 3: Blake - The End?
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Blake - Date
Sequence IV, Chapter 5: Blake - Because of you.
Sequence V, Chapter 1: Neo - Betrayed
Sequence V, Chapter 3: Neo - Host
Sequence V, Chapter 4: Neo - A Healing Promise
Sequence V, Chapter 5: Neo - Retribution
Sequence VI, Chapter 1: Velvet - Discrimination
Sequence VI, Chapter 2: Velvet - Creatures of the Crimson
Sequence VI, Chapter 3: Velvet - The Transformation
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Velvet - The Traveller, and the Bad Wolf.
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part I)
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part II)

Sequence V, Chapter 2: Neo - Mind Link

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By hhysteriia

You slowly opened your eyes and held your palm against your head, it was pounding. You looked around with one eye closed and it was a place you did not recognise. This was a room meant for the wealthy as everything in the room looked to be of great worth.

"And you're saying HE is the only suitable candidate?" You heard voices outside. You focused your hearing to the source of the voices.

"Well, no, but he is the only one that will live through the process." That voice, Shay Patrick Cormac.

"Tch. We'll see about that."

You heard footsteps getting softer and it was silent once more. It wasn't until you heard the door creak open and a tiny figure stood in the doorway. You recognised it as Neo.

You smiled and she walked up to you.

"Where am I— Oh, right. Sorry." The fact that Neo couldn't speak eluded your knowledge until recently. She smiled and took a seat next to the bed.

She grabbed a notebook and pen, and started scribbling something on it. She shoved it in your face.

We're at headquarters. There is much to be explained, but for now, rest.

You raised an eyebrow.


She nodded and placed a finger on your lip, mimicking the 'shush' gesture. Neo then turned and opened something.

"A refrigerator in a wall?" You asked.

She turned to you and nodded, whilst taking out what seemed to be a container of some sorts. She opened it to reveal. . . ice cream?

She took a spoon from the bed side table and started eating it. She stuffed her cheeks with ice cream and was making a mess on her face. She looked to be in bliss.

You couldn't contain your laughter and burst out laughing, ignoring the pain coursing throughout your body. You laughed for a solid ten minutes as Neo devoured her ice cream.

As you stopped laughing, you couldn't help but think how childish Neo is, yet she is a scary person at the same time. You recalled the enjoyment on Neo's face as she easily danced around Yang, easily dodging her strikes.

You glanced at Neo, who was happily eating ice cream. She really is something different. Her personality in battle and her personality when she's not is very different. Much like her hair and eyes.

She poked your shoulder and you looked at her. She held a spoonful of ice cream in front of your face. You alternated between looking at Neo and the spoon of ice cream, and shook your head.

She frowned and pushed the spoon a little further, insisting that you eat it. You opened your mouth to decline but Neo took the opportunity shove it in your mouth(kappa)

Your eyes widened, the sensation of ice cream in your mouth surprised you quite a bit. You took a second to taste it's flavour and it was quite different than ones you have tasted. It felt like a combination of multiple flavours at once.

"It's her favourite flavour, Neapolitan."

You turned towards the sound of that voice to see Shay leaning against the door frame. You glared at him, hatred coursing through your veins. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see Neo shaking her head.

"Ah, I see you're still angered by me leaving you on that ship. I do apologize, but Neo was with you all along, so there was no need for me risking myself. Besides, you've managed to even save some of them, as expected from you, Y/N."

You sighed, which was a bad move as Neo shoved more ice cream in your mouth. Shay chuckled as he moved towards you.

"So, mind explaining where I am?" You asked, Shay taking a seat on the side of the bed.

"We're in Vale. More specifically, headquarters." Shay answered.

"Oh, right. As if I don't know that already."

Shay chuckled, but his face turned serious fast.

"Y/N, we're going on with a plan called 'Mind link' and we will need you in top shape for that to work, considering your injuries, it won't take more than a month to heal."

"A month? I feel fine already."

"Oh, forgive me. Your bandages and wounds are stating otherwise. Come on, then?"

"All right, I get your point." You relented. Neo had finished her tub of ice cream and has disposed of it in the wall.

"Seriously?" You asked.

She shrugged, and turned for the refrigerator again, but you grabbed her shoulder.

"Enough ice cream, Neo."

Shay laughed and he stood from his seat and walked towards the door. He turned, his hand of the door knob.

"I'll let you rest for now, if there is anything you need, anything at all! Feel free to ask me." With that, he closed it, leaving Neo and you alone, again.

Neo scribbled on the notebook again and showed you what she wrote.

You do know that this is my bedroom, right?

"Wait, really? What? Why?"

She scribbled again, this time seemingly longer.

I was the one who had bought you here after you had passed out in the ship. While those huntresses were busy getting help, I snuck you out and here you are. In my bed.

You saw that Neo was slowly turning red as you read it.

"Explains the refrigerator in the wall, as well as the fancy bed and stuff. Right, I'll be on my way." You attempted to get up, but pain shot through your body as well as Neo pushing you back down. You winced in pain and shot a questioning look at Neo.

Neo went to writing as you examined your wounds. Your right hand was bandaged, and you could feel that most of your body was as well. Neo showed you her notebook.

Don't move! You're way too injured. Curse that Yang. I'll just sleep elsewhere. Rest for now.

You felt a little guilty for stealing Neo's bed, but you could not help it.

"Neo, I promise that I'll move out once I'm able to actually move."

She nodded and walked towards the door. She opened it and waved a goodbye before closing it. You sat in darkness, contemplating your current situation. It wasn't long before sleep took hold of you.

Time skip two weeks.

You were awaken by someone shaking you. It was Shay, you rubbed your eyes of sleep and slowly sat up.

"Here. Have some food." Shay set a tray of food on the bedside table and he took a seat. The food was unrecognisable and foreign to you. Shay saw you staring at it and laughed. There was meat in between what looked two slices of bread, with a side of yellowish sticks.

"Relax, friend. This is what we call a 'hamburger' and these are 'french fries'. "

"Really? What is— What?" You were flabbergasted. You've never heard of those type of food before. You reached for a 'french fry' and hesitantly bit into it. The flavour of fried potato soared around your mouth. It tasted good, actually.

"Your reaction is priceless, Y/N." Shay laughed.

"Shut up, Cormac." You grunted.

As you ate the food, Shay explained what was going on.

"As you may know, The Mind Link operation is going on, and that I have selected you as a representative for that operation, as well as myself. The higher ups question my decision as others have picked dozens, but I'm certain you'll manage."

"What is this... Mind Link?" You asked.

"It's a . . . reward of some sort. It allows one to enter the thinking of another. Basically mind reading."

You took a bit to let that sink in. 'Mind reading? What type of sorcery is this?' It seems that there was more to Vale than you have hoped. You made a mental note to research about Vale as soon as you recovered.

"Fascinating, Isn't it? Take The Observatory for instance. The world is slowly unravelling it's gifts toward mankind."

"Don't get a preachy toward me, Cormac. Tell me, what is the process of achieving said Mind Link?" You asked.

"Well, we're not the only ones struggling to achieve this, you know? There are about six more groups more like us, but they are larger groups. Seven in total. We're in a group as a pair, which the others mock. The process is simple, actually. Beat all of them in tests laid out by the ancients, and the final test is defeating the demon which holds the Mind Link." Shay explained.

"So, what happens when we fail?" You asked.

"No idea. The higher ups won't tell me."

"Then it's probably not a good idea to fail."

"Good point. Hurry and change, you still have to attend initiation." Were his last words before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. You got up and went to change into the Assassin robe Shay had designed especially for you. (Similar to this, actually. However the Templar insignia removed from the shawl and the cape. It also has a hood included, unlike the original. It is the Templar killer outfit in AC:Rogue)

You slipped on your hidden blades and made your way to the courtyard. Most of your injuries were healed and you were fit for training. Looking around, you noticed that people were standing in groups.

'6 groups. Shay was right. And I'm here standing alone. Great.'

The others noticed where you were and snickered among themselves. They were mocking you, and you were determined to prove them that you were capable enough alone.

"Welcome, everybody! My name is Roderick, Keeper of the Mind. All of you are new, yes? Today, we will change that and that only one of you will achieve the greatest gift god has bestowed upon us. Here are the leaders of your groups, which you should be familiar with already."

One by one, figures started rising from the ground. You vaguely recognised some of them, but were not too sure. You saw Shay, but not Neo.

'What part does Neo have in this?'

During your time recovering, Neo had spent most of her time by your side. Helping you recover and forcefully feeding you ice cream.

"I shall he introducing each of the leaders to everyone, starting from the right. Cinder Fall, Roman Torchwick, Shay Patrick Cormac, Adam Taurus, Mercury Black, Emerald Sustrai and lastly Winter Schnee." You were shocked that elder Schnee would involve herself in something like this. Is the Mind Link something really that worth risking your life for?

"And now, something new that I came up with. These two ladies will assist each group in the Mind Link, as an added advantage. However, they will make their decisions." You saw two cloaked figures come up from behind him and they opened their cloaks. It was Neo and Salem, a person whom you just recently met. It didn't fit to her a person since she was, well. Not. Close enough.

"Leaders, join your groups as these two make their choices." Roderick said. You saw Shay walk towards you and you slipped on your hood, as he reached you. You saw Neo and Salem scanning the crowd and they nodded, finalising their decision. Salem made her way to Cinder, while Neo made her way to Roman.

"They have chosen, and so initiation begins. Initiates will be ranked by strength, agility, knowledge, and power."

'Power? What?'

You noticed initiates from other groups were smirking and cracking their knuckles.

"Let us begin with the test of strength, let us to the fighting grounds."

He led everyone towards said fighting grounds, it was a colosseum with damaged pillars and advantageous points. You could easily see how you can shift it in your favour.

"Here it is, initiates. The fighting grounds. Designed to withstand even the strongest of attacks." Roderick said proudly.

"Really now? Guess I will have to try it out for myself." Cinder said as she conjured a wicked looking fireball. You could feel its heat even from where you were standing.

She threw the fireball to the furthest pillar away and it exploded in a mighty explosion. Your hood helped block the light and you could see what happened. The pillar exploded, but was quickly replaced by a new one by the time the light had dissipated, giving the illusion that Cinder's attack didn't scratch the pillar.

Cinder's eyes widened in shock as her attack did not scratch. Roderick had a proud smirk on his face.

"H-How?" Cinder muttered.

You decided to explain.

"Your attack decimated the pillar, but a new one emerged from the ground, replacing it. Giving the illusion you didn't scratch it at all." You said. Roderick's eyes widened as Cinder stared at you questioningly.

"Thats— Thats not true. You're lying." Roderick stuttered.

"Thats right, what do you know?" Cinder said.

Ideas whirled in your head and you finally found that would prove your point.

"Let me try something." You reached in your satchel and pulled out a red ball, a bomb crafted with the instruction of the late Leonardo da Vinci. Shay grabbed your arm. Everyone looked at you in confusion.

"Are you crazy? Those are unstable."

You chuckled and threw the bomb to the nearest pillar. It exploded with a loud bang, with no smoke produced, everyone could see that the pillar had been dented, and it sunk into the ground, and a new one risen in its place. Everyone gasped, it even shocked Roderick.

"Incredible.." Cinder breathed.

You didn't know why they were so shocked. It was merely you proving that this place isn't as true to its word as it says it is.

"Very impressive. To be able to crack the mystery quickly." Roman commented.

Roderick was speechless, but was soon replaced by anger. He glared at you.

"You. Fight me. You've embarrassed me one too many times."

You didn't want to cause trouble, so you raised your hand, declining the offer.

"I shall not, for you will best me easily." You said.

Roderick looked stunned for a second, but as soon as it came. A smirk appeared on his face.

"Wise decision. Very well, I shall forgive you this once."

You bowed.

"My thanks."

Neo was staring at you. She knew you could easily outmatch Roderick as she has seen both of you in action, and you were ruthless and deadly accurate. She wanted to help your team, seeing its the smallest group, but Roman wouldn't like it, for she knew Roman harboured romantic feelings for her. She used to return the feelings.

Until she met you.

It was just a small infatuation, nothing too serious. She wanted nothing but to be in your team, but Roman would hate her. And she didn't want to lose her closest fried.

Roderick led the group to a score board, where it would rank groups and their strength. Everyone started chattering and Roderick shouted from them to silence.

"Now, here is the board which will measure each group's aptitude. Any questions?"

You raised a hand, causing everyone to look at you.


"Why aren't you getting the Mind Link for yourself?"

He was silent for a moment.

"I tried, many years ago. I, too. Was an initiate like you, however. No one succeeded, the demon was too strong. One by one, we entered it's domain only to get slaughtered. I was the only one left."

Everyone gasped as you remained silent.

"Then why are you leading us to our impending doom as only ONE of us will be able to achieve this 'Mind Link'" Someone from Winter's group shouted.

"You were the one who signed up for this, knowing the consequences." Roderick replied.

He remained silent.

"Now that that's done, let's pick the first two groups who shall be fighting, shall we?"

Roderick scanned the crowd before announcing his decision.

"Roman and Emerald."

Both groups stared daggers at each other as they made their way to the fighting grounds. You climbed to the highest point of the grounds, for a good vantage point.

Each team drew their weapons as they took stances.

"Rule are that no usage of Aura or Semblances. This is pure combat. Anyone who uses Aura or Semblances will be disqualified, as well as the team. No killing allowed. The battle will last for five minutes. Any questions?"

No one responded.

"Very well. BEGIN!"

As soon as he said that, they rushed at each other. Roman and Emerald locked weapons as their initiates started fighting.

You saw Neo easily evading and dodging multiple strikes from Emerald's group. She looked like she was dancing, and you knew she was having fun. She uncapped her umbrella and stabbed an Emerald initiate. He fell onto the ground but he shimmered and disappeared. Your eyes widened.

"Don't worry, anyone injured will be teleported to the rejuvenation chamber." You heard Roderick say.

You relaxed and studied the fighting style of Roman and Emerald. They attacked aggressively and both managed to get lucky strikes on each other. You knew that going all in makes them vulnerable to counter strikes.

And before too soon, five minutes was passed. It was obvious Roman's team would come out victorious as they had Neo with them.

You glanced at the score board and you saw Roman was placed first. You jumped from the vantage point into a pile of leaves that you knew was purposefully placed there.

You walked over to Shay.

"Where have you been?"

"Watching the fight."


Roderick snapped and got everyone's attention.

"Now, let's go with Shay's puny group against Cinder."

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