ADHD » lashton (discontinued)

By offends

20.1K 1.2K 742

A boy who struggles to admit his plate full of problems: A hint of ADHD, a side of dyslexia, and a whole lot... More

006 (ft. the stalker tag)
Please Don't Judge Me And I Won't Judge You.
a N n O u N c E m E n T


1.2K 74 45
By offends

YOU'RE ALL SO WONDERFUL AND THANK YOU FOR VOTING! Like, it really means a lot because people actually wait for an entire month just to see one of my chapters and that's just? Amazing? I don't even know the word for it.


"Michael, I know you're awake. You can stop trying to fake being asleep," Calum sighed, scooting his chair closer to the hospital bed to pull down the blanket covering Michael's face.

Michael, in response, lifted the blanket up and over his face again, muttering, "Don't threaten me, Hood. Ask Ashton. He'll tell you what I did the last time he tried to wake me up."

"You?" Calum asked with a small smirk on his lips, leaning forward so that his elbows rested on his knees. "Shut up, Michael. You're like a kitten."

"Am not!" He said, twisting to face the opposite side of the room where Calum wasn't sitting. However, he sucked in a sharp breath, thinking that the doctors still had not removed any of the needles from the previous night, but they did. Once he looked down at his arms, Michael breathed out in relief as Calum shook his head and sighed, removing the blanket from covering Michael's head once more.

"Are you hungry? I want to call Luke so we can go to Big Brekky's or something." (A/n: sorry, I don't know any Australian Breakfast Restaurants so I looked them up and found this in Sydney.)

"I don't want to," Michael whined, throwing his head back onto the pillow."I just want to go home. I just- I feel too weak to do anything."

Calum sighed, deciding that it probably was a bit too early to eat outside anyway, looking at the time on his phone. In glowing numbers, the time read 6:46 A.M.

"You're right. Ashton and Luke must be home already. I'll take you home to get some rest in the meantime. Want me to give them a call so we can hang out later?"

Michael perked up at this, thinking his plan had worked. Luke was finally separated from Calum, and Ashton and Luke were finally able to get close.

Then he realized that if Calum called, he might ruin the entire plan and Luke would immediately meet up with Calum as soon as possible. And knowing Ashton, if the plan worked, he'd probably call Michael a million times saying he can't go through with it because Luke's just a sweetheart.

"Actually? I think we should just make this a 'you and me' day. How does that sound?" Michael suggested, purposely using his 'innocent look' on Calum.

Calum looked taken back a bit for some reason, unsure if this would be considered flirting. Michael made the same look again, staring at him with wide eyes. Calum actually felt violated in a strange way. He looked at Michael up and down, squinting, almost backing away.

The only way he could describe his emotions was in a 'No, I'm suppose to make you feel that way, excuse you, who gave you the right, please leave' kind of way. Calum always did have a dominance 'kink' thing, though he'd never admit it. And now Michael was challenging his inner manliness in some strange way and Calum did not like it at all. His only thought was: "Two can play at this game."

"Sure. Yeah, of course," Calum said cautiously, getting up in a slow but slightly sexy way.

Michael grinned widely, a little confused as to why Calum was acting a little strange. Nonetheless, Michael's trick still worked.

Calum went at a painfully slow pace as he walked towards Michael's duffel bag full of clothes on the floor, purposely bending down with his back facing Michael. He wiggled his ass a bit, opening the bag and going through the items in it slowly, taking his time to look for Michael's clothes.

At this point, Michael sucked in a sharp breath, completely aware of what Calum was doing. And somehow, it was working. And no, Michael did not like this feeling either.

He was used to making other guys feel that way, not the other way around. Michael never exactly knew 'what he was' in a relationship, but he was definitely the one to make the other squirm.

There was only one relationship that really impacted Michael harshly. And it was the only relationship where Michael was the heartbroken, and not the heartbreaker.

He was so completely devoted to this boy - Frankie - that he'd do anything for him. He'd pull pranks on other people with him, sometimes slash tires, steal from some small shops, etcetera, etcetera.

He was so devoted to Frankie that he'd be willing to give a blowjob to Freshman Calum Hood, record it, and share it to the whole school.

But he didn't go through with it.

Michael couldn't bare the thought of hurting an innocent boy just because of one incident.

Calum was still new to the school and nobody had told him about the dysfunctional water fountains at this high school. Some would shoot lower than necessary, but most would shoot higher. Calum just happened to be at the one that shoots higher. Way higher.

It was lunch period for the freshmans, and usually after the freshmans left, the seniors would have their lunch period. Frankie was a senior.

Calum was about to get a drink, bending down, his lips close to the spout. Michael and Frankie just happened to be walking by closely, hand in hand, when the water shot up and went straight to Frankie's crotch.

It only took Calum a second to jerk his head back to get away from the water, but somehow he got so caught up in watching Frankie's reaction, he didn't bother to let go of the button.

Michael immediately let go to put his hands over his mouth, trying to stifle a laugh, but failing. Suddenly all eyes in the cafeteria were on Frankie, and Frankie's eyes targeted Calum as every student laughed. Most kids took videos and pictures.

Frankie charged towards Calum, muttering,"You're going to pay for this." Calum widened his eyes in fear, taking a step back.

But suddenly Freshman Luke Hemmings decided to come out of nowhere and save the day. He pushed a garbage can in front of Frankie's path, causing Frankie to fall straight into it, his legs flying in the air.

And yes, it was all over Instagram. And Twitter. And Snapchat. And YouTube.

The videos were uploaded on every social media possibly accessible, making Frankie infamous and Calum famous.

And although no one caught Luke on their videos as he pushed the can, Calum credited him whenever someone would stop the two in the hallway and ask. That's how they became the talk of the school for an entire year.

And that's how Michael met Ashton.

That's also how Frankie broke up with Michael over text message, calling him a bitch multiple times.

Frankie was quite known for his violent breakdowns, but there was only one time when Frankie dared to take his anger out on Michael.

After Michael admitted that he didn't want to go through with it to Frankie after school, Frankie reacted outrageously.

Just as he had his hands tightly wrapped around Michael's neck, Ashton just happened to be wandering around the halls and stopped Frankie in time.

It's really just a blur after that, and Michael would prefer to keep it that way.

All that he remembers is being trapped in his room for weeks, having Ashton's shirt to sob into, and Frankie graduating, leaving Michael to build up his walls up so high that he himself can't break it down.

Just then, Michael snapped back to reality as Calum shook him by the shoulders back and forth quite violently.

"Jesus, Calum!" Michael scoffed, putting his hands on Calum's arms to stop him.

"Although I am not Jesus, I appreciate the compliment," Calum said with a serious face. "Did my ass really make you zone out that long? I mean, I know my ass is pretty great-"

"Calum, the only ass you are is an asshole," Michael retorted, shoving Calum's arms away.

Calum furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at his own ass for a second. My ass isn't that bad, is it? He thought, becoming a bit self conscious.

"Well my ass must have done something if it made you this salty in seconds," Calum huffed, crossing his arms like a child. Michael rolled his eyes, grunting.

"For christ's sake! Forget about your ass for a second, will you? Just toss me my clothes, okay? Wait outside, I'll be out in a minute," Michael yelled, gesturing for Calum to leave.

Calum raised his hands up in defeat, throwing Michael's clothes at him carelessly before heading to the door.

"Is there anything else I can get you, madam?" He said sarcastically, sticking his head through the crack of the door.

Michael threw his shoe at the door, before Calum yelped, slamming it shut.

And Michael cried. A lot. Because he still loved him.

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